NuTRANESIV: Fallen Fantasy


Unlikeliest of Slash Fics
Jan 30, 2009
Orders For Update 2 Due 27 November 2011


Spoiler Update 1 Map :

O (Circles) Cities
* (Asterisks/Explosions) Ruins

Spoiler Update 0 Map :

O (Circles) Cities
* (Asterisks/Explosions) Ruins

Imagine a fantasy world where Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs wage war, create artwork, and work magic even your wildest dreams cannot comprehend. Kings sit on high throne and the Gods sit even higher, presiding over a world fit for fancy. This is not that world. This is that world after all the magic has gone rogue, after the Gods abandoned their followers, and after the Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs were twisted beyond all recognition by the ensuing collapse of magic. Reality is ripping at the seams.

KiNgg RoWNlelY haS sent ME to COllECt yOuR TAXES, DeAR CHILdreEN. I ApOLOGIze fOR thE DoOoOoR. MY DEpTH, PeRCEPtioN is OFF, As YOu maY haVE glEaMeD.​

I wanted to do a Fantasy-NES, but without all the normal fantasy-nes associated with these games. I love magical worlds, but generally hate the idea of stodgy old white dues with beards shooting said magic from their finger tips. I love Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs, but hate the fact that they are Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs. In short this NES is my schizophrenic attempt to embrace everything fantasy while shunning it at the same time. Furthermore this NES is a personal goal of mine. I want it to be successful. I want it to be updated past turn 6. I want it to be the Throne of Destiny of fantasy-NES' everywhere. Then everybody will love me. Please, somebody, love me. :sad:

I think tone is, perhaps, one of the most important things in any kind of entertainment. If the tone's right then people will simply accept whatever poo-poo they are force-fed, and I intend to force-feed my players some fairly bizarre stuff. The world is at an end. Well, to anyone who was alive before 'The Collapse' the world in its current form appears to have ended a long time ago, but people still plod on. Magic is everywhere, so things are fantastical, but at the same time that magic is rabid. It has swept through the whole world, creating surreal landscapes and bizarre creatures to populate them. In that sense the NES is kind of a dumping grounds for my own strange ideas, creations, and interpretations of already created things. At times this NES will be funny--when players encounter their force Gorge-Beast it will be pretty comic, but always the players need to remember that the world has ended and you are only playing on its very broken shell.

This NES is very much a traditional NES with a few untraditional mechanics. It is, first and foremost, a fresh-start NES, albeit in a world far from new. There will be Boring Time's (BT's) and Interesting Time's (IT's), allowing for anywhere from 1 to 100 years pass between updates. I am doing this so we can slog through stagnation, partly, and also because, in my opinion, some of the more successful NES' I have observed have adhered to this playstyle.

Players will fall into one of two categories: Racial Players and Kingdom Players. Race-Players take on a more nontraditional role, acting through a few key 'Liminal Figures' (LFs)belong to a race which they create. What separates them from the normal playstyle of NES' is that Race-Players will end up acting as the more 'fanciful' creatures of the world, and also the less organized political entities. Think Treebeard of the Ents.

Kingdom-Players are play the more traditional 4x game of NES'. They will build a race to begin with, but primarily their concern is the empire and there may even come a time when they will abandon their created races to embrace new, more powerful political entities. Kingdom-Players also act through key figures, or Action Capable Characters (ACCs).

Players can transition from race to kingdom playstyles as they and the NES dictates. If a race-player suddenly wants to create a kingdom of his peoples he will simply lead a band of this people through one of his race's LFs to settle down and form a kingdom. Likewise, a Kingdom-Player can transition into playing a race by having a diaspora occur that leads to a race walk back into the magic-cursed wilds.

Spoiler :
Depending on whether it is a Boring Time (BT) or Interesting Time (IT) anywhere between 1 to 100 years can pass in a turn. Generally during IT's 2 years will pass per turn. BT's will pass at whatever length of time is needed to reach the next IT. There will only be 1 BT between IT's, so as to provide the players with more to do more often.

Spoiler :
Depending upon whether or not it is a BT or IT the orders players send will be somewhat different. During BTs both Race and Kingdom players can expect to send very general orders not at all constrained to the 'Action Points' of characters. I emphasize that BT orders will be general should focus on where you hope your nation/race will go over the next few decades.

During ITs player orders are somewhat more in-depth in that players can only carry out as many actions as their ACCs/LFs will allow them to. Generally for every 1 ACC/LF the player has 2 action. However, in more centralized kingdoms where rulers are more able to carry out their whim and when very important figures arise in the Uncivilized Races, certain ACCs/LFs can have anywhere between 3-5 actions per turn.

Also note that though you are limited in what actions you can carry out, you are free to simulate the greater/broader goings on in your kingdom via Investments. Investments cover every possible area of actions you can take, and generally you can safely just throw some 'EP' into an investment category, give me a vague description of what you want to do and go on your way. Better results, however, are gained by detailing these investments some more and even assigning ACC to these tasks.

In your orders be sure to note what character is carrying out what action. Kingdom-Players must understand that aside from their 'monarch'/'leading' character they cannot count on the other ACCss to carry out actions verbatim. Race-Players must understand that they can only control 1 LF per turn, and if multiple LFs are present in their race then these LFs will be played as NPC's who act according to their own personal goals.

Investments & Spending
Spoiler :
Understand that aside from drafting new units (which costs 2 EP per 1 unit) and funding units on campaigns, all possible ways to spend your EP revolves around 'Investments'. Investments come in seven categories detailed below and are my way of ensuring that something gets done every turn for all players. Of course, to what degree this something effects the player positively and negatively depends on how the player approaches investments in their orders.

All investments have a default spending of 0. 0 is not actually 0, but the amount necessary to maintain your current state in these various categories. Investments can be increased via assigning EP to them in your orders. In special, dire circumstances players can even subtract EP from investment categories, going as far as to -10EP. All of this 'emergency' EP has to be spent, and it comes at a very dire long-term cost.

Sample Orders
Spoiler :
Stats said:
The Great Flock
Decentralized Aristocratic Monarchy
Ruler: Nest-Mother Kreeka
Heir: Nest-Daughter Kwea
Factions: Kraw Aristocrats-Nobility (5/2); Skywardens-Militant 'Magicians' (2/5)
State Religion: -
Stability: +1
Action Capable Characters (ACC): Nest-Mother Kreeka/5/5/- (Kraw, Fearsome, Revered); Nest-Daughter Kwea/5/3/3 (Kraw, Cunning, Hostile, Ambitious) [Ascend to throne]

Economy: 6/1/0
Livelihood: Taxes, Elven Slaves
Infrastructure Spending: 1
Military Spending: 1
Religious Spending: 0
Foreign Spending: 0
Domestic Spending: 4
Trade Spending: 0
Stored Spending: 0
(DO NOT FORGET to include your spending changes. Italicize the changes you make from one turn to the next)

Capital/National Focus: Kaw/Kaw
Cities: Kaw (4) (+2 Tax EP, Capital/National Focus; Elven Slave minority)
Project: -

Military: Seasoned avian soldiers, several skywardens capable of erratic magics
Units: 20
Armies: -

1EP Military Spending (It is important that you label what investment category your detailed orders fall under, this helps me to figure out what goes where/has what aims. Even unfunded spending should come with a category tag)- Assign Kwea to oversee the Skywardens' efforts to better understand their air magic. Aim for figuring out spells to create favorable winds to allow for gentle flights and protect the weak Kraw wings from arrows/projectiles.

3EP Domestic Spending- Assign Kreeka to attempt to assuage the nobility's fears of an Elven slave uprising, as well as settle various other grievances. Try to do this at a great royal dinner in celebration of the Skywardens' successful casting of the first spells since the Fall.

