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NotW LVII - Tempus Fugit (game thread)

I spend first day talking about paradoxes then Arakor post this:

That one was entirely deliberate, given the back story I'd established for the lover pair. :)

I also think that Atropos AND having cover abilities is a little OP. :gripe:

The cover abilities were actually really useful this game, so a definite note to self that since a game will only last 6-8 days, any "limited-use" ability should probably have only two uses each.

Besides, the creation of Atropos looks fairly reasonable compared to the consequences of Unshakeable Will ("everyone succeeds").

I can't provide many PMs, given that I kept having to delete some to make room for others, but I certainly can post roles. One mo.
Role: Acolyte (Newyn)
Faction: The Order
Day Ability 1: Divine Judgement - 1/game, target a player during the day in-thread - if they are a member of the Varethites, then they die; if not, you die.
Day Ability 2: Sacred Martyr - You can sacrifice yourself in the day to remove the next night phase entirely.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Other Information: If you role-claim either of your abilities, they will not function. Heaven does not like a show-off.

Role: Archmage (Atheotes)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Singularity - At night, you may cause either your target's action or all actions on your target to take place the following night, even if you or your target are no longer alive that night.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Archaeologist (Kennigit)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Secrets of the Past - 1/target, gain one-use active ability from a dead person whose role has been revealed each night (for use next night). You may not gain an ability and use one on the same night.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Champion (Lohrenswald/Edse)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Temporal Inquisition - Choose a target at night and if they have been corrupted, they are killed; otherwise, nothing happens.
Passive Ability: Shield of Faith - You are immune to corruption. What this means is not clear to you.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Other Information: If you role-claim either of your abilities, they will not function. Heaven does not like a show-off.

Role: Dimensionalist (ATPG)
Faction: The Order
Day Ability: Celerity - You may target a player during the day, allowing that person to perform two actions that night.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Role: Director (Snerk)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Master of the House - Choose a target at night and tomorrow either double-vote them or ignore their votes on you.
Passive Ability: Revered Leader - Your vote breaks ties and a tied vote will not lynch you.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Fate Witch (Al Sipsclar)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Course of Fate - You may check to see if your target visited anyone or was visited by anyone else (but not why or whom).
Passive Ability: Your Fate is Sealed - You are aware of how many people have become corrupted. The actual nature of corruption is not clear to you.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Guardian (Lassie)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Recall Health - 1/game, choose a target at night and if they get lynched next day, they are revived for the next day phase only.
Passive Ability: The Best Defence - Those who target you at night become injured (injured players die), but this does not block any effects.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Guide (Cuthillius)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Temporal Push - Your target cannot act or otherwise be targeted that night. If the target would have been attacked, you are injured instead. You die if you are injured again.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Historian (Jarrema)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Time Snare - Your target must perform the same action on the same target as the previous night; target is blocked if action is now invalid. This has no effect on Night One.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Role: Keeper (Spaceman98)
Faction: The Order
Passive Ability 1: Flux Capacitor - You absorb harmlessly most powers directed at you each night and know what each one is.
Passive Ability 2: Time’s Mirror - Most powers that target you are reflected back on their originator, with no effect on you.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Other Information: You must choose either Flux Capacitor or Time’s Mirror to have active at any given time.

Role: Mentalist (KingMorgan)
Faction: The Order
Active Ability: Your Mind to My Mind - You can target one player in each day or night phase to establish a private QuickTopic between you and them. All QTs end with your death. You may NOT share any information you gained in one QT in another QT.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Necroscope (Takhsis)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Tears in Rain - You may target a dead player whose role has been revealed to receive one message from them (via the GM only). After you have died, you may send one public message. These messages will not contain names or role information.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Raider (BSmith1068
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Heaven Helps Those - 1/target, gain one-use active ability from targeted living person each night (for use next night). You may not gain an ability and use one on the same night.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Seer (Golden1Knight)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Foresight - You have four different divinations available: watch, track, follow and voyeur. You may only use each ability once and only one ability each night.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Role: Traveller (Choxorn)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Timeslip - Each night, choose one night in the future (e.g. on Night 1, choose Night 4) for your target to be blocked or protected. This will still take effect even if you or your target are no longer eligible to act at the time.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Trickster (Mat93)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Paradox - You may choose a target at night to have their night action affect either you or a random player.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Old Mage (Dicetosser1)
Role: Young Mage (Sprig)
Faction: The Order
Passive Ability: Twin Souls - You are the same person, separated by time, and both your own father and your own son. As such, you are aware of each other identities and can communicate privately at any time. Due to your dual nature, you will both die if one of you is lynched, night killed etc.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Other Information: http://www.quicktopic.com/52/H/TjnrByceeddra

