Rat35 AWE all random Take 2

I think we should look to the near east for expansion. We don't even have a full core around our capital. At the very least, we should explore that region.
handy, how are things? yes, we still play C3C AW games as they are most fun of all games in the Civ series (this view might be a bit biased though). Are you waiting for the 5th instalment to make your comeback?
handy, how are things? yes, we still play C3C AW games as they are most fun of all games in the Civ series (this view might be a bit biased though). Are you waiting for the 5th instalment to make your comeback?

I think I'm ready for a C3CAW comeback :) but I may be a little rusty. This weekend I will try to knock off some rust to get the feel back.

Sorry for the highjack. I will lurk your Silence is Golden game. That will be a good one to watch.
great news, handy. You're always welcome to join my game. We are a little far at this game, but maybe the next one. As you can see, there are still enough people playing C3C even after so many years.
shoot, here it is


Preturn: MM. Switched to Mil Academy in Sumer and raised lux to get it faster.

IBT: Units advance toward us but no attacks. Looks like pillaging Horses would be worthwhile with all the fast enemy units.

1010 AD: Move to/Attack Baruun Urt and Fez. Egyptian amy group is healing.

IBT: Egypt founds a new town in cleared area.

1020 AD: Raze both Fez and Baruun Urt since they are in the radius of existing towns.
Egypt city nets us 269 gold. Raise science to 60% to get Astronomy in 4. May need to lower lux again if we run out of easy targeted Egyptian cities but for now we can run at -99 gold.

IBT: Newtown's, Magellan, and Sistine are all completed.

1030 AD: Capture Byblos. We will see if we can keep it. Find Thebes. Explore more to the west.

IBT: Resistance ended (we have double Egypt culture).

1040 AD: Build Katulla and Dye on the River. Workers finally reach new Lux of Silks and will connect next turn.
Wall of Pike no longer quite as necessary. Find stack of workers fortified so I wake - didn't spot because I didn't think we would be fortifying this early with so much Swamp and Jungle so I didn't look (normal 'near capitol')

1050 AD: Capture Fustat.

IBT: Attack on Fustat is repelled. Get Astronomy next physics.

1060 AD: Narjan Razed. Take out another new-founded Egyptian city for more gold. Egyptian Armies take more damage than usual and some are very low.

1070 AD: Egypt's Horses have been pillaged so no more knights. Egyptian side is healing

1080 AD: Healing. Mongol forces are heavy so western armies are busy. Capture Anjar from Arabia and spot Horses. May be able to stop Arabia's UU.

IBT: Only landing so far near Berlin - A single Aztec Longbow.

1090 AD: Finally have workers on Dye. Attack Thebes with healed Cavalry. 327 gold for Capturing Giza.

IBT: Knight Attacks our Musket. We win.

1100 AD: Captured Mansura

Our front is a bit improved to the West. To the East I started keeping cities so it is a bit disorganized. Note the eastern cities have low corruption. Going after the Egyptian cities for cash meant we didn't have a concentrated attack. I just expanded on whatever front the Army was on initially. The Cav Armies are on the Egyptian side

Anjar could be taken back by Arabia. I did this because the army is on the Horses that may stop them.

No leader from elite victories so no new Armies. All armies have 4 units now.

Science is finally more than 4 turns. I would still go for Steam since that speeds things up so much, but we may win not long after getting it.

Took me a while to get to this but we made good progress. I should be better able to judge when I need a skip next time.

Nice going.

We should keep on hammering the Egyptians, they have nearly 9,000 gold and everyone else is pretty much broke. Interestingly enough there is still a civ we haven't met yet, I wonder if they are on a separate island.

I agree steam is the most important tech remaining to be researched, I don't think we will get to tanks in this game. One thing I think we do need is more settlers, most of the AI cities we should be able to keep, but there is a lot of empty land.

I assume we are after a domination win, yes?
Great progress :goodjob:

I think we won't really need techs after rails, but what should we do with all the money that we can potentially gain from Egypt :mischief:
I agree to take them out since they have so much cash.

