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one reason why israel is so good at Propaganda

Nonsense. It depends on the party in power, and even the Netanyahu eventually comes to the table (from his desired position of strength, which isn't necessarily a fault in a leader).
This type of inaccurate hyperbole is not helping anyone understand the situation.

Instead of calling it nonsense feel free to point out some Israeli involved hostilities that ended without strong noise being made by the US or the UN...and if it's the UN we know it's really the US, because if it was the UN without the US Israel would just say 'up yours, we have a veto'.

The situation is that everyone in the US needs to apply any pressure they can to the US govt since they are the only path to stopping what is happening in Gaza. If there's any point in getting anyone to understand anything, that's what needs to be understood.
We live in a society that is saturated with TV, so it stands that there is a higher burden of proof now, beyond just writing. I also wasn't literally arguing that we wouldn't know things existed if they weren't shown on TV or pictures.

Jesus Christ.

The intellectual dishonesty here is staggering.

Have you seen any pictures of the militants? Apparently they exist, but just have seen them in Gaza.
Have you seen any pictures of the militants? Apparently they exist, but just have seen them in Gaza.

I think this is not really a sentence in English?

Furthermore, CH, what exactly is your reason for being so in favor of Neta-Israel? The many posters here who view this as a massacre of Palestinians cite the high number of dead people and the lack of any accomplishment by that, cause it will instead make even more people there hate Israel due to the latter murdering their families in this latest campaign.

But it is not as evident why you are in favor of the position you try to sketch out. Would it have to do with your god-ideas, by any chance?
A cowardly equivocation. The actual threat level is well known and extremely low. Far lower than the threat to civilians of the IDF 'defence'.

Diplomacy fails because it is sabotaged by people refusing to make sensible offers. If they make sensible offers then it can work. Right now Hamas wants the blockade on Gaza lifted and the airstrikes stopped. Israel wants Hamas to recognise Israel as a state with the right to exist and a stop to rocket attacks. There's obvious grounds for agreement.

I think diplomacy is failing because Israel honestly feels under attack.

95 percent of Jewish Israelis support the Gaza war

Globally — and even in the United States — Israel's military offensive in Gaza is incredibly controversial. But within Israel, a country famous for its fractious internal politics, Jewish public opinion is nearly unanimous: Operation Protective Edge, Jewish Israelis say, is right and justified.

These are almost unheard-of numbers in a democracy

The Israel Democracy Institute, a non-partisan Israeli think tank and polling outfit, conducts a monthly poll of Israelis on peace and security issues. Unsurprisingly, July's poll focused on the war in Gaza. It asked Jewish Israelis (Israeli Arabs were not polled), during both the air and ground phases of the campaign, whether they thought the Israeli operation was justified. It also asked whether they thought the Israeli Defense Forcers were using too much, too little, or the right amount of force.

The results are staggering. An average of 95 percent of Israeli respondents say they think the operation is "completely" or "moderately" justified. About 80 percent say it is "completely" justified. For some perspective, about 72 percent of Americans supported the 2003 Iraq invasion when it was launched.

I can't imagine any politician in any democracy going against 95% of their public.
There will be more war.
There was an article in yesterday's Times by their Jerusalem correspondant on the subject of massive under-reporting of civilian casualties in the Israeli press. Perhaps that goes some way towards explaining things.

I'd normally link, but the Times website is behind a paywall.
Most people can't do that.

Well it's certainly a blessing that people such as yourself offer your feet for them to throw themselves at, isn't it?

If it weren't for megalomaniacs, people's thinking for themselves wouldn't have to include so much 'how do I avoid being led into personal disaster for someone elses benefit?'.
Most people can't do that.

The problem in the US is "the educated" cannot think for themselves. They only know what they have been taught and paid to do. Information is fed to them in school, in the media, and while they are given choices, the choices are artificial, not coming from some deep personal thought.
The problem in the US is "the uneducated" cannot think for themselves. They only know what they have been taught and paid to do. Information is fed to them in school, in the media, and while they are given choices, the choices are artificial, not coming from some deep personal thought.



I mean, why would anyone pay tens of thousands of dollars to become DUMBER?

I can't imagine any politician in any democracy going against 95% of their public.

One could possibly make the case that Israel is transitioning out of a democracy.

It seems that you must be relying on US "propaganda" to come up with that assumption.

You and hangman are basing your re-action on the point that uneducated people cannot think for themselves. Or at least one of you are basing post on that assumption. I never said educated people were stupid, which would be the point of such a reaction.

Perhaps spending a month or two traveling throughout this great country of opportunity would be the only basis for such a statement. But thanks for calling me an un-educated educated American. It helps prove my point even more.
You and hangman are basing your re-action on the point that uneducated people cannot think for themselves.

Oh really? There are so many things I don't know about myself. Please tell me more.

I never said educated people were stupid, which would be the point of such a reaction.

By the same token, I never said uneducated people were stupid. It's quite ironic that I can change the word "educated" to "uneducated" and suddenly it's a problem. Please look up 'timecube' before you get all huffy, methinks thou doth protest too much.

But thanks for calling me an un-educated educated American.

Please tell me where in my post I personally called you uneducated.

It helps prove my point even more.

It doesn't prove anything. It's one small (misunderstood) experience in one person's life out of billions.
My post was addressed to Mr Ziggy Stardust. Since one did feel the need to change my post, I thought it would be a compliment to include them in the reply. Being educated, it should not be hard to figure out which part of my post is relevant.
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