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OFW2 "The Roman capitol killing atheists"


OK .
So , as I understand , I am not obliged to buy contacts with religious civs , so I'll wait when they buy contact with me .

I buy contact with Korea + 3 gold from Carthage for contacts with Japan and Greece .
Buy Masonry from Hannibal for Pottery and 60 gold ( Alex don't have Masonry , Korea have Masonry , CB, The Wheel and IW . Carthage have Masonry , The Wheel , CB and Writing )
Sell Masonry to Alex for CB and 38 gold .
Korea has Mysticism .
Carthage wants all our gold and 4 gpt for contact with China .
We cannot allow this .
We look funny on Histograph :( .


Greeks start Pyramids .


Veli archer--> spear ( now , when there are 2 MP in the city , move citizen from lake to forest to boost production )
Get IW from Alex for contact with Korea 49 gold and 1 gpt.
We get iron west of Rome , first built settler will go there I think .
Goddamn Hannibal wants too high price for contact with China .
I sell him IW for 27 gold .




Rome archer --> spear for escort .
Barb camp dispersed +25 gold .
Get Mysticisn from Korea for 41 gold and 2 gpt.
Get The Wheel from Alex for Mysticism and 13 gold .
Everybody is up Writing .


People expand our palace .
Koreans build Oracle .


Barb camp dispersed +25 gold .




Rome grows --> lux 30%
Greece expanding dangerously fast .




Rome spear --> settler
Veli spear --> settler.




Antium archer --> worker
Writing due in 1 turn --> science 10%
Greece and Korea have HR .




Done writing -- start Lit at 20%

Well , here I pass our miserable empire to next player .
Some notes :

1. We start forming archer force + spear on our east flank . japaneese look weak , probably fighting swarms of barbs .

2. I started additional settler at Veli cause our expansion rate is very low . I think he should go for wines .

3 . We need more workers . I know that it is impossible to get everything with just 3 cities , but workers are must .

Looking good :thumbsup:

I know we're a bit slow starting but we'll soon start catching up. Trust me :)

There are a few unclaimed luxuries just waiting to be settled. I can see Wines, Silks, spices and Incense on the screenshot - not to mention the Dyes that will be in our borders before too long.

I suggest that we carry on building Warriors until we have about 10 to 12 then hook up the Iron, upgrade to Swords and go sort out Japan for good.

But when we attack we have to have settlers with us so the greeks don't reclaim the land we raze. and go for the lux because we will need then because we can't build religous buildings.

I think the Setter from Rome should go the the iron. and the one from Veii to the wines.

May be we should continue to expand and just keep the archers and spears to fight off japan. But good trading turns.
Originally posted by conehead234
But when we attack we have to have settlers with us so the greeks don't reclaim the land we raze.
Doesn't matter...

If they settle there we'll just evict them :D

Edit: post in wrong place at wrong time.

good trading turns leha. I think its looking a bit better.
Got it!

I'm not sure yet when I'll play. It may be Monday night, and I should post shortly after I play.

I'm happy to see some more military. I agree with leha's priorities, and I think I'll probably go for settlers first, and I'll try to explore some more of our immediate settling area before the settlers finish. That's my plan, anyway. Oh, iron is a priority of course. I'm surprised the only horse on our map is just outside Kyoto's border. There's bound to be more horses out there, and hopefully close to us.

If anyone attacks I'll fight defensively (near or in our territory) as we don't have a capitol attack force yet.

In a couple of recent games the greeks greatly outcultured me; currently all culture looks even, but if the greeks start getting culture we might consider going after them before Japan. (Not likely during my turn or the next couple, though.) We should be able to get techs for peace which we can never do with a religious civ, then beat up on Japan while our peace deal is in effect with Greece. One idea for the future, but there are definitely more immediate concerns.
I haven't started playing yet. Late tonight would be the soonest, but it's looking like a Monday evening set of turns for now.

My current thinking is the biggest priority is to increase our production base, and that means more cities, more population and more productive tiles. In an emergency we can rush military, but I don't think Japan can get a significant force to us right now, and if we're careful we should be able to see them coming in time to change production and make some more military (maybe, but not likely granary).

