Rise of Mankind 2.9 discussion

I'd prefer if Leonidas had a better helmet or taken off completely, as at the moment he looks like he's wearing somesort of bizarre pancake-mask.

Though having said that, most of the other added leaders are very well made, especially Lenin.
I was wondering if for next release world war 1 era soldiers could be inculded? Ive played other mods with them in, and it would good in good cuase u have early tanks, and early aircarft, so why not add early infantry?
I was wondering if for next release world war 1 era soldiers could be inculded? Ive played other mods with them in, and it would good in good cuase u have early tanks, and early aircarft, so why not add early infantry?

Unless you count things like the STG44 and M1 Garend, WW1 infantry aren't that different from WW2 infantry.
@Zappara,:mischief: you could give us back the Civ 3 style oceans if you included this modpack deepsea. Naturally you would need to redo all the maps (or not if you just put kathy's code in as is) and all the ship units.:mischief: Maybe for RoM 4 :)
Yesterday evening I merged Cultural Citystyles 0.95 to RoM v2.9 - took several hours to go through CityLSystem.xml and PlotLSystem.xml files as I had to add all my own tweaks from RoM to the new citystyles... sounds easy but the actual tweaking and checking takes awfully lot of time and because RoM has different improvements for certain resources than BtS, I had to tweak many improvement plot systems as well. Anyway, the final result looks really good now and I think there's about 15 citystyles now which is about twice as many as before. :)

I was wondering if for next release world war 1 era soldiers could be inculded? Ive played other mods with them in, and it would good in good cuase u have early tanks, and early aircarft, so why not add early infantry?
There's already infantry and modern infantry units which are supposed to model ww1 and ww2 era infantries. I know they lack ethnic graphics... I do have downloaded just about all ethnic units but haven't had time to make civ specific styles.

@Zappara,:mischief: you could give us back the Civ 3 style oceans if you included this modpack deepsea. Naturally you would need to redo all the maps (or not if you just put kathy's code in as is) and all the ship units.:mischief: Maybe for RoM 4 :)
I probably won't add that - it's just not new terrain type but the workload to make changes to whole ship system... and to change all mapscripts which algorithms I usually don't understand (means it takes too much time from me to edit them).
Hey zappara I just completed the build 9 triemes quest, I chose the +2 gold to harbor selection. But it did nothing because all the harbors upgrade to ports :( any chance you can give the bounes to all the upgrades of the harbor.

Kinda annoying, If i new I would have done the other selection.


P.S can you make it cheaper to upgrade units, I mean the amount of units ot upgrade is insane and it is very costly to upgrade anything. Not to mention the gold problem i mentioned.
[1]Hey zappara I just completed the build 9 triemes quest, I chose the +2 gold to harbor selection. But it did nothing because all the harbors upgrade to ports :( any chance you can give the bounes to all the upgrades of the harbor.

Kinda annoying, If i new I would have done the other selection.


[2]P.S can you make it cheaper to upgrade units, I mean the amount of units ot upgrade is insane and it is very costly to upgrade anything. Not to mention the gold problem i mentioned.

[1] Seconded!
[2] Hate the cost? then Sun Tzu's if for you! (reduces upgrade costs by 50%)
ya for only the units in the city it is build in hahaha only a very marginal fix. And in the grand scheme of things it really does very little. Unless of course you build all your units in that one city, but there is so many buildings to build in the game, you will have a very undeveloped city. Again as I said 4 or 5 posts before I do not mind the upgrade cost, but there is just not enough gold in the later eras. That is more of a personal preference though then anything else.

It cost me 10k gold just to upgrade my jet fighters to f15's and then not even 20 turns later I could upgrade them again, which costs even more....... sorry but it will almost be better to build new ones. I mean the cost of the gold per turn combined wit the upgrade costs, it becomes fairly unmanageable.


