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Pre-LuckNES VI Thread

Again you don't have to fill the whole religion thing out and saying conservative council of elders is nearly as bad as democracy. How about just saying council of elders?
Nation Name: Moham
Ruler/Player: Hamzah the Great
Capital: Chira
Government: Council of Elders (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade):
they will continue to do so.

Edited. What time period is this in real life earth?
Nation Name: Savinfiak (sa-vin-FI-ak)
Ruler/Player: Azkatack the Savin (Harzok the Fiak represents the Fiak and is part of the political structure.)/Charles Li
Capital: Urdim
Government: Tribal Monarchy(Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: Fizcanak
The Worship of three main gods... God of the Mine, the Forge, and the Field. 5 more minor gods, those of the Rain/Water, Fire, Luck, Law/Justice and War/Peace
Culture: These are tough peoples. All children are skilled in the Hare's Dirk. But all are also skilled in argument breaking. They believe that hard work and procedures are the most important. They have a rough, but musical tougue and often sang ancient ballads.

Nation Background: In the past, they are seperate. They traveled in groups of 50 and carved the riches of the mountains. Copper beating was widespread during the ancient times and often the valleys lush with greenery was enjoyed by leaders showing off their honest wear. However, an invader culture attacked from the west, and a king consolated all into one giant refugee city. After a dozen generations the towns of the Savin are scattered around the mountain. The invaders known only as Fiak and are shewd businessmen. They decided that together, with their surprisingly similar religion and language, they can last the world.

The Savin became master craftsmen of the metals. Tin inlays in Copper jewlery and even some accidental but magificent bronze are in the showcase. Many are miners selling their ore to Fiak, who transport it to the towns. After the processing the Fiak often buy small cartloads of these magificent craftmenship and sell them to smaller citystates along the river, coast, valleys and mountains.

Mappity Map
Spoiler :

Nation Name: Laros (lawr-os)
Ruler/Player: Chief-King Liam IV
Capital: Liam
Government: Chieftain with monarchical tendencies (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: Polytheism
Nation Background: Laros is a rather large area of land that was named by the local people that inhabited it. In the most recent of times though, Larians have banded more closely together. After the intial quarrels betwen the cheifs of the lands, Chief Liam united a couple hundred people into a more cohesive political form. Not quite a kingdom, but not so spread out as to be just a mere chieftan.

Many years after the construction of the capitol of Liam, times have changed once again. People are closer together then ever, and are quite aggresive. They live without doing much trade, but they do talk with their neighbors sparingly. Small primitive gallys may also sometimes cross into Liam, but naval technology is still the same as most of the area. Now, more then ever, attention has turned to the land, for expansion, warfare, nourishment, and entertainment, and the Great-great grandson of Chief-King Liam is ready to tame the land and make it his own.

Anywhere in this general area. The pink city outlines my ideal spot, but anywhere in the light blue vicinity will do just fine.

Nation Name: Acheame'e
Ruler/Player: Ach'ar/Masada
Capital: Ais
Government: Oligarchy: With a Council comprised of all Land Owners and a High Council with minimun amount of land required to join. (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: Ancestor Precedent: The Acheame don’t worship there Ancestors they look only to them as guides believing that there Ancestors as Acheame have no reason to look back to this world being as is believed to the elsewhere.

The Acheame do however fears non Acheame who cannot leave the world after death and are bound to it. They commonly attempt to bribe or drive the dead away from themselves, by having them haunt others or haunt immaterial objects. This accounts for the Acheame habit of leaving food and other objects out then burying them face down to stop the dead accumulating and stopping them from going elsewhere.

Acheame do not know where this elsewhere is or what is there, but they do know their ancestors have not come back so they know it is a better place. They cant be sure what gets them to this elsewhere either so they are compelled to copy their ancestors actions to be sure they don’t miss whatever it is that gets them there.
Nation Background: The Acheame are not a homogenous people they are composed of many different groups but they are drawn together by mutual beliefs and a shared dislike of other peoples. Intolerant of foreigners and thirsting for land, so they can gain representation in there government this has spurned an isolationist and expansionist sense in the population. Since the Acheame are not a single people they find no contradiction in non-Acheame becoming Acheame if they follow the customs and rules of Acheame.

Acheame is dominated by the largest land owners who are few in number but control the Upper Council. All landowners have representation in the Lower Council with representation split along, regional bases, common ancestral linage and occupations many Acheame belong to multiple different voting blocs and with the rules differing between different groupings this produces interesting results.

OOC: This is going to be interesting to play...
Nation Name: Sheol
Ruler/Player: Szandor LaVey the Great // Abaddon
Capital: Lof Yfel
Government: Council of Elders (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade):
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: Polytheism with druidic roots
Nation Background: Sheol is a coastal country, increasinly reliant on the bountiful harvest the sea provides. The people of Lof Yfel used to be fishermen and farmers living in small family groups and communities. Growing outside pressures from barbarians and slavers caused them to call out for a leader who could lead them in successful resistance. Such a suitable leader was Szandor LaVey. A grand figure, gifted in the way of the word as much as the sword. He united the people, and together they drove the barbarians far away from their lands. Now, as the community grows, with many families migrating to the relative safty of Sheol's capita Lof Yfel pressures are beggining to mount. The originial city is cramped within the walls Szandor LaVey built, and beyond its safety a family still risks raiders and brigands. This has caused Sheol to be a fiercly xenphobic and aggressive society to outsiders.
Ruler/Player: Emperor Nalfi/Justo
Capital: Mondien
Government: Monarchy (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: polytheism
Nation Background: The Piroli people have had a chaotic history. Only recently uniting together in order to better protect themselves from the barbarian raids from the north they are great fishermen which helps sustain their growing population. Their farming abilities are limited as they have only just recently been exposed to farming from other tribes migrating to their lands from the north.

Starting location the same as I posted previouly
Thanks for joining all, people can continue to join but I think I will work on update zero sometime this afternoon.
I added all current nations to the map and added barbarians, I don't think we will have more than a couple if any NPC's at the beginning.
Wait, wait! Stupid school, making me late.

Ruler/Player: Upebdey I/Haseri
Capital: Iwa-Moh
Government: Absolute Monarchy, with the help of a team of advisers, who are experts in each field(Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: Dualism (Two opposing gods, in this case Iusumrud, the Desert Rat and Iwa, the Water Serpent, represented by the river and the desert)
Nation Background: There were once wanderers, roaming the desert, searching for a place to live. The followed their leader, Upebdey, who had a vision of a home for his people. He was just about to give up when, one morning, he saw outside his tent a snake and a rat (although historians believe it could have been a mongoose, but critics of that theory ask why there was a mongoose in the middle of a desert) were fighting. The snake won, and slithered away. Upebdey followed the snake across the sand. His people followed behinde him, bewildered.

The snake eventually came to a river, which the people followed to it's delta. Upebdey quickly declared this the land they were searching for, as it was fertile and pleasent. They quickly started to build perminant buildings. They called the river Iwa (god, life-giver), their city Iwa-Moh (city of the god) and their land Iwa-Usum (land of the god)

I've already stated where I would like to start.
Sweet, new thread time?
Oh so you'll do the zero update within the -pre thread? n/p from me :D
I have finished the stats all is left to do is write the update. Considering these will be a good deal longer than my LuckNES V ones, it may or may not be up tonight, I do have a movie I need to see after all.
Lucky, give me 20 minutes!!!!!
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