Note: I have edited my orders to counter my diplomatic penalty.

Joint Statement by Greece and Egypt

The recent attack against the Hellenic navy has demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that Majterre cannot perform the most basic function of a sovereign state, namely, to uphold the rule of law. As the Cretan crisis now threatens to spill over into the entire eastern Mediterranean, passive containment is no longer a sufficient course of action. Unless the dragon Caron is pacified immediately, Hellenic and Egyptian vessels will commence live fire with the goal of neutralizing this rogue agent. Consequently, all foreign shipping in the region is advised to alter course as necessary to avoid becoming entangled in the crossfire. Furthermore, Majterran forces are requested to stand down; Athens and Cairo will assume no responsibility for loss of life incurred for failing to heed this warning.

Joint Letter to Both the Greek & Egyptian Governments

Greetings to both the leaders of the ancient realms of Greece and Egypt

I wish to write on behalf of the Empress (who is currently conducting rites to send the dragon traitor Carron away from Crete via teleportation), King Leon II of Crete (who is currently knocked out conducting combat against the traitor dragon) and the High Voice Chidnor Iomalí (who will be on route to seek audience with your realms) by my authority as a member of the Council of Warlocks and, as brother to King Leon II, a voice of the minotaur Kingdom of Crete. I, Sofós Távros, wish to lay words of consideration in these most dire times and to serves as a agent of peace for my fellow Cretians. You will find both the seals that were provided to me by the Empress of Majterre and the King of Crete, as well as markers of the High Voice and a small Cretian coin with the icon of King Minos as a reminder of the the Hellenic heritage of Crete.

I will be blunt: give us the time needed to remove the traitor. We will send the traitor to redeem himself by facing Yuri's evil stronghold; teleportation is a powerful ability and the Empress is chanelling her powers to ensure to bypass the dragon's natural magical resistance. Should this fail then resistance has to be considered against the dragon but we cannot face the dragon when faced the wroth of others.

In these times of chaos the greatest threat is schism in the face of annihilation. As the evil psi wizard Yuri commands the grand scheme to dominate the world through his mind we contest ourselves instead, wasting our energies and our lives on each other rather than face the great threat to all of the realms. I understand the folly that may cometh from Carron and how this began over misunderstandings. I wish to highlight that whatever happens Crete and Leon II are committed to a great purpose.

As stated the Empress is about to send the dragon away from the isle. If that fails we will have reinforced our positions to continue to defend Crete from the dragon. Understand this: even if the Empress to command a lay down the Cretian Kingdom does not back off from its honour, for minotaur do not take laying down as a option in the face of threats like Carron.

There is another matter to note: as you are aware there is notions of a... crusade against Majterre. As both Egypt and Greece have history of enduring the wroth of crusaders in the past it might be a suggestion you take great empathy to our position. Should the worst cometh and the evil crusader launchers her crusade we request that you do not take ill heed to us for we of Majterre are to endure the curse bought against us by what we believe to be the tidings of a Australian practitioner of chaos magic. We will of course defend ourselves from the Crusade; the Empress will be able to focus her energies to combat the crusading villain. We ask you take patient to us on the light if the crusader decides to go for Crete, for she is likely to seek out combat with the Empress. Our civil service and Princess Artemis are trying to make a plan to counter the crusading zealot but be prepared in case.

Whatever happens I urge you to not take your guns on Crete and Majterre; the dragon is our common threat, as is the Heretics' Crusade and Psi Corp. Greece and Egypt have been in communion with the minotaur since the ages of mythology. If not for peace with Majterre then please consider peace with Crete and its sovereign who would desire you not seek harm against Crete or the Majterren Empress we swore a oath of loyalty to.

Thank you for your time

Sofós Távros, Prince of Crete and practitioner among the Council of Warlocks.

FROM: Tani I, Emperor of All Faxum, King of the Effeduppage
TO: Esther Solomon, Empress of Majterre
SUBJECT: Escalation in Crete
Your Grace,

It is with a heavy heart that I must advise you that, while I assure you Faxum and Majterre remain the best of friends, we will be unable to support you should the situation in Crete come to blows. As we remain on our own to settle this civil war, and expecting a distinct lack of cooperation by the backward Egyptians, we can spare neither men nor matériel to mitigate the crisis.