P.S I notice that the workers on automation can not figure out what do build, it seems tho that the ai does not have this issue. The workers will change tile improvements in one given tile every 4 or 5 turns. It doesn't seem to just pick one and go with it. I have not used it this game or my last jsut warning people that if you want towns and dense industry you might wanna take them off auto or maybe put it on workers leave old improvements.
There seems to be a error in desert tiles. When battlefield open is placed on it the -25% defensive bouns is taken away. Not sure if it is suppose to be this way but I would suspect not.
P.S can you make it cheaper to upgrade units, I mean the amount of units ot upgrade is insane and it is very costly to upgrade anything. Not to mention the gold problem i mentioned.
I made upgrading as cheap as possible in RoM 2.8 as there was same kind of requests in v2.8 discussion.

Promotion system

I've been thinking this a lot since it was suggested - so should I go through all promotions and tweak their modifiers to lower values? If I lower all values, maybe I should increase the rate of xp gain at the same time so units could get more promotions a bit easier? Changing all promotions is huge change so I need to figure out what's the best way to go with them...
Promotion system

I've been thinking this a lot since it was suggested - so should I go through all promotions and tweak their modifiers to lower values? If I lower all values, maybe I should increase the rate of xp gain at the same time so units could get more promotions a bit easier? Changing all promotions is huge change so I need to figure out what's the best way to go with them...

It would be nice if you could convince Jdog, Glider or Phungus to add my new Obsolete Tech tag for promotions, that would give you a lot of room for creativity with promotions.
hehe ya I noticed that in my two games so far I do not get to 70% of the promotions.
Promotion system

I've been thinking this a lot since it was suggested - so should I go through all promotions and tweak their modifiers to lower values?
Bold is more fun. The best promotions should inspire a fiendish chuckle; or when the AI's got them, a terrified retreat!
I don't know if it is possible to program something like this into the mod, but I am a big fan of the Total War games and always enjoyed having leader units (King's, Queen's, etc) with evolving personalities and having a family tree of leaders to choose from for succession.

Is it possible to add something like this into RoM? Based on civics you would either have hereditary succession or elections. Leaders would only be alive for a certain amount of turns, or could be killed if they are present in a city that is captured. The death of a leader could make your civ happy or sad, based on the leaders traits.

The King/president could perhaps gain their traits through diplomacy, battle, economy, through a promotion line. For example: if you defeat a civ or vassalize it, you would gain a couple points of experience. Having the King present in an Army could give effects to the entire army (Morale, etc)

You could have the leaders that the people don't like because slavery was implemented, or you lost several cities in a war, economy tanked, etc.

A little off the subject - is there a way to "disable" the future techs? I always want more time in the modern era, and it seems the future era comes too fast (even on snail) and I don't get to play around with it as much as I'd like. Although I appreciate the complexity of it, sometimes I don't want to have the future era at all.

Thanks in advance.
Promotion system

I've been thinking this a lot since it was suggested - so should I go through all promotions and tweak their modifiers to lower values? If I lower all values, maybe I should increase the rate of xp gain at the same time so units could get more promotions a bit easier? Changing all promotions is huge change so I need to figure out what's the best way to go with them...

I think the current promotions system is fine, but as you said, it needs some tweaks.

What puzzles me is the ones where different promotions gives the same bonuses against the same unit types. Two examples.
(the values are on the top of my head, since I don't run CIV4 on my laptop)

Ambush/Anti-tank defense (ATD).
Ambush gives +20% towards Tracked and Wheeled Units (TWU) but req combat II adding +20% strength. So that +20% towards all units and +40% (in all) towards TWU for a level 3 promotion.
ATD I gives +10% towards TWU and and ATD II gives +15% towards TWU. But you only need Combat I (+10% strength) to get ATD I. So that gives +10% towards all units and +35% (in all) towards TWU.
So if you had 10XP to spare against TWU which version would you choose...?
I don't think the ATD is special enough - why would I choose that over combat II which gives +10% towards all units, not just TWU?
So I think it should give higher bonus towards TWU, like +20%, but then have a penalty, like -10% towards gunpowder, siege and helicopter units. That way there is a real alternative to the ambush promotion without needing the combat II promotion.