Role: Warden (Autolycus)
Faction: The Order
Night Ability 1: Stasis - At night, choose a target to freeze in time during the next day phase. They cannot vote but can still be lynched. Each target may only be frozen once.
Night Ability 2: Time Warp - 1/game, you may choose a night phase to become *three* night phases at once. Be careful with the application of this power!
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Other Information: You may only use one ability in any given night.
Role: Vareth, the Lich (Murska)
Faction: The Varethites
Starting Ability: Mastermind - Choose three players before play to become your mafia team.
Night Ability: Web of Deceit - You may choose one target at night to become corrupted. You cannot be detected using this ability. A player who is corrupted counts as an extra one-half scum towards your victory condition, but they remain town and are generally unaware of their new status. There is a maximum of four corrupted players at any one time.
Passive Ability: Phylactery - If you are lynched, a corrupted player dies that night and you return in the morning. You will forfeit both Web of Deceit and Phylactery after this happens.
Faction Ability: A View to a Kill - If a Varethite is not acting at night, he may target a town member at night to kill them. A protected character is injured instead, though an already injured person dies anyway. The Lich or Phane may not kill, unless they are the only Varethites remaining.
Victory Condition: Equal or outnumber the Order and seize control of the Citadel of Eternity.

Cover Role: Sage
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: The Best Teacher - You may choose a target at night and learn the name of their role and their active ability (if they have one). As this is a cover ability, you may only use this ability 3/game.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Phane (Zack)
Faction: The Varethites
Day Ability: Atropos - 3/game, if someone role-claims in-thread on the same day that player has at least one vote per remaining Varethite, you may force-lynch them and the day ends immediately. You may only do this if there are at least 10 players remaining.
Night Ability: Lakhesis - At night, you may choose to extend or reduce the next day phase by 12 hours. This will have the reverse effect on the following night phase.
Passive Ability: Null Field - You cannot be targeted by any power (but you can still be lynched).
Faction Ability: A View to a Kill - If a Varethite is not acting at night, he may target a town member at night to kill them. A protected character is injured instead, though an already injured person dies anyway. The Lich or Phane may not kill, unless they are the only Varethites remaining.
Victory Condition: Equal or outnumber the Order and seize control of the Citadel of Eternity.
Other Information: A phane is an eldritch abomination related to (or created by) a deity of time or fate. The resulting offspring is not pretty, to say the least.

Cover Role: Warlock
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Unshakeable Will - Choose a target at night and that night all attempts by others to use abilities on them will succeed regardless. As this is a cover ability, you may only use this ability 3/game.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Role: Aeon (Cass_)
Faction: The Varethites
Night Ability: Thief of Time - You may choose a target at night to steal their active ability (if they have one). You may only have one ability at a time. Your victim cannot use this power until you have used it once or until you steal a new power.
Faction Ability: A View to a Kill - If a Varethite is not acting at night, he may target a town member at night to kill them. A protected character is injured instead, though an already injured person dies anyway. The Lich or Phane may not kill, unless they are the only Varethites remaining.
Victory Condition: Equal or outnumber the Order and seize control of the Citadel of Eternity.
Other Information: An aeon is an entity composed entirely of temporal energy.

Cover Role: Magister
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: The Mirror Crack’d - You may choose two targets at night and most things that affects one, affects the other and vice versa. As this is a cover ability, you may only use this ability 3/game.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.

Role: Shade (Winston Hughes)
Faction: The Varethites
Night Ability 1: The Future Will Be Better Tomorrow - Target a player at night to either stop them acting tonight or permanently prevent their powers from stopping a kill.
Night Ability 2: Throw Chronade - 1/game, target a player at night, so that everyone else they visit or who visits them that night is both injured and roleblocked.
Faction Ability: A View to a Kill - If a Varethite is not acting at night, he may target a town member at night to kill them. A protected character is injured instead, though an already injured person dies anyway. The Lich or Phane may not kill, unless they are the only Varethites remaining.
Victory Condition: Equal or outnumber the Order and seize control of the Citadel of Eternity.

