NukaNESIOT: Superpowers

OOC: My 2nd Army didn't get placed on the map, it should be in Nambia on the coast.

Yea, the map is being edited, I made that mistake, I'm just finishing stats before uploading the new map
Map and stats have been fully updated :)

As per usual, the early order deadline will be 11:59 PM PST on Thursday, though the earlier the better, for a 2% stability bonus. The final deadline will be 5 PM PST for a 1% stability boost. Again, there will be no guarantee that I take late orders
Empire of Argentina

- Ignacio Mendez, Emperor of Argentina

After successive military victories to secure "living space" and protect the National Socialist Revolution of the Argentinian people, Consul Ignacio Mendez declared himself Emperor of Argentina. Just like Napoleon, who became Emperor of France after first being a Consul, Ignacio Mendez too promoted himself from Consul to Emperor, with the justification that this coronation will bring stability to Argentina and place it on an equal footing with Brazil. However, despite the change in titles, not much has changed: Ignacio Mendez continues to run everything in the country and uses the military police to crush opponents. This coronation has also not satisfied his imperialist ambitions, as he wants another military victory to prove himself able as Emperor and silence critics to his coronation. Some say that he wants to prove himself as the Argentinian Napoleon and so he will not stop his conquests any time soon.

Abuja, Federal Democratic Republic of West Africa - After the recent incorporation of São Tomé and Príncipe, Equatorial Guinea, and Ghana as federal subjects, the West African Federal Assembly has adopted a new Constitution making a few changes to government structure. The six nation states of the federation have been giver a greater amount of autonomy, stressing the point that the federation is a league of nations and not an extension of the former Nigerian state.

More surprising is the adoption of a new official name for the federation, which is now known as the Federal Democratic Republic of West Africa. President Yusuf Buhari comments that the new name is to declare that the federation is one of African peoples, breaking ties with Western neo-colonial interests and embracing new values of African unity and democracy after the unstable years of the 2020s.
The European Concordat is willing to negotiate a peace with Russia where they withdraw from Belarus. Continued conflict will continue to go extremely poorly for them. They can redirect their attention to Central Asia or the Caucasus.
Praise be to Allah and blessings upon his Prophet Mohammed; the Middle East Coalition now has a true leader who shall bring us to supremacy across the world
Sunni we will have our revenge
Give me Japan, Nuka-sempai.
Hai, honorable Crezth-san
I have been informed Brazil is open. They, along with Indonesia, are free to be taken still :)

Edit: This is a reminder that orders that wish to receive the 2% bonus have less than 48 hours to get them in. I want to actually give a shout out of appreciation to my players, because you guys have been great about getting your orders in a timely manner, which has let this game update two weeks in a row, Friday on the dot, and we should be able to do a third in a row. Keep them coming, and I'll keep on cranking out updates :)
Please NPC me this turn. I am camping.
The New Em pire of J w--ould like to ann~oun zzzzz--------.....


Incoming transmission:


We have fought together now for many years. Not only the years we have been at war, but the years we have fought to rebuild. When the Old World collapsed, our nation was staring down the barrel towards a long withering on the vine. "The demographic cliff" was the phrase they used to describe our future. Our great industry, our proud history, our diligent work ethic - none of that mattered. Our destiny was death.

And then the Old World fell, and everyone clamored for new leadership. But we did not get it. How many of you joined this army of the new Japan and helped restore order to these islands because of a promise that this time would be different? How many of you now look up and see that we have returned to the times of Tokugawa Ieyasu, mixed with the worst excesses of the times of Tojo and Hirohito? It is as if we of Japan are trapped in a cycle, a never-ending mixture of emperors and the shoguns who rule in their stead, bringing us nothing but the steady trickle of famine and irrelevance. First, the Shoguns failed us. Then, the Emperor failed us. And then capitalism failed us. To go back into the arms of a shogunate is to embrace a foregone conclusion. This shogun waged a war of conquest on Emperor Naruhito's behalf, and now we find ourselves embroiled in the Philippines with no end in sight. It is not because we cannot conquer them. If I were shogun, the Philippines would be ours by now. It is because the current leadership is so set in the old ways that it cannot think in the bold new directions that we need to prosper.