The Roster
Mathias - up
I can start my set tomorrow, but probably won't be able to finish until late Thursday. I'll leave this open for a swap.
I'm still up in another SG, so go ahead with your schedule and I'll be free to play when you are done. This one is getting to the longer turns phase, so quick turn-arounds are less of a likelihood. No swap will be necessary, as it will take me probably 2 sessions to do my next turn during the workweek.
My PC was infected by a virus last night, shortly after my post. I have successfully removed the malicious files, but undoing the effects has been rather difficult. Auto-skip until further notice.
Hopefully I can finish my orgy of destruction in my other SG tonight and get started on this one later tonight or tomorrow. Sorry about the virus issues Mathias, it can really be a pain to clean and repair the damage left behind. Too many jerks out there with nothing better to do than mess with other people's lives.
Finally finished, did okay except for 1 shocker, in which a Mace killed a fortified 6hp army. I got another lux hooked up and a 6th lux is in reach. We are much wealthier now, Egypt has been a fine cash cow. I recommend getting some ships out soon so we can locate the rest of our enemies. We are an IBT away from the IA and hopefully we'll get Steam Power free. Here is my turn-log:
Spoiler :

Pre-Flight: CivAssist 2, Word running. Open the save, look things over.
We are awful thin in the Arab area. Change the Longbow in Erech to Cavalry. If we want cheap MPs, I’d prefer Maces.

Civilian units:
Workers 27
Slaves 32
Settlers 2

Military units:
Enkidu Warriors 10
Pikemen 12
Swordsmen 4
Longbows 2
Maces 16
Horsemen 3
Knights 12
Cavalry 12
Muskets 13
Catapults 7
Cannons 4
Trebuchets 23, 1 captured
Armies 8, 1 Sword, 2 Mace, 3 Knight, 2 Cavalry

Unit Support:
Total units: 155
Allowed: 110
Support cost: 45 gpt

Press enter=>

IBT: Aztecs have the most units moving around. Everyone seems interested in pillaging.
Ur Cavalry=>Cavalry.
Kish Cavalry=>Cavalry.
Fustat Worker=>Worker.
Yakutsk Settler=>Settler.
Akshak Cavalry=>Cavalry.
Susa’s Marching Band Temple=>Library.

Turn 1, 1110 AD: Kill a Musket and Pike at Yamama. Settle Kiss Your Axe Goodbye. Otherwise, try to rest up damaged armies.

IBT: Arabs still get a few Ansars, Ansar out of the fog recaptures Anjar.
Mongol Mace destroys 6hp Knight Army and recaptures Mansura. That hurt.
Tsetserleg Settler=>Settler.

Turn 2, 1120 AD: Horrible RnG Cavalries lose easy battles. The only good news, capture Elephantine for 356 gold. Recapture Anjar.
Probably will lose 3 slaves at Mansura.

IBT: Mongols have a respectable batch of troops moving in.
Byblos and Zabalam riot.

Turn 3, 1130 AD: Capture Pi-Ramesses for 377 gold.

IBT: Egyptians move toward undefended Elephantine. Arabs want to talk.
Aztecs land a Knight near Berlin. Mongols move inward.
Elephantine Worker=>Worker.
Lagash Cavalry=>Cavalry.
Umma Cavalry=>Cavalry.
Bad-tibiria Musketman=>Musketman.
Erech Cavalry=>Cavalry.
Anshan Musketman=>Musketman.

Turn 4, 1140 AD: Kill 3 Pikes and a Musket with Cavalry Army, Thebes taken, 3 slaves captured plus 404 gold.
Kill 2 Pikes with other Cavalry Army, Adydos captured, 424 gold taken.
Kill 1 Pike with 1st Swords, Yamama taken…no gold, but the Arabs lose those Horses.

IBT: Aztec Mace kills exposed Horse. Crap, forgot the Aztec Knight, it captures Berlin. 2 Mongol Maces and a Crusader move in. Aztecs, Mongols Egyptians and Arabs all have pillaging Muskets out.
Ur Musketman=>Musketman.
Nagsu, Bad-tibiria and Giza riots.
Byblos Settler=>Worker.(reducing foreign Citizenry.)
Agade Cavalry=>Cavalry.
Kutha Settler=>Settler.
Kutallu FP University=>Bank.

Turn 5, 1150 AD: Kill 1 Musket, Alexandria is ours, 1 trebuchet captured, 459 gold taken. Take out the Mongol stack. Recapture Berlin.