Cover Role: Sentinel
Faction: The Order
Night Ability: Pro Patria Mori - You can bodyguard someone at night, so that if they would die, you do instead. As this is a cover ability, you may only use this ability 3/game.
Victory Condition: Identify and eliminate all the Varethites before the Order is destroyed.
Choxorn's power manifested as an ominous presence or the feeling of being watched, Jarrema's was the one that flooded your mind with memories of yesterday and of course Cuthillius's power was the time vortex. Winston's power was just a generic block. As I commented to Visorslash, I probably could have added the flavour text to your role PMs, but I didn't think that far ahead.

It was the Chronade that injured people on the first night and then, other than Lassie's passive power injuring Cass_ much later on, the entire injury mechanic was never used again.
The Tracker learns who a player targeted, but not what action that player performed. The Follower learns what action a player performed, but not who that player targeted. The Watcher learns who targeted a player, but not what actions were performed on them. The Voyeur learns what actions were performed on a player, but not who targeted them. (A sensible person would have included that in the role PM!)

Funnily enough, I said to Visorslash that even with a limited seer, the scum are bound to get caught doing something, however innocuous, and probably completely by accident. This of course happened on N3 with the doubling shenanigans. :)

Not included in the role PMs were that both the Fate Witch and the Director were immune to corruption and that the Guide's ability to revive a dead would also give the scum team a second kill that night. Of course, Murska targeted you on N1, Al, which I also half-jokingly predicted beforehand.
The cover abilities were actually really useful this game, so a definite note to self that since a game will only last 6-8 days, any "limited-use" ability should probably have only two uses each.

Yeah, the scum all clearly got some good uses out of their cover abilities (other than Winston's, which was totally useless to them).

Murska and Zack's non-cover abilities are pretty powerful, too. Messing with lynches like that, and Murska's in a way that made it questionable whether he actually could be lynched, or if, as Al concluded, other people would be lynched instead if he was lynched.
Arakhor, you mistaken my role with Cuthillius role
Arakhor, you mistaken my role with Cuthillius role

I'm afraid I did, yes, but I didn't notice until the day you died because you were both blockers and you didn't talk about your ability in public or include your power name in your nightly PMs. Guide and Historian are also right next to each other in the role list.

Still, putting in way more blockers than necessary did mean that (a) that mess-up had very little effect and (b) it messed with people's expectations of who might be a scum based on what power they claimed.

Yeah, the scum all clearly got some good uses out of their cover abilities (other than Winston's, which was totally useless to them).

If you read the end of the scum QT, you'll notice that Murska preferred to do literally nothing than use his cover ability, whereas Winston did at least use his once for the sake of appearances.
If you read the end of the scum QT, you'll notice that Murska preferred to do literally nothing than use his cover ability, whereas Winston did at least use his once for the sake of appearances.

Surprising, Murska's actually seems fairly useful.
@Arakhor, what was the 'ominous force' blocking me n6?

Cass is going to be scum 4eva now.

Nooooooooo!! These forums are supposed to be my home away from scumming!


Spoiler :


Is there another DM player in the game?
- No...
Spoiler :

- Yes ...

Is she alive past D1/N1?
- Yes!
Spoiler :

- No! :(
Spoiler :

Except for my first and a homesite game where the mod took pity on me and fixed my rand, this is 100% accurate so far!

@Newyn - my posting v. Atropos time was random and I even got caught out by the early EoDs a couple of times! ! >.<

Thanks again for the gg - I'm taking a break until free time is a thing again, see you all then!
@Arakhor, what was the 'ominous force' blocking me n6?

That was me.

As a side note, I would like to point out that of my 7 intended block targets (if I include my N7 orders to block Cass again on N8, which never happened because the game ended), 5 of them were scum (Cass twice, Winston, Zack, and Murska once each)
Yeah. My cover role would've been useful early, sure, but back then I needed to corrupt people until we'd get up to four (which never happened).
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