My detractors will tell you that, because I am a woman, I have no business being shogun. They are correct, but not for the right reason: I indeed have no business being a shogun. But that is because a shogun has no business being me. This nation has no need for shoguns or emperors any more.

Comrades, we have fought together for a long time now. We fought to build a new Japan, but instead saw the reinstatement of the old. It is time to correct the mistake we made by trusting Shogun Kuniaki. Follow me; I will be your guide, your pioneer, your senku, and I will lead Japan into the future by embracing what made her strong and rejecting what made her weak. It won't be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is. And to those who doubt my resolve, let them doubt. I have spoken long enough. My actions will speak for me now. First, to Kuniaki's manse; and then, to the palace. We have some arrests to make.

General Akatoshi Hotaru


The Technocratic Directorate of Neo-Japan

Shin-Nippon Gijutsu Juji-koku
Only missing orders from Europe, IS, Straylia, and India. 15 hours until the first cut off for the 2% stability bonus. Let's get those orders in for an early update :D
The Swiss Herald
A voice for the Free World


American Marines of the First Army land near Galveston, Texas

Denver, Mexican Worker’s Republic-The Second Mexican-American War continued on this summer, opening with a surprise attack. In a major combined-arms attack, the marine-oriented First Army launched a daring assault upon Galveston Bay, while the Second Army attacked from the east. Meanwhile, the American First Fleet would engage against the Mexican 1st Red Fleet, and the two air forces would battle in the skies above. On land, the Americans were able to take the initiative due to the amphibious landing outflanking the Mexicans. Using this distraction, the Second Army was able to dislodge the Mexican troops from their positions, and Houston was liberated from the Communist scourge. However, the American celebration would not last, as Mexico was rapidly gaining air superiority, helped especially by their numerical edge. With the Americans down to their last planes, the 1st Squadron disengaged and withdrew from the battlefield. Meanwhile in the Gulf of Mexico, the two fleets were at a stalemate. The American Supercarrier lived up to its name in holding off the numerically superior Mexican fleet, who only had a regular carrier, but with some aid from land-based aircraft, the Mexicans were able to eventually to wipe out the American destroyer squadron. The American admiral, realizing the threat to his flagship from the Mexican submarines, decided to return to port for repairs, and the Mexican admiral soon realized their own fleet was in no condition to continue fighting. With a lack of air cover, the American ground forces quickly saw their fortunes reverse, and the Mexican Army launched a decisive counter attack, and the 1st Army, lacking both numbers and vehicles, was unable to hold the 2nd Army’s flank. Houston was recaptured, sending both the 1st and 2nd Army into retreat. With the Americans in disarray, the Mexican troops were determined to press their advantage, and as the end of September came, Mexican troops were celebrating their victory in newly conquered Raleigh. Meanwhile on the Northern Front, the Mexican 2nd Revolutionary Guards Army was able to continue its march unopposed, seizing Denver and St. Louis. However, the new American 3rd Army in Chicago has been formed, and its troops are eager to take back their lost homes. On the homefront, Mexico’s communist regime has never been more popular, and President Rivera is the subject of nightly toasts. There is small debate of how to treat the Mexican-Americans, and for that matter, other Americans, with opinions ranging from embracing them as brothers in socialism after the war, and others calling for putting the Americans to work at jobs Mexicans no longer wish to perform. For the Americans, defeatism has been running high, and members of the former political class have openly called for the government to surrender.There have been whispers from some military leaders have spoken of preserving their authority by removing Westinghouse. For their part, the citizens of “Free America” are mostly fearful of the continued Mexican advance, and still feel that Westinghouse is the only man that can defend them still. Many experts feel that the Mexican advance has succeeded beyond all expectations, but note that the country is nearly at its borrowing capacity. The Mexican Air Force is dominant, but the numbers of boots on the ground is near equal in the south, and favors the Americans in the north. Furthermore, the Americans still have the ability to borrow further, and its economy still surpasses the Mexicans. That being said, if the American forces lose more territory, or if Mexico still occupies much of America by the end of winter, experts believe popular opinion will force the Americans to negotiate, even if that means allowing for Mexico to annex some American soil.