1EP Domestic Spending, 1EP Infrastructure (In your detailed orders you can mix your investment categories to better cater to the task you want accomplished, it does not have to be done, but it may yield better results) - Assign Kreeka to oversee the efforts to better construct breeding warrens for the Elven slaves, as well as the attempts to better optimize the breeding programs. Ultimately, have Kreeka stop at nothing to see that the Elves are once again sequestered in their natural role as slaves and make sure that they replenish their numbers lost during their foolish attempted revolt.


Kingdom Stats
Spoiler Stats Template :

Kingdom Name
Government- A general description of your government.
Ruler- The ruler of your nation, his traits are detailed below in the ACC.
Heir- The heir of your nation, if they are in their majority they are listed as an ACC, if there is no heir or the heir's succession is contested this is mentioned & pretenders, if they exist, are listed.
Factions- Faction Name (Short Description/Strength/Loyalty); The short description, normally two words, is used to give the player a sense of what investment category they fall under and what their general outlook is. Strength ranges from 1 to 5, Loyalty also ranges from 1 to 5. At 0 Strength the faction fades away and at 0 Loyalty the faction sparks some sort of rebellion.
Stability- Ranges from -3 to +3, 0 is considered 'Stable'. At lower stability scores all sorts of bad things can happen, at higher stability scores all sorts of good things can happen.
Action Capable Characters (ACC)- Character Name/Prominence/Popularity/Loyalty (Traits) [Aims]; ACC are the lifeblood of your kingdoms and for each ACC players have 1 extra 'Action Points' to spend on their orders. Prominence represents how well known the ACC is, Popularity represents how well regarded the ACC is, and Loyalty represents how loyal the ACC is to the Ruler's cause. Traits are the various quirks the ACC picks up through the coarse of their life. Aims is a short description giving insight to the ACCs plans. Ruler ACCs do not have aims as they are player-defined.

Economy- Tax/Manufacture/Trade; Each category gives a certain amount of EP (Economy Points, the king of all abstracts) to represent the wealth/gold/whatever generated by the three main facets of their economy; Tax represents the EP generated from every citizen and is the most reliable source of income; Manufacture represents the EP generated from your kingdom's industry; Trade represents the EP generated from domestic and foreign trade.
Livelihood- This is a description of just how your kingdom derives most of its EP and really is fluff meant to flesh out the kingdoms.
Infrastructure Spending- Infrastructure spending deals with all things revolving around your kingdom's transportation, manufacturing, and public buildings in general.
Military Spending- Military spending deals with advancements in tactics/generalship and the training of newer, better units.
Religious Spending- Religious spending deals with the various religious institutions in your kingdom and how much you fund them.
Foreign Spending- Foreign spending covers a huge range of things ranging from dignitaries to assassins.
Domestic Spending- Domestic spending deals with the political institutions of your kingdom, as well as any state affairs such as public celebrations.
Trade Spending- Trade spending covers both internal and external trade that happens in your kingdom and by increasing trade spending you will, most likely, increase the trade that goes on in your kingdom.
Stored Spending- Any EP you do not wish to spend is put here in 'Stored Spending'. It also acts as your kingdom's treasury.

Capital/National Focus- A players capital receives innate bonuses to their Population (it can be no lower than 2) and is the administrative head of their kingdom, the capital can be changed, but at a cost to Stability as well as EP; The National Focus is the city/region the player currently is putting all their focus on and is the city most likely to receive migrants, events, and investment yields.
Cities- City Name (Population/Misc. Notes); Cities are the lifeblood of your kingdoms and generate the most EP and act as the centers of focus for both you and your people. A city's population is directly tied to the number of Tax EP it generates, i.e. a City with a population of 3 yields 3 Tax EP.
Project- Any great project undertaken by the player is listed here. As well as the amount of turns needed to complete it, i.e. 3/4 means there is only 1 turn left till it is finished. Players can only have one project at any given time.

Military- A description of the player's general force composition.
Unit- Units are the abstract number of military elements you have at your disposal and cover all military bases ranging from scouts to battle-hardened soldiers. It costs 2 EP to raise 1 unit. Units do not have to be maintained, but they have to be funded for any actions involving them.
Armies- ACC Leader/Morale/Units Armies are collection of units that are organized and lead by any ACC. Armies are much more effective at war than simply throwing units around, and players can create armies via spending an action point to delegate an ACC take head of a number of units. Morale ranges from Low-Medium-High. An army's morale always begins at High and as war drags on it decreases, though vicorious battles and various other efforts can bring it back up.

Spoiler Example Stats & Explanation :

Enlightened Tribes of Drual
Semi-Nomadic Autocratic Theocracy
Ruler: High Shaman Syztos
Heir: -
Factions: Nepheonic Hunters-Militant Reactionaries (2/3); Order of Reason-Religious Philosophers (3/5)
State Religion: Lorthism
Stability: 0
Action Capable Characters (ACC): Syztos/5/4/- (Karinthian, Charismatic, Anointed Priest); Nephon of the Chira/2/3/3 (Karinthian, Akonai-Hater, Charismatic, Warlord) [Eradicate Akonai]

Economy: 4/0/0
Livelihood: Tax, pastoral efforts inland, fisheries on the coast
Infrastructure Spending: 0
Military Spending: 0
Religious Spending: 0
Foreign Spending: 0
Domestic Spending: 0
Trade Spending: 0
Stored Spending: 0

Capital/National Focus: Karinthia/Karinthia
Cities: Karinthia (2) (+2 Tax EP, Capital/National Focus; Holy City)
Project: -

Military: Seasoned light, heavy cavalry with ranged capabilities, no infantry to speak of
Units: 10
Armies: Nephonic Hunters (Nephon/High/3 (Loyal))

Above are the stats for the Enlightened Tribes of Drual, a theocratic collection of peoples who straddle nomadic and settled lifestyles. They are ruled by a single high-priest who is vested with all the power in his realm, and his name is Syztos.

Syztos has no heir to speak of, probably something he should get on before he dies and plunges the tribes back into a dark age. He is, however, supported by the Order of Reason, a group of highly regarded shamans known for the mastery over the more abstract elements of society. On the fringes of the kingdom are the Nephonic Hunters, a group of warriors who freely wage war on whoever they feel is attacking them, and they are lead by their charismatic warlord Nephon of the Chira. Nephon also leads the only army in the kingdom, the Nephonic Hunters, a small army of 3 units who are utterly loyal to their leader.

The economy of the Enlightened Tribes is fairly average, and they currently receive most of their funds from their capital of Karinthia. The kingdom is stable and has a bright future ahead of it.

Race Stats
Spoiler Stats Template :

Racial Overview
The Atil
Mountain-Dwelling Eagle-Riding Nomads
Cohesion: 4/4
Peaceful/Hostile Conviction: Prone of peaceful dealings, welcoming of outsiders
Homelands: Atil Mountains

Liminal Figures Overview

  • Atodir the Twice-Fallen/4/Neutral [Remove Osnessen Colonists from Atil Region] (Skilled Eagle Rider, Impetuous, Xenophobic)
  • Usuwyn, Daughter of the Zephyr /5/Peaceful [Reclaim the Abandoned Eastern Roosts] (Daughter of the Zephyr, Kind-Hearted, Wary)
  • Skell the Ossnessen/3/Peaceful [Reconcile Atil with the Ossnes] (Eagle-Friend, Charming, Utter Sociopath)

Spoiler Sample Stats & Explanation :

Racial Overview
The Atil
Mountain-Dwelling Eagle-Riding Nomads

Here we have the race's name (the Atil) and underneath a somewhat more descriptive entry on their culture. Between races the only constant part in this stat is the 'X-Dwelling'. This represents what terrain the race is most at home in and where they are likely to settle, migrate to, and see as their 'home'. It is important to keep this in mind when mulling over orders because telling a race of forest-creatures to act out against an empire settling a nearby plains probably will be met with a lukewarm reception.