IBT: Another couple Ansars show up, one killing a Pike and recapturing Anjar.
Thebes Worker=>Worker.
Sumer Military Academy=>Army.
Elephantine Worker=>Worker.
Pi-Ramesses Worker=>Worker.
Vladivostok Library=>Barracks.
Yamama riots(luxes cut off)
Zabalam Library=>Courthouse.
Abydos Worker=>Worker.
Isin Cannon=>Cannon.
Kuara Cannon=>Cannon.

Turn 6, 1160 AD: Settle Kiss the Fur, now we have 5 luxes.
Rest most armies. Killing an Egyt Musker/Settler costs a Cavalry and 6hp from Knight Army.

IBT: Egyptian Knight dies on a Musket at Thebes.
Mongols send a group in near
Magnetism researched, next is Theory of Gravity in 5 turns.
Susa’s Marching Band Library=>Marketplace.

Turn 7, 1170 AD: Recapture Anjar.

IBT: Arabs turn to Longbows. The usual intrusions. Egypt wants peace, no thanks.
Elephantine Worker=>Courthouse.
Kish Cavalry=>Cavalry.
Pi-Ramesses Worker=> Courthouse.
Byblos Worker=> Courthouse.
Abydos Worker=> Courthouse.
Erech Cavalry=>Cavalry.

Turn 8, 1180 AD: Kill a Pike and a Spear at Avaris, city taken, 5 Slaves and 309 gold is the booty. CA 2 gives both good news and bad. The bad: Mongols and Egypt are in the IA, meaning we will soon be seeing Rifles. The good news(maybe) They are rich, Mongols have 2541 gold and Russia has 1185. Egypt still has nearly 5000.

IBT: Arabs scratch up another Ansar, this one loses. Egyptian and Aztec Longbows ping-pong a Cavalry to death. Mongols send in about six units towar Kiss your Axe Goodbye, Aztecs land 2 Muskets in a bad spot. We may lose a town (Kiss Army) due to lack of units to cover it all.

Turn 9, 1190 AD: Knight army easily defeats a Pike at El-Amarna, then nearly dies on a Spear before taking the city, 339 gold taken.
Lose 4 hp killing 2 Muskets and a Longbow, Mansura retaken, 88 gold and our 3 slaves back is the booty.
Rather than lose the town Kiss Army, I abandon it.

IBT: Mongols send an impressive number of Maces our way, focused on Mansura now. Cavalry retreats of one. Aztec Muskets move toward empty town. Egypt Musket pillages Iron near Elephantine.
Ur Cavalry=>Musketman.
Agade Cavalry=>Cavalry.
Orenburg Marketplace=>Library.
Tubtub riots.
Akshak Cavalry=>Cavalry.

Turn 10, 1200 AD: Bombard and attack Mongol Mace stack, leaving 1 at 2hp. Finally get rid of the Aztec Muskets. I think we’re in decent shape. We can take another Egyptian Capital for more cash and we get ToG and our freebie next turn. Should we continue to research, we only need 3 or 4 techs further to have all we need to win.

Civilian units:
Workers 27
Slaves 99
Settler 0

Military units:
Enkidu Warriors 10
Pikemen 11
Swordsmen 4
Longbows 2
Maces 16
Horsemen 2
Knights 8
Cavalry 18
Muskets 16
Catapults 7
Cannons 6
Trebuchets 29, 6 captured
Armies 7, 1 Sword, 2 Mace, 2 Knight, 2 Cavalry

Unit Support:
Total units: 157
Allowed: 138
Support cost: 19 gpt

00% tech/90%taxes/10%luxury

ToG, 1 turn, +179gpt. (2489 in the bank)

The save:
very nice progress :goodjob:

with RR in our hands, we will totally steamroll the enemy for sure

The Roster
AndrewN - up
Got it. We seem to have had poor leader luck in this game, 8 armies don't seem to be many for this stage. Did anybody see what I did with the lucky candle? I was going to light it for Rails :D
I've got everything back in order, so I'll be ready to play next round.
Inherited turn:
Things have changed since my last turn, massive expansion where Egypt used to be, but that final Russian town still lives. Egypt still has a stack of cash, but some of the others have some as well.