(USA: First Army: -1 marine; Second Army: -3 mechs, -1 armor; 1st Fleet: -1 destroyer; 1st Air Squadron: -3 strike fighters; -7 stability)
(Mexico: First Revolutionary Guards: -4 infantry; 1st Red Fleet: -1 cruiser, -1 destroyer; 1st Revolutionary Air Wing: -2 strike fighters; +5 stability)


Despite heavy casualties, Russian infantry are still willing to go on the offensive in Northwestern Russia

Minsk, European Concordant- Perhaps the most deadly warzone on the planet has become Western Russia, as a brutal war for the control of Eastern Europe has commenced. Russian forces, under strict “not one step back” orders, went west to try to confront the European Rapid Reaction Force. However, the Europeans were for the moment uninterested in fighting the Russian troops, and using their superior mobility, were able to outpace the Russians and went north to capture Leningrad. Meanwhile in the south, the European Joint Defense Force entered Belarus unopposed, raising the European flag over Minsk. With the EJDF in place, the ERRF immediately moved south to confront the Russians. The initial plan was to move the ERRF as a hammer against the EJDF anvil, but due to the northern Russian march, the roles were reversed, and the slower EJDF took a hurried march north. With the Eurosquadron occupied in battle with the 314th Federal Air Wing, the Russians were able to seize the initial advantage on the ground with heavy artillery firepower and concentrated armor formations. Though the European general was worried of being overrun, European training and discipline prevented a rout. Casualties were sustained by the ERRF, but the arrival of the EJDF and the Eurosquadron’s victory in the skies (thanks in no small part to their superior training and their numerous interceptor squadrons), the ERRF was able to begin a counter-attack. The 2nd Federal Guards Army at first attempted to hold their own, but when the European bomber squadron arrived in battle, the Russian general decided to preserve the army and defied Presidential orders so that the army would prevent a repeat of their previous encirclement and decimation. However, on its retreat, it was continuously harassed by European bombers, and the Russians lost equipment on their retreat. The summer campaign has overall been a mixed bag for both parties. The Russians have continued to be defeated in the skies, and their lack of interceptors has severely hurt their cause. However, their superior firepower has hindered the better trained European forces from truly bringing their might to battle. However, this firepower advantage will at this point tip to the Europeans, who now have a larger artillery corps than the Russians. And while the upcoming fall mud season may help delay the EJDF which relies on traditional foot infantry, the ERRF will have no such limitations. And while censorship has hidden the knowledge of human casualties from the Russian people, the loss of both Belarus and Leningrad have put more strain on the Russian people, and the first signs of doubt have begun emerging from the populace, especially as creditors are becoming worried of Russia’s ability to pay off its massive debt. However, older members of Russian society, especially those in the military, have declared that any spoken word against the war is high treason, and that Russia must continue to fight on no matter what.

(EC: ERRF: -2 mechs, -1 armor; Eurosquadron: -1 Fighter; +1 stability)
(USFR: 2nd Federal Guards: -5 infantry, -1 mech, -1 armor, -1 artillery; 314th Federal Air Wing: -3 strike fighters; -3 stability)


Japanese troops in occupied Cebu keep order in the destroyed city

Cebu, Technocratic Directorate of Neo Japan-With the stasis on the Philippine Campaign and the declining prestige of Japan, the home guard units have become incredibly restless. One particularly prominent General, Akatoshi Hotaru, was vehemently opposed to the backwards thinking ways of the Shogun, and called for a return of the cutting edge, modernist Japan. When it became clearer to members of the military that the Shogun simply intended to use the Philippine War to send any other generals who could threaten his power as a form of exile, many rallied around General Akatoshi, and after a bloody coup, were able to dispose the Shogun and caused the Emperor to flee. While the new regime has been called a variety of things, from junta to communistic to technocratic to fascist, it is clear that Akatoshi intended to immediately reverse the conduct of the Philippine Campaign with hands-on leadership. Ordering the use of Jungle specialized troops, Japanese forces have retaken the initiative on the ground with a surprise attack at Cebu. While the Japanese fleet was unable to completely cut off the island, it did prevent most heavy weaponry from reaching the Filipino forces. Though intensely drawn out, the Japanese were able to successfully subdue Cebu, and in Mid-August launched an assault upon Mindanao. Through a week long battle, Japanese troops threw everything they had at Davos, but the tenacity of the Filipino defenders and additional guerilla support has hampered the Japanese advance. The Japanese were forced to call off the assault, along with other assaults in Visayas, though are hoping to regroup for an attack in October. Despite the casualties sustained by the Japanese forces, there is reason to smile. Japanese air supremacy has at last been established, with the last Filipino squadron being downed. And with Japanese naval supremacy unchallenged, potential guerilla efforts have been mostly unsupplied, aside from some small arms, and are unprepared to launch an attack on Luzon. However, Filipino regular forces are still confident about their ability to hold Davos, and despite the Japanese efforts to lighten the sting of the war on the Filipino people via propaganda and a provisional puppet government, most people see the occupation for what it is. Japanese authorities are recommending that the government provide for a few battalions military police at the minimum to keep the people under control.

