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Rednecks Vs Hippies

Redneck or Hippie?

  • Redneck

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • Hippie

    Votes: 24 60.0%
  • Both equally

    Votes: 5 12.5%

  • Total voters
The sad thing is, most people haven't had the joy of seeing a real redneck ;)
Hmm, Possibly they would be more south of the Mason Dixion line and a little West into the Appalatian Mts.
Originally posted by Speedo
The sad thing is, most people haven't had the joy of seeing a real redneck ;)

I did, I traveled around the US on a road trip and seen a few serious rednecks down south. (chewing tobacco and talking racist sh*te). They're a minority though, a stereo type that idiots find easy to get into.
They're an Americian creation, but the whole idea of a redneck is global.

I loved the people down south, they're very droll and easy going. I had a lot of good laughs down there.
I purposely posted this w/out any definitions or clarifications of what either hippies or rednecks are to me. Personally I think that both archetypes -- rednecks and hippies -- have positive, appealing (stereotypical) qualities.

The "neither" choice is not to take the poll... But comments are welcome, as always.
Originally posted by gael
Mojo, I get the feeling your a closet hippy judging by your past couple of threads.;)

Kinda -- moreso than most, probably. But I live a very mainstream lifestyle.

Originally posted by gael
Heres a link about the origins of rednecks/hillbillys, incase anyones wondering.

....and yis wonder way the politics over here are complicated.:crazyeye:

Interesting -- I had heard that America's hillbilly culture was of Scottish origin, but never heard this much detail on it. I like those ancient folk songs. Not much of a 20th C country fan though...

I always thought that redneck was a reference to a farmer's tan -- a literal red neck from working under the hot sun all day.

Unrelated, but a friend of mine calls people who pull a dumb move (incl himself) "crackers," but he means it as a reference to crack cocaine... Uses instead of "crackhead" or "crack baby."

E.g. "...so just as I'm finishing up peeing on the "wall" of the police station I realize it's actually a tinted window and they've been watching me the whole time! I am a cracker."
Originally posted by Furry Spatula
Visit the Gulf Islands my friend. You'll see...

I think newfangle meant there's no grassroots hippy culture here.;)
Originally posted by newfangle
Hippies because they are somewhat less likely to crack out a shotgun and kill because of their beliefs.

Yeah they only mass in crowds to protest war by trashing stores, beating up cops and reporters, and damaging property, throwing molotov cocktails, blowing up abortion clinics, murdering the doctors...yeah real passive...

I am a cultured, imperialist, autocratic snob.

Rednecks and hippies constitute the same thing to me.
Originally posted by John-LP
Yeah they only mass in crowds to protest war by trashing stores, beating up cops and reporters, and damaging property, throwing molotov cocktails, blowing up abortion clinics, murdering the doctors...yeah real passive...

Anyone who fits that description is not a proper hippie.
That fits the description of a 'freak' better.

A drug user, who enjoys the trappings of hippy culture, but has a violent anti-establishment agenda...
Originally posted by CurtSibling

I am a cultured, imperialist, autocratic snob.

Rednecks and hippies constitute the same thing to me.

A capital choice, but there is a decided difference between the two types; ze rednecks are more open to our agenda, and the hippies more suited to being lynched by the rednecks who are open to our agenda. :yeah:
Originally posted by John-LP

Yeah they only mass in crowds to protest war by trashing stores, beating up cops and reporters, and damaging property, throwing molotov cocktails, blowing up abortion clinics, murdering the doctors...yeah real passive...

Those arnt Hippies, those are extremists
Interesting thread, as always, Mojo.

Originally posted by Tassadar
Hippie all the way, hippie mean to me

1.- free spirit

2.- no human autority like in buisness

3.- free living style in peace with each other

4.- No military budget, we live in peace so a lots more money ( like 400 billion just for usa) can be put in a much better area.

5.- And the most important one to me is it mean, you sit near a fire with some friend in a forest area , smoke a weed joint and listen music, in the morning you go fishing and catch a few trout for breakfest with some eggs.

Red neck to me mean

1.- Yes M. Boss, Yes M. president i ll improve,and produce more for the benefits of the compagy.

2.- If M. president say we should go to war, then i agree because i am a YES MAN i am submissive to order even without proof.

3.- a red neck is either a sheep (worker), a dog (boss,policeman) or a pig( politician,buisnessman,ect,,,) in Pink Floyd Animals ( album of music)

Have you actually hung out with people who call themselves "rednecks"? Quite a lot of them are just as anti-establishment as the hippies, complaining about "the man" (meaning "authority", be it government or the boss at work--many rednecks I know grumble about "working for the man" and dream of being their own boss.) Rednecks generally are "blue-collar" or farmers, meaning NOT "bosses" in the sense of Pink Floyd's song "Dogs" but rather ordinary working folk (I think the term "redneck" came from the "farmer's tan" one gets on the neck from working out in the sun with a T-shirt on and being bent over, although I'm not sure).

Actually, a few very different groups, it seems, identify themselves as "rednecks". A lot of the long-haired folk I smoked weed with in Virginia, mostly construction workers and laborers, called themselves "rednecks". But you also have the "Hank Hill" rednecks. And then you have the Klan rednecks. What IS a "redneck", really, then? Seems it's more of a colorful word we use, rather than something that distinctly identifies anything.

In that vein though, I'm a little of the first version of "redneck" (the pot-smoking working guy who doesn't like "the man" very much), and a little hippie in the more old-school sense (i.e. not the "New Age" definition of hippie)--hey, these two actually have some overlap, if you really think about it! Ever listened to Charlie Daniels' (a "redneck-hippie" if there ever was one) song "Long-Haired Country Boy"? I've always identified with it, and that is the FURTHEST thing from being a "sheep", "dog", or "pig" in the Pink Floyd sense.

But ultimately, I am ME, and although these titles can be colorful and somewhat descriptive, they can also be misleading depending on how you take them. I am who I am, no more and no less, and really have little use for either of these terms to be honest.
Words to "Long-Haired Country Boy" by Charlie Daniels:

People say I'm no good, crazy as a loon
'Cos I get stoned in the morning, and get drunk in the afternoon.
Kinda like my old blue-tick hound, I like to lay around in the shade
I ain't got no money, but I damned sure got it made


'Cos I ain't askin' nobody for nothin',
If I can't get it on my own.
If you don't like the way I'm livin',
You just leave this long-haired country boy alone.

Preacher man talkin' on TV, puttin' down the rock n' roll,
Wants me to send a donation, 'cos he's worried about my soul.
He says "Jesus walked on the water", and I know that it's true,
But sometimes I think that preacher-man'd like to do a little walkin' too


A poor girl wants to marry, and a rich girl wants to flirt,
A rich man goes to college, and a poor man goes to work.
A drunkard wants another drink of wine and a politician wants a vote,
I don't want much of nothin' at all but I will take another toke



THAT'S a redneck-hippie talkin'! :D
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