• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Regarding The Steam Can o' Worms

You need to run steam. But steam itself can be run without being connected to the internet. AND you can play multiplayer without having steam connected.
So wait... Steam DOES run whenever Civ5 runs regardless of being in offline mode?

I played Civ4 with a system that was comfortably above the recommended system reqs. Yet I still ran into that blasted MAF error when playing big mods on medium maps, or any huge vanilla map. BTS was supposed to fix that issue; it didn't! I really don't want to face that bull pucky again! I already wonder if my new system (not the Civ4 system) will be able to run Civ5. Having another program run with Civ5 only adds to the concern. And yeah I know some people are saying its only 40mb or whatnot. But I ran into problems with Civ4 without Steam. Whats its gonna be like running Civ5 AND Steam.

I support Steam as a mod hub, and MP HQ. But if I'm running in offline mode and not using it, I don't want it running. And I don't want it interupting me every time it wants to update. And I don't want it using my limited and unreliable internet connection to constantly be checking for updates.

On the Steam forums I read that you can stop game updates, and can prevent Steam from auto-installing Steam updates. But that you can't stop Steam from making regular calls home looking for new updates for the Steam software. Not good.
So wait... Steam DOES run whenever Civ5 runs regardless of being in offline mode?

Right, I'm getting so sick of this it's not even slightly funny.

White Elk. Sit down. Don your reading glasses and your comprehension hat. Read the following:

Steam is integrated into Civ 5 such that many of the fundamental systems that Civ 5 needs in order to run are done via the Steamworks platform. This means that Civ 5 will need to load the Steamworks platform when ever it loads.

Civ 5 is also going to load the DirectX graphics API when it loads, in order to be able to draw things on the screen.

It is also probably going to load some other third party APIs and libraries in order to run its code.

Using third party APIs for common elements of your game is completely reasonable.

Please try to understand what Steamworks is.

Moderator Action: Don't belittle other users
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Because it's nearly never needed?

And because i do not want to sign an additional contract with all it disadvantages?

It is needed in this case in order to access the multiplayer aspects as well as the content authoring system and to implement the DRM scheme.
Right, I'm getting so sick of this it's not even slightly funny.


Please try to understand what Steamworks is.
I'm tired of your condescending tone. Thats all I'll say about that.

In an attempt to better understand what Steam is and what I might expect from it, I've spent some time at their forums these last few days. Get it straight from the horses mouth and all that. Their forums are littered with the sort of disastifaction I'd like to avoid. Many of my concerns have been validated.

Before you start flaming me, keep in mind these are just a few examples of MANY.
Check it all out for yourself. You don't have to look very deep to find them.
Also pick a topic then search it to see just how often these things occur.

Stuck Updates
Spoiler :
It seems the last update does not want to be downloaded. I have no problem with my internet connection. I can not skip the update either, if I cancel, Steam just closes.
Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Already tried and had no effect with:

1) repair steam using the "SteamInstall.msi"
2) delete "ClientRegistry.blob"
3) add "-clearbeta" to shortcut
4) uninstalling and reinstalling steam (D:\Games\Steam\)
5) installing steam in default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam)\)
6) installing steam in Dutch instead of English, hoping the download location is effected and removing a possible network problem
7) restarted computer
8) restarted router (I don't use webfiltering though!)
9) User Account Control is and was off
10) Steam is being run (default after installing Steam) as administrator
11) Compatibility mode (default after installing Steam) is set to "Windows Vista", and I can not change this)
12) While being stuck at 26%, Steam keeps a connection open to "" (not sure what to think of this)

After sending a support ticket I started up Steam again and it now updates to 99%... awaiting 100%.

Any one suggestions?

Source: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1259793

The first reply....

Something is very not OK with Steam nowdays...

Sorry for double post but its important :p
Just got it working on my brothers PC.
Heres what I did.

