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Quick Questions / Quick Answers

... It doesn't look like I'm only 8 culture away from losing my culture surplus, so am I 7.92 :c5culture: per :c5citizen: above that need?
As I understand it, 7.92 :c5culture: actually is your total surplus, and you're only about 0.3 :c5culture: per :c5citizen: above need. But 124 turns until growth seems to be quite safe

Edit: .... and I understood it completely wrong. Sorry. It really is the other way round. Excess yields are noted per :c5citizen:, and deficit yields as the sum.
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all the time versus ai kinda boring
I find my games different enough vs AI. Playing different civs, different maps and different neighbours make a whole lot of difference between games. Not to say, that every game I play it's a new beta release :D New stuff!

Why does my total population matter?
I guess this is G's way of showing whether your unhappiness comes from having an excessive population.
I guess this is G's way of showing whether your unhappiness comes from having an excessive population.

It's a bit redundant though isn't it? Total population is already shown when hovering over your leader portrait. If anything was to be done to make the happiness a lil more transparent, I have to ask about the luxury scaling that is pretty obscure:


At ''some point'' the luxuries are worth 2 (or more) points of happiness each: how can I know that in advance? Also, what is that bonus from luxuries because average city size... :help:

Edit: don't get me wrong I like the happiness system and by playing alright (not growing for the sake of it, addressing local unhappiness, building the relevant needs buildings) I find it menageable, but I feel I'm playing a bit blind here.
As I understand it, 7.92 :c5culture: actually is your total surplus, and you're only about 0.3 :c5culture: per :c5citizen: above need. But 124 turns until growth seems to be quite safe :)

I'm not entirely sure and can't check at the momoment, but the surplus is indeed given per citizen already (so 7.92 per citizen above the threshold). Otherwise, the need in the screenshot would be above 10 culture/citizen which is much too high. The minus however is given in total numbers as Rekk already pointed out.
At ''some point'' the luxuries are worth 2 (or more) points of happiness each: how can I know that in advance? Also, what is that bonus from luxuries because average city size... :help:
You are getting 2 happiness from each type of luxury you have and on top of that you are getting a happiness BONUS related to your luxuries that scales with average city size.

But I don't really know how to interpret the top display, especially with respect to the total population metric, either.
Edit: also, is it YOUR average city size or GLOBAL average city size that is meant there?
is it YOUR average city size or GLOBAL average city size that is meant there?

It's yours. And personally, I like the total population display (I play without the leaderheads, so there is no easy way (I know of) to check my total population either). It's a good indicator on how well I'm doing happiness-wise, sometimes better than net happiness: Even if I'm at +20 happiness, if more than half of my citizens are unhappy, there might be the need to focus a bit more on infrastructure.
You are getting 2 happiness from each type of luxury you have and on top of that you are getting a happiness BONUS related to your luxuries that scales with average city size.

That I know, it's a matter of doing math and see how each luxury is worth 2 (in those screens I'm getting 14 happiness from 7 diff luxuries, or 22 from 11... easy peasy), also the total happiness is the sum of difficulty level, wonders, luxuries... and this bonus.

