Mr. Dictator
A Chain-Smoking Fox
i know i implyed lack of openmindedness is closemindedness. thats common sense
i also said that closemindedness is bad. and i dont have to be openminded towards closeminded people. thats dumb. closemindedness is dumb.
its the only thing i would never consider being. and there are closedminds on both sides of the spectrum, i know. i hate both sides. i hate the people who say "you have to see that abortion is ok" and i hate the ones who say "abortion is against biblical law so it must be outlawed" i support people who say "abortion is a big decision in someones life and i think each person should handle it differently"
and how is open minded silly? how is it fun just to stick your fingers in you ears and scream "lalalalalala"?
i also said that closemindedness is bad. and i dont have to be openminded towards closeminded people. thats dumb. closemindedness is dumb.
its the only thing i would never consider being. and there are closedminds on both sides of the spectrum, i know. i hate both sides. i hate the people who say "you have to see that abortion is ok" and i hate the ones who say "abortion is against biblical law so it must be outlawed" i support people who say "abortion is a big decision in someones life and i think each person should handle it differently"
and how is open minded silly? how is it fun just to stick your fingers in you ears and scream "lalalalalala"?