Rest assured, however, we remain with you in spirit.

And do convey my sincerest hope for my future hubby-wubby's speedy recovery!

UwUfully yours,
Tani I

To His Imperial Majesty Emperor Tani of All Faxum

We understand your situation and only wish we would be able to help resolve it in this time. Perhaps once we have dealt with the dragon situation and the crusading problems we will be able to support you.

Hope you are well

High Voice Chidnor Iomalí on behalf of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Esther Solomon
FROM: Greece
TO: Majterre
SUBJECT: RE: Joint Letter to Both the Greek & Egyptian Governments
Empress Esther seems to forget that this entire debacle unfolded at her instigation. Majterre has illegally occupied Greek territory, and when challenged on this fact, summoned a dragon in a bid to threaten its neighbours into acquiescence, only to immediately lose control of it and endanger the entire region. Paris has had ample time to solve the crisis on its terms: diplomacy has failed, and despite doubling down on threat of force, armed intervention has likewise failed and is now directly threatening the lives of Greek citizens. At no time did your government petition its neighbours for assistance that might have prevented the crisis from spinning out of your control. We will not stand idly by while Majterran incompetence continues to jeopardize our own security.

The Hellenic Armed Forces are prepared to coordinate operations with Cretan authorities if and only if Iráklion annuls all binding ties with Paris and affirms its loyalty to Athens. Otherwise, local forces will be considered beholden to a foreign and potentially hostile government.

FROM: Egypt
TO: Majterre
SUBJECT: RE: Joint Letter to Both the Greek & Egyptian Governments
Majterre abetted the colonialist greed of the Faxumite usurpers on what we can only surmise was an imperial reflex, and when Masr upheld its political sovereignty, tried to bully us into submission with naked force. Unable to control its own diabolical agents, it doubled down on its blasphemous practices by summoning literal hellspawn. Nothing in Paris's recent actions convinces us Majterre does not hold malicious intent; therefore, we will not back off from containing the clear and present danger your devilish empress has incited over Crete. Majterre started this crisis; now reap what you sow.
FROM: Greece
TO: Majterre
SUBJECT: RE: Joint Letter to Both the Greek & Egyptian Governments
Empress Esther seems to forget that this entire debacle unfolded at her instigation. Majterre has illegally occupied Greek territory, and when challenged on this fact, summoned a dragon in a bid to threaten its neighbours into acquiescence, only to immediately lose control of it and endanger the entire region. Paris has had ample time to solve the crisis on its terms: diplomacy has failed, and despite doubling down on threat of force, armed intervention has likewise failed and is now directly threatening the lives of Greek citizens. At no time did your government petition its neighbours for assistance that might have prevented the crisis from spinning out of your control. We will not stand idly by while Majterran incompetence continues to jeopardize our own security.

The Hellenic Armed Forces are prepared to coordinate operations with Cretan authorities if and only if Iráklion annuls all binding ties with Paris and affirms its loyalty to Athens. Otherwise, local forces will be considered beholden to a foreign and potentially hostile government.

FROM: Egypt
TO: Majterre
SUBJECT: RE: Joint Letter to Both the Greek & Egyptian Governments
Majterre abetted the colonialist greed of the Faxumite usurpers on what we can only surmise was an imperial reflex, and when Masr upheld its political sovereignty, tried to bully us into submission with naked force. Unable to control its own diabolical agents, it doubled down on its blasphemous practices by summoning literal hellspawn. Nothing in Paris's recent actions convinces us Majterre does not hold malicious intent; therefore, we will not back off from containing the clear and present danger your devilish empress has incited over Crete. Majterre started this crisis; now reap what you sow.

Concerning Histories

Greetings to both the leaders of the ancient realms of Greece and Egypt

I wish to reply in note to the highlighted notion; Crete is of Crete, not Greece, for it is of way by memorial of King Minos. Whether it is Greek or Majterren is a matter of the crown of Crete and even then: would it not be Crete of its own accord rather than part of Greece? We are part of the Majterren Empire as a unity of many kingdoms under the Magus Throne. It is not Greek citizens that are of Crete but rather Cretian citizens and as of that Majterren citizens.

