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Random SG 01 - The Randomness Begins

Since it looks like Eric is M.I.A., we will put our brave Carthaginian forces into your capable hands Admiral Menelann. May the force be with you! :scan:

:popcorn: Please provide screenshots for those watching at home.
There we go, war is rising, hatred from peaceful (hm..) Sweden is rising as well.
Some screens are here, though I forgot to take some screens I wanted to :sleep:

Turn 180. Naval tradition, 0 (-8+8) happiness now:) set up capital to grow a bit faster, our pantheon is doing a nice job :goodjob:
Workers have nothing to do, do we want roads to our cities?
Buy fish tile in Hippo Regius to grow as well.

Turn 181. Start to embark army and move it towards Ottomans. Pearls/truffles to the Sweden have ended. He is not so friendly (oh, he is concerned about our warmongering, certainly logical after Celt's extermination :crazyeye:), wants 17 gpt (or two luxes) for 4 iron...
I swap 2 iron for truffles, 5 frigates should be enough.

Denounced Ottomans, Attila is glad.
Ethiopians want pearls for 5 gpt, nah.

Turn 182. We have 5 frigates after spending~ 900 gold. 2 privateers due to 5 turns. Moving army.

Wow, Attila is plotting against Adolphus (or our agent is still on drugs xD). Adolphus is laughing over our military, won't share intrigues.
Great Wall is not in Addis Ababa, so Attila's second city has to have it.
Tech steal in 30 turns, moved spy in Constantinople.

****Since navigation is done, start research towards scientific theory with Chavalry. Should we grab musketmans in 5 turns?

Oh, I put a scout on a mountain and forgot about it:/ he is dead, sorry:(

Turn 183. Adolphus wants to start war with Suleiman as well:confused: I declined, don't want to share with him:) Though it could have been a useful diplo bonus probably:(

Turn 184. Don't see any reason not to start war with Ottomans, so there we go.

Spoiler :

Turn 185. Research banking, Attila almost killed Ankara, we'll capture it the next turn:p

Turn 186. Ankara is down:) 1 happiness... Part of our army disembarks.
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****Great scientist!) do we expand it to rush Scientific theory or wait or creating an academy? I'm okay with any of those, probably would have settled it myself. He waits for the next ruler in Carthage^^

Tech steal in Constantinople due to 12 turns, nice city:)
Spoiler :

****Temple in Carthage is done. Artists guild. There is a Sistine Chapel in 11 turns, but it's there for quite a bit, don't want to do it... By the way, I didn't employ artist's slots, I think we can use one, we won't grow anyway.
Remembered to swap great works, we are generating 14 tourism! Swap open borders with Byzantium.

Turn 187. Thanks to Attila's ranged units, Ankara stays with us:) Our happiness is about to go in negative. Annexed Persepolis, bought Courthouse.

Keep moving armies.

****Omg there are so many units... Probably we can start war with Attila right away?:lol:
Too many workers as well, consider deleting some of them.
Embarked one to help in Ottoman's cities if needed.

Turn 188. Theodora has completed Leaning tower of Pisa while building the Globe Theatre in the same city:))

Turn 199.Wine/Incense swap with Adolphus has ended and he won't renew it:((
We're out of happiness already..

Looks like Utique will be converted in Orthodoxy soon:(

If I keep attacking Edirne Attila will capture it, so pause.


Our scout is exploring to the West, found ruins and becomes an archer, :lol:.
Also there were other ruins with surrounding map:/
Forgot to take screens of unknown territories, nothing interesting actually, few CS.
Should we try to buy one more CS sometimes, for example for happiness?

Brave pikeman distracts all 4 advanced attacks and becomes the first victim of a war, rip. :cry:

We can capture both Ottoman's cities in few turns.
Spoiler :
Sorry, all screens are in the same scale, don't have mouse around:(

****Bad thing is that Ottomans have no unique luxes so we will be veeery unhappy in few turns. Maybe it makes sense to grab Istanbul first and the second city the same turn? Just make sure that Attila won't take Edirne, though he has no siege units set up so far.

#####P. S. Only today, make your set and capture two cities!#####
And the line up:

Bugs <=UP More :hammer: in order
Polus <= Traveling. Skipped until return.
Teproc <= on deck
Eric <= Please check in
Menelann < Started :hammer: on Ottoman butt
Bugs <=UP More :hammer: in order

Yeh, here is the save file for it;)
Hope it'll work this time.

Maybe we should land great general to steal some of Attila's luxes?) Citadel would be handy, he seems to have a whole bunch of units... Here are two reasonable positions:
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Both of them require open borders with Attila but it should be fine to swap them.

For the first one it's the best to by one more tile and it would be soo defensible with two hill citadels and artillery. But it misses salt in this case.

For the second it's ok for defence and grabs ivory/horses.
Also Attila has started attacking Ottomans from this direction. So I like the idea to put citadel there.
*The only thing is that I didn't check if we have ivory, ut I guess not.

