Parthian Grivpanvar


Nov 28, 2005

Parthian Grivpanvar​

Here is a Parthian Late stage cataphract known as the Grivpanvar. These warriors were the elite of the Parthian Cataphract arm. They were armored in iron lamellar corselets, covered by a leather tabard, laminated leg and arm guards and with iron shining from the scale horse barding.

These men would have been truly fearsome to behold!


Please feel free to comment and use as you see fit, please remember me in your credits if you do.:please:
Wow, this is definitely your best one yet. Definitely just as cool as the cataphract horse archer.;)
Yeah that source picture up above is definately inspiring! i'm still not 100% happy with him, the iron barding textures are off from the body to the head. When I can get them fixed he will be perfect!
great job, his helmet shape makes him look like he is about to lay down the law.

just an opinion here: I feel like the yellow on the helmet is too bright for gold (or is it civ colors?)
No you don't see a quiver of arrows on the back. To be honest I never noticed it before and I am not sure exactly what it is. It could be the angle of the shot showing the base model's head, although I somewhat doubt that.

But. To answer your question in part. The Parthians, like all steppe peoples learned to ride and shoot from a very young age. Living on the Steppe meant that if you didn't hunt your own food then you would starve, these skills served them well in warfare too as their superb skill with a bow, both on foot and especially on horseback made them a fearsome enemy to face.
Yes, I agree with your reasoning, the steppe/hunting story makes sense. I just thought it was kind of odd that I saw arrows, but no bow anywhere. He's prolly hiding it under his iron pajamas.
Junuxx, I've been looking for you. I'm still waiting for your Atlas 0.5. Can I download it yet? If not, how much should I pay you?

Anyone else, is there a better map-creating utility than Atlas 0.43?
Keshik.(ten char)
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