Right now I think I might keep Rome on settler, put Veii on a worker (MM'ing to finish as soon after pop 5 as possible) and I think I want Antium to grow to 4 or 5 before popping a worker, so I'll probably change production to a military unit or possibly barracks. I'll avoid pop rushing anything unless we're overrun by an enemy.

When I peeked at the save earlier I think Rome is due to expand soon, so we should get the silks in our borders and that BG by Antium before my turn ends.

Next city: Hmmm; I want that iron, and I don't think the next culture expansion will get it for us (and I don't want to burn a worker with a colony this early), but that wine/grassland to the NE looks like a must-have, too, and would expand towards our competition. (Not to mention possible future saltpeter and eventually oil.)

Yeah, I think I'll settle the wines before the iron unless the group makes a great counterpoint. But should I try to grab the wheat, settle on dessert or try to position to monopolize the wines (assuming there's 2-4 of them)? It looks like I can't have wine and wheat until a border expansion, which for us won't be until Literature and libraries. Also, if the unexplored land just north of Rome is productive (2 or more of BG's, irrigatable plains, river, bonuses) I might settle that to be closer to the palace and have less corruption.
Get the wines and iron and expand towards the greeks. and try to grab the silks and spices.

If we are to attack them later. in the game we want to be closer to their capital so we don't have march thru most of their land to reach the capital.
Originally posted by conehead234
Get the wines and iron and expand towards the greeks. and try to grab the silks and spices.

If we are to attack them later. in the game we want to be closer to their capital so we don't have march thru most of their land to reach the capital.
Very good point. I came back here to post the opposite, that we would have a harder time defending a far away city and that we should settle close. But you're right; we need an aggressive roadway towards the enemy capitols.

We just have to be sure not to let our outer cities fall because we can't take them back until they become the capitol.

My current plan is to focus on workers (need lots of roads and tile improvements) and settlers from our current cities (pop > 3 and < 7, and have the new cities produce military. Naturally the core cities will have military or infrastructure builds between settlers and workers, and enemy incursions may affect priorities.

Do we have a long term research goal yet? I'm thinking Monarchy might be more important than Map Making to us because we have our work cut out assimilating the nearby civilizations, and staying in war and having a commercial trait we want to avoid Republic but get rid of the despotism penalty.
Originally posted by Puppeteer
Do we have a long term research goal yet? I'm thinking Monarchy might be more important than Map Making to us because we have our work cut out assimilating the nearby civilizations, and staying in war and having a commercial trait we want to avoid Republic but get rid of the despotism penalty.
From experience Republic is a better bet than Monarchy. I always used to think that Monarchy was the way to go if early war was on the cards but I've played in a few games recently that have proved me wrong. See MB3 - Old Testament Bunfight for a particularly good example.

Summary: 2 new cities, iron, horses and wines in our borders but unconnected. Dyes in Rome's border after culture expansion but not connected. 1 additional settler ready. 1 new worker, total of 2. Contact and war with India. Lost 1 vet archer to Japan, killed 4 India warriors. Built 1 spearman, 1 archer, 1 warrior and a Rome barracks. Someone sold our contact to Egypt but we haven't spoken, seen units or declared war yet. No new resources roaded, though. Bought HBR from Carthage for gpt deal in fear that they were about to attack us.

Turn log:

General goals: Settlers, productivity (Workers & improved tiles) iron, wines, population, defence and military road net. Reminder to self: roaming barbs.

0: 39g, +1(12-11)gpt, sci 20%, lux 30%, no trade or resources, 1 worker, 4 warrior, 4 archer, 3 spearmen, at war with Japan (the silly invisible-man-worshiping inferiors). Down Horseback Riding to most. Micromanage Rome to work 2 water tiles for more commerce but still finish settler and growth in 2, lux to 20%, now +6gpt. I said I would change Veii to worker, but changing my mind; the matter is settled when I see we'd waste 5 shields switching. MM Veii to finish settler and grow to size 5 (well, size 3) in 6 turns. Leave Antium as is, worker and growth in 4. Leave research on Lit but change sci to 10%, still 40 turns. Now +7gpt. Locate all military. Note worker is roading forrest to connect Veii & Rome, done in 2. Disable "Always Renegotiate Deals". Why was that set? Note gpt deals: (14) 1gpt to Greece, (15) 2gpt to Korea. Wake fortified spear by iron and move him north to explore the terrain immediately NW of Rome's border. Mil advisor says there are barbs near Rome! I assume they are N or NW since if they were SW of us they would be near Antium. We have average military compared to Japan. Hit enter...

