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OFW2 "The Roman capitol killing atheists"

Originally posted by leha
Me be interested .
Call me Leha :) :goodjob:

sorry, about the I instead of L, it was early!

Edit edit : this part about hunting capitols makes me happy , how did you get to this , it's just GREAT !

It just came to me when I was trying to think of my next SG and how to get some interest in the game, and it seems to have worked. I did not even remember to post it in the new SG thread!
Yes, I do believe after further thought that settling on site would probably be best. I had planned on moving the worker to the wheat (and hoping that is fresh water). So, the SW move was not really thought out:rolleyes:

Northern Pike, I agree that playing with all random civs could be bad(4 or more religious civs or only 1 or 0)

I guess that means that we should play this as (like TedJackson had stated earlier) an AW to begin the game. limited exploration to find good city spots.

Or If the team wants,I could redo the start position and set up 3 religious civs? I am fine either way.
@TedJackson: I'm not sure we'll be able to get Monarchy or Republic before Pikemen, MDI and Knights appear, and by then the Legionaire's prime time is over. Since we're capitol killers we won't be able to pick off the fringe cities and settle there, and we'll be at almost nil culture. I think early, fierce wars to claim territory are the only way to give us a production base for conquest.

@Northern Pike: I see your point, but I agree with OFW about discovering your neighbors as the game progresses. We may be doomed, or it may be too easy, but that could be the case in any random map.

EDIT: As I understand we can tell immediately if the water is fresh or sea by its food production. 2 food=fresh, 1 food=sea (right-click on the water tile).
Everyone except Generalissimo has checked in. I will not be able to get the 1st set of turns done until wednesday, so if anyone else wants to go 1st and 2nd speak up!
i'll go second and i looked at the save and the water is fresh.
Originally posted by Northern Pike
This suggestion may come too late, but is it really wise to play this variant with a completely random number of religious civs? If you end up with none or one, the point of the game will be largely lost; if you get four or more, you'll more or less be playing AW, which won't combine happily with the very tricky capital-killing requirement. Setting things up so that you get either two or three religious civs might be best.
OFW@ to help you out, I opened your save. 3 of your 7 opponents are religious. I won't tell you which ones but you all could do what I did the first turn. Hit F10 and view the space race.
Originally posted by OneFastWarrior
Or If the team wants,I could redo the start position and set up 3 religious civs? I am fine either way.
That would be silly now.;)
Thank you CF! now if we wnat to know we can look or we can let it be a surprise! I

I might start playing the 1st 20 turns tonight. Unless someone else wants to start it.
@OFW: Yeah, I say get this party started. Go for it.

@everyone: I only recently found out about using F10 to see your opponents, but I still prefer to discover them as I go, but I'm not going to put up a fight if someone else wants a look. I feel the same about RCP.
OKay, so I hope to get started tonight but I am feeling a bit under the weather and work is lasting forever today:(
I also have a few things to take care of after work today, so I would not be posting until tomorrow night.

A few things on the game. When we go for attacking the capitols we are allowed to attack units that are outside of cities and destroy improvemnents. I usually try to declare war before entering anothers borders to keep our rep fairly good. However since we will be razing all the cities, our rep will probably be pretty toast anyway. So, How would you like to approach this, I.E. should we declare before entering there borders or wait until they say get lost, then say yeah, sure, whatever;)

with the religious civs it won't matter, we will be declaring on them as soon as we meet them, but these questions are about the other civs.

Personnaly, I would probably continue to play the way that I have been and that is to declare before entering.

Your thoughts

and the 1st post has been updated,, If everyone is fine with the order, then I will start as soon as I can!
Razing only affects AI attitude and therefore the UN option.

However, standing in someones territory and declaring war often prevents you from getting ROPs with everyone else (they don't want you to sneak attack them) There is an implied ROP when you're standing on their soil.

Since you are not AW here, you will probably want ROPs to both help you get to other capitals and to help your allies get to your enemies.

So following your "honorable" declaration would be better IMHO.