What is obscure (at least to me, with the hints I can get in-game, because I obviously missed some forum discussion) is 1) when does the game gift me with double or higher happiness per luxury and 2) how this other bonus based on population is calculated. Since I'm already getting a luxury bonus due to higher population per case 1 (but I don't know what population threeshold I must reach), the secundary bonus looks like a sort of double dipping one for reaching essentially the same goal, aka more pop.
I'm not entirely sure and can't check at the momoment, but the surplus is indeed given per citizen already (so 7.92 per citizen above the threshold). Otherwise, the need in the screenshot would be above 10 culture/citizen which is much too high. The minus however is given in total numbers as Rekk already pointed out.
It is even more than 15 culture/P needed. (439 culture produced/ 8 excess, so 28 citizens share 431 culture.) That means to me, culture is not the problem in this examle, because after growth he lacks only half the need for one person. +10 culture produced should do.
What seems more important to me is distress, as +7 are predicted after growth. I don't know why that is so much here.
What is obscure (at least to me, with the hints I can get in-game, because I obviously missed some forum discussion) is 1) when does the game gift me with double or higher happiness per luxury and 2) how this other bonus based on population is calculated. Since I'm already getting a luxury bonus due to higher population per case 1 (but I don't know what population threeshold I must reach), the secundary bonus looks like a sort of double dipping one for reaching essentially the same goal, aka more pop.
The way I understand it, you now always get 2 happiness from each type of luxury, but I don't know the formula for the bonus luxury happiness, so it's not really double dipping but rather a combination of your different luxury types and average city population. Maybe someone who know this for sure and also knows the formula can clear this up? @Gazebo ?
It is even more than 15 culture/P needed. (439 culture produced/ 8 excess, so 28 citizens share 431 culture.) That means to me, culture is not the problem in this examle, because after growth he lacks only half the need for one person. +10 culture produced should do.
What seems more important to me is distress, as +7 are predicted after growth. I don't know why that is so much here.

The surplus is not total, however, it is per citizen. The true culture need in the example is around 7.75 per citizen.
That I know, it's a matter of doing math and see how each luxury is worth 2 (in those screens I'm getting 14 happiness from 7 diff luxuries, or 22 from 11... easy peasy), also the total happiness is the sum of difficulty level, wonders, luxuries... and this bonus.

What is obscure (at least to me, with the hints I can get in-game, because I obviously missed some forum discussion) is 1) when does the game gift me with double or higher happiness per luxury and 2) how this other bonus based on population is calculated. Since I'm already getting a luxury bonus due to higher population per case 1 (but I don't know what population threeshold I must reach), the secundary bonus looks like a sort of double dipping one for reaching essentially the same goal, aka more pop.
The only extra happiness per luxury you get is the "bonus" happiness. Luxuries never increase over their original 2 happiness otherwise.

The "population threshold" was scrapped in favor of this system.
It is even more than 15 culture/P needed. (439 culture produced/ 8 excess, so 28 citizens share 431 culture.) That means to me, culture is not the problem in this examle, because after growth he lacks only half the need for one person. +10 culture produced should do.
What seems more important to me is distress, as +7 are predicted after growth. I don't know why that is so much here.
Era scaling is brutal. In this case, I recently entered the Atomic era. I have 25 :c5citizen: cities that were running at around 2-4 unhappiness from science and culture, projected to drop to a full 25 unhappiness after the change in era. Some cities I didn't catch in time and now those cities are trying to crawl out of their 100% unhappy citizen states. Thank goodness happiness penalties aren't local.
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My bad, I guess a missed a patch here and there, it's indeed 2 per lux while I was used to happiness scaling. :blush:
No problem, I wasn't 100% sure, myself :crazyeye:
I'd still be interested in the formula for the bonus happiness, though, if anyone knows it. I suppose *someone* should probably put all of this in the wiki at some point :lol:
The way I understand it, you now always get 2 happiness from each type of luxury, but I don't know the formula for the bonus luxury happiness, so it's not really double dipping but rather a combination of your different luxury types and average city population. Maybe someone who know this for sure and also knows the formula can clear this up? @Gazebo ?
It's 2 each luxury plus a population scaler. The scaler depends on your average city size and might add up to 3 happiness per luxury on very large cities. It then decreases a little (5% I think) for every different luxury you have. The big difference is that it calculates first the number of luxuries, making it scale smoothly. As opposed to before when an integer value was given to luxuries, then summed up.
The surplus is not total, however, it is per citizen. The true culture need in the example is around 7.75 per citizen.
:thumbsup: You're right, deficit is global and excess yields are per citizen. (I've tried it in my game, changed gold production and made screenshots).

1.png 2.png
With more than 2000 hours of gametime I never lost my Capital, so while making some tests for a personal modmod I was surprised to see that the free Tradition buildings didn't transfert with the Palace. Is it the intended behaviour or a design oversight ?
Sorry if the issue has already been dicussed before but it feel weird that so many bonus can be permanently lost.
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