***Also here is the pic of our new city, it's nice!
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And this Islam religion is pretty good, I think we should try to get it for our other cities? Otherwise we'll have very weak Orthodoxy:(
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  • RSGDido_0190 AD-1300.Civ5Save
    1.1 MB · Views: 185
Let's talk about the use of the great general. Typically I have waited for a second great general to use for citadels. I like to keep the first with our primary army with raise the combat odds.

Since I continue to learn all sorts of things in this game, sell me on the idea of a citadel. Lurker's comments are welcome as always.
Let's talk about the use of the great general. Typically I have waited for a second great general to use for citadels. I like to keep the first with our primary army with raise the combat odds.

Since I continue to learn all sorts of things in this game, sell me on the idea of a citadel. Lurker's comments are welcome as always.

I always wait if I am playing aggressively and citadel would serve just as a military construction.

But if I am playing defensively or citadel could help economics I consider planting it earlier.
For example here, if we expect negative happiness, one lux is +4 happiness so -(-8%) of combat str penalty for all army. Not to mention production.

But if you land a citadel, there is a risk that lux will be plundered or you'll just capture the city or anything else-)
In this case it looks like killing all his units would take some time so citadel would serve well... On the other hand, one of his big coastal cities (Attila's court or Addis Ababa) could be captured with naval forces, so probably we don't want a citadel near the same city...

What do you do with the second scientist?)
I usually creat couple more academies but never really did math and saw some people bulb all but the first one...
Melelann, it looks like you and I are the only team members left. It would be nice to have some additional opinions in here.

I love early academies, especially in the National College city. I think this game can still be considered early. Later scientists produce so many beakers it is hard to to bulb things. I'll need to see how many beakers we can get out of this fellow. If I can find a good spot, I'll create an academy.

Good point about happiness. How much is that going to piss Attila off? I don't mind him pissed at us. What I mind is him being so pissed off that he will declare war on us. I would prefer to name the time for the declaration.
Yeh, I miss all the people:(

Fair point about Attila. Maybe just swapping some luxes would be easier, he is currently friendly)
Though I am not so sure about it, he is quite far away from Sweden and Bysantium, he may just wardec us soon:((
In this case citadel would be great for sure-)

I think you should decide after finishing off Ottomans.
OK. I'll also start planning on how we're going to fight Attila.
So I started looking at the the save. I can probably take both Istanbul and Edrine on the next turn. The problem is that we will then have at least -15 happiness. Gus will give us silver for pearls, 13gpt, horses, open borders, one arm, and two legs. Do we want to go for that? Another opinion could be to focus on one Ottoman city - I would prefer Istanbul. Then allow Attila to take Edrine.

Any other ideas on how we can get more happiness?
Turn 190 - 1300 AD - I go through and select seaports in Carthage and Gades, a coliseum in Persepolis. That will give us 4 :c5happy: when they complete. We can also get a happy out of a pagoda in four or five turns when we have enough faith to purchase one. We also have a seaport completing in Utique in 3 and in Hippo in 7.
Turn 190 (con't) - Since no one is checking in, I will play on. I select gunpowder as our next research goal. I find the historical paradox in Civ 5 interesting that we can have frigates firing cannon from the deck of a ship, but we can&#8217;t use gunpowder in a musket, or cannon.

I make a strategic decision to not go after Edirne in the hopes that Attila won&#8217;t take the city with his two knights and two crossbows. I bombard Istanbul a little. Hopefully we&#8217;ll have some more happiness by the time we take the city, we won&#8217;t be completely in the dumpster happiness-wise.
I move our workers to make a road to Persepolis for a city connection. I also micromanage all our cities so that we don&#8217;t have any growth by hiring several specialists.

Here&#8217;s the tactical situation around Edirne:

And around Istanbul:
IBT &#8211; Attila knocks about 60 hp off Edirne, moves a treb forward and retreats his knights after attacking the city. Suleiman sues for peace:

No thanks. :mischief: :sniper: We get 200G from a pillaged trade route. The Ottoman janissary takes out a Hun crossbow and is completely healed by his victory.

Turn 191 &#8211; 1310 AD &#8211; Theodora has completed the Globe Theater. We knock Istanbul down to red, but hold off taking the city. Again I ignore Edirne and assume the janissary will go after one of the Hun ranged units.

IBT &#8211; The Huns red line Edirne, but lose two knights. The janissary heads toward Istanbul. Theodora stops by and tells me that the wine for 7GPT deal that we had isn&#8217;t good enough anymore. I kiss her hand , offer our latest vintage, and ask her for 6GPT. She takes that deal, but again I am thwarted as I try to get more intimate with her. :drool: :love: :spank: :blush:
Turn 192 &#8211; 1320 AD - Several deals have run out. I sell Attila truffles and pearls for 14 gpt. Halle won&#8217;t take a reasonable deal for our truffles so skip the deal entirely. I buy a mosque in Persepolis with our accumulated faith. Somehow our happiness dropped to -2. Now we are back to -1.