But here's a watch out. Often, when I am exploring for contact, I have to enter someones territory just to see their unit. If this happens to be a religious civ, then you will declare war standing in their territory. You will have to be more careful than normal while exploring.
Originally posted by ControlFreak
But here's a watch out. Often, when I am exploring for contact, I have to enter someones territory just to see their unit. If this happens to be a religious civ, then you will declare war standing in their territory. You will have to be more careful than normal while exploring.
Well spotted CF.

I would prefer to play honourably.

CF, you can contact a civ from Diplomacy screen (ctrl-d) if you have a unit next to their border.

Also, a good way to check if water is fresh, is to inspect it. If it produces 2 food, it's fresh.
Originally posted by Tarkeel
CF, you can contact a civ from Diplomacy screen (ctrl-d) if you have a unit next to their border.

Also, a good way to check if water is fresh, is to inspect it. If it produces 2 food, it's fresh.

I'm pretty sure you can't contact AI civ before you see their unit , even if you see their border .
If you can see a square or two that is inside their border you can contact them. I know from when a suicide galley sunk after just seeing some land claimed by another civ and the next turn that civ contacted me!
Seeing their border isn't enough, your unit has to be next to it. Also, you can't contact them onthe f4 screen, it has to be with the diplomacy screen.
If you end your turn on their border (or anywhere that they can see) their face will show up on F4 the NEXT turn. That is presumably because they can see you and "right click" on your unit. Often, you will be contacted by them between turns.

That delays contact by one turn. Therefore, I usually bully my way into their borders so that I can actually find someone to talk to. It's nice if there's a hill nearby so I can just climb it and look down onto their pitiful little civilization.;)

I never knew there was a difference between diplomacy and F4, I'll have to check that out.
And The Game Begins!!

Start 4000BC send worker to the wheat, nothing great revealed so I settle Rome on the starting spot and start training a warrior. Set research to pottery at 100%.

1. 3950BC worker begins irrigation of wheat.

2,3 and 4 3900BC to 3800BC zzzzzz

5. 3750BC Rome trains warrior, starts to train another.(I am keeping the 1st warrior close to home just in case a religious civ should wander by. So, I am sending the 1st warrior on a 3 square loop to the west then back to rome to fortify. you can call me paranoid if you would like to. Normally I would explore and leave nothing at home. worker finshes irrigation and starts road.

6. 3700BC Warrior spots Dyes to the SW of Rome.

7. 3650BC zzzz

8. 3600BC 1st warrior returns to rome. worker finishes road and moves to BG south of rome.

9. 3550BC 2nd warrior trained, start another. Worker starts mine.
new warrior heads E, NE. fortify 1st warrior in Rome

10. 3500BC 1st border expansion. Warrior NE to hill.

11. 3450BC warrior E

12. 3400BC Warrior SE.

13. 3350BC Rome trains Warrior, starts barracks. New warrior heads W. other Warrior SE

14. 3300BC Warrior W. Warrior SE spots cow and bg's on S side of lake.

15. 3250BC Rome grows to size 3. mm to get a couple extra gold and more food. Move lux slider to 10% and Science to 60%. warrior SE again, other warrior W, worker finishes mine starts road.

16. 3200BC Warrior NW, and other Warrior S. Science to 50%

17. 3150BC pottery researched, switch to writing. change Rome to Granary and mm Rome for more shields. Warrior S, spots water. Warrior W spots water(large). Science and lux both to 20%. On writing, I am hoping to be able to trade with someone for BW when we get contacts amd since we cannot build temples, Writing for library's is a good choice(I hope).

18. 3100BC worker finsihes road, moves to forest SE of Rome. Warrior to the W moves N Sees silks. Other warrior W. Science and lux able to move both to 10%.

19. 3050BC wirker to road forest. warrior E, warrior NW

20. 3000BC Warrior NW and other warrior E.

so here is a pic

and here is the

Conehaed234, you are up!!

I edited the 1st post and will try to continue to do that when I notice that someone has played, or if there are skips or whatever.

I also realized that I forgot 1 religious civ (there are 9 not 8) Babylon. No, I have not looked to see who all the civs are yet.

Good luck, I wish I would have explored with all 3 warriors but paranoia got me!
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