NotW LVII - Tempus Fugit (game thread)

unvote; vote takhisis

The most furstrating thing about takhisis is we KNOW a townie delayed his n1 actions

we KNOW something tried to ATTACK ATPG n1. This does not mean a scum kill attempt.

we KNOW Kennigit had an ability stolen from him, that did not return until night 4.

Cuthillius should not have caused the explosion on ATPG.

so we KNOW night one, the scum (1) killed (2) stole (3) exploded

3 actions. Not accounted for. And somehow Takhisis is not responsible for ANY of them.

Takhisis is the biggest scum in the history of scum this game, but where are the actions

and all these half-truths....

Choxorn: Q: "golly gee who is blocking these people". Answer: CHOXORN
Edse: "Lohr was injured night 1; this later hampered my ability that then got stolen anyways"; this is inconsistent with Golden1knight and cuthillius, and concealed that he got injured VISITING someone, not being TARGETED by an exploder
Takhisis: every single post he has made

The town loses literally nothing if takhisis dies but.......what does he do?
I blocked Golden1Knight. I didn't block anyone else on N4.
So I am not responsible for any of the scum's actions and that's why I should be lynched? Baka Kennnigit-san!
Raving Kennigit-san should stop for a moment and think whether he knows what he's doing.
So I am not responsible for any of the scum's actions and that's why I should be lynched? Baka Kennnigit-san!

if you could answer a single usefulness on what you do or could do it would make sense

the grand sum of your claims is that (1) a reviver is out there (2) snerk told a joke (3) sprig gave meaningless info (4) you got redirected off of Murska, onto Newyn, and for whatever reason your ability (talking with the dead?) somehow failed against a dead player????????

The jokes are not a problem, I mean I know if I died like night 2 I would have had nothing to give you but a joke (and snerk claimed tiebreaker) but.......

what. do. you. do.
Golden1Knight was also injured by the explosion when he targeted Pizza n1.

yea, and by cuthillius's ability neither of you should have been able to target pizzaguy anyways

Cass reported getting a failed ability because atpg was stuck in the vortex

Why are you (AND goldenknight) different?

So many people could be lying this game (e.g. al sipsclar could have made everything up, but murska and you claim related stuff to corruption), i.e SOMEHOW there are other abilities that are claimed that sync with the lies

Even takhisis, there is SOME reason why dead players are left as "not alive" and then go to dead............but I cannot determine.
If I had a role as scum that made me invulnerable until someone manages to roleblock me for long enough that I can't have designated someone to die in my place in the night, I'd either be the only scum in the game and the whole thing would be luck-based experimental randomness or I'd claim day one because the sheer ridiculous overpoweredness would make me conclude that the game'd be better off without me in it. :|
Voting Murska-san is not a good option.
if you could answer a single usefulness on what you do or could do it would make sense

the grand sum of your claims is that (1) a reviver is out there (2) snerk told a joke (3) sprig gave meaningless info (4) you got redirected off of Murska, onto Newyn, and for whatever reason your ability (talking with the dead?) somehow failed against a dead player????????
Hai desu, Kennigit-san!
I believe that there is a kawaii part to it under the nonsense Supurigu-chan and the others posted desu. If, of course, the messages were actually written by players and not by Arakhor-sama.
Kennigit said:
what. do. you. do.
Please use punctuation and refer to Zack-san's post above. Trust me, I am as innocent as Murska-san should be.
Even takhisis, there is SOME reason why dead players are left as "not alive" and then go to dead............but I cannot determine.
I think that the distinction regards whether they can be revived or not desu. Also, I can only target ‘dead’ players with my ability.
Baka! That's not what I said! Not even Arakhor-sama is that bad at making puns!
Hai desu, but I was redirected to Newyn-san, which is why I know Jarrema-me and Winston-me are a pair of coöperating scums!
Google Translate suggests that it means "yes" in Japanese.
"hai" would be yes. "hai desu" would be... "Is yes" or something like that.

Takhisis's grammar is bad and he should feel bad.

Takhisis, can you please put all of your claims as to what you've done over previous nights in one post? I'm having lots of trouble keeping track of what the hell it is you actually claim you can do.
UrbanDictionary has some hilarious entries.
A Japanese word commonly used to indicate the speaker is a <censored mildy offensive adjective> wannabe Japanese anime-whore

As in:

OMG, Inuyasha is the best, desu!

My WOW marriage fell through, it sucks, desu!

Do you like my new cat ears? I just bought them along with a large collection of leather belts, desu!

I am a massive power tool, desu!
But murska wasnt dead so why would you target him in the first place
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