Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

press "prnt Scrn" at the top of your keyboard, alt tab, go to my documents, then my games, then civ4, then screen shots, then post it (look at Thunderfall's anouncement for help about that). There has been some trouble getting them, so don't quit.
Actually, I think I just figured it out... It seams that you cannot trade for a tech and its prerequisite on the same turn. When I let the game run one more turn, it then let me trade for meditation and poly, but then priesthood was in the "cant trade" cathegory.

NOt sure why this rule is in place, but that appears to be the explanation.
Jastrow said:
As soon as I acquired Mystesism, these techs showed up for several AI's, but under the heading "CANT TRADE".

If you acquire a new tech during a turn, you can't acquire other techs that have that as a prerequisite, until the following turn.

I was wondering - what's a good size army to go to war with? I read about people sweeping across continents in the GOTM forums, but my war efforts have been limited to a city or two, even with 8 or 9 units. I don't know if I'm just not building enough units, or if my warmongering is not up to scratch. If it makes a difference, I guess I'm talking mid to late game really (Knights - Riflemen).

Any help appreciated
KingdomBrunel said:

I was wondering - what's a good size army to go to war with? I read about people sweeping across continents in the GOTM forums, but my war efforts have been limited to a city or two, even with 8 or 9 units. I don't know if I'm just not building enough units, or if my warmongering is not up to scratch. If it makes a difference, I guess I'm talking mid to late game really (Knights - Riflemen).

Any help appreciated

In general the early wars are easier to win than late ones. As Civs mature it gets harder and harder to defeat them.

I usually get 3 or 4 cities started and immediately plan for war.

However, if you are warring with Knights and Redcoats how about Beelining to Military Tradition and getting the powerful cavalry unit or mega-powerful Russian Cossack unit. While building your army try to secure open border agreements with you neighbours, scope out their defences, assess their tech progression (available units). Get a mighty force assembled (cavalry/redcoat/catapult mix), hit your chosen target on 3 or 4 fronts simultaneously and see what happens. Be relentless and reduce your rival to one city, if he is then ready for peace extort as much tech and gold as you can. If he has little to offer you take his last city. If he can offer you plenty of tech or gold or both then take it, 10 turns later return to crush his only city.

Just a suggestion....have fun!!
Right, I didn't think anyone could ask such a stupid question, but:
How do i get the game to work? I have run the installation, and tried to start the game, but it keeps saying, that an error has occured. It says "Failed to initialize renderer - check DirectX version and graphics settings".
Since I have already installed the DirectX version on the CIV4 cd, it must be the graphics settings? But what do I do?
Uninstall reinstall
Why do I have problematic war weariness immediately after declaring war on an opponent? Does the war weariness "carry over" between wars? If so, how do I know when it's "safe" to declare again?
There are a variety of modifiers that contribute to war weariness - number of troops in enemy territory, defeats, wins etc, etc. These points accumulate as the war drags on. At ceasation of war the points decrease turn by turn. Try using the culture slider and/or build temples etc or just take the hit till you've buried your opponent.
War weariness seems to be extremely high in cities you have just conquered when you go to war again in 10 turns against their motherland. I now always try and wipe out a civ just for this reason. The recently conquered seem to get ticked off easier than your native population even if you attack some other country than their motherland. Once their home civ is eliminated they all majically become 100 percent native citizens.
I'w downloaded and installed a Icelandic civilization, and I'w added a custommap of the world. But how do I replace or add the Icelandic civ. to the map?

Is it possible to tell the auto. city production to not produce any military units, just improve the city?
fung3 said:
There are a variety of modifiers that contribute to war weariness - number of troops in enemy territory, defeats, wins etc, etc. These points accumulate as the war drags on. At ceasation of war the points decrease turn by turn. Try using the culture slider and/or build temples etc or just take the hit till you've buried your opponent.
Just to clarify - war weariness disappears immediately when peace is declared. It is still calculated in the background, but doesn't effect your cities. It does carry over from war to war and decay over time. In the stock game, there is no way AFAIK to determine the current level if you were to declare at that moment.

There are mods (like this one) that calculate the current war weariness value every turn whether you are at war or not. I should say they display it, since the game supposedly always calculates it. They do not seem to be functioning properly though since mine says zero no matter what. I agree that this would be very handy to know what the war weariness would be if you were to declare war at that moment. It would also give us insight into the decay rate.
Ive played previous civilzation games(civ 2) and it was possible to complete your buildings and units in your city early by using gold.Is this still possible in Civ 4 because and cant find out how to do it or do you have to wait for it to be built?
it says like ' %65 of the land '.'land' means coast and land or only land.i mean coast is not in the dominatiın limit.??
PhoSpheer said:
Right, I didn't think anyone could ask such a stupid question, but:
How do i get the game to work? I have run the installation, and tried to start the game, but it keeps saying, that an error has occured. It says "Failed to initialize renderer - check DirectX version and graphics settings".
Since I have already installed the DirectX version on the CIV4 cd, it must be the graphics settings? But what do I do?

Don't worry, I have asked worse.

Check out the Bug Reports Forum. I had a hard time getting started and these nice folks helped me a lot.


I have a quick question please....I really like playing Civ IV, but I was dissapointed recently to get right into a game when it began a turn-based countdown (I played a custom game). Is there any way to turn this off?

Many thanks,
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