1: East spearman moves towards wines for survey and settler guard. East hurt archer fortifies to heal. Other archer SE to uncover black spot and finds 2/2 barb warrior. W spearman N: Horses found! N-NW of Rome's NW BG tile. Bert appears on his way home from Greece, he continues his journey.

IT: Alexander of Greece demands 21g tribute. Such a cheeky civ, will definitely be incorporated into Rome, but for now we will humor him while he fertilizes ourNorthwestern lands for us while we develop our core cities. Alexander goes from Cautious to Polite.

IT: 2/2 Barb warrior attacks 3/3 archer, dies w/no damage to us and no promotion.
Rome Settler - Barracks in 3, MM to minimize waste
Rome grows/settler-shrinks to 4
Rome culture expands, just missing iron but getting 2 silks and a BG in our borders.

2: Decide to send Rome's settler NW to iron/near horses rather than cross over Veii to go to wines; Veii's settler in 4 will head to wines; this is to avoid wasting a turn or two for each settler. Worker finishes road, moves to cow. Notice that military advisor no longer mentions barbs; AI must've busted the camp.

IT: 2/2 barb warrior moves towards east units from NE desert.

3: Vet spear and vet archer (now healed) meet on hill just S of barb. Worker begins irrigating cow (the pervert). Settler: orignially was going to plop him in jungle N of iron, but after discovering horse and river/floodplain, think I'll settle NW of iron and have another settler claim the horse, river & floodplain area; settler moves NE of iron headed to NW of iron; reg spear joins & guards settler.

IT: Antium Worker - Barracks. India vet warrior appears near Bert from West, south of Greecian town Knossos. Carthage reg warrior appears at our border W of silks.

4: 1450 BC (sorry, been forgetting to add the year): Check Carthage, they're polite, but our military weak compared to them. India is polite, but not for long. They have spices & ivory, tech parity, 5 cities (incl. capitol), 52g, 1 worker available for sale and no contact with the Japanese. We explain to him that his religious beliefs are silly and quaint and that we will be relieving his people of the useless fantasy. (War declared on India.) Bert could stay on his mountain across the river, but he is also vet and wants to return home and won't be held up by this silly Indian. Bert S to forrestadjacent India's vet warrior. Antium's new worker East to plains. Reconsider settler's destination; I sure would like that horse, river and floodplain, but I think the consensus is that iron is the priority, so move to NW of iron. Oh yeah, forgot about that barb IT with India and Carthage paying us visits; the 2/2 barb is fortified on a desert tile. Vet archer attacks, wins losing 1hp.

IT: Silly Indian warrior attacks Bert (both vet), Bert wins losing 2 but promoting to Elite! Uh-oh, 1 reg and 1 vet Indian warrior appear west of Antium! Antium only has a warrior garrison. Rome Barracks - Settler, MM for cash & hopefully complete settler and growth to 6 in 5 turns. Carthage warrior moves N, stays out of our borders.

5: (1425 BC): Antium has a 3/3 warrior defending; India warriors are 2 tiles away (on separate tiles). We can't afford to lose or abandon Antium, so I'll pop rush, but a spear or archer? (No units close enough to come help anytime soon.) I want an archer to attack first, but in this case I think we'll be safer with a defensive spear. The worker may have to abandon work and flee. 3 shields in box, rush spearman for 1 pop point bringing Antium down to pop 1. Oh, worker hasn't started working yet; I figure they will go for him if he's there, so I'm moving him towards Veii for now. Founded Cumae NW of iron bringing iron into our borders and silks nearby when we get libraries to expand culture. Unfortunately the land isn't very workable right now, but iron was the priority. cumae producing warrior, MM to finish in 5 since India may show up. Spear fortifies in Cumae for garrison duty. Bert could use some healing, but heads home for now and hopes to discover more terrain on the way. Lux to 10%. Good news: compared to India our military is average. Bad news: There military is where ours ain't. Establish embassy with Greece for 38g. Athens has no strategic resources but 3 silks hooked up. They have two cows in their workable tiles. They are building Pyramids, due in 39 turns. No improvements besides palace. 2 hoplites garrison. 7spt, 9gpt, +4food/pt no beakers or lux shown. Pop 3, 1 happy & 2 content, grow in 3 turns. Culture 106/1000, +2 per turn, expand in 447 turns. Nice river and at least 4 BG. We have 1g left and +6gpt.

