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One country NES idea!

One state idea?

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You can't really expect ALL nations to be city-states.
Hmmm, for now all other countries we know are 3 other city states...

Cities stats

*Name: Republic of Nessos
*Population: 34000 people / 5% grouth
*Treasury: 50000 Pezas
*Food industries: 20000 people / 39000P / 5000P out of 100000P / 100% Nessos
*Luxury industries: 11000 people/ 40000P / 40000P out of 50000P / 100% Nessos
*Miliatery industries : 3000 people / 10000P / 10000P out of 50000P / 100% Nessos
*Trade Income: 5000P
*Garrison: Nessos Defense Force
*Other Possessions:

Army Name: Nessos Defense Force
Army number: I
Location: Inside Nessos
Men: 5000 Velites, 10000 Hastati, 3000 Principles, 2000 Archers, 2000 Equites
Commander(s): None yet
Army storage: None yet

*Name: City State of Pila
*Population: 20000 people / 5% grouth
*Treasury: 20000 Pezas
*Food industries: 10000 people / 25000P / 5000P out of 70000P / 100% Pila
*Luxury industries: 5000 people / 20000P / 20000P out of 50000P / 100%Pila
*Miliatry industries: 5000 people / 16000P / 16000P out of 30000P / 100% Pila
*Trade Income: 10000P
*Garrison: Pila 1st army, Pila 1st Fleet
*Other Possessions:

Army Name: Pila 1st Army
Army number: I
Location: Inside Pila
Men: 3000 Velites, 8000 Hastati, 2000 Principles, 1000 Archers, 1000 Equites
Commander(s): Tomidis Pilas
Army storage: None

Fleet Name: Pila 1st Fleet
Fleet number: I
Location: In Pila ports
Ships: 50 Birems
Men: 2500 Sea Hastati
Cargo: None

*Name: City State of Admay
*Population: 30000 people / 5% grouth
*Treasury: 35000 Pezas
*Food industries: 20000 people / 35000P / 5000P out of 70000P / 100% Pila
*Luxury industries: 5000 people / 20000P / 20000P out of 50000P / 100%Pila
*Miliatry industries: 5000 people / 16000P / 16000P out of 30000P / 100% Pila
*Trade Income: 10000P
*Garrison: Admay 1st army, Admay 1st fleet
*Other Possessions:

Army Name: Admay 1st Army
Army number: I
Location: Inside Pila
Men: 2000 Velites, 5000 Hastati, 1000 Principles, 1000 Archers, 3000 Equites
Commander(s): Usan Adma
Army storage: None

Fleet Name: Admay 1st Fleet
Fleet number: I
Location: In Pila ports
Ships: 75 Birems
Men: 3750 Sea Hastati
Cargo: None

*Name: Kingdom of Aswan
*Population: 20000 people / 5% grouth
*Treasury: 20000 Pezas
*Food industries: 10000 people / 25000P / 5000P out of 70000P / 100% Pila
*Luxury industries: 5000 people / 20000P / 20000P out of 50000P / 100%Pila
*Miliatry industries: 5000 people / 16000P / 16000P out of 30000P / 100% Pila
*Trade Income: 10000P
*Garrison: Aswan 1st army, Aswan 1st fleet
*Other Possessions:

Army Name: Aswan 1st Army
Army number: I
Location: Inside Pila
Men: 2000 Velites, 4000 Hastati, 1000 Principles, 5000 Archers, 1000 Equites
Commander(s): Marty Asaw
Army storage: None

Fleet Name: Aswan 1st Fleet
Fleet number: I
Location: In Pila ports
Ships: 50 Birems
Men: 2500 Sea Hastati
Cargo: None

Finished the city states without the families yet. Took gelion advice about armies... How it looks?
I got exactly 10 families :p :)
Anyhow... Whoever didn't wrote a little story please add one :). Starting to do familiy stats and won't go to sleep until I finish :D. Than i'll sort of "unite" City stats and Families stats :)

I want ALL players to confirm they are here so I won't do your stats for nothing!!!