Interception/Air-to-Air Missiles (AAM).
They both gives +10% interception chance, but AAM is only available to Jet Fighters+
I think that AAM should either have higher interception chance, or have something more, like +10% strength towards air units or +10% evasion chance. Just so there is a difference between the two.

There might be more crossovers like these, that can be tweaked.
Baskedyt you make really good points that I never thought about. I never used any of hte antitank/ambush promotions so never looked at it like that.
Zappara, the Healer's Hut should upgrade to the Docter's Office.
Or not. I can go to herbalist or to private doctor or to hospital in real life if I need medical care.

And little bit about RoM 2.9... here's the current changelog:

Spoiler :
Version 2.9WIP

- Added: Antilogic's Event Pack Mod, 45 new random events, adjusted to RoM settings (number of random events is now 308, compared to BtS 197)
- Added: Cultural Citystyles 0.95 (all modular civs must be updated because the artstyle names have been changed)

- Added: RoM_Perfectworld2, same as Perfectworld2 but can now place Marshes, Swamps and Storms and works with Giant and Gigantic map sizes. Note that generating maps at these sizes can take long time
- Added: RoM_Planet_Generator_0_68.py, same as Planet_Generator_0_68 but can now place Marshes, Swamps and Storms. Added new custom override size 96x60

Game defines
- changed: MIN_BARBARIAN_CITY_STARTING_DISTANCE 2 -> 6, makes it bit easier to use Barbarian World game option
- Changed: MIN_CITY_RANGE 2 -> 3 (AI players should not put their cities too close to each other)
- Changed: EXPERIENCE_FROM_wITHDRAWAL 1 -> 3 (same as successful defense)
- Changed: MAX_EXPERIENCE_AFTER_UPGRADE 16->25 (means unit keeps 5 promotions instead of 4 after upgrade)

- Changed: Cottage no longer removes Forest or Jungle, no longer give +1 food bonus (stops AIs replacing Towns with Cottages???)
- Changed: Hamlet no longer give +1 food bonus
- Changed: Apple orchard no longer removes forest or jungle
- Changed: Olive orchard no longer removes forest or jungle

Focuses on removing unnecessary bonuses between unitcombat types. Many of these bonuses were added before the unit strentgh overhaul and now after the overhaul these extra bonuses are no longer needed because bonus like 50% vs. older unitcombat type translates to about 5% change in winning odds

- Changed: All units which gained 4 XP from offensive combat gain now 6 XP
- Changed: All units which gained 4 XP from defensive combat gain now 6 XP

- Changed: All units which gained 2 XP from offensive combat gain now 3 XP
- Changed: All units which gained 2 XP from defensive combat gain now 3 XP