Egypt: 6 cities, 4519g
Aztecs: 12 cities, 14g
Russia: 1 city, 1006g
Arabia: 9 cities, 3g
Mongols: 13 cities, 2373g
Unknown civ: unknown no of cities, unknown bank balance
Us: 52 cities :lol:

We are running lux at 10% which we don't need, decrease to 0 and hire 1 merchant. Switch some scientists to merchants, TOG next turn @+223 gpt, 2.5k in the bank.

We seem to have a bunch of units guarding the hills near Apisala. The front was there during my last turn set but has long since moved, lets see if they can be put to better use...

Light lucky candle, hit enter and start my happy dance.

Aztec LB loses to musket but follow up attack kills cavalry in same square [1-1]
Lots of other units move into our territory
We advance into a new era...
Drum roll.
Happy dance ends, sad dance starts :(. I think I need a new lucky candle.
We get nationalism as our free tech

Lagash cav->cav

1) 1210AD
Science to 100% switch merchants to scientists, Steam in 8 at -107gpt.
Switch Orenburg from Library to Cavalry, I don't think we need much more infrastructure.
Tutub appears to be totally corrupted and building a library, as is Dye-on-the-river, Dabrum and Nagsu, all switch to cannon.

Red-line MDI at Vald and discover we have no attackers, route a cavalry there, exit 1 MDI stage left [2-1]
Kill injured Aztec LB [3-1]
Aztec spear retreats vet cavalry, finish it off with a spare [4-1]
Disrupt Mongol settler pair for 2 salves [5-1]
More sleeping siege in Dye-on-the River, activate and use. Found another cannon sleeping in Kiss your axe goodbye.
Bonbard everything near Mansura, kill 2 redlined MDIs, 1 with cavalry and 1 with Elite musket which produces a leader, start happy dance again :) What to do with it, Hmmm. A quick look establishes we barely have enough cavalry to fill it and as a couple are elite they aren't going in the army. [7-1]
Kill Arab LB [8-1]
Kill 2 muskets and a spear in Heliopis and take the city [11-1] capturing the Great Lighthouse and 2 slaves. Keep city, start on walls.
Kill Mongol musket behind our lines [12-1]
Kill Mongol MDI with elite cavalry [13-1]
Checking F4 we have a new contact, I welcome the American ambassador into the throne room and decapitate him, sending the head back with my best wishes. For some reason this angers the Americans and we declare war. They have 6 cities and are down Mono, Fued and Engineering, can we say backwards :lol:. Turns out we met them because a galley sailed near Yamama, so prehaps they aren't on a seperate Island.

MDI and crusader combine to kill our elite musket which I left exposed, still we got our leader out of it :) [14-2]
LB kills MDI on hill [14-3]

Erech cav -> cav

2) 1220AD
Bombard and kill 4 mongol units near Masura [18-3], no promotions, no leaders
Kill aztrc LB, promoting [19-3]
Kill invading Egyptian musket [20-3]
Attack Muscat with knight army, not sure what the defending musket was on but I want some of that, it took 7hp off the army. [21-3]
Kill Aztec musket [22-3]
Kill 2 muskets in Lisht, taking the city [24-3], start on walls
Kill 2 muskets and a LB in Asyut taking the city [27-3] and capturing a treb, start on walls. We have now cleared that corner of the continent, when the armies have healed it is south with them :) Egypt down to 3 cities, I can see the borders for 2 of them.
Upgrade *elite horse to cav for 150g

We currently have 33% of the world and 49% of the population, half way there folks :)

Anjar worker -> worker
Disease hits Vald
Kuara cannon -> cannon
Kutha settler -> settler

3) 1230AD
Kill Egyptain and Russian LB near Giza [29-3]
Load 3 cavalry into empty army and help with Muscat, 2nd musket seems to be on the same stuff as the first :D, 3rd and 4th go down easier and LB is no threat. We take Muscat [32-3], start settler
Kill pair of Aztec muskets [34-3]
This is no good, I'm running out of things to kill again. I'll have a word with TheOverseer, he seems to be too efficient at killing things :lol:

Arac LB attacks kiss the fur [35-3]
Mongols start Shakespears.