The Ruree (das)
The Rurii family descended from a Retalian (VERY DISTANTLY related to the Arkadians, lived somewhere between Aswan and Nessos) tribe that moved south, to Nessos, when fleeing from the Arkadians. The Retalians were allowed to settle in Nessian territory in exchange for military services in the days of Erezilin, son of Gaelion. The Rurii have since then, despite their "barbaric" descent, become more Nessian (in culture) then many pure Nessians. Rurii most often give Nessos great generals.
Vaaris Ruris
Neris Ruris

House Millaveii (Xen)
The House Millaveii has a long and distinct history, being closelly related to Senate of Nessos from the foundation of the body, but also having close relations by marrige to the old Monarchal line of Gaelion.
The House has had a history of being staunch military commanders, and provided a great deal of outstanding senatorial- and more importantlly, military leaders durning th emonarchal republic early expansion, and the quelling, and subsequnt ?Nessianization" of the surrounding barbarian tribes, and continue to dominat th emilitary ranks to this day; for the house provides many military serivces, as the military tradition, so stuanchlly intwined with the famillies history, virtually makes it the duty of every male of the house to enter unto military service.

House Valerii (Insane Panda)
The Valerii are one of the oldest houses in Nessos, although not as old as the Millaveii (nor do they have any connections to the old monarchs, instead, they gained their power through wealth, as the Valerii used to be of low social status), and are also one of the richest. The Valerii bloodline mainly consists of diplomats, sailors and merchants, and they have numerous trade contacts throughout Pila and Nessos, making them extremely wealthy, if not extremely reputable.
The Valerii are a mix of Pila and Nessos, and thus, many old family members were great admirals and sailors back in Pila, or even merchants, but by now, most of the pila blood has been 'Nessinized"
The Valerii also have adopted some of the more liberal customs of Pila, and for this other houses often think of the Valerii as untrustworthy, and decadent in their wealth.
Septimius Valerius
Gaius Valerius

House Li (BananaLee)
No one really knows about the Li family. Nor do they like them very much. Far too many times, families had been ruined because a Li representative was chosen for their adversaries in court, earning them respect as well as vilification.
Some of the less restrained crowd called them "lawyers" and that word became the Li family's indirect contribution to the rich Nessian language, as a deragatory term towards court representatives.
No matter, the Li family are proud. With their streak of court victories, only the richest could afford them, making them very very rich and earning them a place in the Senate in spite of their lack of property (just a villa. A really big, furnished villa, but just One villa...).
Gluteus Li
Cacofonix Li

House Scipii (raistlin291)
House Scipii is by far the shadiest of all of the houses. With connections to the majority of the thieves, assassins, and other underworld identites, they clawed there way up to becoming a ligitemate house whose power lied in law enforcement. There true power lies over controling crime in different parts of most of the cities, as well as taking a small protection fee

Fabius Family (Gelion)
Maximus Fabius
Tiberius Fabius
Grakh Fabius
Julius Fabius

House Parthaii (North King)
Well known around the region of Latia, this faily is quite famed for offering their generalship to anyone who asks for it and also fro recruiting mercenary bands to fight for whoever pays them the most. They and their mercenary bands proved a deciding factor in the major battles against the Mugdul and the Arcadians, on both occasions holding critical positions in the battle and thus securing the field for Nessos.
Their critical role in this battle earned them much fame and fortune, and thus nations all around Latia hired them time after time. Eventually, they settled in Nessos, becoming one of the great houses, but this was followed by a rapid fall from fame. The star of the Parthaii family seems to have fallen, but a new, rising young star, Gaius Parthaii, is slowly leading a resurgence of this noble house. Noble, handsome, just, brave, young, and very intelligent, he is poised to become a very powerful figure in the future of Nessos, be it in high public office, or as a general in the field for the Senate itself, or even as a employee of one of the other houses.
Their future is very shapeable and choices can be made, they are quite used to working for someone else, and are essentially "up for hire".
Marcus Parthaii
Gaius Parthaii

