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Red Dwarf Mafia: The Smeggening [Game Thread - Concluded]

p.s: A word on my hosting philosophy, I believe in show don't tell when it comes to night results and hosting games. I like to leave as much up to speculation as possible because it drives activity and interest - people have something to talk about even if they don't have reads. So no power reveals, not telling if protect failed or what have you. It might not be everyones cup of tea but it generally helps get people engaged and gives mafia some room to hide in with respect to powers and claims and night actions but also doing work because they don't know everything either.
So was this just a lie? :scan:

It was mostly a mechanism to stop people from claiming immediately and trying to mass claim the game away.

Though if there was excessive claiming I would've given extra powers to the scum teams so it wasn't exactly a lie.

But yes, a bit of host trickery. :p
As frustrating as it was to not be really sure what my ability did, and therefore to maximize its effectiveness, I agree with the overall approach to keeping some things in the dark. I also like the hidden mechanics that happen in the background without player knowledge. It adds a nice level of overall uncertainty to everyone and prevents early networking from getting out of control and solving the game quickly.

I also really like the inquisitor mechanic. It was something new and fresh and would have been a ton of fun to play.
Good job town, well played.

I had no idea what the setting was, and even still had no idea my role was one of the main ones, and furthermore any reference I made to being Ace Rimmer was completely unintentional and not even known to me until I saw Visor's spreadsheet. Then I read the scum QT with Winston and I got the sense Winston got the sense the quote was intentional :lol:. Regarding Winston's post in the QT stating I voted against a Red Dwarf setting, it was more of me voting for an Age of Empires setting as I spent countless hours playing that game back in the day. In any event, I was doomed from the start.

Loved the Inquisitor role. Unfortunately now I get the sense a bunch of future hosts will try to copy it in some way, but dang was that creative.

Good game Visor.
Yeah I noticed that. You were pretty integral to the town victory. Good job.

I mostly did good other than the part where I trusted Winston.

The real issue is should he have been a serial killer or have a different goal - the answer is honestly I don't know. The way the game worked out he could've (and did) help the mafia in some ways, but also provided town with a victory (that was snatched from the jaws of defeat thanks to bad wolf actions). I agree with the sentiment that neutral survivor roles either have a large impact or none at all, and perhaps it would've been better to make him a true third party/not serial killer, but I think the game was still fine with it.

Maybe give him a VC to kill/judge a certain number of players, or specific players he needs to kill because they're "unworthy" for some reason?
Perhaps make the Inquisitor's VC to kill everyone who roleclaims :p

I reiterate my question Jarrema: If I had told the truth, and told you I was mafia, would you have killed me?
I reiterate my question Jarrema: If I had told the truth, and told you I was mafia, would you have killed me?

Probably not. I would be immune to your night actions (I would never told you that), and try to guess who the rest of your team is, to decide later if I want to go with you or with town. I wanted more informations to have more options

@Visor: I would like to thank you very much for helping me with forming my messages to people whom I was talking with. It was more climatic that way, and my language did not revealed Inquisitor to be Jarrema.
I'd probably have found this game more interesting, but I died on N1 and thus basically didn't take part at all, which was no one's fault except the scum. :D
Zack's scan. Smell someone as Good, Bad, or Neutral.
Ah. I missed it in the middle of all that infodump.
Internet Flea said:
I assume; it now occurs to me I actually used none of the powers I drained.
Would have been funnier if Takhisis had posted it back on Day 3.
It would have, wouldn't it? And I was right about you all along. But latching onto someone and voting them every phase is a stupid move, you allow everyone else to ignore you.
I have to say, this was kind of a brilliant move, it seemed like the sort of thing nobody would ever do as anything but a townie. For the longest time I thought you were a well-meaning but silly and often wrong townie, and didn't really get suspicious of you until you refused to stop tunneling landlubber.
But he more or less convinced me that lynching Jarrema was a very bad move, for the rest of the game.
Probably not. I would be immune to your night actions (I would never told you that), and try to guess who the rest of your team is, to decide later if I want to go with you or with town. I wanted more informations to have more options
But how would you have turned against him?
Jarrema said:
@Visor: I would like to thank you very much for helping me with forming my messages to people whom I was talking with. It was more climatic that way, and my language did not revealed Inquisitor to be Jarrema.
Oh, this would have been a challenge. Pity you never interrogated me, then.
I'd probably have found this game more interesting, but I died on N1 and thus basically didn't take part at all, which was no one's fault except the scum. :D
You deserve that for what you did in Zack's NotW.
Believe me - other than mage-hunting in Zack's game, I did almost nothing right there. :)
Probably not. I would be immune to your night actions (I would never told you that), and try to guess who the rest of your team is, to decide later if I want to go with you or with town. I wanted more informations to have more options

@Visor: I would like to thank you very much for helping me with forming my messages to people whom I was talking with. It was more climatic that way, and my language did not revealed Inquisitor to be Jarrema.

Well I would have told you I was a revenge seeker, so you would have known who the rest of my team were: Dead people (+1 unknown, soon revealed as Cuth)

Question: Could you reverse your ruling? i.e. target someone you already targeted before?
But latching onto someone and voting them every phase is a stupid move, you allow everyone else to ignore you.

As a wolf I view everyone ignoring me as a good thing. Plus town me votes landlubber there, about... 75% of the time. Either I'm wrong and we have time for the mislynch, or I'm right and we have to follow through.

And the alternative was to start throwing suspicion at Autolycus and Pouter Pigeon, which wouldn't have been any better for Team Monster.
No worries jarrema.

Space - he could not re target someone. But he could change his mind on the day if he wanted. If he made a decision to kill within first 24 hours he would have until midday to change it then I would kill someone, next was 36 hours, then 42, 48.

I did that to make sure nobody thought it was based off someone's posts but that failed anyway lol
Chaos? And here I was thinking my N2 action didn't do anything! :blush:

You're welcome to try your hand here again, Mr. Xym. Also, what did the newcomers -from GitP, I presume?- read my game? Everyone always complains that I play like scum when town and like town when scum.

Planning on it.

I have no idea. Neutral read really, but I did die early-ish.

No worries jarrema.

Space - he could not re target someone. But he could change his mind on the day if he wanted. If he made a decision to kill within first 24 hours he would have until midday to change it then I would kill someone, next was 36 hours, then 42, 48.

I did that to make sure nobody thought it was based off someone's posts but that failed anyway lol

Damn coincidences!
I really do think the Inquisitor was an excellent role. I probably won't even mind when it gets copied to death.

Anyway I think I played a pretty decent game, but I really shoulda trusted myself more. I definitely thought Cuth was scum on D2 and 3, and had fairly strong reads on Auto and Flea. Of course I also thought Xym, Murska, and Landlubber were scummy. Don't really know why I killed KM anymore. I think it was because of Winston's early analysis of his posts. Something about them not being scummy cause he was KM rubbed me the wrong way. Vig is definitely my favorite role in mafia, even more than doctor. I'm glad I got to be it again, and that I finally know I'm somewhat good at it.
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