So . . . we're the Sassanids on Emperor. This game should be an enjoyable romp.
I've loaded up the scenario
and looked at our starting position The way I see it, we have several advantages over the other civs in this scenario:
Technologies We're the most advanced playable civ in the game. We can't research any of the barbarian techs
however, since the entry tech of Barbarism is untradeable and it would take 200+ turns to research. Western and
Eastern Rome are up at least
Fortifications (which we can trade for after accumulating some gold),
(I think we should trade for it first, so we can sell our map to the backwards Barbarian civs for $$$ and contacts),
Imperialism (a useless and thankfully optional tech and gov't, since our second advantage is . . .
Tribal Council We start the game in the best form of government, Tribal Council. We have *FREE* unit support,
2 Military Police, 2 Draft Limit, Minimal Corruption, and Forced Labour, and NO war weariness. Imperialism can cash buy
stuff, but it has rampant corruption and war weariness. So we should never change govt's.
MIGRANTS This is a biggie. Migrants are 20 shield, 2 movement, *1 pop cost*, settlers. We should be able to
quickly settle all of Iran/Iraq/Caucasus with these guys. The Romans are stuck with the standard 30 shield, 1 movement,
2 pop cost settlers. Fast-moving Migrants will help us quickly settle those victory point locations.
Luxuries and Resources We start the game with 1 horse, 1 iron, and 1 silks already connected.
Above I've identified the other resources. Priority #1 should be to road those spices. We should settle directly on top
of those wines, so we can make use of them right away and not waste worker turns roading it.
Heavy Cavalry Personally, I think the Warlord units (8.3.1, 12 collateral bombard) are overrated in this scenario.
They have enslave and attack of 8, but are so-so on defense and only have 1 movement point. I agree with mitsho,
Heavy Cavalry (5.3.2) are the best unit; we can cover the map quickly with them (important considering we only have
120 turns before either W. or E. Rome wins on VPs) and they have the retreat capability. Who needs the barbarian
tech branch? We're only 3 techs away from Military Tradition and Heavy Cavs.
STARTING LOCATION This is the most important. We're nicely tucked away in a safe corner of the map.
Our only 'threat' ATM are the Eastern Romans. Later the Huns and Ostrogoths might send some units down, but we can
easily fortify/settle the Caucasus region and set up a nice, tight line of defence.
IMHO, the only three units we have to build are migrants, workers, and horsemen/Heavy cav. Horsemen (30 shields)
will be expensive to upgrade to Heavy Cav (70 shields, so probably 120 gold a pop), but it'll be worth it.
Spearmen/Roman Garrisons are 1.2.1, 20 shields, and are basically worthless on the Defence. So Heavy Cav will be
our main defenders as well as attackers. BTW, the only difference between Spearmen and ROman Garrisons are that
the latter have ZOC and can be drafted.
Cats/Trebs would be nice to knock down those 4 def. Legions, but I think our 5 attack Heavy Cav are enough to take
them out. Plus having to worry about 1 movement bombardment units would only slow us down. I'd rather invest the
shields into heavy cavs.
IMO we should focus on migrants and workers these first 20 or so turns. Ctesiphon is ideal for a few migrants to begin.
We should settle tightly too, not ICS/Borg style
, but maybe with only 2-3 tiles in between cities max. We'll want lots
of size 6-8 cities pumping out Horsemen. Build barracks and maybe a temple to expand culture and work more
tiles. Set research to 0, and buy mapmaking in a few turns from the E. Romans. By the time our 20 turn GPT deal
with them expires, we should be ready to start chipping away at their empire. Once we get Military Tradition, we could
shut off research and amass our gold for horsemen-->Heavy Cav upgrades.
Right now we have 2 Heavy Cavs (elite, named 'Immortals', in Ctesiphon), and 3 horsemen. I vote that we send
ALL of them exploring - maybe the 2 elites into the desert to search for more luxuries/city sites, and the 3 horses
can take the roads to make contact with the other civs (so we don't have to pay for contact).
Diplomacy will be key in this game, which is why we need contacts. While we concentrate on the E. Romans, we
should establish embassies with the barbarian tribes and ally with them v.s Western Rome
. However, on Emperor,
the Barb civs will be slower to grow and attack W. Rome, so we'll need to move fast through the East and attack the West before Rome amasses too many VPs.
Of course, if things are going really well, I'd like to delay victory and take out ALL of the other civs as well
Mount up Sassanids, time to trample some Roman scum!