Realpolitik: Immortales Imperii

Sparthage, the AG is not listed in the OP, can you please change that?
Imperium and Optimate (of the Legion Populus)
Well, this is interesting.

Final Voting:
Coalition of Vengeance: 31
Legion Populus: 31
Roman Progressive Party: 1
Conservative Party: 1
Party of Stone: 1
I'll join the Legion Populus coalition, if I get a cabinet position.:D
Updated Legion Populus Cabinet:

President: Bowsling
Vice-President: Dumanios
Foreign Minister: CELTICEMPIRE
Domestic Minister: CharlemagneXLII
Chief of Staff: Princeof Persia
Chief of Army: Bowsling
Chief of Navy: CharlemagneXLII
Result of the Coinflip was Tails.

Legion Populus, please have your plan posted by the end of this week. I'd like to play until the Governors' elections next Monday.

edit: OP Updated.
I joined your coalition to break the tie and we won. For some reason Bowsling gave me 2 cabinet posts, but you can have naval chief back if you like.
I joined your coalition to break the tie and we won. For some reason Bowsling gave me 2 cabinet posts, but you can have naval chief back if you like.

When you joined, voting was already closed.
The Brotherhood of Scholars is an NPC that might run for a governorship in Veii in the future. I am still waiting for the plan from the Legion Populus...
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