Possible Production Solution


May 6, 2009
Galaxy Far Far Away
managing a galaxy is not equal to managing a planet most planets should not be-able to produce units; so my proportion:

most planets sit ideal, but say if you click on Kaut, a Kaut drive yard window opens:

You can choose Star Destroyer ready in 2 turns costing 145,670,000 Credits, or AT-AT ready in 1 turn cost so and so credits this would both simplify production and get rid of a lot of micromanaging.

By the way having an idea does not equal knowing how to do it:sad:
I think I might know a way to do this I know some python and i keep trying to learn more
but I need a list of what planets can build what for each civilization
Here's a Start

Techno Union:


* Balmorra
* Foerost
* Fondor
* Hypori
* Mechis III
* Metalorn
* Mustafar
* Nelvaan
* Ord Cestus
* Queyta
* Saleucami
* Skako (capital)
* Tar Morden
* Telti
* Vulpter
* Xagobah
* Geonosis

* Baktoid Armor Workshop
Armored Assault Tank DSD1 dwarf spider droid Trade Fed troop carrier
* Baktoid Combat Automata
Battle Droids
* Haor Chall Engineering
Hail-Fire Droids, Vulture Droids
* Republic Sienar Systems
Interdictor-class Cruiser
* Kuat Drive Yards
Star Destroyers, AT-AT
* Kuat Systems Engineering
CloakShape fighter, Firespray-31, Republic assault fighter
* Tagge Company
* BlasTech Industries
* Corellian Engineering Corporation
YT series, corellian corvette
* Colicoid Creation Nest
Tri-Fighter, Droideka
* Arakyd Industries
* Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.
Lucrehulk-class battleship

And more to come...
I'm only going to be able to make this work right now for the planets.

As for the ships that are built on planets, all that needs to be handled via XML (if something can only be built on Balmorra, there needs to be a BUILDING_BALMORRA and the unit only buildable there needs to have a prereq building as BUILDING_BALMORRA).

I'd be happy to add some of the corporations as well if you give me planets for them, but I'm thinking some of them might work better as, well, corporations.

Speaking of which, we need to do discussion on corporations, religions, and how they will work.
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