ADNES1: Development Thread

Do you have an interest in helping or playing in a NES

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Regarding feedback, I think adding non VAM notes or assets of recent successes/failures to the stats, while they're relevant, would be helpful. For instance, you mentioned before that you can't invade without first raising an army - as of now, if someone didn't earn an "+ Military" style VAM, the stats don't really record if a country has a "raised army" or not.

A similar instance would be being unable to record histories without having writing/a place of learning. Or not being able to do advanced sabotage without first getting a spy master/ forming a spy ring.

Assets/notes/whatever you call it wouldn't provide roll bonuses, they just make some actions available. They could be like Items in some RTDs.
Leave it to me to get the first 4 :D

Roll 4: Illan mac Dúnlainge is a weak man, disliked by many and short in stature. Liaghn suffers under this rule, and some wonder just how long it will survive. (ooc: Laighn loses Strength)

Can't help but feel personally attacked :lol:


Illan mac Dúnlainge knew of the name he made for himself. He was disliked and weak. Some said even hideous to look at. But Illan was not a stupid man. He knew his weak appearance might be used to better his place. He could be feared instead of disliked.

Use force to threaten the population and create fear. Fear will rule the people stronger. Make sure such fear spreads beyond the borders of Liaghn to make sure Liaghn is feared by anyone near, and all are afraid from the imp that rules it.
Also - try to get married locally to strengthen stability.
Haha thank you Erez, take it on the chin! I'm sure fortune will come your way yet!
Regarding feedback, I think adding non VAM notes or assets of recent successes/failures to the stats, while they're relevant, would be helpful. For instance, you mentioned before that you can't invade without first raising an army - as of now, if someone didn't earn an "+ Military" style VAM, the stats don't really record if a country has a "raised army" or not.

A similar instance would be being unable to record histories without having writing/a place of learning. Or not being able to do advanced sabotage without first getting a spy master/ forming a spy ring.

Assets/notes/whatever you call it wouldn't provide roll bonuses, they just make some actions available. They could be like Items in some RTDs.

Thank you for the feedback, this is a good idea and will be implemented next turn. I award you a bonus +1 for your help :D
So are all actions public? That is if it isn't spoken of in a post, then it can't happen.
I would rather everything remains public, but again, Rule Of Fun, if you did want to take things off piste you could with a few turns effort, and it might remain off radar as long as the rolls go in your favour.

I don't want too many layers of deceit though, it will get confusing for me to mod!
Dunluce: 2

Rulers: Finn MacCool and wife Sive
Councilors: Taig, son of Ciann and Conall Gulban
Warchiefs: Niall Noigiallach and Cormac Cas
Merchant friend: Tir Eoghain
Recorder: Fergus
Capital: Balleykeel

Recent Official records of Finn McCool as written by his court recorder Fergus

The Harbormaster reported that increased traffic into Dunluce harbors has overwhelmed facilities and improvements are needed to docks, warehouses, bridges, in-town roads, quay cranes and small boats to ferry goods to and from ships. Finn authorized such work to be undertaken as soon as weather permits. Additional tax collectors were assigned to busiest the ports and border crossings.

Niall and Cormac reported the lords of Ulaidh were moving troops west as if going to war. Confidants (spies) provided troop counts and other vital information about those efforts. Niall also noted that he put all our local kinsmen on alert. Discontent in Navan over the feared invasion will be watched.

Our emissaries in Dal Ariadi told of success with the tribal lords who were receptive to increased cooperation in dispute resolution. Pictish envoys are expected to arrive in coming weeks to participate in the ceremonies along The Giant’s Causeway and Balleykeel.

Sive “let slip” that perhaps the roundness of her belly was not because of the abundance of the harvests.
Not to be late, so a rough outline.

Turn 2
Connachta : Gelion

Strength: 20/20
Leadership: Dauí Tenga Uma mac Briúin
Capital: Sligo
Religion: Christian
Colour: Orange
Description: Western Irish nation
Diplomacy: None
VAM: None

Hold a large convention of the Only, True, and New (Christian) fate on the islands inviting everyone who is a Christian on the Isles (including Britain) and as many Greek scholars we can get hold of. Feed them cloth them and make them mingle for months. Get a hold of many neighbouring clans' leaders, monks. Pay special attention to the surviving descendants of Romans and Roman families, treat them with outmost respect and show them around.
Well, that explains a lot. Yet again, CFC didn't update me on one of its threads. I'm so sick of the new (yes it's old) system. Only saw a notification with your ping.

Did I miss a turn? What's going on?

EDIT: Yes I missed a turn, that pisses me off tremendously. Did my nation just stay stagnant then?

Well, orders coming in tonight.
Suggestion: Move rules to page 1. ;) Linked updates would be great too, but not necessary


Mumha: Angst

Strength: 20/20
Leadership: Dauí Iarlaithe mac Maithni
Capital: Corcaigh
Religion: Weakly Pagan
Colour: Purple
Diplomacy: None
VAM: +1 rolls relating to Ships & trade, -1 to rolls when interacting with a nation with Strong Religion

Description: The Degaidh settled Mumha shortly before this time in history, establishing villages and engaging in trade with the local Dergthini and Lugaidh. Mumha is a patchwork of these three tribes, owing much of their prosperity to an origin of travels, often exchanging goods between southwestern Eire and the people of Cymru across the bay to the east. This trade makes the kingdom proficient in shipbuilding and they make capable sailors along the eastern and western coasts of Eire. The mixed heritage also makes it a haven for people tired of the trifles between Christians and Pagans, as while being a largely Pagan nation, Mumha's naval connections often force them into true connections with people of vast differences. The naval connections naturally have also connected them to the Romans of old. Whether they are in a transitionary period towards Christianity or being a Pagan nation of tolerance, they are a multifaceted people. While mac Maithni rule the land, the court is largely divided in council across tribes, and emnities are usually cast away by intermarrying the different clans, meaning that most of Mumha's royalty is familially interconnected, and largely plutocratic above anything else. However, the diversity also means people of more scrupulous and xenophobic nature are rarely culled; while rich and with little trouble in their multiplicity, they may not present the same armies as a nation unified in tribe and faith.


Nothing is better than coins in the pocket. Maybe bread for the hungry, but coins buy bread.

During council assembly, Muichertach mac Degaidh proposes expansion of clan trade along the coasts. After some debate, getting closer trade to centralized Laighn and the distant land of Cymru should provide the best opportunity for profit. Iarlaithe mac Maithni arranges the establishment through a formal vote in the council and approved by the king. Merchants in the near future establishing markets there are given an upfront investment by the government and a short term tax relief, in return they are expected to pay back debt in the near future.


- Establish trading post(s) in the province to the east.
Mission abort. Friend needs some RL help this aft. Will get back on asap though soory!
Tyr Connail: llan mac Fráech strode through his training ground, proud of the bloodied and bruised boys that stood before him. They were nearing the end of their training and soon the rest of Eire would learn to fear the sound of the war cries (Rally Army ready for War)
Dal Ariadi: With grand ships flowing up and down the coast, life was good and the stores bounteous. It was time to take advantage of this. The Western coast was to learn to fear the ships from Doire as they arrived on their coast. (Strike out and pillage the English coast after gathering supplies in Dunluce)
@Birdjaguar are you able to add a poll to the new thread please? Or do I have to repost?

Same open poll as this thread
I'll see what I can do.
@Birdjaguar, I know this is a lot of work, but could we move the game parts of this thread to the new one? :undecide:
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