Devotion Ideology

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Here's the T

So a mod like this is "database+lua", it uses functions of the game's API and alters the database values of various tables in order to work. This is the "easy" modding. Changing the database is (at worst) just a time-sink, and sql is available to make it less tedious, and lua is an interpreted language where you can just have stand-alone files provided you know the game's hooks. Really you are creativity- (and balance-sense-) limited here.

For a mod to change the API itself, in order to compute completely new quantities (here, to affect the AI behavior), it needs to additionally alter the link library.
This is possible but it requires: setting up your computer to compile it from the source, interfacing with a complicated C++ base while modding, and of course not breaking anyone else's stuff; then finally it must be added to the VP DLL. This is the "hard" modding. You can see the github for VP development here:
It's further complicated because you can only have 1 version of the DLL running with your game, which is why some mods are hard-incompatible with each other. If I changed it, and then Jarcast or someone changed it, then our mods would be incompatible. We would have to merge our DLL changes. This is why we have the central github (and why community patch became a big thing in the first place).

TL;DR I think it's too much work for me, but who knows maybe I will cave-in eventually
Azum would have a field day
Updated to v 0.15
has been removed because it is going to the (upcoming) Prosperity ideology.
If you like bat-sh*t insane America, hold on to your cowboy hats. It's coming.

Ethical Finance
Now +3 Faith instead of +5 Gold (Gold moved to Prosperity)
+25 Gold for ITR (up from +15) to keep the :c5gold: 

Morality Police
New T2 tenet
Maintains the +Faith on birth
+20% Faith from Courthouses
50 Culture when purchasing an Inquisitor, scaling with Era

Great Awakening 
renamed to Millenarianism (Pdan wins in the end, Astagfirullah)
also note v 0.14
Removed the dummy all yields part of non-aligned movement and gave +33% yields from city states (which is a policy column) instead
This is gearing up for a change to Autocracy that will remove its (few) diplo bonuses.
also note v 0.13
Fundamentalism gains an Promotion for Inquisitors: +2 movement and 15% military unit production in City.
Trying to tie together that wide/conquered empire into big faith theme of this tenet with a more unusual bonus. Remove Heresy in your new cities much faster without having to annex near the frontline, and at home you get a boost to troop production. Deus vult.
Idk I think you should keep televangelism in this ideology. It is not exclusive to united states protestants. muslims and hindus have huge televangelist followings as well.
Yes I didn't mind it here, but gameplay-wise it's tough to make the different Religious Victory themes distinct and I think Televangelism=passive pressure should be separate from Devotion which is about active spread (cheaper Missionary, Inquisitor). That's my rationale.
Yes I didn't mind it here, but gameplay-wise it's tough to make the different Religious Victory themes distinct and I think Televangelism=passive pressure should be separate from Devotion which is about active spread (cheaper Missionary, Inquisitor). That's my rationale.
ah got it
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