IT: India warriors advance on Antium, reg to NW jungle tile and vet to W grass tile. Veii settler - archer in 4. Antium spearman - spearman. Rome grows to size 5. Carthage warrior, now inside our borders because of Cumae, moves to NE, between iron and our mine. I think he's just passing through, but I'm watching him.

6: 1400 BC: Antium spear fortifies. Antiums worker towards Veii. Settler from Veii N towards wines, escort will meet him on the way (F3 doesn't report barbs, nobody seems to have horses resource). Checking F4, China has Mathematics now, also up HBR. China also has a worker for sale, but it would cost 6gpt...nah, too much for right now as we're at 7g, +6gpt and probably need the slider to go up. Notice that I could have had extra military close to Antium by Rome's road; would've been Rome's spear or warrior and would've needed lux up, but I missed the possibility. Move extra archer in core (originally from Antium) to Rome, move warrior to jungle tile N of India reg warrior. Spear is now 1 tile north of wines, spots more horses 2 tiles NW of wines, 4 tiles N of Veii! But it looks like only 1 wine tile. Lux to 20%, now +5gpt, 7g. Nothing more to do but hit enter and feel the wrath of India.

IT: Yay! India reg warrior stupidly attacks our reg warrior just arrived from Rome and loses without hurting us. Vet warrior W of Antium fortifies. Antium is safe for the moment. Encroaching Carthage warrior continues NE direction away from our units, cities and improvements.

7: 1375 BC: Move warrior to jungle NW of Antium (NE of India vet warrior). Fleeing worker is currently on grassland 2 tiles SW of Veii; starts roading it since he's safe for now; this is currently out of our territory but will help connect Veii & Antium eventually; not my first choice but after fleeing I don't see what's better. Other worker finishes irrigating cow, starts road. Eastern trio has split the past few turns; spear is scouting out new city area a little more, reg archer meeting with settler and 3/4 archer just climbed a mountian N/NW a few tiles of wines to find a cow on a river, a barb horseman on an adjacent mountain, a barb camp 2 tiles E/SE (on the incense), a Japanese reg warrior and reg archer apparently going after the barb camp or possibly sneaking down to attack Veii from the East. We now have a strong military compared to India and still average compared to Japan.

IT: Stupid India attacks the jungle warrior again, this time with vet warrior, and again he repels the attacker with no damage and promotes to veteran. I am so relieved and proud of him I'm going to rename him. Japan reg archer attacks & kills conscript barb horseman on mountain north of our archer, losing 1hp and promoting to 3/4. Japan reg warrior attacks barb encampment (2/2 warrior) and wins losing 1hp. Carthage warrior in our territory doubles back to SW and is between our iron and mine again.

8: Check Carthage. They're cautious towards us. We're weak compared to them, and the military advisor also advises there are Lybian tribes near Antium. Buy HBR from them for 1g and 4gpt; they are still cautious but stand to lose 4gpt if they get frisky. Oops, forgot to MM Rome last turn when it grew; MM to finish Settler and grow in 2, but have to work 2 water to do it. Rename our twice victorious and unscathed vet warrior to "Jungle Boogie". Jungle Boogie moves south to scout land and find the barb camp. Spear scouts a bit more, settler & archer meet on possible city site, mountain 3/4 archer fortifies for healing and defense if Japan archer attacks. Notice that Antium is working the 2/0/2 water and not the 2/2/0 game forrest..WTF? That square was workable throughout the brief Indian seige. Fixed that.

IT: Japan 3/4 archer attacks something (black tile) to the north and wins apparently unscratched. Carthage warrior doubles back yet again to the NE..he's pacing; or maybe our gpt deal changed his plans?