Cohesion: 4/4
Cohesion represents the race's unity in thought (though not action, that is represented below) and is more or less comparable to an empire's 'Stability' stat. The major difference, however, is that a cohesion score that falls to 0/4 will cause a schism in the race.

Peaceful/Hostile Conviction: Prone of peaceful dealings, welcoming of outsiders

Where cohesion represents the overall uniformity of a race, Peaceful/Hostile Conviction measures just what the race is uniform about. This stat is entirely descriptive so as to clearly relate to the players the race's general outlook on external forces

Homelands: Atil Mountains

A race's Homelands are, obviously, where they make their primary home and what place they will defend at all costs. Players should keep in mind the general region of the race when figuring out actions, because the further these actions take place away from the Homelands the less likely they will have lasting effects on the race.

Liminal Figures Overview

Liminal Figures are the VIP-equivalents for Race players. Each LF can initially take 2 actions. Should a player spend more time on one figure than another that figure will 'usurp' some action points from the 'lesser' LF to represent the uncanny rise in influence of this figure among not just the race, but the world-at-large.

All Liminal Figures have the following statistical representation:

Name/Prominence/(Peaceful/Hostile Conviction) [Aims/Goals] (Traits)

I will begin with the Prominence stat which plays out in much the same way as a ACCs prominence stat: it represents just how well-known and how influential a figure is among his peoples. It ranges from 1 to 5, though any ACC whose prominence is more than 3 is a truly exceptional and front runner of his peoples.

Each LF has its own Peaceful/Hostile Conviction stat which works in the same way as the race's peaceful/conviction stat. The main difference is that the stat in this instance effects the likelihood and willingness of a LF to carry out certain actions. The major function of the stat is to give players some idea of where their race's LFs stand on issues.

Aims and Goals of LFs are pretty much the same in function as the aims and goals of VIPs. They further give players an idea of what the LF is setting out to do in the long-run. Rarely can the players directly determine what these goals will be. Traits also function exactly the same way as a VIPs' traits.

  • Atodir the Twice-Fallen/2/Neutral [Remove Osnessen Colonists from Atil Region] (Skilled Eagle Rider, Impetuous, Xenophobic)

    What we can interpret from Atodir's stats is that he is the violent figure who very much runs counter to his race's general views. He is neutral, though has some violent tendencies as revealed by his 'impetuous' and 'xenophobic' traits, not to mention his major goal all combine to create a LF who, given enough time, may see that his people go to war.

  • Usuwyn, Daughter of the Zephyr /5/Peaceful [Reclaim the Abandoned Eastern Roosts] (Daughter of the Zephyr, Kind-Hearted, Wary)

    The other side of the coin to Atodir's violent plans, Usuwyn is a religious figure who would rather see her people at peace, but is not entirely afraid of violence either. Given her absurdly high prominence we can judge that she is the de facto face of her people to outsiders, which may be a good thing considering her affable nature combined with a keen understanding of external threats.

  • Skell the Ossnessen/1/Peaceful [Reconcile Atil with the Ossnes] (Eagle-Friend, Charming, Utter Sociopath, Ossnessen)

    Skell is a unique figure among unique figures. He is important among the Atil, but he is not one of them! Think of him as a John Smith-esque character, an adventurer and explorer who is no more at home among the eagle-riding Atil than he is in the Ossnes colonies. He has been deemed an 'Eagle-Friend', a title which no non-Atil has held for generations, and this is most likely due in part to his knack for diplomacy. However, a dark side exists to his aims and he is, in the end, only out for himself. Luckily for the Ossnessen Skell's plans to enrich himself coincide with peaceful interactions between the Atil and the encroaching colonies.


Understanding Your Role
In this NES there are two kinds of players: Race-Players & Kingdom-Players. As detailed in the previous previews each has its own unique playstyle that intersects with the other. To distill it further, playing a race is a somewhat more casual experience that focuses on short orders, stories that tie into these orders, and minimalist stats. Kingdom-players get the full NES power-trip of building their realm up while ruining others.

Race-players (I really need to think of a different title) lead the more 'mystical'/'magical' races present in the NES. Think Ents, Dragons, and other such extra-magical races that have a large influence on worlds while maintaining no real organized internal structure. Race-players, as stated in preview II, really play special characters (Liminal Figures) and act through these characters.

Kingdom-players also play as a single character--their monarch--but their focus is much more stats-based and monarchs take a backseat to their realm. Kingdom-players are not leading typical medieval fantasy kingdoms, but are in fact semi-tribal leaders who are beginning to settle their followers. In this sense they will be playing a quasi-Fresh Start NES, save for the fact that the world itself is rather corrupted.


The Pop
Spoiler :

The world can decisively be divided into two eras: a time when magic was rampant, empires virile, and peoples numerous, and the time all of that ended in the most catastrophic event to take place in know history. The Pop, The Explosion, The End--call it what you will, but the sheer horror of it remains unfathomable to those who walk the world now. What is truly terrifying is that no one has yet to figure out why it even occurred.

What can be explained, to some degree, are the effects it had on the whole world literally days after its occurrence. Those few people who remained began to painfully mutate into sorry reflections of their former selves--tall and proud Elves bent and withered into ugly, gnarled creatures; Goblins grew into hulking beasts, backs bent out of shape and limbs utterly disproportional; Orcs grew tusks to long they penetrated their own skulls. Animals too were subject to transformations into beasts so horrifying that it is hard to imagine the dreaded Blood-Steads of the steppe people were once simple horses lacking translucent skin and bladed tails.

Today little is known of what once was, and what little is known makes the former world to be a paradise completely unlike the hell we walk today. Green forests stretched across the land and rivers ran blue, not a murky grey. Oceans did not swell up and swallow whole cities in the matter of hours and mountains did not suddenly fall, only to rise again the next day. The world was not in a deadly flux.

The world, however, was not nearly as free as it is today. The great empires which ruled were cruel machinations of those distant from the common plight. Chronic wars were constant and the loss of life was staggering, even when compared to the deaths during 'The Pop'. Whole races were enslaved and savagely treated in ways that the savages of today can scarcely afford.

Spoiler :
Hos, the western most continent of the world from what the old maps reveal, was once called Ossen. Judging from the maps Ossen was green--and not the black-green of the Inner Forests, but a true green that stretched from the vast northern plains to the thick southern jungle. As mentioned, Hos is still green today, but it either sickly or ominous in hue. Few men who venture into the Jungles of Sut return alive and even fewer men can live off of the blade-grass that dominates the central plains of Nurth.

Hos today is not a wasteland, however. It is teeming with life, all of which is attempting to end other lives.

The Great North: The Plains of Nurth and the Few Forests of Feen

Northern Hos is dominated by one thing and one thing only: blade-grass. In actually an extremely virulent strain of weed, blade-grass is a short-growing plant known for the microscopic 'blades' composing a single strand. The grass itself is smooth to the touch and as such it is difficult to notice when the grass makes its fine cuts across the flesh. Normally, the grass is only deadly to uninitiated outsiders who do not know to cover themselves from head-to-toe in boiled leather or layered cloth stuffed with fur. The grass itself is edible once thoroughly boiled and has a semi-sweet taste. In fact, blade-grass is a staple in the diet of the hardy nomads who live in the Central Plains of Nurth, though care must be taken when preparing such dishes because an undercooked meal of blade-grass can be your last.

