Rat35 AWE all random Take 2

No pictures as it is 2am now. If people want them I will prepare some in the morning and put them here. Go get them Rat.

Edit: It is now not 2am :)

Arab Border:


Note the American boat in the water. Not much happened here, but I did snag a new city. I suspect there is one city on a peninsular here and a nice juicy capital that was size 12 but is now 10.

The worlds most popular tourist location, the Muscat area:


Lots of jungle, lots of swamp, not much going for it :D

And an overview of the former Egyptian lands:


It looks like we have reached worlds end here, now we need to see how many cities the Aztecs have in the south
Looking real good :goodjob:

I doubt we might need RP, I also wouldn't bother about ToE any more. We can reach domination pretty fast I guess. Or do we prefer conquest?

Got it
Great work, Andrew! Sorry about any forted arty, I thought I was using them all. I'd say research RP and then shut it down, then maybe upgrade everything to artillery. Riflemen are actually pretty tough, even against Cavalry armies, and artillery helps fix that. Once we have a railnet, we can mass troops more effectively. This thing is about ready to finish, even if we decide conquest.
The concern about the victory is the position of the Americans, they are very backwards and small, have a (possibly) unique luxury and we have only just met them which implies they are on a island of their own. On the other hand the ship I saw was a galley which implies they are on our continent. I know they didn't build The Great Lighthouse as the Egyptians got that so it is a bit puzzling.

I favour getting RP as the artillery and faster workers are nice to have and we already have a lot of money. The only use I can think of for all the cash is rushing either shipping to invade America or rushing settlers to fill out or land. As for victory, look for conquest until we find the location of America and then swap to domination if we have to.
Andrew, if you want to go from good to great, MM is one of the areas. I MM properly and work the high food tiles for
corrupted towns to get more scientists. Get from 29 to 75 without compromising much and electricity is down to 6 turns
That's a real difference. Not that it really matters here

1. 1280AD
take Tzintzuxen in the south, we can keep the Aztec cities due to their low culture I guess
raze Erdenet for 134gold, start to attack Choybalsan
take out 4 muskets in Mecca and gain a leader in the process, take the city so we can form an army

decide to use our cash to rush some stuff, an army and a cav

2. 1285AD
raze Choybalsan for 100g+
start to attack Medina and Merw, use the newly minted army to take Basra

3. 1290AD
take Medina and keep it since it has Bachs. not that we really need it, but we can always use it
almost lose mace army taking Merw
in the south take Malinalco and Tula and the whole part is ours

4. 1295AD
found a city, raze Khurasan

5. 1300AD
Mongols seem to have steam now as well
raze Kufah and keep Baghdad as it has Magellan
get the workforce to try and RR all the way to Arabs last city
take out Aden and Arabia is history
raze Tlacopan and Mandalgovi

I want to set up a proper and easy to defend front and rush 2 settlers for that
IT electricity is done, RP next in 7

6. 1305AD
raze Darhan and get 250gold for that
found 2 cities so we have a proper front

the enemies have 22 cities left

7. 1310AD
It is pretty clear that America is west of the pangaea
take Hovd in the mountains but keep city so army can rest
take Dalandwhatever

need to rest some armies and rush another

8. 1325AD
take Kazan and decide to keep it as this might be a good point to go after America
well, what is revealed after that is a bit puzzling
go after Karakorum next

9. 1320AD
Karakurum is a hard nut to crack. I take out 8 rifles but the city is burnt
This will break their neck for sure
discover Ulanbataar is the point to set off for America
start to attack

10. 1325AD
take out Tlaxcala
send 3 cav armies back to mainland to heal instantly
take Ulanbataar with a 3 cav army. This is the ideal starting point to take out America if we wish so
a galleon is there already now

use the break for 3 armies for a quick detour to go after Tabriz

I leave it to the next player to decide whether to just rush plenty of settlers and go after domination and rush
more 3 cav armies to take out America as well
Mongols have only 2 cities left and are done in 2-3 turns the most. Aztecs shouldn't be much harder as they have no rifles yet

The passage to America


The Roster
Greebley - the final set is all yours


Preturn: Find a fortified Cav or 3 and kill a 1 hp Rifle and MDI.

1330 AD: Capture Ta-tu
We can lower science a lot, so instead I raise the number of scientistst to get RP in 1 turn.
Rush a whole bunch of Settlers.

1335 AD: We capture Almarikh. Thats the end of the Mongols.
Capture Atzcapotzolco and get Smiths. Capture Texacoco with Cavalry.
Notice we do have a 3 member Army and that America has Spear. Maybe we can do conquest.
Also get a Leader which makes conquest even more likely.

1340 AD: Tenochtitian, Teotihuacan, Xochicalco and the Aztecs are gone.

1345 AD: We could easily get Domination, but with 2 Armies I will try take a little extra time for conquest.

1350 AD: We are being attacked. Not yet ready to attack back.

1355 AD: We take Washington.

1360 AD: Move units in to heal.

1365 AD: We raze NewYork

1370 AD: We capture Atlanta, Boston, Philadelphia

1375 AD: Well I got the last city (Chicago) gone from America but they are not dead.

IBT: America founds a city.

1380 AD: We finally destroy the Americans.

Well done all :goodjob:, good game.

As usual, the AI faded fast one we got cavalry, I still can't believe how quickly we won from my last turn set.
Very good game, considering that there was so much jungle, swamp and mountains. So where do we go from here? I'm always up for another.
nice effort by the whole team :goodjob:
It was almost too easy, maybe since it was on emperor. As for another game, I do not mind but would let others decide where to go from here.
Demigod? Decent start on continents? Strong tribe? If we stayed at Emperor we could go with a weak tribe with the rest of the settings random. Sumeria is what made this seem easier, they are a top-tier tribe with the best trait and maybe the 4th best together. Thiis map might have been much harder with America or Portugal, to name 2 weaker tribes.
Ya, this game had everything going for it - nice chokepoints, nice civ, etc.

I am up for another random - they are always different. We could try adding random size to the mix - we have been playing exclusively standard size maps.

Going for DG would likely mean we don't want to do that, it is hard if you don't have a resource bonus and good start spot (not surrounded)
I'm up for another game. I don't mind what settings we use.
I'll be on vacation in June, but guess that doesn't keep me from starting another game.

So, do we take DG or the suggested random emperor with random size? I like bigger maps actually and wouldn't mind a huge map.
I'm for another random Emperor.
I will start a new game random everything this weekend on emperor

we have a slot for 1 or 2 more players since Mathias is currently on auto skip
I tried to start this yesterday. What I found is that though I select random map size, once you enter the next screen, you can basically tell by the number of opponents what map size you play. Sort of taking the excitement out of it.

Anyway, even then, the mini map would let you know how big the map is....is there another way of doing this?

When I started, all I got were starts with enemies really closeby, no luck for me yesterday. Anyway wants to give this a try and play out 20-30 turns?
I played one. The start is truly sub-optimal but it appears we are only facing a single opponent and are chasing a settler back.

I do need to see if others can load the game , I am trying an trick to play it on my new comp - its a scenario but with no changes. If it loads correctly and you all are willing to try it then we can start a new thread.

We met Carthage and defended against the initial warrior rush.

Note I do see an irrigated Carthage square so there is water. We just have to survive until we get it.

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