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Pre-LuckNES VI Thread

General area. Not the entire plot, of course.

Kingdom of Malaya
Ruler/Player: Hari Makisig/flyingchicken
Capital: Lumang Bato
Government: Dual-monarch monarchy with tribal and shaman elder councils for local governance (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: A generally uniform version of primitive Malayan animism
Nation Background: The kingdom rose from the more primitive times of tribal confederacies and various tribal warchiefs through the political astuteness, military might, and well-timed lucky strokes of the Malaya tribe. The current ruling clan, which traces its roots back to the legendary King Dakila of a time long gone, rules unopposed as most of the other chiefdoms have been forcefully removed generations ago. Relatively unsophisticated and merely a feldgling kingdom, they seek to emulate the kingdoms of the more developed western lands with which they come only in fleeting contact with through extensive sea trade.
Good good, only problem I have with it is Malaya will probably be super annoying in the future, being the name of a region on Earth and all. :p
If everyone who has decided to join makes nation backs grounds and stuff by tomorrow. I can do update zero if you like.
"Malaya" also means "free" in Tagalog. I'm using my native language for naming in this NES; you guys won't mind because it will most likely be novel and all. :D

Update zero sounds simply wondertacular. Gives us the stuffs we need and want to know without troubling you with unsent orders. ;)

EDIT: To compensate for the annoyance I might bring, let me be useful for a while: here's a map of civ zone placed on top of terrain. For you area-choosers out there; I think it might be useful.
Spoiler :
Ruler/Player: King Tovar/Lord_Iggy
Capital: Zar Carnat
Government: Monarchy (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: The Carnatians believe in a wide variety of gods, each personifying aspects of nature worthy of respect and sometimes fear. Notable figures are Tiak, the God of Death, Mountains and Deserts, Kabel, the God of Cunning and Wealth, Ria, Goddess of the Earth and Life, and Preben, God of the Sun and Sky.
Nation Background: The Carnatians are a hardy, mercantile race. They have thrived here for longer than history remembers, growing wealthy off the inland trade routes passing through the narrow corridor between the ocean and the mountains. The power to control this lucrative trade is exercised from the great city of Zar Carnat. Within this walled city's districts, merchants flourish. Outside, farmers make comfortable livings in the arid, but arable countryside.

Map of the Lands Around Carnatia (Zoomed in from the Main Map and Refined)

Nation Name: Zanibre
Ruler/Player: Arch-Shaman Je Wal
Capital: Zani
Government: Religious-based Chiefdom/Dictatorial Leadership (Basically, top Shaman is the leader of everyone and everything.) (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: Zanuba (Nature worship)
Nation Background: Zanibre, literally translating to "Land of the Zani" or "Land of the Zani People" is a highly religious society, founded on the belief in all things natural is holy. Zan, in the Zani language, means nature, and Zani means "Nature's People". They have a very shamanic leadership, where their religious leaders are also their governmental leaders. Most people can't do anything, get a new home, etc. without first having a Shaman come to visit the site to cleanse it of evil spirits, then ask Nature to bless it. They don't have many laws, believing that people will do what is right because that is how Nature made them. Also, no one really "owns" property in Zanibre, the Zani believe that they are just doing Nature's work when they farm, build houses and cities and such. They believe they are doing it all to help nature, by giving the wildland's refugee from people. They particularly emphasize the idea of farming in the Zanuba religion (Zanibre's main religion) because they believe it to be a metaphor of the circle of life. Crops are planted, they grow until they are mature, they make seeds, then are killed and eaten, while their seeds are planted to continue the cycle. They are a generally peaceful society that has good freedoms for the people, but they have been known to take up arms in defense of Nature and Zanibre in the past, when necessary.

pink dot is where the city should be, additional territory to the island to the south. (in the purple)

Nation Name Tasbla
Ruler/Player: Joruintra/TerrisH
Capital: Rasa
Government: council of elders and Scoulars. *1(Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: worships Thrunithon the sea god.
Nation Background: Tasbula was formed from the misfits and wanders from across the sea. fishermen who wondered what was on the next island farther out to sea. that foolish tribesman who wondered why the tribe followed a particular culture, and was banished for his questions. that ambitious youngster who wanted to make a profit. Over time, they wandered, and some settled on the island known as Tabula. here, a small village was founded by them. it grew, as others outcast heard of it, and traveled to this place, where like minded individuals dwelt. the city slowly grew over time, and while life was harsh on this small island, it citizens thrived on trade, as they were among the few brave enough to actually sail the sea and the distances required to sustain such trade in this primitive age..

