PBEM Reqonquista: The Chronicles

The most daring and adventurous of all Cordoban generals is Salah al-Din ibn Calanthe.
His love of his country drove him to ride hard towards the north,
immediately after his recent campaign against the renegades.
Being a Camel Archer as well, and prone to attack at first sight, he grabbed a chance when he got it.

Just last week the Portuguese king and the Axel of Leon had sent forces against Trujilo.
A few days after this, just as the Portuguese had saddled their horses, and were driving them through
the wooded outskirts of Trujilo, Salah al-Din registered their presence.
These mighty knights were accompanied by a band of longbow archers.

This being reported, he instantly ordered two regiments of camel archers, including his own, to saddle up.
Then he directed his first regiment, under command of Feruk al-Andalusi, to first dispatch of the archers,
who were just making camp. As they rode forth, they managed to surprise the longbow men and win a swift victory.

The knights reappeared, a little farther down; and finding that their present position was bare,
they scrambled to prepare themselves. Deeming it probable that when his men came up they would still retreat
and make a bolt through the forest, Saladin directed some of his men to block the retreat.

Then he ordered the attack. It was a splendid sight.

All present were struck with the majestic and truly appalling appearance of the camel archers charging down
on the crusader knights. The Portuguese did what they could.

Immediately below them there was a small open road through the forest, and they desperately tried to reach it
in order to make their escape. Into this retreat Salah’s men at once boldly followed them, making a thundering,
vicious attack, which was instantly followed by the terrible voices of the knights dying in agony.

In a few minutes the whole thing was over. Not a single knight remained.
The dark forest of Trujilo became silent again, as Salah al-Din overlooked the battlefield with a bright golden sun in his back..

Salah al-Din recited this poem after the Battle of Trujilo:

No charger have I, and no sword by my side,
Yet still to adventure and battle I ride,
Though back into Leon they have fled,
And the knights are no more and their horses are dead.

Let faith be my shield and let joy be my steed
'Gainst the dragons of anger, the ogres of greed;
And let me set free, with the sword of my youth,
From the castle of Allah the power of the truth.
After the battle Saladin rearranges the administration of the Trujillo region.
This in preparation of the reconquest of Alcantera.

The entire western army of the Caliphate is being assembled to even the score with the Portuguese.
Will it be enough ?
French Knights head west to help defend Portuguese lands. We would encourage any other Christian Nations who are closer to come help if at all possible! These moors must be stopped!
Alcantera has opened it's city gates.

Just after the Portuguese army fled the city Alcantera opened it's gates to the army of Saladin.
The remaining Christians in the city have been given the privilege to pay for the food and provide a place to sleep for every man in Saladin's army.

"After that they are free to go or stay.
Al-Andalus can use every able man, Christian and Muslim alike.
Trade and live freely. You've had enough hardship in the last 5 years."
The Monarch of Castille listened to the message, from the Portuguese Ambassador, looking for assistance against the Moors.

He asks the Ambassador to convey back to the Portuguese court the willingness of Castille to assist but that he has been dealing with troublesome local rebels this past while.

Nevertheless he has asked for a banner of Knights to be sent to Portugal in answer to the appeal.

The last brave charge of the Christian defenders of Coimbra.

But to no avail.. they were no match for Saladin's army.
Word has reached us that French knights, the flower of Christianity, are close to Portugal.

We know how to deal with them..
our men are sharpening their blades..

Feruk al Mari, Saladin's personal aide, sharpening the sword of his master: "Insh' allah"
Cordoban historians, convinced that these interesting times must be documented in detail, are doubling their efforts.

Al Mansur ibn Calanthe made a modest addition to Cordoban's architectural splendor:
the Great Library of Cordoba has been built.
"Well, as long as these Christians are divided, we will prevail.
Men, seize this opportunity and conquer Porto for the righteous forces of Allah !"

