
Sep 28, 2008
United States
Alright lets start an outline for this, everyone plz contribute!
Ill start off

Galactic Empire:
Leader(s): Darth Sidious

Starting Hero/Villian: Darth Vader (sith)

Available Heroes/Villians during game: Boba Fett (ground soldier), General Veers (in AT-AT), Admiral Piett (in Star Destroyer)

Color: Blue

Strength: Vehicles/Mechs
Weakness: Fighters/Bombers

Unique stuff: Figure out later.

Rebal Alliance:
Leader(s): Bail Organa, Mon Mothma

Starting Hero/Villian: Princess Leia

Available Heroes/Villians during game: Wedge Antillies (in X-wing), Han Solo (in Milinium Falcon), Admiral Ackabar (Calmari Class Battleship), Luke Skywalker (Jedi)

Color: Red

Strength: Fighters/Bombers
Weakness: Vehicles/Mechs

Unique stuff: Figure out later.

Leader(s): Tarfful

Starting Hero/Villian: Chewbacca

Available Heroes/Villians during game: Zaalbar(ground soldier), Attichitcuk(ground soldier), Lowbacca (Jedi)

Color: Brown

Strength: Ground Units
Weakness: Fighters/Bombers

Unique stuff: Figure out later.

Sort of do it like that, and ill contribute more too. This is so we know what we are going to do.
A few comments:
First, as I posted in the other thread, which time period is this in? Based on the civs I'd guess civil war. Also, I'd recommend starting either generically or focusing on one civ.
I'm guessing this is mostly ground based, but I must ask about Ackbar and Peitt. How are they going to work?
Also, based on cannon, Luke Skywalker shouldn't be a starting hero (he appeared a good time after the founding of the rebellion), and I'm not sure Leia would make sense as a leader. Besides that though looks pretty good.
Possibly have an archipelago style map, with ground combat and also space combat replacing air/ sea?
Looking at the poll you mentioned in the other topic, should we be starting with Clone Wars? Or, we could have Jedi, Sith, and then various races and stuff (Twilek, Wookie, Hutt, etc).
As for Luke, yes it's not quite canon, but once the game starts it immediately will go off in a different direction to canon. In Civ IV you don't have to follow the historical route to discover a tech, for example. Also, it will be more appealing to most people to have Luke from the start, after all, as an audience, we originally came across the civil war in Luke's company. A scenario might start as Luke comes on the scene?
This is my basic plan, you can play as all "popular" nations, like rebals, confederacy, etc..., then your on a land map, and you play that way, like regular civ, just to be simple. Then once we succesfully do that, then we can bring it into space with planets, nebulas, asteroids all that great stuff:). Does that make since?

The time period is set at episode 1 (tech lvl 1) to a little bit after episode 6 (tech lvl 7). May seem long but makes it easy to put scenarios in like certain battles or wars.

And Ackbar and Piett, i plan to have a star destroyer and Mon Calamari Ship available, but this is sort of tented toward space fights, they would be regular unit, that can go on water and land, and would be expensive.

ill change luke, thats a good point:)

And leia ill put as starting unit. Instead of leader.
Leader(s): Count Douku

Starting Hero/Villian: Jengo Fett (Bounty Hunter) (Mayby? I know he died early, but if the battle of genosis went differently...)

Available Heroes/Villians during game: Grevious (Combat similar to sith with greater strength but no force), Durge (Ground soldier), Asajj Ventress (Sith) (these can probably be changed, I just went to wookiepedia and chose those listed that seemed best :))

Color: Blue

Strength: Cheap Infantry/Fighter Units
Weakness: Weak Infantry/Fighter Units :p

Unique stuff: Figure out later.

I think that the empire might be better as grey, black or white. Also, I was thinking, mayby Leaders could be represented by a Hero? They would be pretty strong but if they died you'd loose your traits, making them very valuable.
Galactic Republic
Leader: Chancellor Palapatine

Starting Hero/Villian: Yoda (jedi)

Available Heroes/Villians during game: Mace Windu (jedi), Obi-wan (jedi), Anikan (jedi)

Color: White

Strength:powerful All around especially heroes
Weakness: Expensive trade off for more elite units

Unique stuff: They would probably gain more heroes, like Commanders? or more jedi?

And ya Empire will be gray and the hero thing im not sure because that may take python which i have berly any experiance with, unless someone else could do it:)

And Jango is perfect, and count dooku is hard because he played a huge part has a villian yet was there only leader.
I'd have thought that the Confederation Leader would be Darth Sidious. Count Dooku was the public face, and did most of the negotiation, but on Sidious' orders.
Hey everyone. Glad to see someone is looking into building a Star Wars mod.

I would sugest that you start out small to get everything going and work out the bugs. Pick an era (Republic, Empire, New Republic, etc.) and build the game around that one era. Then start expanding by adding other eras and scenarios based on those eras.

I don't know what was in the old mod (units, buildings, etc) but start off simple and work towards the more complex.

My suggestion would be to start off in the Empire Era. Start with only two civs, Empire and Rebel Alliance. Figure out how everything will work, solve balance issues, etc and then add more units, civs and buildings.