9: 1325 BC: Jungle Boogie S to forrest, finds fortified India reg warrior immediately SW in forrest (why? Oh, maybe he's barb hunting--but then why fortified?). Found Neapolis just west of wines; not as far NE as I originally planned, but the city already has horses, wine and 2BG in its borders. Leave production as spearman (in 10) for now. FP not yet available as build item--just checking. Fortify archer as Neapolis garrison. Spear towards Neapolis for garrison duty. Mountain archer (now healed 4/4) to N to scout and flirt w/Japan archer. Flipping through advisor screens I notice we now have contact with Egypt; I see no Egyptian units and we haven't spoken yet, so our contact must've been traded to her; double-checking the rules this seems a gray area; I decide to not talk to her right now. She'll probably contact me interturn, anyway.

IT: India reg warrior attacks 4/4 Jungle Boogie. Jungle Boogie wins, but he is no longer immortal (but as athiests we already knew that) since he lost 2hp in the battle. Well, it was a forrest anyway...his forte is the jungle. Japan requests an audience. Sure, Caesar is in a good mood and ready for some more amusement. Tokugawa offers even peace treaty. Well, it wasn't that funny after all. No reply. 3/4 Japan archer kills our 4/4 archer but redlines. Carthage warrior moves N and is nearly out of our territory. Rome settler - spearman. Veii archer - spearman. Cumae warrior - spearman.

10: 1300 BC: Cumae warrior fortifies as garrison. Bert diverts slightly to east to scout just north of horse/river/floodplains. Jungle Boogie fortifies to heal. Veii's new archer moves towards Rome for possible SW territory patrol or settler escort duty. Spearman into Neapolis for garrison. Both workers finish their roads. All unfortified military units have moved, but I'll leave both workers and the settler with full movement for the next player. Lux to 10% since Rome at size 4 now.

Save game, screen shots and discussion to follow shortly. . .
Oops, had gridlines on for most of the screenshots. I saw someone complain about that before.

Troop inspection:

The empire, up close and personal. Note Greecian border and iron to our immediate north. Also, Neapolis has 2 BGs; the shield to the SW is hidden by the pop number:

Northwest expansion/battle zone:

East expansion/battle zone. That's the edge of Japan in the NE corner:

Annotated big picture. A fish is West of the Western cow but not on the screenshots. I also didn't mark two wheats, the incense or the spices, all previously known:

Unfortunately, not much is known about the S or SW. I previously assumed it was coast, but there's a barb camp out there somewhere and 3 India units seemed to come from W/SW.
The Save: OFW2_1300BC.SAV

Location of India?: My first Indian contact was just south of Greece's westernmost city, but 3 warriors have come from W/SW of Antium. I assumed there was coast to our SW, but there may be India that way. If not then perhaps a landbridge exists west of Knossos?

Egypt: Location unknown. No sightings or actual contact yet, but Cleo's on F4. (She's religious and therefore must be punished, of course.)

Greece: We have an embassy in Athens. They have a city not far north of Rome that Bert just found the borders to. It has iron on a hill in its borders.

Gpt deals active with Korea (5 turns 2gpt), Greece (4 turns 1gpt) and Carthage (18 turns 4gpt).

Carthage: Suspiciously paced within our borders after expansion put warrior in our borders, but now appears to be headed north after gpt deal.

Barbarians: There are tribes near Antium! Antium is not connected by road and hard to get troops in and out, but the best way seems to be through Rome and the forrest road. Jungle Boogie is fortified to heal and then look for the camp or more India troops.

Wandering enemy troops: A Japan 1/4 archer is currently on the mountain 1 tile east of the cow several tiles N/NE of Neapolis. A Japan warrior was on the incense tile to the NE two IT's ago.

Possible next city sites: NW of Rome has horse, river, plains, hills, floodplains, forrest. NW of Cumae could snag silks and cow or silks and BG, either on a river. Others may be desirable, too.

Production: Everybody's building spearman, but all shield boxes are small enough to change to anything you want. I really didn't want all spearman but wasn't sure what to build next.

Infrastructure: Rome has a barracks.

Happiness: Antium was pop rushed 1 pop point.

Defense: Each city has 2 garrison. I didn't plan it that way, but I feel really good about it, although some are garrisoned with offensive units.