- Changed: Great General gives now 30 XP

- Changed: Cuirassier bonus versus spear units 100% -> 50% (spear units had their bonuses vs. mounted reduced from 100% to 50% in previous patch)
- Changed: Cavalry bonus versus spear units 100% -> 50%, removed bonus vs. archer and melee, vs. animal bonus 65%->50% (same as cuirassier)
- Changed: Arquebusier +1 first strike (all archers have first strike too), str 12->15
- Changed: Heavy Swordsman city attack bonus 30%->10% (without promotions Arquebusier has higher chance to win if it defends city)
- Changed: Swordsman city attack bonus 20%->10%
- Changed: Heavy Pikeman upgrades to Musketman instead of Rifleman
- Changed: Musketman bonus vs. archery, mounted, melee and animal units removed, str 17->20, cost 140->180
- Changed: Rifleman str 24->26, cost 200->230,removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Grenadier removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units, bonus vs. Musketman 25%
- Changed: Infantry removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units, city defense bonus 25% (buildings provide extra defense)
- Changed: Guerrilla removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Modern grenadier removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Bazooka removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Anti-Tank removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: SAM Infantry removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Marine removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Modern Marine removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Paratrooper removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units, city attack bonus 25%
- Changed: Modern paratrooper removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units, city attack bonus 10%->25%
- Changed: Modern infantry removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units, city defense bonus 25%
- Changed: Special forces removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Mercenary infantry removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units, mounted bonus 100%->50%
- Changed: Motorcycle removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Armored car removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units
- Changed: Jeep removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units, mounted bonus 100%->25%
- Changed: BTR80 removed bonus vs. melee, archery and animal units, requires now Manufacturing and Mechanized Warfare
- Changed: Mechanized infantry removed bonus vs. melee, mounted, archery and animal units
- Changed: Humvee removed bonus vs. melee, mounted, archery and animal units
- Changed: Hi-Tech APC removed bonus vs. melee, mounted, archery and animal units
- changed: Light Artillery vs. melee bonus 150%->100%
- Changed: Artillery vs. melee bonus 150%->100%
- Changed: Mobile artillery removed bonus vs. melee and archery, mounted bonus 100%->50%
- Changed: Rocket artillery removed bonus vs. melee and archery, mounted bonus 100%->50%
- Changed: NLOS Cannon removed bonus vs. melee, mounted, archery and animal units
- Changed: Gunship removed bonus vs. melee, archery and mounted units
- Changed: Transport helicopter removed bonus vs. melee, archery units
- Changed: AH64 Gunship removed bonus vs. melee, archery and mounted units
- Changed: Hybrid Gunship removed bonus vs. melee, archery and mounted units
- Changed: Dropship removed bonus vs. melee, archery and mounted units
- Changed: Drone removed bonus vs. melee, archery and mounted units
- changed: ACV removed bonus vs. melee, archery and mounted units
- Changed: Special Infantry removed bonus vs. melee, archery and mounted units
- changed: Tesla Infantry removed bonus vs. melee, archery and mounted units
- Changed: EMP SAM Infantry +50% bonus vs. Robots
- Changed: All tracked units removed bonus vs. melee, archery and mounted units
- Changed: All wheeled units have now -25% bonus vs. tracked units
- Changed: Iron Frigate vs. wooden ships bonus 100%->25%
- Changed: Torpedoboat vs. wooden ships bonus 100%->25%
- Changed: Heavy Cruiser str 65->60
- Changed: Battleship str 60->64
- Changed: Modern Destroyer moved to Semiconductors, str 57->62
- Changed: IL2 no longer has bonus vs. Early bombers because it belongs to same unitgroup
- Changed: Early Jets have now 50% bonus vs. Bomber
- Changed: SAM Infantry targets first Helicopter units when attacking (it's their purpose)
- Changed: Mobile SAM targets first helicopter units
- Changed: ACV SAM targets first helicopter units
- Changed: Trireme requires Ship Building and Naval Warfare
- Changed: Flamethrower requires Oil Products or Chemicals
- Changed: Biological Warfare Missile requires Chemicals

- Changed: Feudal gives -1 food and -3 gold from Towns
- Changed: Barter no longer give food bonus from trade routes, no longer increase gold in capitol, production bonus from trade routes 35%->50%, -1 gold from Cottage, Hamlet, Village and Town (there is no money economy or the currency is hyperinflated thus taxes are smaller)
- changed: Green gives +2 gold from Windtrap (it already gives other similar bonuses for "green" improvements)
- Changed: Bourgeiois +1 unhealthy from Foundry, Factory, Industrial Park and Manufacturing Plant (working conditions of lower class are no concern of middle/upper class people)
- Changed: Caste -50% improvement growth removed (this is bugged BtS modifier when used negative values), great people rate -25% -> -50%
- Changed: Marxism +1 healthy from Foundry, Factory, Industrial Park and Manufacturing Plant (working conditions of lower class are improved)