1) Restart computer in safe mode.
2) Try running steam.
3) If it fails try running it a few more times, I dont know why but I had to do this.
4) Steam came up saying dont run steam in compatibility mode (may or may not do this to you, if you dont get this steam may just start, so yay!)
5) Restart windows in normal mode.
6) Start steam, said dont run in comp mode again, turned on compatiblity mode, ran steam, same error again, turned OFF compatibility mode, start steam, worked!

Hope that helps anyone!

Sounds fun don't it?

Lost Games
Spoiler :
Ok I turned my computer logged on to steam wanted to play tf2 and the game was uninstalled. All my other games are uninstalled to. Anyone know what possibly happened. I had about 15 games installed. I even did a system restore to about 5 or so days ago (The games were fine on friday but just to make sure). STILL the games are uninstalled. I need help because that is about 3 or 4 days worth of installing games.
Also it is only with steam games. I can play Company of heroes,NFS Shift, and Cod4

Source: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1261135

First reply...

i sent a support ticket about this and i can send u what they told me to do.

hold on

Solution 1:
Hello Henning,

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

Please exit Steam and go to the folder called C:\Program Files\Steam\ (this is the default location for a Steam installation - if you set a different installation directory, you will need to browse to it).

Delete all of the files in this folder except:

The Steamapps folder and Steam.exe (this file is listed as an application and features the black and white Steam logo)

Restart your computer.

Then, you will need to launch Steam.exe from within the Steam installation folder, and not from a pre-existing shortcut.

With Steam running, re-test the original issue.

Note: This process will not affect your currently installed games.

Let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.
SOLUTION 2: ( because first didnt work 4 me )

Hello Henning,

Lets do a completely fresh install of Steam by using the following steps:

1. Write down your Steam Account name and password - you will need them to log back into Steam once you have reinstalled
2. Logout of Steam if you are able to do so
3. Exit Steam
4. Move SteamApps out of the Steam folder. This is the folder that holds your games.
5. If you are having problems with a specific game, delete it's folder from SteamApps/<account> - Uninstall via Add/Remove programs, if you can
6. Restart if prompted
7. Delete Steam folder if it still exists
8. Hit windows key + r ( run at the start menu ) and type regedit
9. Delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Valve (or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Valve on 64-bit Windows)
10. Restart
11. Download and install a fresh copy of the Steam installer from http://www.steampowered.com/download/SteamInstall.msi
12. Run the installer
13. Exit Steam before you first login
14. Move your SteamApps folder back
15. Run Steam and test the issue.

Great fun registry edits are. Surprised that Support didn't warn that
mistakes while editing the registry can totally destroy your machine!

Can't Validate
Spoiler :
Plain and simple, no matter how many times I try and validate my game "80 files" are always missing. Then once I start the game I need to run the bioshock 2 update...

Can any1 else confirm?


Why steam doesn't just update the .gcf file to the latest version is beyond me...

: /

Source: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1223835

Ahh theres alot, I'm not posting anymore quotes. Go and see for yourself. They are common enough to be easy to find.
Overwhelmed Servers, a recent string of broken updates, unable to validate, unable to connect, stolen accounts, erroneous account closures, etc.
All recent.

A can of worms indeed!
This thread is made of fail as the info in here is repeated ten times over and then some all over these boards.

Of course there are some people who are not pleased with steam, just like some people do not like puppies or kittens. Firaxis can indeed give the people without internet a nice symbol combol made with a closed fist, with the middle finger open and pointing upwards - krasny described it better - and they do it with better wording and with better marketing reasoning behind them. If you do not have all the tools required to play, then you cannot play. What is the problem?

This whole issue seems to me like people complaining about a board game that requires a large table but they have no such table... If you do not have it, pick another game to enjoy, or go through the hassle to get the game activated by whatever means possible. You may not like it, but that is the way it is. No amount of complaining will change it.
Why is it so important to you that all Civ5 players be forced to run unnecessary third-party software to play an offline single-player game?

That's a serious question.

I respect your right to want to avail yourself of steam's perceived benefits with civ5, and am glad you have that opportunity.

