• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Oh, the weather outside is...

I almost made it to work without my shoes being too wet. But then getting across the parking lot was like fording a river, so now my feet are soaked.


I just heard on the radio that in some cities in India its 52.3 degrees Celsius today which is about 126 degrees Fahrenheit [IMG alt=":eek:"]https://forums.civfanatics.com/images/smilies/eek.gif[/IMG] [IMG alt=":faint:"]https://forums.civfanatics.com/images/smilies/faint2.gif[/IMG]
Was that the 'dry bulb' temp (e.g. not counting humidity) or the 'wet bulb' temp (counting humidity)? I forget what it is, but there's a 'wet bulb' temperature at which the human body cannot dissipate enough heat by sweating any longer. News reports here use "heat index" a lot - for example, the heat index in Florida the other day was 115F/46C - and I don't know if wet bulb temp and heat index are two terms for the same thing, or if they're slightly different measures. iirc, Kim Stanley Robinson's climate change disaster novel, The Ministry For the Future (2020), begins with a heat wave in India that kills tens of thousands.


Went from full on summer sweaty weather, to a complete blizzard. May is always so bipolar around here.
Wasn't that a Roland Emmerich movie?
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Was that the 'dry bulb' temp (e.g. not counting humidity) or the 'wet bulb' temp (counting humidity)? I forget what it is, but there's a 'wet bulb' temperature at which the human body cannot dissipate enough heat by sweating any longer. News reports here use "heat index" a lot - for example, the heat index in Florida the other day was 115F/46C - and I don't know if wet bulb temp and heat index are two terms for the same thing, or if they're slightly different measures. iirc, Kim Stanley Robinson's climate change disaster novel, The Ministry For the Future (2020), begins with a heat wave in India that kills tens of thousands.
:confused: Ruhn? Iyono:dunno:
It looks like Heat Index and Wet Bulb Temperature are not the same thing. Heat Index will tend to be higher than the thermometer temperature, while Wet Bulb Temperature will tend to be lower. This article from last Friday says Delhi's Heat Index hit 55.4C on Wednesday. The thermometer temperature was 43.4C.

"Wet bulb temperature is a meteorological term used to describe the lowest temperature that can be reached by evaporating water into the air at constant pressure."
"A wet-bulb temperature of 35 degrees Celsius is suggested as the maximum safe limit, according to a 2010 study. Beyond this point, the human body can't cool itself by sweating, which is necessary to maintain a stable core temperature."
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Today was cool and windy. Windy enough to blow someone's window screen right off the building, into the parking lot below.
First rain in 126 days!

New arrivals to South Australia see the capital city, Adelaide, in a beautiful condition, with extensive parklands and suburbs with green manicured lawns. Most immigrants, however, are unaware that we are the driest state in the driest continent (ok, apart from Antarctica, you pedant!).

The Millennium Drought, from 2001 to 2009, devastated communities, industries and the environment, which all rely on a healthy River Murray to prosper.

We could have another very long drought any time. It's the main reason that Adelaide's population is unlikely to ever grow to more than about 1.2 million.

At the peak of the drought, among many other consequences...
* Adelaide was placed on Level 3 water restrictions
* irrigators started 2008-09 and 2009-2010 with the lowest starting allocation on record – just 2 per cent.
* salinity reached record levels, damaging ecosystems and threatening water supplies for people and livestock
* the Murray Mouth almost closed in 2002, triggering the start of round-the-clock dredging for the next eight years
* Aboriginal communities suffered the exposure of ancient burial grounds.

We are currently receiving many immigrants from the Punjab (mostly Sikhs) and China who are used to reliable rain back home. They are in for a real shock one day!
in a beautiful condition, with extensive parklands and suburbs with green manicured lawns.
In the US southwest we are in 20 years of drought and most of the green manicured lawns are now like this

In the US southwest we are in 20 years of drought and most of the green manicured lawns are now like this

View attachment 692516
I didn't mean to give the impression that we are wasting water on lawns. There are very many rock gardens like the one you showed. During the last drought, watering lawns was strictly limited, curtailed or forbidden.

After the last drought, local councils gave away native plants and bushes that require very little water and they encouraged home owners to remove lawns and to create more sustainable gardens.

Most parks, public gardens, and school playing fields use non-potable bore water, recycled storm water or treated waste water. Excess water when it rains is used to recharge aquifers.

South Australia is the size of Texas + New Mexico, or France + Germany, about 85% desert, and the one major river is about 60km away. The water quality used to be quite poor. Until about 30 years ago, Adelaide and Aden were the two major ports where ships did not take on water . All South Australians have blue eyes and we walk on tiptoes outside to avoid attracting gigantic sand worms.
100 most days this past week with it cooling to 98 over the weekend.
There's not a lot of difference between those temperatures, in my experience.
There's not a lot of difference between those temperatures, in my experience.
The extra digit doesn't add much. We don't usually see 100s until July; early June is a change.
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Quite warm, no surprise for Alabama in June. We had cool mornings well into late May, which was a nice surprise. We've had a few rounds with thunderstorms recently but no twisters.
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