Time for Istanbul. :hammer: There is a janissary just outside the gates, so I bombard the city and take it with a privateer leaving the long sword adjacent in case Suleiman can retake it. Here is a pleasant surprise, our happiness goes up to +2. What&#8217;s he got in here?

A very nice haul: Statue of Zeus, Notre Dame, a pagoda.
Here is the tactical situation:

On to Edirne. :hammer:

After two treb shots, our long sword marches triumphantly into the city. A lot of nice things in here as well. Our happiness only drops to -1.

After trying to get him to take a lux for gpt deal in the peace agreement, I make straight peace with Suleiman.

OK, time for a post war analysis. We have no troops stationed in the homeland. We have no west coast fleet. Start moving units that way. If Gus decides to sneak attack us, we will be caught with our skivvies around our ankles. Gus now leads in military. We&#8217;ll take precautions on that front, but I will start positioning our fleet to take Attila&#8217;s Court. Let&#8217;s hope Attila moves some units across the water to Bursa.

We should be happy next turn.
IBT – Gus comes by and makes this comment:

I roast some marshmallows on his fire, take an apple, insult his stupid portrait on the wall, and then say I’m sorry. :p :mischief: :devil:

Turn 193 – 1330 AD – Start positioning our units in Ottoman lands for a Hun attack. Upgrade our elephant to a knight.

Utique: Seaport => market

IBT – Watch some Ottomans die from Hun fire.

Turn 194 – 1340 AD – Gunpowder => Chemistry due in 7 turns. Cannon will be nice. I am moving two galleasses to our west coast and one crossbow to the homeland. I am also leaving one galleass and one privateer on the Ottoman coast to deal with a Hun galleass when war time comes.

Begin to TP over Ottoman lands.

IBT – Theodora and Gus sign a research agreement.

Turn 195 – 1350 AD – Utique: Market => privateer

We meet Vancouver.

It just occurred to me that we have over 1000G. Do we want to buy an ally and possibly get some happies?
M, nice cities indeed:)

Did you see any Sweden fleet at all?) I don't remember a single ship, though probably it's because I did't scout that area :lol:

So, who is our next enemy?)
Probably Hunns if Gus won't attack us?
But do we wait some time (for artillery?) or just continue war with current army?
I'm ok with waiting also because of a diplo modifier for not attacking first. Maybe we should even try making a DF with Hunns so that they'll backstab us?:lol:

The only thing that I suppose we should delete like half of our fleet in this case, because upgrading galleys to battleships is painful, and galeys themself will be obsclelete soon..
Also, do we need cannons before public schools? Land war against Attila without artillery seems painfull xD
Or I guess we could rush artillery before Public Schools, didn't try it in some time. I'll be a bit worried about Gus's literacy then:(

I guess we should've worry about Gus right now though: we have a big fleet and AI's are horrible in overseas conquests... Just having like one galleas near his land to spot any armies should be enough on my opinion..

Yeh, some happiness (or other:) ) CS would be great... Our allied CS had some quest that we've competed in a previous set, so it should be ok for some time.
There was a Swedish galley or two floating off their east coast.

I think once war begins with Attila, he will send his units at our Ottoman cities. If we sit back and wait, we can pick them off. We will also be able to hit his fleet of galleasses hard. Once most of his units are gone, a campaign for his cities will be easy, with or without the Great Wall.

I don't like the idea of making friends with Attila.

I would prefer cannons then public schools. Depending on how our happiness is doing, we may want to consider printing press for zoos.

Just because Gus doesn't have much of a fleet, doesn't mean he won't try to get units across. I need to find out what kind of units Gus has. When playing at any level above level 6 (sorry I don't know what that is called), I always worry about the AI militarily, especially if they have a stronger military than me.
IBT - :sleep:

Turn 196 – 1360 AD – Spot a Swedish caravel off the coast of Hunland.

Hippo: Seaport => cargo ship

IBT – We meet Geneva.

Turn 197 – 1370 AD – A great writer appears. We create a great book. Checking tourism, we are pulling 14 tpt. Theodora has 10 tpt.

Carthage: seaport => Oxford (We may want to switch this on and off as necessary to maximize our science yield) We are up to 3 :c5happy:

IBT – Haile provides this little tidbit.

I think we could have guessed that.

Turn 198 – 1380 AD – Our spy steals a tech – Printing Press. That will help.
Persepolis: coliseum => zoo
Utique: privateer => caravel (let’s use this unit for exploration)

Attila has a pretty large fleet as well. I count ten galleasses at this moment. He also has a lancer.

Here is the lay of the land around Stockholm:

Suleiman’s units are going to get in the way of naval bombardment. I imagine they are trapped there due to a lack of open borders.
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