*1 the council is composed of the elders of the city, who have the wisdom of the ages, and anyone who brings a particularly innovative and profitable Idea to the city. usually about 15 elders sit on the council, and 3-4 of these scollars.
Nation Name: Moham
Ruler/Player: Hamzah the Great
Capital: Cakenub
Government: Conservative Democracy (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade):
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: Double Polytheism. They belive in the two true god, who sent them their tobiran, their holy book. They worship their god 3times a day, and are so devoted to their god, it is said that if you hurt them while they are praying, they will continue to do so.
Nation Background: Moham is basically a coastal country, reliant on the bountiful pleasures the sea provides, and this contributes to having a close by food source, which makes life easier, and religion easier to practice. The people of Moham used to be fishermen and crop growers that lived in a mutual community. Then, the barbarians arrived, and attacked the villagers. A strong leader and tactian arose from their midst, Hamzah. He united the people, and together, drove the barbarics away to where they came from. Now, the community lives in harmony once more, growing, prospering, waiting for the day the barbarians return.
The religion stat is not to be filled out like that, and monotheism is highly unlikely at this point in time. Your capital name is Saudi Arabia which sucks so change it.
Edited, now there are two gods and the capital is a reversal of nubcake.
The Raudisaur was dinosaur that sucked so badly that it lived for only one generation and died. /random

I change my nation name to something more obscure and therefore less real-world for you guys: Sidhî.
What do you mean? What's wrong with that?

Democracy is highly unlikely for late copper/early bronze age society, double polytheism doesn't make sense, Cakenub is totally ooc and I don't want that kind of silly crap here. If you can't provide a serious nation I will just not let you play.
Ruler/Player: King Ardic/The Farow
Capital: Atovona
Government: Absolute monarchy by heredity (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade)
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: [Nation’s main religion, use general polytheism if bored/uncreative, and minor religions]
Nation Background: The people of the island Alavont known as Alavonii actually originated in deep in the northern lands bordering the tundra. Following herds of animals they migrated southwards reaching the coastline. Coastal lands were much more stable food source as fishing was perfected. As competition grew people began to explore southwards before settling on nearby islands paticulary the island of Alavont. The city of Atovona grew out of the major commercial sea lanes along the coast as technology further developed. A rich and prosperous crossroads made the Kingdom of Alavont the dominant nation out of the Alavonii culute. The region surrounding the Island of Alavon are filled with people of similar culture and language but expansion is difficult due to the fiercly independent nature of each tribe.

OCC: My area is like Greece each island and enclave with its own fierce independence despite being of a similar culture.
Nation Name: Moham
Ruler/Player: Hamzah the Great
Capital: Chira
Government: Council of Elders (Efficiency)
Economy (Base/City/Trade):
Army Description:
Navy Description:
Religion: Polytheism. They believe in the two true god, who sent them their tobiran, their holy book. They worship their god every day, and are so devoted to their god, it is said that if you hurt them while they are praying, they will continue to do so.
Nation Background: Moham is basically a coastal country, reliant on the bountiful pleasures the sea provides, and this contributes to having a close by food source, which makes life easier, and religion easier to practice. The people of Moham used to be fishermen and crop growers that lived in a mutual community. Then, the barbarians arrived, and attacked the villagers. A strong leader and tactian arose from their midst, Hamzah. He united the people, and together, drove the barbarics away to where they came from. Now, the community lives in harmony once more, growing, prospering, waiting for the day the barbarians return.

Dang, I post too much! 2000th post!
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