Worker tasks: Wow, too many priorities and too few workers. We need iron hooked up. We need horses hooked up. We need 3 cities hooked up. We have 2 luxes we can hook up. we need production (more improved tiles) to keep building up our forces. I'm afraid India is to our SW (not sure, though), and I really want Antium connected by road so we can move troops back and forth quickly, but we'll have to road two jungle tiles or 2 flatlands and a forrest to connect it. Both workers have finished their work and have yet to move in my turn 10. One is on the cow on the road network, and the other is 2 turns SW of Veii after fleeing the India seige of Antium and roading a future connecting tile; I had planned to have him move to the BG next, but you'll have to decide if other priorities are more important.

Suggestion: I didn't trade any maps at all! The next player may try to trade maps to find where India and Egypt are so we can plan for near-term defense and future offense.

Other last minute notes: Bert is hurt but no known enemies are nearby; he's been scouting hurt for quite a few turns. Jungle Boogie fought off 3 Indian warriors and is fortified to heal a bit; don't know if more Indians are about (I doubt it), but there is a barb camp "near Antium" and therefore likely very close to him.

First orders of business for next player: Move settler and workers before ending turn. Change cities' production as desired. Decide whether to declare on Egypt or wait until units sighted or contacted by Cleo. Perhaps trade maps to see where India and Egypt are.

The Save: OFW2_1300BC.SAV
Wow , I never saw more detailed report , jees .
Bravo :goodjob:

I never got irritated by gridlines , so it's OK by me .

How did you managed to put 4+ ictures in one post ?
Once I've tried to put 3 pictures and couldn't , cause you may only post 2 pics by forum rules ?

Two comments :

1. spearmen are good , but we'd better build worriors for upgrade-to-sword strategy , Ted tought me , it's good ;)

2. See comment 1. We need some cash for this strategy , so we need to make some cash .
Nice turn Puppeteer! Show those people what Hoosiers can do!
leha, hope you like it (the thorough explanation). I guess I wanted to justify my moves and let people tell me where I was thinking wrong. For the pics I didn't attach, but I uploaded and linked with the IMG button as described in this thread . Is there a forum rules limit? Where are the forum rules?

Generalissmo, thanks! I'm pretty happy with the turns myself. leha set me up well, too.

Critiquing myself, I think my only big mistake is not trading maps as it would help to know where India & Egypt are as well as revealing more nearby terrain which we need for expansion planning. Buying HBR from Carth might have been a bit expensive at 4gpt, but at the time I thought there was a fair chance India could raze Antium and Carthage's warrior was acting suspicious and I didn't want to fight them too right then. Jungle Boogie was a lucky break; I intended him as backup & cleanup, but he served as a distraction and wiped out the attackers. The archer loss surprised me as we were 4/4 and Japan was 3/4, and on mountains archers are dead even attack/defense. Others might have placed the cities a bit differently or moved the workers differently but I don't think I made any definite mitakes there.

Back to leha's comments on spearmen/warriors: I didn't really want all spearmen, but all builds completed recently and can be changed to warrior (or anything else) without wasting shields, and in several cases spearman wasted fewer shields than warriors. If we go for warriors, though, Rome can be MM'ed to work freshwater for more gold while still finishing warriors in 2 turns with little or no shield waste; the other water cities may be MM'ed similarly.

There is a settler in Rome with 1 movement point, and I'd like to see discussion as to where to send him. I still like the NW horses/plains/river/fp area and moved Cumae SW to make room for this city site. I'm thinking of 1 tile NE or NW of the horse as a site. There's also a cow and fish to the midwest, and a fish, wheat and spices to the mideast.

It might also be good to discuss worker priorities based on their current positions. Everything is priority, but there are only two of them and they aren't close to the resources right now. I'm really not sure what to do first...road to the new cities? Road to Antium? Improve nearby tiles? Hook up resources? Resources seem very important, but a lot of worker turns will be used up since all resources are either far away or accross jungles & hills. The Antium worker is well positioned to road, irrigate and mine his way back towards Antium but is also two turns away from Veii and the main road net. The worker on the cow can continue to improve Veii or move relatively swiftly back along the road towards other tasks. They could even both hit the forrest tile SW of Veii and road it together in 3 (?) turns (well, 4 including the move).
Originally posted by Puppeteer
I'm really not sure what to do first...road to the new cities? Road to Antium? Improve nearby tiles? Hook up resources?