Blade-Grass, however, only truly dominates the central parts of East-Nurth, further west the grass softens and the soil becomes somewhat receptive to agriculture. Around the shores of the Centet Sea small farming communities exist, though their lives are undoubtedly hard and made harder still by the vicious wildlife that calls the Plains of Nurth home.

Most famous of all the beasts of Nurth are the Blood-Steeds. Roughly 8ft tall (244cm) and 7ft in length (213cm), these massive creatures begrudgingly play the part of mount for the nomadic tribes. Its name comes from its seeming lack of skin, providing a window into the disturbing beast's equally disturbing anatomy. In truth, what is seen is its skin, and is in fact rather thick and further protected by an exterior skeleton (and an interior one too).

No Blood-Steed is ever truly tamed. Its partnership with a rider is a willing one, and one the rider must fight tooth and nail to establish in the first place. Perhaps the most unsettling quality of the Blood-Steeds is their possible intelligence; they appear receptive to language and even communicate in a guttural series of groans among each other.

Along the norther edges of East-Nurth and practically overwhelming West-Nurth are the Few Forests of Feen, so named for the breed of trees that grow in the forests. Feen Forests are thought to have once dominated all of North, but few can imagine what it must have looked like when Nurth was not a sea of glittering green-grey grass, but a swarming tangle of thick black trees. Feen wood is difficult to live in due to its propensity for rapid growth, it is, however, notoriously incapable of growing near Ashwood, which settlers of the Few Forests of Feen plant to fend off the gnarled, black titans.

The whole of the Great North experiences hot and cold in extremes. During summer the Plains of Nurth reach blistering heats, while winter sees blizzards that are almost freakish in strength. Within the Few Forests of Feen the violent seasons are tempered somewhat due to the trees providing some small relief.

The 'Civilized' Center: The Sea of Centet and the Centet Forests

Central Hos is a warm region encased on all sides by great mountains and filled with a murky grey-green sea. The land itself varies from the swampy mess of the south-west to the great forests of North and Eastern Centet, though its climate is much more temperate when compared to the extreme regions north and south of it. Its coasts are surprisingly fertile and the sea has been good to those who dwell upon it, disregarding the occasional Nen'Guan attack.

The Nen'Guan deserve a special mention due to their dominance of the Centet & Hjelm Seas. They are a race of bipedal snake-like creatures with four arms, two of which lack hands, but bear long spikes roughly 10" (25cm). Their webbed hands are fairly clumsy and in the event of an attack they tend to rely upon their spiked appendages. No one knows who the Nen'Guan came from, or even if it was a who that served as their Pre-Pop ancestor. What is known is that the Nen'Guan are a sometimes menace, sometimes boon to the various fishing villages. Their behavior is erratic, but the coastal peoples of Centet can always tell when the Nen'Guan are approaching. They announce their approach by blowing on abnormally large shells shaped into horns. The sound can be heard from a good mile out and sounds something similar to the buzzing of bees. The Nen'Guan do not otherwise communicate with people, though whether they cannot or will not is not known.

Of further interest are the so-called 'Vanishing' Mountains of Sno and Bodo, respectively the South-Western and North-Western mountain ranges of the region. These perilous peaks stretch into the sky, some easily penetrating clouds. They are home to a diverse ecosystem, ranging from warm hillsides to freezing, craggy peaks. Valleys abound between the mountains and they are home to all manners of strange, undiscovered creatures that occasionally wander down to the semi-populated coasts.

But why are the Vanishing Mountains called 'vanishing'? Because they vanish.

From time to time some of the mountains will seem to disappear, only to reappear in places where they should not be. The eccentricity of their vanishing patterns does not cause them to appear in the low-lying coasts (though, famously, one mountain manifested a few miles out at sea--startling the fishermen and killing a few who were sailing near it). There are no apparent warning signs for when a mountain will appear or disappear, they simply do it.

The Old South: The Desert of Sutut, Suthlan Savannas, and the Kathraki Jungle

Like the lands north of Centet, the Suthlands are largely arid. Dominated, by in large, by the Sutut Desert and the savanna that stretches beneath it and around the Atil Mountains. The Sutut Desert is what you would expect from a desert: a sandy wasteland. The glimmer of life does exist in the few nomadic tribes who wander from oasis to oasis (it would be more accurate to say the oasis' move, but that is, again, another issue caused by the collapse of magic after The Pop) and along the River Senn.

The River Senn runs west from the Atil Mountains, disgorging any of the water the desert normally would receive into the Western Ocean. Along the Senn is a literal cacophony of life, various vicious beasts and semi-intelligent beings who clash daily in order to survive their otherwise desolate environment. The struggle is not limited to the faun, fierce competition occurs between the Senn's flora which is sentient in its own terrible right.

Contained behind the Atil Mountains are the Kathraki Jungles, a dense collection of trees and animals--both vicious and both very capable of killing the unwary outsider. Yet, Kathraki is perhaps one of the most fertile areas in Hos, and were it not for the multitude of beasts the new civilizations would have begun there and not in the north.

Races of the World
Spoiler :
Akkalik-A northern race of dwarves. They thrive in frozen environments by eating them. They are at war with the Tabbuk.

Akonai-A species of intelligent wolves. Their digestive system exists on a different realm, causing whatever they eat to digest for centuries long periods. Once the scourge of the Karinthian humans, in recent decades they have been hunted down and now only exist as one great pack.

Berengei-A species of semi-intelligent four-armed ape behemoths. Originally dwelling at the threshold between the Atil Mountains and the Kathraki Jungles, they have steadily begun to move south and in the process have subjugated many Kathraki orcs.

Bladvenn-A race of Elves that has become increasingly reptilian in appearance since the Fall. Consuming blood, particularly Swiech blood, yields an intense high akin to a narcotic. Consumption of Bladvenn blood results in the 'fall' of a Bladvenn into a depraved blood-hungry beast. Responsible for the genocide of the Etet-Swiech.

Bodomen-A race of humans who have begun to take on physical, and occasionally mental, traits of animals. Pre-Pop ancestors enslaved the Sheol, who still remain their slaves.

Dohtel-A race of magic-imbued Elves who occupy an island caught between multiple planes. The Dohtel are, quite simply, the superhero-like beings held back by their short lifespans, highly regimented society, and aforementioned extraplanar monstrosities. The recent generations have been born without traditional markings that dictate what path a Dohtel will walk, resulting in societal upheaval.

Etet-Swiech (Extinct?)-A breed of Swiech (rat-men) once native to the 'Strip'. All but wiped out of existence by the Bladvenn addiction to their blood.

Hitash-A race of hyper-intelligent desert-dwelling Lizards who have retreated to an unknown area after the Fall. Recently they have reemerged on the political stage by aiding the Malachim-Princess Nessa forcibly take the throne of the Malachim kingdom, dividing the realm in two, as well as exerting their power over the Sumol Nomads of the Eastern Sutut.

Karinthians-A race of humans afflicted by a mutation that has caused their bodies to be inside-out, lending them a very unsettling appearance. Once unable to defend themselves against the Akonai, after the arrival of their four-armed prophet Laorth they learned metallurgy and began domesticating Blood Beast, allowing them to reverse the tide against their former tormentors.

Kraw-The enigmatic enslavers of the 'High' Malachim. The Kraw are a race of enigmatic, hyper-intelligent birds who reside in the Sno Mountains alongside their 'True' Malachim slaves.

