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Production Queue 0.1.17

Does this production queue allow you to repair damaged world wonders? That's a problem I found with Hellblazer's production queue so I'm curious if this one has it as well. Thanks!
I just recently started using mods, so please forgive me if my questions are stupid or have already been answered.

1) When I have (for example) only one source of iron, I can still build warriors and then upgrade them to swordsmen. But I cannot add a warrior to the production queue from the mod. Is this a bug?

2) I have the impression that the game is significantly slower in the later eras since I use the production queue mod. When I click in the bottom right to "choose production" in the next city, it sometimes takes one or two seconds until the production menu is shown. When I save the game, then exit and restart, the speed problem seems better for some turns but then it gets slow again. Is this a known issue or is my computer just too slow?
1) In order to properly build units you need 2 sources of strategic resources, or 1 source + encampment district.
1) In order to properly build units you need 2 sources of strategic resources, or 1 source + encampment district.
I've been playing Civilization for many many years. My steam counter says I have played over 2400 hours Civ6. Do you believe me that I already knew that?
It is like I described it above: You can build the older unit and then upgrade it if you only have ONE resource. But this does NOT work when the unit is in a production queue among other things.
Unable to repair wonders that have been destroyed (NOT from taking cities) they are permanently on fire. Cannot do anything with builder and cannot select "repair" option in city. Doesn't work in any city with a broken wonder.
Earlier in the game, when I clicked "repair" it would turn green on a part of the map where I could build the wonder in a NEW slot but not in the same place where the wonder was already built. I didn't bother to click on the green slot and now those slots are unavailable to select later in the game (I'm not sure why).

Example shows that it says "repair" and that I have production queue. Maybe this is a mod conflict? Is this a known issue?
Mod list: (no known conflicts) https://i.imgur.com/qnM3V5p.png

(1) Same problem 2 years ago for another user

(2) Another player who uses Production Queue wants to be able to repair wonders
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The easy fix on "wonder repair" might simply be to make it so builders can collect or put out the fires. Because once they start they don't ever stop and the wonders just look ugly. Maybe they're not meant to be repaired. Maybe the effects aren't lost unless the wonders are completely demolished. I just don't know. Here's what I do know though: A city full of wonders looks ugly as heck when everything is black and on fire.
Because it's not mentioned, I might as well do it myself. This mod does NOT work properly in a Hotseat game. And the issue is not even mentioned, and not even dealt with.
There's a build queue built into the game with GS (praise Sid!).
Really? What am I missing then? Every time I'd try, it'd replace production, not queue up.

EDIT: Nevermind! I guess I was too tired last night trying it out to notice the tabs to switch between production modes.
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The new queue in vanilla is pretty decent but not perfect.

1) It would be great to default to that every time you go into production, or have a setting to make a choice to do it that way.

2) The buildings also don't disappear from the 'available to build list' once added to the queue. Not 100% positive on that but pretty sure they did while using this mod with vanilla/R&F.

(I'll add more if I think of anything while playing)
You also can't queue anything you aren't capable of currently building in the new vanilla queue. In this mod, you can queue a Library if you're currently building a Campus.
Although Gathering Storm introduced a queue and multi-queue system into the new expansion, neither of these queues allows you to stack production for multiple district upgrades (example: queue allows market, but not market, bank, and then stock exchange). This 'Production Queue' allows this.
Bug report: I'm unable to expand the naval units to build fleets or armadas with this active. I can do corps and armies - seems to be limited to navy only. Anyone else had this issue?

Also, scroll doesn't seem to want to work well in the build queue area. I often have to click on the scroll bar.
Bug report: I'm unable to expand the naval units to build fleets or armadas with this active. I can do corps and armies - seems to be limited to navy only. Anyone else had this issue?

Also, scroll doesn't seem to want to work well in the build queue area. I often have to click on the scroll bar.

I am not having any issue with fleets or armadas, but keep in mind there are resource requirements for some units that prevent their build beyond what you have on hand.
While I'm not experiencing your first issues, I AM having issues with the build list scroll not working so well unless you grab the side bar.
Big thanks for keeping this up mate, they really made a cock up of doing it themselves.

A few bugs I've noticed with the GS implementation:

-Recommission nuclear plant doesn't show the age, nor the potential problems (I guess maybe the normal queue reads a separate table ?)
-Scrolling is only possible if you're scrolling from an available item (so a unit you can't build, or districts you can't build due to not enough population, if your mouse is on them, you can't scroll)
-The down arrow doesn't quite...work, for multiple units. It has to be on the..I guess, lower 3rd ? Of the button. This one is hard to explain.
-Flood gates showing up even if they aren't necessary/the city doesn't need them (they show up as 1 turn cost, you click on em and nothing happens)
-You can't queue up multiple repairs for the same district (workshop/factory/power plant). Well you can..but when 1 is done it gives you that ghost production thing where it says it's being built but still asks you to build something, so you have to select something else, remove the repair thing, then put it back in, and move it back to the top.

They're all niggles, rather than bugs, bar the nuke plant one. Although I kinda liked it, added a sense of danger ;)
Unfortunately I decided to remove this mod after giving it a try.
I simply do not queue that often as other people, so it added only unnecessary action - to close the production tab after deciding what to build next.
Could you please make it so that if queue is not extended (small arrow button), the city production window automatically closes after choosing one item - what to build. If a player would like to use queue, he/she shall extend it first, then choose the items for queue and then close the window. Mod that works in this manner I would use.
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