Pound for pound who is the fiercer beast?

Who would win in a fight, assuming equal weight & no special training?

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And as I already mentioned, my 10 years old cat (not declawed though) has been known to run down and kill hares.

Just because most cats tend to go after mice doesn't mean cats won't go after bigger targets.

Agreed with the above, though. Equal numbers greater than one, the dogs get the win. They're pack hunters in ways no cats really are.

Exactly cats would pwn dogs...
But some cats like Lions are defenitely pack hunters, and would destroy a pack of dogs...:D
My cat beat up foxes and raccoons despite being just larger than a kitten. It could take most dogs too.
but a lion sized pitbull would be a very scary animal i dont think a lion could kill a lion sized pitbull
Cats are so superior, it isn't even funny. Just get it through y'alls heads now that they are our inevitable masters and begin stocking up on squeaky toys and Cat Chow. Pound for pound, felines are the baddest mammals on the planet.


"Pound for pound" is useless because there are few dogs as small as most cats.
Pound for pound (and similar body-fat percents), a cat pwns a dog. I'm not talking about obese house cats. It would be no more fair to compare an obese dog with a similarly large wild cat.

Compare a bobcat (~20lbs) or larger against any same size dog. It's not even close.
I've seen fit outdoor cats jump 2 meters more or less straight up from a standing start. Never saw a dog able to accelerate like that.
I had a dog that cleared a 6ft fence with less than a 5m run. Not only that, but she would continue like that for half an hour (although her jumps by the end might only have been 5ft).
Quite so.

Cats hunt on their own so must ambush, then attack and kill fast.
Dogs hunt in packs, only need to wound but need stamina for chase.

A cat of same weight would beat a dog in a cat v dog fight.

But a pack of dogs would scatter a group of cats.
Although it depends on the animal. A bulldog fights by clamping on and never letting go. You can kill one and its jaws will still squeeze the life from its victim. It just slowly chomps along the flesh until it reaches the neck, and then a minute later the animal is unconscious.
"Pound for pound" is useless because there are few dogs as small as most cats.
This is the important point. Pound for pound ants are the most dangerous animals, or maybe fleas. Simple scaling just doesn't work, whether it's engineering or biology.
I can build a monstrous overhang with Lego bricks that when scaled up to a building or cliff size would collapse under its own weight no matter the material.
Does this make Lego better than any high-tech material?
Not really fair. Ants vs dogs is apples and oranges. Cats vs dogs is green apples vs red apples.

That is to say, whereas you won't find a dog-sized ant or a cat-sized ant (the biology of insects wouldn't even allow for it), you will find dogs and cats of similar sizes ; there is no biological imperative that prevent a dog-sized cat. This can be demonstrated easily by the fact that close biological relatives of the cat far outstrips any member of the dog's family in terms of size.

Therefore, a pound for pound comparison between dogs and cats is perfectly valid.
How about bear vs. lion.
Dunno. I do remember hearing though that a bull will always defeat a tiger (at least supposedly bulls always won when faced off with a lone tiger in the Roman Coliseum, course bulls are bigger & heavier so it's not 100% fair).
I believe I have found my answer. Apparently tigers kill bears all the time in eastern Russia, although they usually only attack cubs and bears who have just come out of hibernation. Also, tigers will take elephant and rhino calves and supposedly there is a case where a tiger killed an adult rhino.

I imagine a male lion could do the same.
Okay okay, who would win... a liger or two lions? FYI, ligers are a mix between a male lion and a female tiger and they grow to twice the size of their parents. Seriously, they are massive.
My dog, weighing about 30-40 lbs. I reckon, routinely gets his ass kicked fighting with my 10 pound cat.
a cat. cats have a wider array of tools like claws, excellent verticle leap, climbing abilities, and they're faster.
It pretty much depends which is able to attack first. The first attacker wins, as dog can bite cat's neck and cat can make very painful scratches to dog's face. The dog won't attack again if it has gotten scratched on the face, it runs away with it's tail between it's feet.
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