Possible Changes to Ad Banners


Oct 25, 2000
We may need to make some changes to the site's ad banners soon. Telefragged and I have been talking to UGO (our ad provider) recently. In order to get higher quality ads and to get rid of the third party ads (which caused most of the ad problems), UGO requests that we

1) Move the forum banner ad (728x90) to the top of the page.
2) Change the banner ad on the main site from the current 468x60 to 728x90 or 300x250 ad size.

Doing these will move us to the top tier ads that only UGO deliver and not third party servers. That will elliminate any of these bad ads with pop ups in them or bad code.

I plan to move the forum ads to the top of the page this weekend. Change to the main site ad could take a little longer since it may require a change in the site layout. :scan:
:hmm: So I guess that means we have no say in the matter... Thought you were going to give us a choice of which we would prefer for alittle while ;).
Where will the banners be on the forums? Above the logo, or under?
Well, you can still tell me what you think of the proposed changes. :) Nothing is final at this stage. ;)
Where will the banners be on the forums? Above the logo, or under?
Probably below the User CP, Register, Calendar..etc.. buttons...
Originally posted by Thunderfall
Well, you can still tell me what you think of the proposed changes. :) Nothing is final at this stage. ;)

Probably below the User CP, Register, Calendar..etc.. buttons...

:hmm: I would prefer it above the User CP etc. Under... would be annoying... I think it will "fit" nicer above it all to..
I don't like it. I don't mind the forum banner, but I hate the main page banner - especially if its bigger.

But I guess UGO is our master. :whip:
Banner ads to the top? I don't like it. Aren't the annoying Takeover Ads enough?

If it was above everything I guess it could've been tolerable. But now it's really going to get in the way (which is what UGO wants I believe)

Just put more ads on the main page! I don't go there anyway :p
I dont see it as such a big hassle. I've spent so much time online that you get use to them and stop noticing them after a while.

Will the changes increase the load time for those of us unfortunates still on dial up?
I don't like it, but if it's going to cut down on the problems with the site, then it has to be a good thing, right? So yeah, if it cuts down on the problems, I'll be happy.
Compared to many internet sites CFC is pretty good at not having too many intrusive ads - if the changes proposed keep CFC running then it's a case of necessary evil so go with it...
Well - IMHO, UGO is not much better than the rest of them, seing as my spyware remover found spyware on a ugo site or two (one of them I emailed or PM'ed TF about...). I ll look to updating my current blockers then, since those sizes are a little too much for me :(

Edit: not that my broadband dont handle them, but I dislike large ads
Originally posted by anarchywrksbest
You mean I'm going to have a transparent box at the top of the page instead of the bottom? I think I can live with that. ;)

:lol: You edited your hosts file? I did that for GameFAQs (blocked CNET ads) and it has this ugly white rectangular box in the sidebar where the ad was supposed to be. Then I started to use an ad blocker which completely removed it altogether.
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