Open Invitation for C2C Developers

Hmm. Okay, here is what I'm thinking. Hydro if you are free at all during the week then let me know what day and we can stream that day with likely the two of us but anyone else who wants to join can, then we can do it again on the weekend to see if Thunderbrd can come in.

How about tomorrow on Monday, like we did last week?
I need to get some of the log in stuff set up before I can chat. I suppose I could use facebook link, but I don't use it much.


Edit: Probably won't go back. To touchy and foul mouthed for me to help or participate in.
You informed me to use the building queue to make more gold buildings. I acknowledged it's a good idea but at the time it might not be a good idea simply because I did not have a ton of buildings to queue up without possibly missing good ones coming with tech.

You then told me 3 more times to do it within 10 minutes. When I told you to please cool it with that, you tried to pull age on me like that excuses any kind of behaviour. I told you without a single insult or cuss that I don't much care about age here as it doesn't excuse being rude. I was not touchy nor rude and I'm sure the others in the chat can vouch for that.
No you were the rude one and a reminder to be respectful never hurts anyone including you. I was never rude but trying to get you to slow down so we could point out some things to you. But you were too busy with trying to play speed dating with the game.

You need to learn what rude really is, your own attitude towards others.

Good bye and Good day.

Regardless, thanks to everyone who showed up to the stream! It was a really long one this time, at about 3 hours long and it's currently being uploaded to youtube. When it's done processing I'll link it here.

The next live stream of this will likely be on the weekend. Anyone know if they are up for it?
I don't know. The ENTIRE chat disagreed with you. I linked them this and asked for their honest opinions and they all said you are the one being rude.

Does it ever occur to you that some ppl are more adept at chat than others? And while I was typing my replies 4 or more other replies would be there breaking up the thought process..

No I was never rude period. Simply trying to get you to see an important fact that you were not seeing.

I considered you rude for jumping on me. And then your 'buddy" Doug too. Hydro told you not to take me as being rude but you chose to ignore that too.

Hydro asked me to try it. I did but did not expect the Spanish Inquisition to show up over simple posts.

Now if I'd called you Stupid for building the 5 turn Granery instead of queing the 1 turn biulds of Boneworker, Wood carver, Hunting camp, and Slaughterhouse then I would have been rude.

And finally I could care less that you felt the Need to link my response to you group of cyber buddies. Link this one too.

I don't put up with arrogant young knowitalls. Are you one? It's coming across that way to me.

Have fun with your Let's Play I won't bother you with my rudeness again.

Be Blessed, Be well.

You obviously can't read either.
Need to link my response to you group of cyber buddies.

Where is the word Bullies in that statement? Please read before you post.

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