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Religion-only restrictions

Ziggy Stardust

Absolutely Sane
Nov 23, 2005
High above the ice
There's a difference between restraint out of common sense and religious restraint.

For instance, the Religion of the Chocolate Icecream Bucket forbids the eating of a whole bucket in a day. But non-RotCIB followers could very easily have the same restraint because they know it will give them belly-aches, provided they're not whale-sized individuals. So I'm not after those restraints, since I am curious about those which I as a non-religious hell-going person am not familiar with. Not much fun to be curious about familiar things now is it?

So my question to the minority of god-fearing people is, what sort of restrictions does your religion put on you? What do you see godless heathens engage in that makes you think: I'd like that as well, but I cannot yield to the devil of temptation.
I suspect you'll have as many answers as there are people on the planet...
I don't think my religion places any restraints on me per se, but I do think it acts as a reminder to behave decently - you might say that it places a 'restraint' on me from lying, for example.
Restrictions are fine so long as you don't restrict others. I don't see a problem with having a personal moral code.

I see a problem when those personal restrictions have a negative impact on your well being or that of others.
I think that everything within the secular law is lawful. There are some things on a personal basis that I do not do, but not because religion constrains me. They just do not interest me to do.
Thread is not about personal restrictions and it's not about impacting others. It's about outside restrictions which impact you.
Here in Norway we have this strange phenomenon that we generally don't work on sundays. Almost erverything is closed on sundays. That may be linked with religion.

But seriously: I just read about a couple who got fined because they did the lawn on a sunday(too much noise).

It's not what the OP wanted, but I wanted to share this, because I was a bit surprised that people can get fined for making noise on holidays.
It's not what the OP wanted, but I wanted to share this, because I was a bit surprised that people can get fined for making noise on holidays.

That used to happen in Germany, although since the vast majority of the police-work in British garrisons is done by the RMP the stranger parts of German law were rarely enforced - it was always amusing to watch the natives waiting patiently at a red light with no traffic, then gesturing in outrage when a British contingent (illegally) crossed the road and the nearby policeman ignored it
Restrictions are what you make of it.
I used to know quite a few fair-weather muslims at my old job who drink, pick up girls and then point to a piece of meat in the canteen and ask "is this pork ?"
They're fine with drunkeness and adultery, but that's where they draw the line.
a bosnian friend of mine is certain it's not blasphemy if it happens in a roofed over environment, since then allah can't see it.
So, am I supposed to conclude that religions don't put any restrictions on it's members which they themselves would not put on themselves either?
Tea? They can't drink tea? I hope this is a joke.
Maybe I have to wait till those die-hard unwatered down believers come along who're always accusing others of being feel good believers.

Show me your suffering!
I didn't have sex before marriage. That sucked a bunch while it was applicable. Is that more what you are looking for?
Indeed! Prone to overly personal questions, so 'none of your business' is a perfectly valid reply.

Were there situations where you really faced the temptation and had to havr a cold shower back-off, or were you sensible enough to avoid that. Also, was it self-imposed or laid on you by authority figures?
Tea? They can't drink tea? I hope this is a joke.

Mormonism forbids the consumption of "hot beverages." Iced tea may thus be acceptable. However, since the only commonly consumed hot beverages with which the religion's founder was familiar were caffeinated tea and coffee, some interpret it as a ban on caffeine instead of on temperature.
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