Not really. The enemy is regarded as globalists, who encompass corporate leaders who do not care about their host nations, beyond what legal privileges they can wring out of the governments for increasing their own economic power, as well as well as certain intellectuals who regard nation-states and tradition as beneath contempt and want to usher all into a brave new world and are contemptuous of the masses. It's a hazy collection, as most are most 'thems', but it's important to realize that the progressive/left elements have equally hazy and sometimes outright ignorant views of the other side. Neo-cons are a completely different political viewpoint than paleocons, for instance. I have this downloaded but haven't read it yet:
Trump has disavowed it, not that he's read it. There have always been some conservatives who viewed transnational corporations with suspicion, but the alliance of corporations with culture war stuff (since 2012 when the Occupy movement scared them) has made more casual conservatives more conscience of the way corporations can shape politics and culture.