BSmith1068 said:
So.... Did anything happen to you last night? You were the lucky one that I targeted.
Nope, nothing happened to me. I would ask what was supposed to happen, but you can't respond to this. Maybe we could use some sort of code in the thread. Try to integrate the phrases into a post in the thread, depending on the answer.
Do you know what your action is supposed to do? (say "wonderful" for yes, "wondrous" for no, nothing for prefer not to answer)
Does the effect of the action change based on the person it hits? <i.e. mafia/town, power role/vanilla, etc.> (say "terrific" for yes, "terrible" for no, nothing for prefer not to answer)
Is it a negative or positive effect? (say "thrilling" for positive, "thoughtful" for negative, "thunderous" for not really either, nothing for prefer not to answer)
Is it something you target suspicious people with, or those you think are town? (say "forgetful" for suspicious, "forthcoming" for town, "forthright" for not really either, nothing for prefer not to answer)
If you don't want to risk using the code and looking weird, I guess you could just say you'll PM the person back during the Night, or use the phrase "the problem is" in a post.
Anyways, since this is my one PM this phase, and you seem town, I might as well reveal something. I can smell people to determine if they're good, bad, or neutral (I asked Visor what this means, and he said it was sort of similar to the alignment scan in None Shall Pass 2). I smelled Kennigit, and he smelled bad, which I guess is the equivalent of scanning someone as having evil alignment in a NOTW - not necessarily damning, but something to consider. Problem is, I don't see any reason to suspect Kennigit from the thread, and I don't want to claim yet, but I can't talk to him in private about it. So keep that in mind, I guess, that Kennigit might be a bad guy.