4) 1240AD
Bombard 5 MDIs near Mansura doing very poorly, 19 siege does 4 damage :( Kill 4 of them with cavalry [39-3]
Bombard and kill a MDI at Vlad [40-3]
Fortified pike in Damascus takes 14 hp off MDI army before dying [41-3], cover with a musket.
Kill Aztec LB [41-3]
Kill spear in Khabarovsk [42-3]

Mongols seem interested in Muscat now
Ur Cav -> cav
Alexandra worker -> worker
Kish cav -> cav
Umma cav -> cav
Agade cav -> cav
Isin galleon -> galleon

5) 1250AD
Bombard and kill 8 MDIs and a LB from Mongolia near Muscat [51-3]
Kill 2 more spears in Khabarovsk and take the city [53-3], start walls. The Russians are no more. Capture 3 workers.
Kill pike in Edfu [54-3]
Kill 2 pikes in Damascus and take the city [56-3], capture 3 workers and a treb. Start settler

Egyptian LB attacks cav [57-3]
Thebes worker -> courthouse
Babil settler -> settler
Bad-tibra cav -> cav
Erech cav -> cav
Kiss the Fur walls -> settler

6) 1255AD
Kill pike and spear in Edfu and take the city [59-3], start walls
Kill pike and spear in Pithom and take the city [61-3], start walls
Egypt has a single city left which I think I can take next turn
Kill Aztec LB [62-3]

Big landings near Nagsu, Arabs land a LB and Aztecs 3 MDI and a musket, I kept some units nearby as I was expecting the Arabs, but this is a bit much
Aztecs are now interested in Muscat as well
Yamama worker -> settler
Tsetserleg settler -> settler
Kutallu Bank -> cav

7) 1260AD
Mongols are now showing rifles :(
Kill Pike and spear in Butto and take the city [64-3]. Gain 1883g and eliminate the Egyptians
Kill Spear in Bukhara [65-3]
Kill LB, musket and 2 MDI in landing and reinforce Nagsu. 1 MDI left [69-3]
Kill Mongol MDI, LB, crusader, MDI, LB and a pair of Aztec MDIs near Muscat [77-3]
Kill Aztec LB [78-3]

We lose Fustat when a pike loses to a LB [77-4]
Remaining MDI dies in the assult on Nagsu [78-4]
lagash cav -> cav
Avaris worker -> settler

8) 1265AD
Retake Fustad killing the LB [79-4]
Cav retreats from Mongol musket, kill with army [80-4]
Kill Arab LB [81-4]
Kill 2 Aztec MDI near Muscat [83-4]
Cav retreats from LB near Khab, 2nd cav kills [84-4]
Kill 2 spears in Bukhara, taking the city [86-4] and capturing a worker
Follow up by killing the LB that left said town last turn [87-4]

2 arab MDI attack Fustat [85-4]
Mongol LB and MDI attack cavalry [86-5]
We learn the secret of steam power, start on Electricity, 9 turns at 100%
Giza court -> barracks
Orenburg cav -> cav
Mansura worker -> settler
Akshak cav -> cav
Susa's marching band court -> cav

9) 1270AD
We have 2 sources of coal, 1 near Muscat and 1 near Pi-Ramesses. There is also 1 near Bad-tibra but it is not connected.
Kill Mongol musket [87-5]
Found Kisurra
Kill Aztec MDI [88-5]
Start railnet

Arabs attack Fustat again and nearly kill defending MDI/Sword army [89-5]
Ur cav -> cav
Nagsu cannon -> court
Agade cav -> cav
Erech cav -> cav

10) 1275AD
Muscat is still popular, there are 5 MDI's near it. Or rather there were, they all had an accident [93-5]
Found New Kish to claim the Incense.

Thats it...

The railnet has been started, but the workers are not yet in efficient groups, I should probably have started assembling them earlier but it slipped my mind. There are spices near Edfu, but unroaded and outside our current borders but we do have a settler in the area. The only other lux is Ivory and the Americans have that.

The only landing during my turns was at Nagsu, but the Aztecs and Mongols seem interested in Muscat.

There is a small force heading towards Mecca, it is hopefully enough to take it.

We are at 39%/56% land/pop. We have 6547 in gold saved. There is no prebuild for ToE yet, are we even going to bother; the only tech we don't have that would be nice is rep parts. I have a number of settlers building to fill out our lands.

The Mongols are the only people with Nationalism (apart from us) but the Arabs have now joined us in the new age. Nobody has MT.


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