I will be frank to the Greeks: we minotaurs bow out of respect to the warlocks and their grand magical might which is beyond the powers you can imagine; if we ever exited the Majterran Empire it would not be to surrender ourselves to Greece and especially not to have non-magic human boss minotaur. If you have a problem with our position I suggest you surrender your clown to Constantinople or Istanbul or whatever that city is called again... you what I refer to in your histories?

Still: we divert ourselves!

If you were threatened would you too not seek deterrence? You threaten us and the Empress replied in... alas the loyalty of the dragon was not to... desires so to speak but still... we warlocks know the path between light and darkness and how good and evil links to both paths, not just ones like in binary tales. If neccessary we would be open to provide education, perhaps a warlock school in Argos and a magi academy in Alexandria. Co-operation gives more fruits than confrontation, no?

Once we remove the dragon from the waters of Crete we will request you likewise go back home or go help save the world by stopping Psi Corp before they make all this talk most useless by having Yuri do all the talking for us. For the sake of peace between Majterre, Egypt and Greece, of Crete and its ancient neighbours, we humbly request you heed the ways to good relations. We have desires to use our powers against Psi Corp (once we have dealt with the bloody menace that maniac from Australia sent against us) and would prefer not to exercise our abilities against those we would prefer to be friends with. Magic is of awe; never underestimate it but instead embrace the wonder and seek our the adventure that springs forth!

If you concur with peace I would look forward to competing with you in Olympian sports rather than the battlefield. My brother, King Leon, is a fan of wrestling and would love to wrestle with your best.

Anyhow: heed well!

Glory in Magic!

Sofós Távros, Prince of Crete and practitioner among the Council of Warlocks.
FROM: Presidente Hugo Chávez
TO: That bull-headed son of a cow
SUBJECT: RE: Concerning Histories
This is the biggest load of bullion I've seen since tuning into Faux News. Then again, I am hardly surprised a nation founded by warping reality would have such an infantile grasp of its own history! Perhaps we will deign to provide the Majterran slave-dogs (who may be literal dogs if the ménagerie of a demographic is an indication) some education in Marxism, so they may decide for themselves who truly deserves to rule the island. (Hint: not the obsolete bourgeoisie currently running it into the ground.)

Perhaps I am being too harsh. After all, Crete is currently overrun by a literal bull-headed caste, so maybe it's best to humour their delusions that they have existed since the dawn of time—never mind the French nuclear fleet proves Majterre is a transdimensional interloper, pretending Crete didn't join the Greek state of its own accord in 1913. It would certainly explain their propensity to see red at every turn, managing to insult in the same breath the very state reps they're trying to woo! At least they're honest that what they truly value is not law or justice, but brute force; too bad they insist on hitching their rickety wagon to a self-destructive "empress" that can't even cast a simple rain spell without starving most of Europe. When the Germans are parading through Paris, you'll wish Athens would take you back!

I've already spent far too much effort deriding this failed state than it deserves, so I'll wrap up: Never trust a Manx man. If you're so desperate to wrestle in the mud, do the world a favour and keep your magical realm to yourself and those Faxumite dog—ers you call friends.
Off-Topic: Marxist minotaur commune is a ideal to work for if one is aiming for...
In a plane, dear GM, dear GM, dear GM!

Action I: Use A Plane
Put Mabel on a plane, go to UN conference.

Action II: Lets Be Calm and Cool It OFF
Send envoys to Majterre, Egypt and Greece to see if they're willing to calm down on the whole Crete thing. Let's see if we can't keep it nice and calm. Let's Theodore Roosevelt this. We don't need new wars with Yuri knocking on our door.

Action III: Oh Wow I Didn't Actually Expect To Find That
Nyoom to Tintagel. Let's find this sword.

To: Canberra
From: Great Britain
An envoy would be most welcome!

Action 1: Construct additional factories to boost the industrial capacity.

Action 2: The Revengeance Commence bombardment on the Mutator.
Last edited:
Now we have stopped choking it is time to move on. So inspired were we by the elegant stopping of choking that have decided it simply must be the right time to begin the first round of tests ready for our lunar expedition. Along side this preparation must be made for the eventuality of motion - namely piloting.

Test the rocket :splat:

Recruit a pilot from the large number of able bodied men and women of the North East of England.