(Japan: AKA-Gun: -2 infantry, -1 marine, -1 armor)
Bangladeshi War continues!
Khulna, The Republic of Bangladesh

The brutal war of Indian unification has continued on into the summer, as Bangladeshi soldiers desperately attempted to regroup. The two Indian armies, after splitting the country in half, each moved to secure the remaining Bangladeshi territories. Though the Bangladeshi Air Force had mostly been beaten back, the Indian air force was a bit too small to deal with both of the fronts simultaneously. In addition, the Bangladeshi troops that remained were in highly defensible territories, in both a jungle and rolling hills. Indian troops did manage to seize Chittagong, but would have a rougher time with their vehicles on the approach to Khulna. Still, India’s generals are happy with the progress, and believe that if the Presidential Bodyguard is reinforced with aid from the 1st Gorkha, then the Bangladeshi War should be over by the end of the year.

(India: 1st Gorkha Rifles: -1 marine; Presidential Bodyguard: -2 mechs)

Kazakhstan on the brink!
Almaty, The People’s Republic of China

Though the Chinese offensive into Kazakhstan has been stalled for the past five months, it seems that a major breakthrough has occurred. With the entrance of the People’s Liberation Airforce into the conflict, the war in the skies became the main focal point of the conflict, and for the first time, the Kazakhstani were put on the defensive. Though they found some initial success, by the end of July, the Kazakhstan Air Force had been nearly destroyed. The loss of air superiority put Kazakhstan’s ground forces on the defensive, with the Chinese 42nd and 28th Group Armies working in tandem to recapture Almaty. From there, the two armies combined to drive north, against fierce Kazakhstani resistance. However, with the aerial war in the Chinese favor, Kazakhstan was unable to inflict high casualties, often losing their armor and artillery to Chinese missiles, and were forced to soon retreat. At this point, the remainder of the Kazakhstani has concentrated in Astana, and though many realize the situation is helpless, the Kazakhstani troops are determined to make the Chinese pay for destroying their country.

(China: 42nd Group Army: -1 infantry; 28th Group Army: -2 infantry; PLAF: -1 Strike Fighter)

Heavy fighting in Zambia annexation
Lusaka, The African Federation

In perhaps one of the more difficult campaigns of the African Federation’s recent expansion, the Republic of Zaire has offered tenacious resistance from becoming a new province of the Federation. In the campaign for Lusaka, African troops attempted an encirclement via paratroopers, however Zaire commanders had noted this tactic from previous African campaigns, and were able to counter the encirclement and breakout towards the north. From there, Zaire’s troops attempted to defend the remainder of the country, and though its soldiers fought bravely, in the end African air power and armor was too much, and the country was forced to surrender.

(AF: 1st Army: -1 infantry, -1 mech, -1 paratrooper; +2 stability)

Guiana, Suriname, fall to Brazil
Paramaribo, Imperio de Brazil

With the increased Argentine prestige on the continent, the Brazilian Emperor felt the need to assert his nation’s authority in the region. To that end, Imperial troops waged wars in both Guiana and Suriname. Though the jungles and poor training would cause Brazilian casualties to mount, the Brazilians were victorious in both scenarios, and proudly raised the Imperial flag over the two newly added provinces.