I can help a bit, basic xml and testing.
Well, I think it would be best to either start with what you said or the "classic 4" of star wars mods (CIS, Rebels, and either the Republic and Empire or a civ to represent both). Right now we seem to be headed more towards the second, which is fine with me.
Also, I disagree with sidious leading the confederation, for two main reasons: 1st, Count Dooku was the public face and, as you said, negotiated. That's what matters. the 2nd reason is that then Palpatine would be leading three out of a very small number of civs! :crazyeye:
Finally, T_KCommanderbly, don't forget to update the first post! About leader heroes, FFH has a similar mechanic we could take a look at. I'm no pythoner either but it can't be that hard to figure out, right? (2 days later: :badcomp:)
My reasoning behind starting out with just two is to get things tested out with a minimum of graphic and xml/python work. The more civs included, the more work it takes. Get a basic mod out there with a taste of what's to come and you'll drag more people into helping with the mod.

Also, how far is this mod going to go? Is it just going to be based on the movies or is it going to go into the books? I would like to see it go into the books because there are a lot of great civs and units that would come from that.

I think starting out with the Original Trilogy would get the mod going. Create the Empire and Rebellion civs and their units, get them working and then expand from there. Add in the Prequel Trilogy with the CIS and the Republic and possibly make some sort of event that would convert the Republic into the Empire. Then start working through the major forces from the books. First the New Republic and Imperial Remnant; then the Galactic Alliance, Yuuzhan Vong and the Chiss Ascendancy; finally add in the Correlian Confederation.

There may be other major alliances that I'm missing but those are the ones I know. After all of those get added, start adding in minor alliances and individual races.
well actually a good idea, since clone wars seemed to be the popular one and the one i was focusing on, ill try to get the actual mod and then add 2 full civs and then expand from there, does that sound good? I plan to expand but release the first small part.

ya and i agree probably Dooku was the public face, and i think overall Palpatine used the CIS to kill jedi he didnt really lead it, he planned to use the republic. But thats is a good point no doubt :)

And does FFH have that? ill have to look, but there probably is a way always could ask to see if there is a mod component available.
We plan to expand, my idea is just do ground/air combat during the clone wars(clone wars because popcornlord held a vote and that was voted the most popular apparently) and then get those civs 100% in and then expand from there. Eventually into space.

And i dont know how well it goes but haveing alot of species, all of the major ones (rep. relgion and corporations) and getting all of the civilizations in starting from the major ones like empire, cis, rebals, republic etc... And like i said about space dont know how well it goes but haveing all the planets in the galaxy, star wars is amazing universe and can keep expanding :), but starting out simple
look for the demon and angel civs in FFH. :)
Anyways, we have the basics down (unless you want to add the hutts :p), we should work out a little more details. Traits, UUs, UBs, etc. I know we're still working on origional units and buildings but having an idea for uniques might help there. For example, the rebellion may have a X-wing replacing the "default fighter", a stronger version with +2 Str, while the Empire has a Tie Fighter, that's 1/4 the cost but also however much weaker is considered balanced/cannon. Just an idea.
you should have chancelor valorum as a leader for the galactic republic
The unique units should be
Empire: All the ties, Imperial star destroyer, and super star destroyer
Rebellion: The x-wing Bwing etc., and the mon cal cruiser jedi
Galactic Republic: jedi and clones
i think some of the unique stuff should be things like jedi or sith units with lightsabers. or things like wookie attackers.
You should probably give the jedi and sith force powers. I think they would be similar to the spells in FFH.
Alright lets start an outline for this, everyone plz contribute!
Ill start off

Galactic Empire:
Leader(s): Darth Sidious

Starting Hero/Villian: Darth Vader (sith)

Available Heroes/Villians during game: Boba Fett (ground soldier), General Veers (in AT-AT), Admiral Piett (in Star Destroyer)

Color: Blue

Strength: Vehicles/Mechs
Weakness: Fighters/Bombers

Unique stuff: Figure out later.

Rebal Alliance:
Leader(s): Bail Organa, Mon Mothma

Starting Hero/Villian: Princess Leia

Available Heroes/Villians during game: Wedge Antillies (in X-wing), Han Solo (in Milinium Falcon), Admiral Ackabar (Calmari Class Battleship), Luke Skywalker (Jedi)

Color: Red

Strength: Fighters/Bombers
Weakness: Vehicles/Mechs

Unique stuff: Figure out later.

Leader(s): Tarfful

Starting Hero/Villian: Chewbacca

Available Heroes/Villians during game: Zaalbar(ground soldier), Attichitcuk(ground soldier), Lowbacca (Jedi)

Color: Brown

Strength: Ground Units
Weakness: Fighters/Bombers

Unique stuff: Figure out later.

Sort of do it like that, and ill contribute more too. This is so we know what we are going to do.

I think the empires leader should be called Emporor Palpatine
The republic should be the same as the empire
and their color be black
uniques are
Tie defender, avenger

I think the rebellions unique unit shoud be
Mon cal cruiser
A, X, B, and Y-Wings

I don't think there should be a wookie civ

I think their should be a sith civ
the confederacy part of it
unique units
tri fighter
the droids
rogue shadow
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