<lurk mode off>
A military roadnet (taking into consideration river crossings) can be priceless.
Sounds to me like those workers should be doing that, and/or whatever it takes to get more workers.

<lurk mode on>
[me, too lurker]
If you have surplus shields building warriors, build a worker. The lost shield will not slow your warrior production and will eventually speed everything up by improving your relatively unimproved tiles.

As far as worker actions, you should be working on improving growth rates. If you get into real trouble, a pop rushed spear can save you, but you need a citizen to do that. If you don't get into trouble, the higher growth will get you to higher production faster. It looks like (from the pictures) you have a deer and a wine that could give you better than +2F growth. Both need a lot of worker turns to get irrigation there. But if irrigation is coupled with building the military road net, then the benefit would pay off. Add that with the happiness from the wines and the location of the worker, roading/irrigating directly north would seem like a nice way to go. The problem is the roads are out of your borders and could be used by the enemy/easily pillaged. The settler could try to expand your borders in that direction although there seems to be a better sight on the hill by the dyes which brings in 2 BGs.

Also, Cumae is at 1F, 2S per turn. Is the tile NE of the iron a grass or jungle? If you can get 2fpt instead, that would be better, if not, then build a warrior and then worker. You need to improve something to get it to at least grow at +2fpt. Settling past the river and irrigating the plains tiles along the river would be faster than chopping Cumae's jungle.
[back to lurking]
Thanks lurkers all :)

Roads from Rome to the satellite cities are a must if we're to defend our empire effectively.

At this stage of the game I would build Warriors rather than Spears as Warriors are cheaper and can be upgraded to Swords which defend as well as Spears and attack a whole sight better :)

All in all, a good set of turns Puppeteer :thumbsup:

Sorry I keep posting so much, but I'm jazzed as this is my first SG and I'm learning a lot by reading others and overanalyzing/justifying my own turns.

I just took a second look to our SW. There are two BGs and we can lock up the third dye if we settle on that hill just SW of the SW dye. We also grab some jungle for (hopefully) future rubber. Getting some maps interturn is probably key to deciding which city site is best militariliy.

I'm easily swayed, but I'm with Matt_G now. I was really dreading the possible loss of Antium, and a roadnet would've allowed me to shuffle adequate troops to it in time and avoid pop rushing. Cumae and Neapolis haven't been threatened yet, but they will be and we want roads ASAP.

Matt_G also mentions doing what it takes to get more workers. We had the wheat irrigated, and I irrigated the cow, so both Veii and Rome should be able to produce workers at a reasonable rate. Rome has a granary, but Veii doesn't (I think; I'm at work now and going by memory and my posts).

CF, you're right about Cumae; it's working a forrest for 1fpt/2spt. I did that to finish the warrior 2nd garrison quickly in case more Indian troops were coming from that way. The warrior just produced this last IT, so I agree with putting the citizen back on the grassland (yes, it's a grassland). I really really didn't want to pop rush, but I thought I had to. As it turns out I could've moved Jungle Boogie one turn earlier and attacked a warrior before he had a chance to attack Antium, but it would have still been very risky not to pop rush the spear I think. I was also thinking about irrigating/roading to the wines, but I was thinking of starting north of the wheat and doglegging through the desert. Your idea would be a few turns faster but leave the roads in the open like you say. Then again we're likely to have a concentration of troops there at all times since it's the Japanese front.

Here's an idea to work with: Both workers to forrest SW of Veii to road it (I'm thinking this is ultimately faster than roading 2 or 3 jungles by the dyes; am I right?). Then one worker roads/mines/irrigates back through BG and plain to Antium while the other roads/irrigates towards Neapolis. Hopefully we'll gain a worker or two during this who roads towards Cumae (not sure yet if it's better to cross the hills and pick up the iron on the way or road the flatlands and add the iron after). We should have a military roadnet, some improved workable tiles and be very close to hooking up strat & lux resources within the next 15-30 turns. Naturally enemy troop movements and the new city site will affect this plan.

@TedJackson, thanks! I agree with roadnet and warriors->Legionaires.
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