- Added: CarterEarth (32BtS), 32 preset civs
- Added: CarterEarth, no preset civs

- Changed: Barracks no longer obsoletes (however Garrison still replaces it)
- Changed: Supermarket no longer give +1 health from Potatoes
- Changed: Commercial port happiness from silk 2->1, no longer happiness from Ivory
- Changed: International port happiness from silk 2->1, no longer happiness from Ivory
- Changed: Artesian Well gives food 1->3, no longer gives bonus food from Rice
- Changed: Cannery total maximum food bonus from resources 20%->12% (if player has all the food resources)
- Changed: Aqueduct gives health 1 instead of 2
- Changed: Sewer system gives health 1 instead of 2
- Changed: Brothel +1 unhealthiness
- Changed: Garrison has new graphics
- Changed: Siege Workshop AIWeight 300
- Changed: Cannon Forge AIWeight 300
- Changed: Fisherman's Hut max food production from resources 20%->12%, AIWeight 100->200
- Changed: Butchery max food production from resources 20%->12%, AIWeight 100->200

Great Wonders
- Changed: Adam Smith's Trading company no longer give +1 gold per specialist (only gives +1 trade routes in all cities)

- Changed: Civicscreen now adjusts itself based on screen resolution (Thanks Afforess)
- Changed: Financial advisor screen text vertical spacing

- Changed: Fertilizers health 3->2

- Changed: Refuel increases operational range by 2 instead of adding 1 movement

Terrain features
- Changed: Storm appearance 300->0 (maps start without storms but random events may still spawn them), note that some mapscripts still place storms due to how those scripts are coded

Goal is to lengthen the usage of industrial and modern era units by disallowing rapid advances in war technologies

- Changed: Combustion requires Screw Propeller and Assembly Line
- Changed: Industrialism requires Civil Engineering and Labor Union, no longer require Assembly Line or Screw Propeller
- Changed: Armored Vehicles requires Industrialism
- Changed: Mechanized warfare requires Radio
- Changed: Semiconductors OR req. Manufacturing changed to AND req.
- Changed: Advanced Rocketry requires Electronics
- Changed: Manufacturing requires Electronics
- Changed: Globalization no longer require Manufacturing (in prereqs)
- Changed: Microprocessor no longer require Manufacturing (in prereqs)
- Changed: Robotics no longer require Manufacturing (in prereqs)
- Changed: Computer Network no longer require Manufacturing (in prereqs)

- Changed: Vincentz' Warlords units should no longer spawn when player gets Great General, all warlord unit types require now military class buildings (Barracks, Castle, Garrison, Military Academy) before they can be built, Warlord (S) types can not be built anymore but you can get them by capturing enemy Warlord units, Zulu and Assyria have UU Warlords which require their own UB because <requireBuilding> xml tag does not accept BUILDINGCLASS, only BUILDING types
- Changed: UN units no longer appear in game if UN Mission module has been removed from modules (prevents error messages from showing during load)

- Changed: Reinforced hull event tech requirements (Trireme was moved to another tech)
- Changed: Greek fire event tech requirements (Trireme was moved to another tech)
- Changed: Sea Storm 1 weight 150->300
- Changed: Sea Storm 3 chance to sink 75%->85%
- Changed: Bermuda Triangle event may happen for more ship classes
- Changed: Experienced captain event may happen for more ship classes, one choice gives Naval Academy instead of Military Academy
- Changed: Fashion event requires Silk Farm instead of Plantation (Silk is required)
- Added: Sea Storm 5
- Fixed: few events' description was pointing to wrong text entry