(Brazil: Exercito de Norte Brazil: -3 infantry; +2 stability)

Guerrillas supporting Islamic State rise in Libya!
Torbuk, Republic of Libya

With the long standing instability of Libya, there has always been an unsteady relationship between the government and the Islamic State, and now one of the Libyan government's worst fears has come to life, as its own citizens have risen up in support of the Islamic State. Though mostly in the eastern part of the country, groups pledging loyalty to the Islamic State have risen all across the country, and the Libyan military has been rocked by defections. Many in the region are looking at the Islamic State with wary eyes, and hope that they are not the next victim to the Islamic ideology.

East Timor conquered!
Dili, Republic of Indonesia

With the populace continuing to grow antsy over the expansion of other powers in the region, the Republic of Indonesia embarked on their first conquest. In a callback to the darkest days of the First Russo-American Cold War, Indonesian forces have conquered and occupied East Timor, and have brutally suppressed any and all dissent. Many are fearful of what is next for East Timor, but in Indonesia, the citizens are finally content on their first new territory addition.

(Indonesia: TNI-AD: -1 infantry; +1 stability)

West African Federation annexes Cameroon
Yaounde, Federal Republic of West Africa

In yet another addition to the growing Federal Republic of West Africa, Cameroon was brought into the fold after a deadly two pronged assault. The GGLA 2nd Division was brought in for an amphibious assault upon Douala, and though the 2nd is relatively poorly trained, they were able to pull of the amphibious assault well, seizing the city. For nearly a month, the 2nd Division was able to hold off the entire army of Cameroon, supported almost solely by poor anti ground operations by the air force and the guns of their destroyers. However, the 2nd was vindicated with the arrival of the better trained 1st Division and their seizure of Yaounde, forcing the surrender of Cameroon.

(WAF: GGLA 2nd Division: -2 infantry, -1 marine; +2 stability)

Argentine Consul declares himself Emperor!
Buenos Aires, The Empire of Argentina

With Argentine victories in both Uruguay and Paraguay, the Argentine Consul Ignacio Mendez has had himself declared the Emperor of Argentina. In a lavish coronation designed to increase Argentine international standing (not to mention the ego of the new Emperor), Emperor Ignacio I has declared that Argentina will continue to expand to find “living space” for its people, and compared himself to his hero, Napoleon Bonaparte. Imagining himself the modern, South American Napoleon, Ignacio is intent on increasing Argentina’s power, and it seems that Chile is next on his list. The fiercely loyal Tiger Division has trained well over the summer, and can now be counted as the most dangerous force on the continent, and is eager to embark on its first conquest under the new imperial regime. While inside Argentina the brutal state security apparatus has prevented any dissent, Brazilian comics have made lampooning the Emperor into career builders, and this new coronation has put some strain on an already tense relationship between the two empires.

Madagascar forces delay South Africans
Itampolo, The African Federation

South African forces launched a second operation this summer, with an assault on the island nation of Madagascar. The first landing zone proposed was unfeasible, and instead South African forces landed at Itampolo with minimal resistance. However at that point, Madagascar’s forces were able to mobilize to block the sole highway towards the capital. For now, they have been mostly limited to small skirmishes, but Madagascar’s attacks seem to intensify as the South Africans advance into the interior. Though the South African troops have made some small advances, the war still has some ways until its conclusion, as Madagascar has yet to bring its full force to the fight.

Australia enters the East Pacific with seizure of Kirbati!
South Tarawa, Syndicalist Union of Australia

Australia has continued its island hopping campaign, this time taking the small island nation of Kirbati. The local self defense forces surrendered almost immediately, and the Australians have gone to work bringing syndicalism to the island.

The Second Cuban Revolution?
Santa Clara, Free Republic of Cuba

Seeing the brutal American oppressors being beaten by their Latin and Communist brothers, and with a lack of American occupational authorities on the ground, the Cuban people have seized the opportunity to rebel. Though fighting with mostly pistols and other small arms, the Cuban people have retaken the countryside, and there is talk of a march on Havana. At this point, actual American troops will be needed to reassert control of the island, or their first conquest may be lost to them.