Kharlkallenal-A race of sentient schizophrenic flesh constructs created by the long-dead gnome sorcerer Gallazza and given bits of his mind. Upon ingesting prey they absorb that creature's mind, and upon ingesting Orrachni refugees (the first sentient race they had encountered since the Fall) their minds were torn between bestial urges, Gallazza's insane urgings, and the pleas of the eaten Orrachni.

Malachim (High)-The 'noble' Elven remnants of the greatest pre-Pop Elven empire. After the Pop they lead miserable lives in the Sno Mountains that destroyed their forest homeland. Upon being enslaved by the Kraw the two species mated and produced the avian 'Low' Malachim.

Malachim (Low)-The product of Malachim-Kraw parings, Low Malachim are avian near-Elves that reside in the Sutut Desert. They believe that their 'curse' is in fact a blessing and that their bodies are the next step in terms of mortal perfection (despite their natural fragility). Recently their united kingdom of Malach was split in half with the help of outcast Hitash adherents to the Malachim religion.

Muroid-Swiech-Swiech who dwell on the large island east of the 'Strip'. Unlike the other Swiech, they possessed enough intelligence to form their own nation on the island, though this may have had something to do with the beasts of the island attacking them. Further unlike the other Swiech, and most other mainland races for the matter, they have rediscovered advanced metallurgy practices and seem technologically advanced enough to successfully navigate the treacherous seas.

Osheim-A race of dwarves able to grow and shrink at will. This does, however, result in the diminishing of their mental capacities the more they use their power.

Orcs (Post-Pop)-The only race to visibly benefit from the Pop, the Orcs of the Kathraki Jungle have undergone a myriad of mutations and have rejuvenated mainland civilization in their own savage way. They are the first race to undertake metallurgy on a serious scale, producing crude weapons appropriate to their crude lifestyles. Most orcs, with the exception of the Orrachni, are only a few steps above their pre-Pop savagery.

Orrachni-A race of orcs possessing immense intelligence. Like the Berengei, they have four arms, unlike the Berengei their bodies are not suited to the extra set of arms and thus they are fairly clumsy beings (though the extra set of arms bear poisonous talons in place of hands). The majority of their number are currently enslaved by the Berengei, though a few have managed to form new tribes away from the jungle.

Orrakenal-A subspecies of Kharlkallenal who are not as overtly schizophrenic as their brothers due to their emptier minds at the Orrachni Ingestion event. They quickly broke off from their crazier brothers and moved north to live alongside the River Senn, though the Kharlkallenal occasionally still harass them.

Puca-An extraplanar race of water-spirits forcibly brought to the Hossian plane due to the magical shockwaves created by the Fall. A very tempestuous race of shape-shifters, they have been known to aid or hinder at the drop of a hat and seem to have no cohesion whatsoever in their actions. They currently reside chiefly along the Hjelm River, now called the Horse River, in the Bodolands.

Sheol-Dark-skinned gnomes who have kept most of their gnomish features since the Fall, the Sheol have known nothing but hardship and sorrow and never freedom until recently. Three events occurred in the late 4th century leading up to their liberty: the Puca arrived in the Hossian plane; the Bodomen's great kingdom collapsed into petty, squabbling states, and the Sheol mutated the ability to blend into their environments and leap great heights.

Sull- A race of gigantic, cactus-like plant-creatures who dwell all over the Sutut desert, it is not known if the Sull are sentient. They follow a circuit around the desert, leading them to the River Senn, into the heart of Sutut, and back to the Senn each year.

Sumol- A human race of the Sutut Desert whose mutations are not unlike that of the Karinthians. Their increased emphatic senses manifest mentally rather than physically, as it does in the Karinthians, resulting in a minor telepathy. The Sumol are able to make 'suggestions' to lesser-minded creatures, which has allowed them to live in the shadows of the Sull, gigantic, cactus-like plant-creatures.

Suth-Swiech-Large, stronger, and much less frail than their cousins, the Suth-Swiech dwell in the human ruins of the Suthlands. Their hyper-violent nature has caused them to exist in only a few, small, warring tribes.

Player Stats​

Nak Akkal (General Olaf)
Spoiler :

Nak Akkal
Decentralized Theocratic Oligarchy
Ruler: High Councilman Addak II
Heir: -
Factions: Church of Change (5/5); Akkalik Nobility (3/3)
State Religion: The Change
Stability: 0
Action Capable Characters (ACC): High Councilman Addak II/5/5/- (Akkalik, Pragmatic); Councilwoman Bydd Urtek/3/2/3 (Akkalik, Noble, Wrathful, Tabbuk-Hater, Driven) [Eradicate Tabbuk]; Councilman Kal-Kilik (Akkalik, Priest, Inventive, Despairing) [Reverse the Melt]

Economy: 4/0/0
Livelihood: Tax, small-scale mining
Infrastructure Spending: 0
Military Spending: 0
Religious Spending: 0
Foreign Spending: 0
Domestic Spending: 0
Trade Spending: 0
Stored Spending: 0

Capital/National Focus: Akkmur/Akkmur
Cities: Akkmur (2) (+2 Tax EP, Capital/National Focus; Holy City)
Project: Winter Houses for the Melted (1/2)

Military: Seasoned heavy infantry supported by a small number of crossbowmen
Units: 5
Armies: Wardens of Nak Akkal (Bydd Urtek/Medium/4)

Enlightened Tribes of Drual (Seon)
Spoiler :

Enlightened Tribes of Drual
Semi-Nomadic Autocratic Theocracy
Ruler: High Shaman Syztos
Heir: -
Factions: Nepheonic Hunters (2/3); Order of Reason (3/5)
State Religion: Lorthism
Stability: 0
Action Capable Characters (ACC): Syztos/5/4/- (Karinthian, Charismatic, Anointed Priest); Nephon of the Chira/2/3/3 (Karinthian, Akonai-Hater, Charismatic, Warlord) [Eradicate Akonai]

Economy: 4/0/0
Livelihood: Tax, pastoral efforts inland, fisheries on the coast
Infrastructure Spending: 0
Military Spending: 0
Religious Spending: 0
Foreign Spending: 0
Domestic Spending: 0
Trade Spending: 0
Stored Spending: 0

Capital/National Focus: Karinthia/Karinthia
Cities: Karinthia (2) (+2 Tax EP, Capital/National Focus; Holy City)
Project: -

Military: Seasoned light, heavy cavalry with ranged capabilities, no infantry to speak of
Units: 10
Armies: Nephonic Hunters (Nephon/High/3 (Loyal))

The Great Tribe (Adrogans)
Spoiler :

The Great Tribe
Decentralized Tribal Oligarchy
Ruler: High Chieftain Soter XI
Heir: Alia (minority)
Factions: The Pure (3/2); Massot Clan (2/4)
State Religion: -
Stability: 0
Action Capable Characters (ACC): High Chieftain Soter XI/5/3/- (Dohtel, Old, Pragmatic); Barad/4/3/2 (Dohtel, Old, Rival of Soter, Pessimistic, 'Pure'); Abeka/3/2/4 (Dohtel, Unmarked, Ambitious, Charismatic, Massot)

Economy: 4/1/0
Livelihood: Tax, some darkwood cultivation & crafting
Infrastructure Spending: 0
Military Spending: 0
Religious Spending: 0
Foreign Spending: 0
Domestic Spending: 0
Trade Spending: 0
Stored Spending: 0

Capital/National Focus: Outside-Suin/Outside-Suin
Cities: Outside-Suin (2) (+2 Tax EP, Capital/National Focus)
Project: -

Military: Small units of brutal super light, heavy, & ranged super-soldiers
Units: 10
Armies: -

Heol (Abaddon)
Spoiler :

