NotW LVII - Tempus Fugit (game thread)

If there any questions as to what was actually going in any given night, I'll see if I can answer them to your satisfaction. :)
What were takhisis's results n1-n6

That last day end hurt. I think i posted somewhere i assumed it was limited to like the last 12 hours

I was sleeping through snerk lynch, but that jarrema one hurted real bad.
Takhisis really did have the power to get messages from the dead, so yes, it really wasn't that helpful a power. Snerk's answer was a bad pun too. :)
Thanks for the game everyone playing and Arakhor for hosting, I enjoyed it even though it was one mislynch after another :D
As I said, Atropos could have done with having more restrictions on its use, but the first time it was used on D3, no one was voting for any of the scum, and on D4, it avoided a tiebreaker situation between Murska and atheotes, so there was still every chance that the town could have mislynched on their own for a sixth day running.

Sure, that might have occured but ability ended the day immediately to ensure there's no chance of a scum lynch and stopped discussion for the day. That's not even mentioning the fact that both Cass and Murska abused it to make posts right at the end of the day as if they had no idea what was going to happen.
I wonder if the best way for town to have played this was to ignore abilities altogether in public discussion, and just treat it like vanilla mafia.

If not for Jarrema's roleblocker/jailer thing, I probably would have had you, Cass, and Zack ahead of him on my suspect list by the end, so you may have a point there.
I spend first day talking about paradoxes then Arakor post this:

According to the rules of the setting which inspired this game, the laws of time travel indicate that you can never meet yourself. In fact, even trying to will see yourself plane shifted to Temporal Prime the second you are about to do so. The only exception to this are ridiculously powerful chronomancers who know better than to set up a grandfather paradox in the first place. :p

Would you have suspected me if GoldenKnight hadn't forced my hand?

I had a lingering gut feeling about you the entire game, but that reveal of your ability certainly bumped you up a bit in scumminess.
Surprised no one ever connected GoldenKnight's claim with Al Sips claim to figure out that Mat/choxorn were the ones corrupted that night.
What did Golden claim about that night, again?
Thanks for hosting the game Arakhor and to Visor for helping.:goodjob:
I am sure i would have messed up if i had to account for some many actions and powers! :salute:
Good game scum team for a total victory.:clap:

As Sprig said, it feels like Arakhor was a little helpful to the scum. :dubious:
I also think that Atropos AND having cover abilities is a little OP. :gripe:
If there any questions as to what was actually going in any given night, I'll see if I can answer them to your satisfaction. :)

Is there a chance to see:
1. full list of role pm's?
2. roster of events that happened at night?

why I was unable to act at one of the nights? PM from you was devoid of any reason
Good game.

At least, I figured out Murska, even though he wasn't as overpowered as I imagined, he was still scum. And I was right in suspecting Zack, even for wrong reasons. :) Gut feeling was right, never fight it.

Cass is going to be scum 4eva now. And if Winston is reaching out for sympathy citing work/family/whatever pressures, lynch him right then.
And if Winston is reaching out for sympathy citing work/family/whatever pressures, lynch him right then.

That will certainly make my life easier, but you're going to end up lynching town more often than scum. As you can see from the scum QT, I'm more up front with my teammates about my availability. If I'd been town here, I probably would have posted a bit more in the thread (since I wouldn't have had to keep up with the QT as well - it's the reading that eats my time), but I'd also have mentioned more often when I was going to be absent for days at a time. The reason I didn't do so is that I know it only makes me look more scummy. :p

If you want an actual scumtell, look no further than the point Kennigit picked up about my vote for Jarrema on the multiple roleblockers bit. It's not that I'd never make that vote as town; it's that I'd never justify it like that as town. He had me bang to rights there.
Takhisis really did have the power to get messages from the dead, so yes, it really wasn't that helpful a power. Snerk's answer was a bad pun too. :)
The pun was amazing and you know it!

And any leans I had I'd already shared in thread. That coupled with the restrictions on what you could actually write in the post mortem message meant I couldn't think if anything useful to write.
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