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One country NES idea!

One state idea?

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Retired Captain
Jul 25, 2004
Earth Dome
A thought struck me when I was reading Titus Livius History of Rome "why do players have to be 1 country only?" And I came up with a new concept for NES the "one state".
Basically all players have one state to run. They occupy different positions in a state. This would work very well in Ancient Rome so I'll take it as an example.
Rome is made up of people. Usually people are organised into families. PCs happen to be heads of families that struggle for power in all aspects of it. You have stats for Rome as a state (lots of stats) and stats for every family (those include gold, men, alnd, cattle, ships etc). Everything in game is divided between families, but state is the key player. State gives orders, state operaties the country, wages wars and so on.

But unlike in other NESes a state is made up of groups of people that have differnt objectives. You head those groups of people. You can occupy government posts (written in stats) and as a result you can issue orders and pass legislation. I can so far think of 4 governmental bodies: The senate, army, Rome's Court (or smth like that) and Council positions (tribunes, councils, legates etc.). Each position or role gives you additional power backed by the state.

As for possible activities they are infinite. As other states also show on the map you can declare wars (as a state) and head parts of armies, build structures (roads) privately or as a council or legate (whatever). Squabble over power with other Senators (sort of UN), and even buy a city from the govt and declare independance. Every state had civil wars at that time, so why not? Families (i.e. players) can sign alliances and pacts of freindships to block legislations of opponents or pass votes on declaring wars. You get the idea. You can take your opponets to court as they fought badly in wars (like it was done in Athens). Must not forget trade and sucklike.

The map and stats (state and family) will of course be massive, but this can vary from NES to NES. Again this concept applies best to ancient city-states (like Rome or Athens or Sparta), but this can be applied to modern states or medieval European states.

What do you think about this?
Very interesting idea.
Something like the game Europa 1400, da?

If you start it off, count me in.. *grin*
Actually no. If it is anything like a PC game it has to be Ceaser mixed with the usual NESes. If anyone read the history of Rome you'd get what I'm talking about. I don't think I will start it sometime soon, but I'm keen on it. And this thread is just on an idea, not a preview of some particular NES. I will not object if some of the older modders will start a NES on this.
It would be interesting. I might join one like that if I can find time.
Sounds good.
I would join, at leas tif it was an NES based on Rome for it :D
I think you could do eqaully well with Rome or the US or another federalized nation.
yeah, but I havnt played Rome in a while, and currentlly America is rather sickening to me.
; therefore, Rome woudl be my first choice
Not a bad an idea. Better yet: start on a fictional continent (I might draw you a map or something), and there will be only a few countries, with several people in each. Court intrigue, treachery on personal and national scales, coups... it will be grand. Maybe a special thread for every nation with more then one (or two) players? There should also be NPC characters in different positions of power. I beleive such an idea will be especially welcomed by a certain evil person with initials A.S. ;) , judging from a past experience in one "ordinary" NES.
hey, doesn't A.S stand for Amon Savag? ;)
I agree with das, fictional setting is even better. Why not have a pseudo Holy Roman Empire type thing, where we could be the leader of a certain house, and we could try to gain fifes to increase our power, intermarrying to get more claims to the throne, then perhaps Getting the throne, while all the kings might elect an Emperor every now and then... Just an idea.
if its a fantasy nation, Atlantis woudl be kick ass :D
:D Good to see so many replies. Of course this NES would mean a lot of planning and lots of ideas. How about we start now? If running a state will be collective why not create this NES collectively? :p What do you think the stats and other parameters should be?

I like the fictonal idea as long as it is based in a city-state evironment. Middle Ages I like also but it would mean a different setup for example as NK said titles should be introduced.

I'd say for the first attempt we go for a known environment like Rome. Points for:
- known history. we can actually do research and see what stats we need
- known and "easy" neighbours. Lots of room for war and diplomacy
- widespread noble families - just what we need
But its up to you :). I will work on any idea that you like better.

@Das 2-3 states would be great if there were about 10 players. I had in mind 3 people per state minimum for obvious reasons. But 1 state should be the main arena. + less states means less stats.
Set it at the beginning of the conquesting era, like around Rome Total war, so we can win popularity by conquering areas.
I propose a completlly made up setting- anythign we dont knwo abotu the set up can thierfore be made up, while we all are brain storming over the history and cultures of the NES nations
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