you know Lockheed Martin is the only corporation that still systematically calls me an idiot . With the turn the debate has taken over the net , with opponents of the F-35 now having "evidence" , surprising things happen . A lot people who have nicks pertaining to other aircraft , have suddenly stopped extolling the virtues of their favs and started posting that the avionics and stuff of the F-35 is like totally so glorious that such trivia doesn't matter a single bit . Then there are the heavy weights ; in one aviation forum there is a guy whom ı would have deduced to be a Greek from his nick . Turns out he is a patriot of this country and he proves -and scientifically at that- F-35 is "good" . Take this
If Turkish F-16's were wanted to gain air superiority above Baghdat, they would need 2 EFTs for 25 minute loiter and 10 minutes combat. For return, F-16 would need ~70% of its internal fuel capacity. For the very same mission F-35 could take off clean, and would need 35% fuel for return.
followed by a discussion on why the THK F-16s wouldn't have fuel to burn and hence would have a lower Mach number than the F-35 during the exit . When ı was a kid combats were for 2 minutes , but anyhow ... And please mind that the word order and stuff still seem to suggest the mission would have been accomplished . The answer would have been pure nonsense , but it seems people have been gaining interest in the plight of this country . Nobody is like calls the answer as "idiotic" !
And here we go back to the root of the problem. This scenario is a complete nonsense.. How many times in the history of the Ottoman Empire the Turkish F-16s were tasked with air superiority over Baghdad? Zero times? Right, glad you understand what I mean now... The F-35 is only better than an F-16 in scenarios which most air forces never require.. And it utterly fails exactly in those scenarios which are needed every day.. which is interception and maintaining air superiority over the own capital which is ~35 miles away from their landing strip.
possibly only because people can observe the thing that the only way the THK would be over Baghdad would be in support a Saudi invasion or a Kurdish theft of Iraqi oil to be like "legalized" after Iraqi capitulation . Will not stop the Turkish guy , who is becoming an anti F-16 personality with each post as if it's not Lockmart who's selling the F-16 , too !
If you were in a country which happen to have 1471 km border with 2 islamic dictatorships, additional 2131 km with two more countries who openly wants half your territory for sh!tloads of "it belonged to us some hunders of years ago" nonsense, you would WANT F-35 exactly as it is, a hunded of it. Building 200 more F-16 instead would not have same deterrance value of 100 F-35s.
now that of that 2 Islamic dictatorships , the ISIL one was created through whole Turkish "co-operation" and the Iranian one was through full American stuff so that some black hole of instability could also suck in the then secular Turkey , one can only begin a "Yeah, right!" only to come to a full stop with the 2131 kilometers of border stuff ... One has to be the Greeks , no clue on the second ...
and only to be fair let's add this as well
And In real life, any F-16 that flies CAP along Syrian-Turkish border flies 80-140 km away from 40+ S-200 battallions is under constant threat, even when under dense ECM support. In the same jamming environment, F-35 would be a ghost to them. A hundred F-16s cannot replace a single F-35 squadron there. Expensive? No, its only the cost of winning.
as if the Irresuction does not regularly over run elements of the Syrian AD system with tons of pictures so that the cowardly Turks can come in and defeat the Syrians . The courage thing is constantly massaged , too . Just off the press , the lovely story of how coup plotters of 1960s (but good goup plotters as they rose against the Godless CHP and hence sacked out of the military schools) went to Egypt , convinced Cairo to turn over some 24 000 college graduates so that those Brave Turks could make a replica of the Suez Canal and how a most intrepid trio actually canoed through the Suez Canal to Gazze itself , and each in a coffin , too . Yeah , that's how the Barley Line was negated and stuff ! Barley , probably because as they were inventing all that , they checked the Wikipedia and saw there was something called the Bar Lev Line and the guy who pencilled it as Barlev and the actor , knowing a bit of English , read that as Barley . Or now that ı don't really get to speak English , it's really prounced as such ... Oh , only the cowardice remains , before the Golden Age to come ...
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