(America: -1 stability)

Ethiopian War at Stalemate
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Nyanzan forces, likely reeling from the defeats in Spring and hindered by the intense heat, have opted to consolidate its forces. The Ethiopians have done the same, and have begun preparing for defenses at the capital, waiting for the Nyanzan army to begin its assault with the onset of Fall.

Forty-Seven officers and officials executed for treason
Neo Tokyo, Technocratic Directorate of Neo Japan

In newly rechristened Neo-Tokyo, the aftermath of General Akatoshi’s coup has been the arrest, execution, and purge of some remnants of the old Shogun’s regime. Those who refuse to recognize Akatoshi as the new Senku, due to loyalty to the old Shogun or Emperor, distaste for her ideology, or hatred of her womanhood, have been purged. The MIDORI-Gun has been busy at home acting as what Akatoshi’s opponents have called a “death squad”, killing those who have the nerve to rebel. Of particular note was a group of Shinto priests who refused to recognize her authority. While there has been some dissent in Japan, the actions of the MIDORI-Gun, coupled with the success in the Philippines, has caused indifference at this point, and it now seems Akatoshi is firmly entrenched in power.


Other News

Dallas Cowboys reoriented to Mexican Soccer, win first Mexican League title. "This sport is really easy actually" says League MVP Dez Bryant Junior

Bollywood films at all time high in popularity in Pakistan

Kazakhstani Caspian Sea Fleet melted down in order to produce last minute tanks for the defense of the capital

Red Dawn Movie Sales through the roof-Mexican MPs ban all wolf related clothes and activity

Spoiler :

NPC Diplomacy

From Turkey
To Russia

Your forces have been completely bested and your economy is hopelessly in shambles. We are closing the straits to your military activity until you return to peace with Europe and Belarus.


Clarification: We just finished Summer, 2035, consisting of the months of July, August, and September. Next up is Fall 2035, which will give us October, November, and December

First off, I want to say thank you all so much for getting orders in a timely manner. I really appreciate that you all got them in, and you all received the +2% bonus. Generally, the earlier the orders, the more time I can work on the update, and the more updates I produce, the more likely it is that the game continues on. That being said, would you object if we moved the order deadlines back a bit? I'm contemplating the 2% bonus being moved to orders before Wednesday, 11:59 PST, and having the 1% bonus being before Thursday, 5 PM PST. With me getting back into work, this will hopefully keep the game running smoothly. Please let me know if you have any objections to this potential policy change.

Next up is a rule change. Metropolis construction will no longer be allowed. Instead, a metropolis will form when the following conditions are met:
1. Nation has had a positive treasury for 3 consecutive turns
2. Nation has not been at war for 3 consecutive turns
3. Nation has the equivalent of 50% of its income in its treasury.

At that point, a metropolis will be made, most likely from your largest city (New York, Moscow, Tokyo, ect.). You will gain a 5% stability boost, and the Metropolis will produce 2c instead of one.

Next is a note on debt and debt restructuring. It is NOW illegal to pay off old debts and take NEW debts during the same turn.

I am noticing some of you are having a bit of trouble with unit roles. For example, air forces should definitely have some interceptor units (Fighters), as Strike Fighters simply cannot compete against them. Likewise, if you have air superiority and want to use it, you need bombers. For ground troops, infantry, though the weakest of your units, are excellent damage sponges, and provide numbers to help protect and work with your higher value units like armor. While there is definitely a benefit to having a pure mechanized force, I would definitely recommend not ignoring infantry in some situations. Also, training is definitely incredibly valuable (get those Greens to regulars yo). Fleet mixture is amazing, and you'll want to have Cruisers, Subs, Destroyers, and Carriers working in tandem.

Fleets can only move four tiles, not counting the starting tiles. Diagonal movement is not considered one tile.

Clarification: Upgrades in terms of training (Regular->Veteran) are immediate, no matter how far away the troops are from your homeland country. Training Specializations (Jungle, Alpine, ect.) are also immediate. Please remember only one specialization can be held at a time.

All in all though, for the most part you are doing great. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or feedback, be it about the rules, my updates, ect.

Stats are likely to come later this Friday (PST), I will post when they have been completed.
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