Thus Porto was conquered when the last knight of Aquitaine left the city.
Clearly the Portuguese were the most valliant of the Christian kingdoms; now they are the most dead..

The last survivors retreated to Braganca..
In a small encounter near Zaragozza a small Navarese force has been annihilated.
They thought they could camp in Muslim territory. We reminded them that camping is strictly forbidden in Muslim territory.
Mamluk is a military caste in medieval Egypt, composed of non-Arab origin people, mainly Kipchaks, Georgians and Circassians. The "mamluk phenomenon", as David Ayalon dubbed the creation of the specific warrior class, was of great political importance. Over time, mamluks became a powerful military caste in various Muslim societies.

A few years ago Caliph Al-Mansur Ibn Calanthe hired 3.000 Mamluks for his offensive against Zaragozza. There they have been most effective. Now Ibn Calanthe is faced with political troubles. How to pacify these expert warriors ?

The mameluks, lead by Aziz Meriones, have placed Caliph Al-Mansur Ibn Calanthe for the choice:
either face a civil war, or give them control over the (revived) Taifa of Valencia..
Al-Mansur chose for the latter.

The control over the cities Valencia, Zaragoza, Tortosa, Guadalajara, Albacete, Teruel and Denia has been transferred to Aziz Meriones. All troops coming from these cities (al-Balansi, al-Tortosa, al-Guadi, al-Albi) and the entire Merionite guard have sworn allegiance to Aziz Meriones.

The remaining troops in the area from the Caliph are on the move towards the remainder of the Caliphate.

The (revived) Taifa of Valencia consists of 7 cities and 20+ units previously owned by Cordoba.
It borders on all enemies of Cordoba, except Leon.
A pronouncement from Duke Azzedine:

"The sacrifice of the Portuguese Kingdom shall not be for naught! Their deaths shall be avenged against this Cordobean threat! Our men may have retreated, but we live to fight another day. The French motherland is sending aid to Aquitaine and we shall prevail against this Muslim threat! I urge the Christian Kingdoms to join us, stand, and fight! The Cordobean Kingdom is falling apart before our eyes, now is the time to strike!"
Recent talks between Aziz Meriones of the Taifa of Valencia and Caliph Al-Mansur Ibn Calanthe seem to be under quite some stress. The Caliph has decided to remove all his troops from Valencian territory.

Could this be the start of trouble in Al-Andalus, the pride of the Muslim world?
French Knights attempting to make a sneaky move into Cordobean lands to pillage... were quickly picked up and destroyed by a large group of Cordobean Horse Archers. Their deaths were not in vain, as a few veteran Cordobean units were killed before they died. Duke Azzedine continues to send letters requesting support from the King of France, to no avail.
"My lord, good these Christians knights don't learn from each other.
Now we destroyed some knights of Leon.

Still they haven't figured out that we are using the art of combined warfare to our advantage.
Their knights think they are invincible.

Our brave spearmen get the chance to weaken them, and then our elite camel archers can easily finish the job.

Make sure all our troops are well trained in this art.
Train them also to deal with a combined force of knights, archers and spearmen.

All for the power of Islam!"
After the Leonese king broke his peace treaty, just after it was signed, Al-Mansur ibn Calanthe ordered his battle-seasoned Western Army to capture Vigo.

His forces managed to destroy 2 esquadrilles of the Knights of Vigo, along with some catapults.
Again the superior combined arms of Islam were able to overcome the Christian double-faced, treaty-breakers.
Muhammed XIII, the Emir of Granada declares independence of Cordoba.

Helped by the the wealth he seized from the Colossus, the Temple of Artemis, the Spiral Minaret and the Apostolic Palace, he manages to buy the loyalty of all troops, cities and citizens in the area.

Thus Granada, Malaga, Almeria, Jaen, Cadiz and Calatrava are lost for Cordoba and it's ruler Al-Mansur ibn Calanthe.
Along with 17 units, 5 work detachments, 5 wonders, and last but not least the wealth of Granada.

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