Decentralized Theocratic Oligarchy
Ruler: King Szandor LaVey
Heir: -
Factions: Northern Clans (2/3); Animist Priests (3/3)
State Religion: Sheol Animism
Stability: 0
Action Capable Characters (ACC): King Szandor LaVey/5/4/- (Sheol, Cannibal, Sanguine, Prodigy); Revvy Nipptut/3/3/3 (Sheol, Anointed Priestess, Northern High Chieftain, Dauntless) [War against Osheim]

Economy: 5/0/0
Livelihood: Tax, small-scale farming in Heol & trade in Bodolands
Infrastructure Spending: 0
Military Spending: 0
Religious Spending: 0
Foreign Spending: 0
Domestic Spending: 0
Trade Spending: 0
Stored Spending: 0

Capital/National Focus: Heol/Heol
Cities: Heol (2) (+2 Tax EP, Capital/National Focus); New Lof Yfel (1) (Bodo-Sheol Majority)
Project: -

Military: Seasoned guerrilla-fighters able to blend into surroundings, numerous marksmen from the northern Heol clans
Units: 10
Armies: -

League of Agorta (das)
Spoiler :

League of Agorta
Decentralized Aristocratic Oligarchy
Ruler: Agorta 'Pureblood'
Heir: -
Factions: Bladvenn Nobility (5/4)
State Religion: -
Stability: 0
Action Capable Characters (ACC): Agorta 'Pureblood'/5/5/- (Bladvenn, Deceptive, Charismatic, Ambitious)

Economy: 5/0/0
Livelihood: Tax, small-scale fisheries, slave labor
Infrastructure Spending: 0
Military Spending: 0
Religious Spending: 0
Foreign Spending: 0
Domestic Spending: 0
Trade Spending: 0
Stored Spending: 0

Capital/National Focus: Agortal/Agortal
Cities: Agortal (3) (+2 Tax EP, Capital/National Focus, Fallen Bladvenn Slaves)
Project: -

Military: Seasoned hunters skilled in ranged combat, trapping, & hit-and-run tactics
Units: 7
Armies: Blood-Hunters (Agorta/High/7 (Loyal))

United Kanarka (Frozen In Ice)
Spoiler :

United Kanarka
Centralized Aristocratic Dual-Despotism
Ruler: Zagrok Three Arms & Okata
Heir: -
Factions: Orrachni Nobility (5/5); Suth-Swiech Clans (3/5)
State Religion: -
Stability: 0
Action Capable Characters (ACC): Zagrok Three Arms/5/3/- (Orrachni, Prodigy, Charismatic, Haughty, Disabled); Okata* (Liminal Figure)

Economy: 4/0/0
Livelihood: Tax
Infrastructure Spending: 0
Military Spending: 0
Religious Spending: 0
Foreign Spending: 0
Domestic Spending: 0
Trade Spending: 0
Stored Spending: 0

Capital/National Focus: Kanarka/Kanarka
Cities: Kanarka (2) (+2 Tax EP, Capital/National Focus; Suth-Swiech Majority; Unearthed Ruins)
Project: -

Military: Clumsy Orrachni soldiers, hordes of Suth-Swiech barbarians
Units: 10
Armies: -

Malaca-Hitash (Thomas.berubeg)
Spoiler :

Centralized Theocratic Monarchy
Ruler: Queen Nessa 'The Lizard'
Heir: -
Factions: Malachim Nobility (2/2); Hitash Lizard Converts (3/5)
State Religion: Ophanism
Stability: 0
Action Capable Characters (ACC): Queen Nessa/5/3/- (Malachim, Brilliant Priestess, Vengeful); Dmurth/5/1/5 (Hitash, Fanatical Convert, Draconian) [Spread Ophanism to other Hitash]

Economy: 4/0/0
Livelihood: Tax, small-scale farming
Infrastructure Spending: 0
Military Spending: 0
Religious Spending: 0
Foreign Spending: 0
Domestic Spending: 0
Trade Spending: 0
Stored Spending: 0

Capital/National Focus: Malach/Malach
Cities: Malach (1) (+2 Tax EP, Capital/National Focus; decimated by war); Tesrar (1) (Decimated by war)
Project: -

Military: A small number of veteran Malachim soldiers, several Hitash lizards
Units: 5
Armies: -


Berengei Troops (bestshot9)
Spoiler :
Racial Overview
Berengei Troops
Mountain Dwelling Ape Troops
Cohesion: 3/4
Peaceful/Hostile Conviction: Incredibly Hostile
Homelands: Atil Mountains

Liminal Figures Overview
Babuk the Silverspore/4/Incredibly Hostile (Mountain-Berengei, Idealist, Charismatic, Prosperous)

Berengei-Controlled Orcs (bestshot9)
Spoiler :
Racial Overview
Berengei-Controlled Orcs
Jungle Dwelling Ape Overlords
Cohesion: 2/4
Peaceful/Hostile Conviction: Peaceful, Wary Of Outsiders
Homelands: Kathraki

Liminal Figures Overview
Yaani the Matron/1/Peaceful, Suspicious [Regain Lost Orcish Subjects & Territory] (Jungle-Berengei, Protective, Suspicious)

Suth Swiech (merciary)
Spoiler :
Racial Overview
Suth Swiech
Urban-Dwelling Rat-Men
Cohesion: 4/4
Peaceful/Hostile Conviction: Neutral
Homelands: Kanarka

Liminal Figures Overview
Okata/5/Neutral (Orrachni-Friend, Suth-Swiech High-Cheiftain, Sullen, Curious)

Hitash (Masada)
Spoiler :

Racial Overview
Desert-Dwelling Hyper-Intelligent Lizards
Cohesion: 3/4
Peaceful/Hostile Conviction: Hostile
Homelands: ???

Liminal Figures Overview
The Old One/5/Neutral (Feeble, Pop-Survivor, Revered)
Xol/1/Maniacally Violent [Destroy Malaca-Hitash Outcasts] (Bestial, Feared, Hyper-Violent)

Puca (Lord Joakim)
Spoiler :
Racial Overview
River-Dwelling Water Spirits
Cohesion: 2/4
Peaceful/Hostile Conviction: ???
Homelands:Bodoland Rivers

Liminal Figures Overview
Manfred/3/??? (Sadist, Ally of The Malcontent, Unpredictable)
Bjornslingl/3/??? (Benevolent, Ally of Sjelmar, Unpredictable))

Kharlkallenal (Annonymoose)
Spoiler :
Racial Overview
Mountain-Dwelling Insane Flesh Constructs
Cohesion: 1/4
Peaceful/Hostile Conviction: Hostile
Homelands:Ruins of Gallazzana

Liminal Figures Overview
King Bleeder/3/Hostile (Ancient, Sadist, Possibly Sane, Gallazza's Chosen)

Djata (Penguinraider)
Spoiler :
Racial Overview
Plains-Dwelling Intelligent Winged Lions
Cohesion: 2/4
Peaceful/Hostile Conviction: Hostile
Homelands: Lamakkad Ruins/Plains of Nurth

Liminal Figures Overview
Djata Rex Melkan/5/Hostile (Djata Rex, Massive Harem, Keeper of the Speaking Stone)
Josgar/2/Hostile (Akonai-Hater, Hyper-Violent, Charismatic)

Stats Reserv. Continued
Stats Reserv. Continued Again
NPC Stats

NPC Kingdoms
Decentralized Aristocratic Monarchy
Lord Hodr Sjelmar
Society: A prosperous & surprisingly peaceful union between the Bodomen and their freed Sheol slaves. Both populations have begun to worship the Sheol animal spirits, bringing them even closer.
Prosperity: Bursting coffers due to successful southern campaigns & general good luck.
Strength: United and strong, large army lead by Lord Hodr known to be just north of Malcontent borders.
Cities: Hodborg (Capital)

