Player Character, Alignment and Role Discussion
1. 16. Arakhor 1. Skutter (bob) Town Mason Mason with Newyn. Skutter masons made sense and gave me an excuse to pad the character base out a big. Arakhor unfortunately died N1 before he had a chance to do anything though, making it like the fifth game in a row a mason has died N1.
2. 6. Robbiecon 2. Nirvanah Crane Town Martyr Another role that died N1, robbie had a pretty powerful role that could have been very helpful in the early game for town. Again, cut down in his prime.
4. 14. Backwards Logic 4. Ace Rimmer Town Jack of All Trades Backwards was immediately guessed by both scum teams as being Ace Rimmer with his "What a guy!" comment. Scanned early (didn't lose powers to the polymorph because he was such a great guy he doesn't have negative emotions - but he would lose all powers and become like arnold rimmer if visited by the emohawk. Died early because of his powers I assume, he never used any of them - guessing he didn't have any real targets and didn't want to throw them away.
5. 30. landlubber 5. Holly Town Tracker One of the town stalwarts - very glad he subbed in. Sent in order every night bar one, played well in and out of thread. Solid performance. Decided to have a tracker because with all the night actions it would be useful. Tossed up between that and a watcher but figured watcher would be too powerful.
7. 23. Xym 7. Rimmer Town Hider Hider - sort of an alignment seer, I quickly changed his role to not be able to reveal his targets because I didn't want another seer type role out there. He caused all the chaos N2. Role was thematically based on Rimmer being a coward - I enjoyed that. Was a big target for scum early for some reason.
11. 27. Al sipsclar 11. Grim Reaper Town 1 shot Gravedigger Al Sips played very well for his first game, some very solid reasoning. He had a potentially powerful role (that i thought was rather nifty thematically and gamewise) negated somewhat by no power reveals so he had to guess a bit, but he choose a strong power and worked well with Murska. Unfortunately the fog of war was too great and he got lynched.
12. 11. Choxorn 12. Captain Hollister Town Quicktopic Maker Town saving grace, a minorish character but a very useful ability in setting up a limited network. I figured the town would need some sort of network enabler and boy did he deliver. One of choxorns better games in terms of activity lately as he put it himself, really one of the MVPs of the game.
13. 29. Legato Endless 13. Talkie Toaster Town Backup Legato unfortunately died very early, unable to utilise his ability but it would have been interesting and had some cool implications with Al Sips as well. Couldn't resist leaving out Talkie toaster.
14. 1. KingMorgan 14. Hildegarde Landstrom Town Unsuspecting cultist The role with the most change - he had a very boring role and was probably not too happy to rand it, but he played well in thread and did a good job IMO until the vig shot him rather unfairly.

15. 2. johnhughthom 15. Reketrebn Town Roleblocker Taken down before he could hit his stride. A potentially very powerful role taken out early spelled a bit of danger for the town but they rallied well. Figured town would need some stopping power.
16. 3. Snerk 16. Legion Town Cond Jack of All Trades Another experimentally type role - definitely not putting this in a full PM game but it worked fine here I think. Taken down by the inquisitor he unfortunately did not live to see the strength of his role but Al Sips did.
17. 15. Takhisis 17. Mamet Town Healer The second of two town healers - lost her ability early on and never got to do anything with it - the scum had poor luck with targeting people who would survive long. Played well IMO.
18. 20. Bladescape 18. Able Town Broken townie Another good townie cut down early, this time to Double A being randomised. Unlucky for bladescape who was doing some good work. Could be healed to be a bodyguard but died early. (He didn't know this).
19. 4. MartinLuther 19. Wax Presley Town Bodyguard Successfully saved the town cop, played well besides that after death niggle. Good bodyguard protection gave town some much needed equity after that bad first cycle. Also helped the town network, Zack was rather good for the town in there. I wanted some sort of death prevention for town that they could protect powerful roles - hence this along a doctor.
21. 28. Newyn 21. Skutter (madge) Town Mason Played well, shot by scum - partner died N1 and he was essentially vanilla. Not too much to add.
22. 24. Kennigit 22. Gelf Princess Town 1 shot BP Played well, dunno how he got lynched when he was quite townie IMO but town gonna town. Role would have been useful at reducing killing power of wolves.
23. 17. Murska 23. Kochanski Town Doctor Town doctor - played well IMO, I don't understand the suspiscion of him. Saved Jarrema which was definitely a MVP move. Thematically I thought it fit pretty well and the role obviously needed to be included.
26. 13. BSmith 26. Kryten Town Healer Second of the two healers, I was at a bit of a loss to what Krytens role should be but I figured because he saves the day/fixes a lot of problems he'd be useful at that. Would potentially change this role to some sort of mechanical cop if I redid it. Played well.
27. 5. Zack 27. Cat Town Cop Played well in and out of thread. With the high amount of scum I figured town would need some sort of cop - I didn't want to give them a full one but I gave them a pretty damn good one - also think it fit well thematically especially with his results. Scanned two bad guys.
28. 18. Double A 28. Lister Town Vigilante Another MVP even though he shot a lot of townies (a few were simply POE). Almost 'lost' the game by shooting Jarrema but made up for it by shooting Sprig. Did well to avoid ALL suspiscion and survive the entire game which was very well done. Thought he played well in thread too.
29. 26. remake20 29. Yvonne MacGruder Town Abduct Played well, lost half of his power early and was suspected for some reason. Died to POE late in the game.
30. 22. Cuthillius 30. Simulant Wolf Mugger Played well in thread and in the wolf chat - definitely one of the wolf MVPs ene though he botched his claim. I wanted to give the wolfs another form of power so they didn't always have to have one person doing nothing. Thought the role was pretty good and relatively thematic.
24. 12. Spaceman98 24. Katerina Bartikovsky Wolf Godfather RC Role fit well in the theme and wolves needed some info gatherers. Did well in and out of thread, definitely the other wolf MVP. Claim wasn't believed - perhaps you should have claimed some sort of wrong seer completely.
3. 10. Sprig 3. Hudzen-10 Wolf Strongman/Ninja Wolf strongman - wolves had better killing powers hence the role. Played fine - but got shot by the town vig. Was useful in wolf chat.
6. 25. Luzieu 6. Unspeakable One Wolf Roleblocker I thought he did quite well even if his cases weren't the greatest. Standard wolf roleblocker - wanted to do something interesting with this character but figured wolves needed some stopping power.
25. 7. Winston Hughes 25. Polymorph Mafia Ability Stealer Mafia MVP IMO - played very well up until the Al Sips incident - was good behind the scenes as well.
8. 8. Autolyucs 8. Psiren Mafia Godfather Mafia godfather. Played well, avoided suspscion rather well until it all came crashing down at the end. Role worked very well thematically.
9. 19. Internet Flea 9. Emohawk Mafia Emotion Drainer One of the two scum manipulators - played well in and out of thread - its all been said about these two.
10. 21. Pouter Pigeon 10. Despair Squid Mafia Hallucinator Dodged suspscion quite nicely - as did all the mafia, role backfired horrible late in the game but was useful for causing some chaos. I liked it thematically.
20. 9. Jarrema 20. Inquisitor Independent Conditional Vig It's all been said at this point. Very well played and a very fun role IMO.