1) magic is the solution to all problems: the Empress will use dark magic to teleport Caron the Terrible to the South Pole in hopes the dragon can cause harm against Yuri.
2) Queen Ysbal XI of the Fae Realm of Shee will attempt to pass administration reform the diplomatic department of Majterre to help counter our diplomatic penalty.
3) the Civil Service will use Artemis's customs powers to detain Jeanne as she attempts to move forth, with Javert deployed to bring the crusader to court.
5 (3): At the very last second Caron dives down and you hit Bellator instead, sending him to the frigid wasteland of a continent nearly as unsuitable to his constitution as it would be a giant lizard's. Bellator suffers -5 defence and -3 hitpoints/turn from the hostile climate.

1 (2): In a clumsy attempt to reset the agenda, Paris has managed to worsen neighbours' already-considerable suspicion of Majterre's motives. Meanwhile, Venezuela has personally attacked Ysbal as the "puppetmaster" behind a "Manx world domination conspiracy", going so far as to charge Majterre is secretly in league with the Psi Corps. Dark Artistry incurs a further -2 diplomacy penalty; the Volksreich, European Federation, Greece, Egypt and Chavezland gain +1 casus belli against you.

6: It's as Artemis is preparing to embark at Marseille that she realizes sailing straight into the heart of enemy territory in the hope of arresting Jeanne with no actual force is a really, really bad idea. (Artemis is immobilized for one turn as travel plans are scrapped.)

The Mediterranean coalition opens fire, but the volley goes wildly off the mark!
1 (1): A stray shell only barely misses Esther, who suffers 16 damage and is now concussed, penalizing all her actions -2! 19th, 20th and 21st Minotaur Battalions lose 7%, 8% and 7% strength from the bombardment and are now scattered, suffering -2 combat and -1 mobility, while Leon suffers 9 damage from errant debris.

1) Thank Saber for Her purifying light and humbly ask Her to remove -2 penalty to all rolls because that's making smiting Her enemies a lot harder than it needs to be.
2) The 7th Biker Squad, supported by the 12th Biker Squad, will join their comrades in the Battle for the Hume Highway by firing a load of rockets at the 10th Light Tank Platoon and (hopefully) utterly obliterating it with the power of rocket launchers.
3) Send faithful Saberist Indiana Jones to assist Pearl in finding Excalibur via one of those map montages.
20 (18): She'll do better than that: the ACT is blessed with Righteous Crusade, gaining +2 to all rolls relating to combatting the Psi Corps for the duration of the war!

7 (15): Coming in fresh, the bikers tear into the platoon's flank, blasting away 14% strength and penalizing its defence -2.

20 (20): No need for a montage: he's already at one of the dig sites! Indy teams up with Pearl, conveying a +3 bonus to archaeology... as well as a fairly robust defence against any random Nazis they may encounter.

With the goal of increasing our number of actions per turn, Mr. Stockholme is going to setup a new quasi-state enterprise in Santo Domingo (quasi because it's owned by him and several other leading financial capitalists) that will contract between the Caribbean state and overseas call centres, personal assistant firms, IT firms, and other such time-saving and labour-saving human resources in low income areas around the globe.
2: While overseas call centres are perfect for haranguing frustrated customers in a labyrinthine trap of buck-passing and redirects such that barely a single percent will weather their complaint through to resolution, it turns out that is the very opposite of what you'd want when trying to run high-level functions at the state administrative level. -$25,000 personal funds; gain policy Your Call Is Important: -5% net revenue, -2 to administrative actions, +3 spy defence.

The Republic of Country
14: In the chaos and confusion of America's fall to political extremism, you have emerged as a beacon of continuity to the most sacred of national institutions: an executive, legislature, and judiciary. Using a system of public fundraising known as "taxes", you're even able to maintain a state-wide network of services and utilities, as well as levy a permanent military to defend your territorial integrity.


Peace, Order, and Good Government:
While America tears itself asunder over ideological rivalry, you are content to propagate the most universal form of government: purveyance of security and social structure to enable stable economic development. +1 stability, +1 domestic economy, +1 trade, -1 starting or joining a war.


Trent Curtis (Red_Spy)

66% approval
+1 statecraft

Action I: Use A Plane
Action II: Lets Be Calm and Cool It OFF
Action III: Oh Wow I Didn't Actually Expect To Find That
19: She hops aboard a government jet, ETA 1 turn. You're more than satisfied she'll be able to charm the other delegates however need be.