Decentralized Aristocratic Oligarchy
Various Petty Warlords
Society: The Malcontent first came together as a ruthless reactionary force & the catalysts for the massive Sheol slave rebellion, but settled down into a state after capturing Berbotten. Despite proclaiming themselves to be the only free Sheol state, they have recently entered a phase of utter anarchy.
Prosperity: Few nations are as cursed as the Malcontent seem to be.
Strength: Broken, though they have numerous armies they are currently fighting each other.
Cities: Berbotten (Capital)

Centralized Aristocratic Monarchy
Queen Gyra the Red
Society: Kal-Bodo has preserved the old Bodoman style of governance, relying heavily upon a landed nobility. Queen Gyra, however, has amassed a great amount of power for herself via the Red Maiden's Order, a secret police force masquerading as knights.
Prosperity: Prosperous, Kal-Bodo recently has begun to recapture numerous Sheol slaves.
Strength: United & Strong, the campaigns of Gyra has seen the creation of a powerful army controlled solely by her and her closest companions.
Cities: Rygne, Vinskel

Kingdom of Bodomar
Centralized Aristocratic Monarchy
King Oron
Society: Bodomar has preserved the old Bodoman style of governance, relying heavily upon a landed nobility. King Oron's power comes directly from his nobles, and they are very concious of this and not at all unwilling to exploit their influence over the new king.
Prosperity: Prosperious, Bodomar recently has begun to recapture numerous Sheol slaves.
Strength Strong, King Oron emerged as a figure for all of Gyra's detractors to rally against--who are numerous--and they have brought numerous Bodo-knights to Oron's new kingdom.
Cities: Vetvan, Salmar

Kingdom of Muro
Centralized Aristocratic Monarchy
Society: Little is known of the Muroid-Swiech society, though from what the Bladvenn have gleamed it is a surprisingly advanced nation filled with thinkers and tinkerers.
Prosperity: ???, though the last words heard about the kingdom was that it was under attack by monstrous beings.
Strength ???, presumed failing.

Free Orrakenal
Decentralized Orrakenal Democracy
Urzrah Reborn
Society: Free Orrakenal is the Orrakenal's attempt to liberate themselves from their horrid past by sequestering themselves from the world. The state lords over a few, small villages filled with terrified beings who serve the Orrakenal or are eaten.
Prosperity: Prosperous, the recently captured villages along the River Senn all are wealthy.
Strength: United & Strong, the Orrakenal combine the keen minds of their Orrachni 'ancestors' and the brutal might of their Kharlkenal exteriors

Decentralized Aristocratic Monarchy
Society: ???, little is known about the Kraw society, though the Malachim recall it being based around a decadent nobility.
Prosperity: ???, presumed prosperous.
Strength: ???, presumed united & strong due to recent successful expansions into the Atil Mountains

NPC Races
The Akonai
Wolves whose digestive tracks are located in another dimension, considered demons by the Karinthians. As of late they have been beset by attacks from both the south and the east by the Karinthians & Djata respectively. Within the tribe there are signs of a possible schism.
Liminal Figures
Dmisai [???] (Ancient, Half-Mad, Pack Leader)
Obai [Subjugate Karinthians] (Charismatic, Glutton)
Ieuai [Destroy Karinthian Tempters] (Charismatic, Fasting)
Ya'll can post now. I ask that players who have applied please repost their applications. Also there have been some minor changes to the rules (only for Kingdom-Players, though, and tied to player Economics, Cities, and Military)
(Elven Based)
Flight 3 (Feathered wings)
Enhanced Vision (Long distance, light resistance, night, etc) 4

Decentralized Ecclesiastic Despotic Autocracy
Ophanim (Cultural)

“… and so Lord Ophanim The Wise
Travelled the roads, gathering
The Tribes of the Malach together…”
“…And at each of the villages,
He spoke of his dream
The Shining city on a hill…”
“…For a thousand days and nights
Through Snow and Rain and fog,
Through drought and storm and ice
He visited all the tribes of the Malach…”
“… And so they gathered
In the courtyard of the city
Built in his stead by Oranum the Faithful…”
“… And He spoke to the throngs…”
“…And with the last word
Hands outstretched, wings flexing
A look of glory and joy on his face…”
“…the Holy Glow faded,
And where the Holy Ophanim had stood
Nothing but a statue perfect
In it’s design stood…”

Karinthians (Human Origin)

Enhanced Senses (visual and auditory) -4
Quick Thinking - 5

Enlightened Tribes of Draul
decentralized Ecclesiastic Karinthian Despotic Autocracy
Laorthism (Cultural)

The Karinthians live on the western Plains of Nurth, on the shores of the Cantet Sea. They managed to form semi-nomadic communities that wander around, planting crops at certain point of the years and hunting and gathering for food during others.

One of the most important part of the Karinthian lifestyle is their relationship with the Blood-steeds. While Karinthians would easily be hunted down by the creatures of Nurth while on foot, the Blood-steeds have allowed the Karinthians to begin to hunt the creatures instead. Such mastery over the beasts would have been difficult if not for the unique mutations of the Karinthians, which allowed them to quickly detect subtle clues from the Blood-steeds' body language and translate its intents, allowing for easier control of the beasts.

They all follow a religion known as Laorthism, which seems to be based on the teachings of a man named Laorth. It preached of familial love between all followers and beseeched all to seek spiritual enlightenment with the help of his Church. Although he is widely proclaimed as a prophet by many people, his teachings never mentioned any gods, leading some to question if he was not, in fact, a god himself. He never said that he was a god, but then again he did not say that he wasn't either.

His Holiness, the Grand Shaman who are now in charge of leading the faith, have never cared to clarify it. Debate of divinity is a taboo subject among the tribal leaders, who also forms the core religious heads of each community.

Akkalik (Dwarvish Origin)
Can Live By Eating Ice (4)
Thick Warm Body Hair (3)

Nak Akkal
Ecclesiastic/Despotic Oligarchy
Kirini'ism (Cultural)

The Akkalik live on an island to the far east of the world, in the central mountains of an isolated island. Once a dwarven folk who emigrated from the main continent to have peace, they were changed irrevocably during the 'Pop' - or as they call it, 'Ai Kirin' [The Changing]. Their entire culture is centred around worship of the being which they think caused this event - Kirini or the Changer. Kirini is not worshipped because Ai Kirin is seen as good - Ai Kirin is seen as quite the reverse, a trial to choose who will be the leaders and fortunate ones in the next life.
After Ai Kirin, the Akkalik became hair-covered, squat beings, as the mountains in which they lived became colder. This also led to many of the food sources in the area being lost. The Akkalik somehow survived on ice - and since then, they have continued that practice.
Priest-kings rule small villages in the mountains, populated by anything from about two hundred individals upwards. The realm of the Akkalik is known as Nak Akkal - the 'One Country'; the Akkalik's own name translates roughly to the 'Ones' or 'Individuals'.
Akkalik enjoy poetry and art; they quickly adapted these pastimes to their new environment following Ai Kirin. Their hair can be used to make excellent bristles for art brushes, and their homeland's icy covering has also become significant in their art.


The Swiech were once the rats that inhabited all the major cities (except maybe the Elven cities) of Hos. Why they have changed an other rats have remained the "same" is unclear to them, then again they haven't given it much thought. The Great Explosion has given them the ability to walk upright with great agility and a sharp "streetwise" intellect, no interest in any higher knowledge. However they have retained a few traits from their past, such as flexible joints. Swieches are not strong beings and when in a fight count on their agility to avoid blows and dirty tactics to win fights quickly. The Swiech breed quickly but the population is kept in check by a violent upbringing and other factors. The Swiech are natural scavengers capable on surviving on very little and making almost anything out of junk. The Swiech have an enormous sense of self-preservation which is often seen as cowardice but if you see a Swiech run you should watch your back because in all likelihood something will be sticking out of it soon.