- Added: African marine
- Added: African bazooka
- Added: African Modern Infantry
- Added: African Guerrilla
- Added: African Great Artist
- Added: African Great Engineer
- Added: African Great Spy
- Added: African Great Merchant
- Added: African Great Scientist
- Added: African Great Prophet
- Added: African Great General
- Added: African Pioneer
- Added: African Colonist
- Added: African buddhist missionary
- Added: African christian missionary
- Added: African confucian missionary
- Added: African Hindu missionary
- Added: African Islamic missionary
- Added: African Jewish missionary
- Added: African Taoist missionary
- Added: African Executives (7)
- Added: Native American Ancient + Medieval Great Generals
- Added: Meso American Ancient + Medieval Great Generals (same as Native American)
- Added: South American Ancient + Medieval Great Generals (same as Native American)
- Added: Aztec Ancient + Medieval Great Generals (same as Native American)
- Added: Middle East Modern Spy (shader version only)
- Added: Arabia Modern spy (same as Middle East)
- Added: Babylon Modern spy (same as Middle East)
- Added: Asian Modern Spy (Shader version only)
- Added: China Modern Spy (same as Asian)
- Added: Japan Modern Spy (same as Asian)
- Added: Indian style (base is Middle East style)
- Added: Indian Axeman
- Added: Indian Cavalry
- Added: Indian Archer
- Added: Indian Settler, Colonist and Pioneer
- Added: Indian Scout
- Added: Indian Warrior
- Added: Indian Spearman
- Added: Indian Pikeman
- Added: Indian Longbowman
- Added: Indian Crossbowman
- Added: Indian Swordsman
- Added: Indian Maceman
- Added: Indian Chariot
- Added: Indian Horse Archer
- Added: Indian Mailed Knight
- Added: Indian Cannon
- Added: Indian Arquebusier
- Added: Indian Rifleman
- Added: Indian Grenadier
- Added: Indian Infantry
- Added: Indian Marine
- Added: Indian Bazooka
- Added: Indian modern Great Spy
- Added: Indian Anti-Tank Infantry
- Added: Indian SAM Infantry
- Added: Indian Modern Marine
- Added: Indian Paratrooper
- Added: Indian Cuirassier
- Added: Indian Knight
- Added: Indian Heavy Swordsman
- Added: Asian Cuirassier
- Added: Asian Cannon
- Added: Chinese Cannon (same as Asian)
- Added: Asian Machine Gun
- Added: Chinese Machine Gun (same as Asian)
- Fixed: African settlers no longer have european child
- Fixed: Chinese style was using same graphics for Archer and Longbowman -> Longbowman has now new graphics

- Changed: All culture levels require now 20% more culture points. Affects Cultural Victory type
Not much stuff there yet as I didn't get much modding time during holidays (don't know where all that free time went :lol:). Now the changelog list doesn't say anything about the translations yet (the work for it has started but not shown in the log yet) - I will add the following tags to all the text files: <Finnish>, <Hungarian>, <Polish>, <Chinese>, <Japanese> and <Russia> in order to make it easier to add translations to RoM in future (3.0). However RoM 2.9 will only have english entries for most of those except for Hungarian for which I already got translation files.

That seems to be many changes and updates to me! I'm looking forward to trying out version 2.9, but I have a couple of questions. I don't think I will like the changes in the buildings (so many of them seem to be downgraded) and I also do not like the idea of culture being downplayed even further. Obviously, it's your mod, sobeit. But, could these particular changes be made optional?

Further, since I'm guessing you won't make the changes optional, so would you at least be able to tell me what file(s) and what lines would have to be changed to at least keep the culture levels the same as they are presently?

At any rate, thanks for RoM!
No, these changes are really reasonable. Most are geared to limit city growth, which can be really insane currently.
Something that seems weird to me is that cottage no longer removes forest or jungle. It just doesn`t feel right. And once the cottage has matured, it would probably look strange, no?

About Adam Smiths: I am not really sure if the downgrade is still neccessary now that the citys can`t grow so large (which reduces the amount of specialists). +1 traderoutes is quite weak for a wonder, aren`t there classic wonders which do the same and have additional boni for the city they are buildt in too?
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