Red Dwarf Mafia: The Smeggening [Game Thread - Concluded]


Sep 22, 2011
Red Dwarf Mafia: The Smeggening


Welcome to Red Dwarf Mafia. The Boys from the Dwarf have located a large abandoned spaceship called EDEN. They get more than they bargained for when they enter however…

What to expect:
• Characters from all over the Red Dwarf Universe (and plenty of references)
• Mostly non vanilla. Most characters will have some way of doing or affecting something.
• There may or may not be a cult, or extra scum teams, or independents, or third parties. I wouldn’t want to spoil the game for you just yet.
• There are a few items in the game which may have peculiar effects.
• Investigations are not 100% effective. They are useful, but not infallible.
• Private Communication is available, but limited.
• The Alignment and Role of a player will be revealed upon their death.
• Attempts at humour.

1. Do not quote anything I say to you in private. This includes night results, role PM, general conversation, cricket scores, the weather in Bristol and the colour of my car.
2. You can only send 1 PM per day to players who you do not have direct contact with. People in sanctioned quick topics can talk as much as they like to each other. Please copy me into every PM you send and quicktopics.
3. You may quote PMs from other players, but no screenshots or anything like that.
4. If you don’t send in a night order, it will not be randomised. You may send in orders ahead of time if you are busy.
5. If you’re dead you may post in thread ONLY if it has zero game related content. Feel free to make snarky comments, curse the name of the people who killed you, or that sort of thing. You may also be invited to a dead QT to discuss the game with the other unfortunate souls.
6. Each day you may choose to lynch one player. No Lynch and Abstain are acceptable votes. There is no majority or hammer this game. The day phase is 48 hours and the night phase will be 24 hours long.
7. If there is a tie at days end, there will be a tiebreaker round afterwards until there is a clear winner. If there is no clear winner by 20 minutes after the deadline, I will randomise.
8. Don’t edit your posts please. I won’t count edited posts that have votes in them.
9. I will WoG/replace if necessary. Please stay active/try not to break the rules, I am a lenient host but I won’t bend that much.
10. If you have any questions about public mechanics ask in the thread in bold green text.
11. You will vote for players you want lynched during the day, using the format, Vote: Visorslash. Votes must be in bold to count. You do not need to add a Vote: tag, just bolding the name will suffice. I will take your final vote as the last one. If you wish to unvote, simply: Unvote; Vote: ATPG.
12. Have fun.

You can send a total of 1 PM to 1 person per day. (I'm basically allowing some semblance of OoG contact whilst limiting it as well).
If you're transferring an item you can't use it the same day/night. (One action per item, so you either use it or transfer it).
Most items will be transferable (this will not take up a night action). Items can also be transferred by day. (Transfers happen at end of phase).
There ARE mechanisms against claiming your role, so be very wary of that.
Characters could be ANY alignment.
If you want to something not mentioned here, ask me first.
Alive: 7/30
7. Winston Hughes
9. Jarrema
11. Choxorn
13. BSmith
15. Takhisis
18. Double A
30. Landlubber

Dead 22/30:
29. Legato Endless, Talkie Toaster, town, lynched D1.
2. johnhughthom, Reketrebn, town, killed N1.
6. Robbiecon, Nirvanah Crane, town, killed N1.
16. Arakhor, Skutter, town, killed N1.
3. Snerk, Legion, town, daykilled D2.
24. Kennigit, Ech-ech-ech-ech-ech-ech-ech-ech, town, lynched D2.
4. MartinLuther, Wax Elvis Presley, town, killed N2.
20. Bladescape, Able, town, killed N2.
25. Luzieu, The Unspeakable One, revenge seeker, lynched D3.
23. Xym, Arnold Rimmer, town, killed N3.
14. Backwards Logic, Ace Rimmer, town, killed N3.
22. Cuthillius, Simulant Lieutenant, revenge seeker, lynched D4.
5. Zack, The Cat, town, killed N4.
10. Sprig, Hudzen-10, revenge seeker, killed N4.
12. Spaceman98, Katerina Bartikovsky, revenge seeker, lynched D5.
28. Newyn, Skutter, town, killed N5.
27. Al sipsclar, Grim Reaper, town, lynched D6.
17. Murska, Kristine Kochanski, town, killed N6.
1. KingMorgan, Hildegarde Lanstrom, town, killed N6.
8. Autolycus, Psiren, monster, daykilled D7.
26. remake20, Yvonne McGruder, town, lynched D7.
19. Internet Flea, Emohawk, monster, killed N7.
21. Pouter Pigeon, Despair Squid, monster, daykilled D8.
Day 1 - Signs

Lister: "Morning Kryten."
Kryten: "Good Morning Mister Lister sir, I see you're still wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday."
Lister: "Yeah, I thought I'd give em a good working out."
Kryten: "I'm not sure wearing them for a week straight constitutes working out sir. Perhaps you would allow me to wash them?"
Rimmer: "Like that'll ever happen. Give it another couple of days and it'll be completely brown from curry stains. Why bother now changing now when you're so close?"
Lister: "Smeg off Rimmer!"

Cat: "Guys, quick! There's something beeping on the radar!"
Rimmer: "Is it an alarm, are we in danger?"
Kryten: "No sir, judging by the size of the signal it seems to be another ship. I can't seem to decipher the message however."
Lister: "Well, we'll have to go and check it out then won't we? Might be some curries aboard."
[Everyone groans].
Timer: [timer=9/5/2015 08:00 PM +10:00; Night Phase Over][/timer]

The game has started. You may now post. Please read the rules again because I have updated them.
That's the weather in all of southern England right now. August, my arse!
am I really first player voting here?
Vote: Snerk for posting in the thread and not voting
I dont even want to know what it means
RNG says remake20 so let's do that for now.

I will probably change once more people have voted, depending.
A Norwegian is criticising a Briton for their weather? You will die for this insult, Snerk!
I really think Arakhor is getting too defensive. You can often find wolves when they're too defensive.

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