Corpii Familiy (Hellfury)
The Corpii family original came from Pila around 170 AB, lead then by Gaius Corpus. As Nessos grew so did the Corpii and their influence, by 213 AB they had been accepted in to the higher classes mainly by the effort of the not so honest methods of the richer members of the family.
Although they are not the most influencial and noble of familes in Nessos, they do understand how to use the republic's strengths and weaknesses to their advantage whatever the cost.
Quintus Corpii
Marcus Cuprii

The Rarigee Family (IceEye)
A very old family with history tracing back to before the foundation of Nessos. Being one of the oldest families in Nessos, the Rarigee Family has built up it´s power and wealth for a long time and is now one of the most powerfull and wealthiest family in Nessos.
Rarigee family members often have the characteristics to become great comanders or businessmen and are often rhetorically very competent. Therefore you often see the Rarigee head of family as a top-politician in Nessos. Lower family members usually become warriors or help the family´s ever growing trade/business-network.

Famility of Sheepsy (Sheep2)*

Brevii (Contempt)
The Brevii were once the masters of warfare, the premier generals of the army. They were the best, they were the favored of the gods. However, they fell, and they fell hard. No longer are the Brevii the masters of the senate and army, no longer do they hold the favor of the Gods. When they fell from grace, they lost most of their money. Now their armor and power falls into disrepair. From the Ashes of this once Great Family, rises the Phoenix from the Ashes. Maximus Brevii, the heir to the family, has revitilazied the family, and their coffers by merc.ing themselves to other families for money. The Brevii were on the rise once more.
Maximus Brevii

Fantasmoii family
Markus Fantasmoii
Brizza Fantasmoii
Of course...now post it! :mad: ( ;) )
I am here and then some...
Ok starting, I think, to do families.

I'm thinking about some stuff, and btw ones your familiy has it's own armies (some might start with one) they can take over their own territories and cities and while being under the senate they contorl the land and city like in RTW...

Oh and please.
Each player add 2 names. 1 familiy leader and 1 first hero. I need for each familiy this... Some of you will get the hero, some not, but I need from each familiy atleast 2 names, 3 would be nice :)
Fabius Maximus - Fabius is the family name so please change that.
The other name Fabius Tiberius. Grakh (Gracchus) could be the reserve name.... or Julius.
You forgot my family. Not cool. Why does everyone ALWAYS forget fantasmo?
Family leader: Marcus Parthaii
Hero: Gaius Parthaii (would be really nice if he could be in, given how important he is to my family)
Family: Brevii
Leader/Hero: Maximus Brevii

The Brevii were once the masters of warfare, the premier generals of the army. They were the best, they were the favored of the gods. However, they fell, and they fell hard. No longer are the Brevii the masters of the senate and army, no longer do they hold the favor of the Gods. When they fell from grace, they lost most of their money. Now their armor and power falls into disrepair. From the Ashes of this once Great Family, rises the Phoenix from the Ashes. Maximus Brevii, the heir to the family, has revitilazied the family, and their coffers by merc.ing themselves to other families for money. The Brevii were on the rise once more.

erez87 said:
I thought it was a joke :rolleyes: I still think it's a joke... (OOC: You took my Germany ;))


No joke was there. There was no joke. Family name mine joke was not, My family name was not a joke, no matter what my sig says now, this is the truth.
erez87 said:

That shall be the names

Testecles is pronounced Test-a-cleese. He is the noble patriach of the Li family.

And Biggus Dicchus Li is the hero. He has won many cases, many times due to their opponents dying from fits of laughter. (Monty Phyton rocks!)
"Hey! I have a friend named Biggus Dickus!"

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