Why can't you respect the right of those who see no value, or even see negative value, in steam to have the choice to not run unnecessary third-party software to play a single-player online game -- especially if they buy a DVD and install/validate/update/etc. the old-fashioned way?

What's wrong with having the choice?

Why is it so important to you to deny folks like me said choice that you put forth the time/effort to argue against it here?
Depending on what they do, you may NOT have to run steam every time you want to play Civ 5.

For example, I have GTA IV through Steam. Once it's installed, I just created a link to the GTA IV executable (was pretty much a requirement to do so even with a retail copy when GTA IV came out) and all I have to do is click that link and it runs, never touching Steam.

I know this works with some other Steam games, but not all. It really just depends on what Firaxis does.
Depending on what they do, you may NOT have to run steam every time you want to play Civ 5.

For example, I have GTA IV through Steam. Once it's installed, I just created a link to the GTA IV executable (was pretty much a requirement to do so even with a retail copy when GTA IV came out) and all I have to do is click that link and it runs, never touching Steam.

I know this works with some other Steam games, but not all. It really just depends on what Firaxis does.
According to 2k Elizabeth:
"As for Steam, yes, it will be running, because it works with the game. I am confident that Steam will not slow down your game (even in late game periods.) We're building Civ with Steam - and we don't want the game to slow down at any point, period. "

I specifically asked her:
"We'll need steam to be running in the background to play single-player games offline?!?! Absent official word this is untrue, I'll have to conclude it is true."

2K Elizabeth replied to another poster about 1.5 hours after my question. No response to my question (so far anyhoo).
A point to add here on auto-patching; Steam auto-patching works pretty well. The built-in-auto-patching in Civ4 is chock full of fail, and crashes or fails to update in a very very high proportion of cases.

I know which I'd prefer.

Also, AFAIK, there's nothing stopping you from unchecking "keep my game up to date" in steam for Civ5 and then manually downloading/installing patches if you prefer that method.
"We'll need steam to be running in the background to play single-player games offline?!?! Absent official word this is untrue, I'll have to conclude it is true."

I am certain that this will be the case, that is how steam works. Steam will not cause you any performance problems, there should be no reason to worry about steam running in the background while playing the game.
Why is it so important to you that all Civ5 players be forced to run unnecessary third-party software to play an offline single-player game?

That's a serious question.

I respect your right to want to avail yourself of steam's perceived benefits with civ5, and am glad you have that opportunity.

Why can't you respect the right of those who see no value, or even see negative value, in steam to have the choice to not run unnecessary third-party software to play a single-player online game -- especially if they buy a DVD and install/validate/update/etc. the old-fashioned way?

What's wrong with having the choice?

Why is it so important to you to deny folks like me said choice that you put forth the time/effort to argue against it here?
It is not that important to me at all. I just do not care that steam will be required, and I feel no sympathy for those who do find it a problem. I would prefer it if there was a non-steam version, but there isn't. Since I like steam I am ok with that, and I care little if people disagree.

@white elk:
Of course on the steam boards you will see threads with people asking critical questions. Just ask yourself this: how many people who are perfectly happy with steam will log on every now and again to say 'hey guys, just letting you know that I love steam!' Would you do that?

I am not trying to say you should love steam, not liking it is very valid. I just think you should not be worried based on the posts on the steam boards. You were looking for negativity and you found it. Is that surprising?
GFWL has acquired a terrible reputation as a clunky and buggy form of DRM. Plus it's much less user friendly than Steam, for example there is no play offline option.

No doubt if Microsoft develop this abomination it will morph into something less buggy than a termite mound.

For people with no internet, I assume 2K wish them all a big "YUCK FOU!" :mad:

Moderator Action: Foul language and evading the autocensor - warned.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

Gfwl does have an offline option. I have no internet and play fallout 3 and I have bioshock 2, and i had to make an offline account to play, but ive never used it online so it may be buggy and clunky.
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