The Swiech live in small tribes in the same environments that their ancestors lived in, but seem to be most prominent in human sewers and crypts. They, like the rats before them, are scavengers off of civilized races and are completely dependent on them for survival right now. The get what they need generally by stealing it but it is also quite common to see them working as mercenaries, assassins, and other disreputable jobs for other races to get what they need.

Puca (Bestial)

A puca is a shapeshifter, inherently a purely spiritual and magical being; but also, its background traces to an event of bestial transformation, which would translate them to be bestial. They origin in horses and become puca after the End.

Before the End, the river of Sentet was a site for many struggles and strifes. One such was was the Rose Ride, a cavalry raid ruining crops and lives along the western river banks for a hundred years. The knight captain Bjornsling was ruthlessly driven by his king's politics and slayed many women and children, even taking some captive to torture. Eventually, the peasants rallied to strike back. They fought bravely, but stood very little a chance against horses and iron. The knights charged the peasants into the river, hoping to have them drown. But at that point, the End happened; the river rose in inexplicable rage and swallowed villages and soldiers whole. They were not seen alive again.

Many years passed. A few fishermen and farmers settled near the river to live their simple lives, unaware of the events ages ago. One day, the town inn was guested by a man in a long, secluding hood. The locals asked the mysterious stranger who he was and where he came from, but to no avail. Rather, the visitor told them to leave; he spoke of horrible creatures soon to be rising from the lake, a hundred years after the End. The locals became angry and rose to beat him up; but he strangely vanished into thin air. The year passed calmly with a rich harvest.

Then, during the hundredth year of the new era, the villagers understood that the stranger had told them the truth. Strange things happened, and not only in the village; all over the river banks, people disappeared, sometimes to come back later, sometimes to be found in body parts. Crops were trampled or grown inexplicably. Fish lay dead or swarmed into the fishing nets.

Beware, see: The banks had seen the rearrival of the drowned victims of the End. But they were no longer human nor horse. They were shapeshifters of mischief, whether that be malevolent or benevolent. Preferring a wicked horse form with glowing eyes and beautiful manes, these spirits either collected poor victims or granted luck. The villagers called them puca, meaning unwelcome, yet flattering in Old Nyrn.

The unforeseeable nature of the puca creature was very simple to understand when knowing what the creature consisted of. The many dead spirits had been molded under the magic fallout after the end over a hundred years. The dominant shape was the powerful horse in all its magnitude. The dominant will, however, was more tricky to take shape. The peasant spirits were justifiable angry from abuse and humiliation, while the soldiers were regretting and unwilling. The nature of the puca would be malicious if it had more anger in it, but friendly if it wanted to pay back the pain it had brought upon lives. Some puca eat children or destroy crops in anguish, while others shape forth hands to grow crops, or scare fish into the nets. The puca are solitary, unreliable, unruly and horrifying. Seeing a true puca is a scary sight.

And the visitor at the tavern? That was Bjornsling himself, captain during the last years of the Rose Ride. He had shaped himself into a human to warn man about the upcoming river horrors. He is the most benevolent of them all; his counterpart, the most hateful puca, is Manfred, the Terror Mane, who was the leader of the peasant militia. Soon, the river were, to some, called the River of Horses, due to the fear of thundering hooves and waving manes.


The Liminal Figures
The two most prominent and examplary puca are the aforementioned Bjornsling and Manfred. The Bitter Captain and the Terror Mane are respectively the purest forms of benevolence and malevolence in puca nature, representing the good or evil the shapeshifter could cause the nearby villagers. As spirits or magical beings, of course, they only fight in the form of influencing the locals in either way; they should not have any intent to attack or maim each other.

Again, I wish for this race to be placed along one of the Sentet Rivers, which will be called the River of Horses in my stories from now on. It would help a good bit if there were a local human civilizatoin to terrorize or help, but that's up to anybody to create or the mod to npc. :3
One question, Joakim: Where are the Sentet Rivers? Are you talking about the River Senn, the Desert River that runs through the Suthlands?

Or do you mean Centet.

Bladvenn (Elven Origin)
Amphibious (2)
Blood-Drinking (1)

Great League of Agorta
Decentralized Noble Bladvenn Despotic Oligarchy

The Bladvenn are blessedly settled in the southeastern area of Central Hos - the initial centre of the Greater League of Agorta being on the shores of the narrower and more easterly of the two great southern gulfs of Centet Sea, an area that has been relatively unexciting and therefore a good refuge and breeding ground in times past. Their outwards appearance bears the marks both of their Elven ancestry and what they call their blessing, but what others may consider a curse. While somewhat bent and hunched, they're still quite athletic and tall and long of limb (perhaps a bit grotesquely so), and their hair is long - even though it is commonly blue, green or purple, and resembles algae. They possess external gills, fat lips and large, dull eyes resembling those of frogs or fish. Their hands and feet are slightly webbed and their skin is smooth and very pale to the point of being translucent, allowing you to see the veins heavy with their red-green blood.

They like to call themselves the Crimson Reed Folk, but a common derogatory name for them is Frog Elves.

The Bladvenn are clannish beings, a tendency that's helped by comparatively shorter lifespans and faster reproduction rates than those of their ancestors. They can stay in water for prolonged periods of time and are excellent swimmers, but their society is land-based, or more precisely coastal, with rare exceptions that dwell further inland.

Aside from their affinity with water and their strong family ties, another distinguishing characteristic of the Bladvenn is their curious relationship with living animal blood. Fresh blood has narcotic-like qualities for them, making them highly energetic, uncritical and hyperactive. Bladvenn shamans have come up with different ways to use this property, both by itself and in combination with different forms of mental training and various other narcotics and herbs. Non-fresh blood too can retain some important properties, although it isn't quite as energising. Mostly blood is used in various rituals and ceremonies, and on holidays, but certain blood-brews have become a staple among Agorta warriors - a key cause of Agorta's ascent over lesser clan leagues. It is also important to note that the entire race is physiologically and essentially addicted to the consumption of blood. Cut off from it for a long time, the Bladvenn become listless and depressed, and ultimately waste away and die.

Luckily, pretty much any blood would do, including that of other sapient races, if they bleed. Blood of the Bladvenn is something of a taboo, though in desperate circumstances there is something of an understanding that the taboo really just applies to near relatives.

Traditionally the Bladvenn lived in small clan villages, bound together by common descent - a tie cemented by a primitive form of ancestor worship. Over time, the practice of exogamy led to the emergence of leagues - initially just marriage and trade arrangements. Over time, however, the leagues became political and military unions. As wealth increased and war between the leagues became more common, the old tribal elite - represented by shamans - was pushed away in favour of the chieftains and their warrior-retainers. This gave the Bladvenn culture a notable martial and aristocratic bent, which was only confirmed when, finally, one of the chieftains managed to make himself a king, forging the Greater League of Agorta out of the enemies he conquered. Notably, though, the natural tendency of the Bladvenn towards oligarchy soon managed to reassert itself - the descendants of that elf agreed to rule as one, and before long, the kings of Agorta simply became the highest layer of the increasingly integrated ruling aristocracy.


OOC: How's that?
Jesus Christ, that is amazing das.

@joakim: No worries :p

@merciary: Huzzah! Another rat race! I created one for NPC purposes (they are descended from mice, actually), so It will be interesting to see the interaction there.
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