3: You don't mean the same Teddy Roosevelt that won the Peace Prize for mediating the very war he helped set in motion, right? Regardless, as much as Cairo and Athens appreciate one of Majterre's precious few not!enemies trying to curb its behaviour, between the flooding, Crete, the summoning of literal demons, as well as unconfirmed rumours Esther is plotting vindictive black magic against the head of state of a neutral nation, the absolute minimum condition for a formal treaty either is willing to consider is now the complete relinquishment of the island to Greek control. Given Paris' recent statements, this is pretty much guaranteed to be a non-starter.

5 (10): After a thorough comb of multiple dig sites, she concludes that Excalibur is not to be found in these premises.

Action 1: Construct additional factories to boost the industrial capacity.
Action 2: The Revengeance Commence bombardment on the Mutator.
1 (1): How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?! National industry grinds to a halt as too few resources are spread over too many projects. -$30 million; supply shortages worsen to -8 industrial production, -4 civilian happiness, -20% wealth taxable; construction time for all units is DOUBLED from original estimate!

17 (15): Diverting course for Nouméa, the Revengeance concentrates fire on the Genetic Mutator, inflicting 12% damage.

Test the rocket :splat:

Recruit a pilot from the large number of able bodied men and women of the North East of England.
6: There is no propellant stored to power the engine.

17: James Fulton, aerospace engineer by trade, Rebel Alliance cosplayer by passion, jumps at the chance to "put the 501st occupation of New Zealand in its place" and eagerly signs on to your project. Whether or not he realizes it's not a convention, his technical skill will certainly prove handy for your very real flight plan.

The Hayekians bring their heavy guns to bear.
18 (+1 [Ascetic Virtues] +1 [Know the Mods, Know Thyself] +3 [Crowd favourite] -1 [HYK combat bonus] -3 [HYK Heavy Platoon combat bonus] = 19): The Prophet's sick moves utterly confound the Libertarian losers, scattering the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Volunteer Platoons and dealing 12% and 14% damage to the 4th and 5th Heavy Platoons, respectively. The outlying Evangelist Companies seize the opportunity to press their own attacks on the line's flank.
20 (+1 [Know the Mods, Know Thyself] +1 [flanking bonus] = 20): Suppressive fire further penalizes the 1st and 3rd Volunteers, who suffer -19% and -22% strength, respectively.


News on the March

Washington Surrenders!

Outnumbered, outgunned, and with no relief in sight, government forces in Washington, D.C. have surrendered to the Namibian army, ending the vicious battle for the American capital. Under siege since the war began, the city suffered surprisingly minimal damage as the numerically superior Expeditionary Army routinely outmanoeuvred the defenders, launching surgical strikes on key objectives with unnerving precision. Indeed, most of the collateral damage was at the hands of the US Air Force, which attempted to carpet bomb the front line. While the Antonopoulos cabinet remains trapped in the White House, fighting in the city has ceased and the revolutionary flag now flies from the Capitol Building. This is a decisive victory for the Coalition.

Namibia captures Washington, D.C.! $30 million state funds and $4029.66 wealth taxable transferred from United States to Namibia; -4200 population in D.C. and USA loses additional $490 wealth taxable from continued refugee outflow. USA 1st Marine Brigade, 2nd Mechanized Brigade and 7th Air Defense Battalion disarmed and made prisoners of war of Namibia; christos200 loses 15% approval and government forces suffer -2 morale for 10 turns. NMB 1st American Expedition, 2nd Bluecape Brigade gain +1 urban combat and reduced civilian casualties from combat experience.

In related news, Redcap marauders southwest of Columbus have dispersed following sustained airstrikes, opening the possibility of an encirclement of the northeastern front. While the Ohio garrison was reluctant to push into neighbouring states for fear of overextension, the recent arrival of German troops in New York will doubtless encourage a more aggressive posture by the Bluecapes now that the southern front is secure.

USA 2nd Redcap Battalion has been destroyed!

Raid on Norfolk
A daring raid on the USA's main naval base has yielded a windfall to Namibia. Virtually destroyed during the war against the Eternal Kingdom, the US Navy recalled its surviving vessels to the eastern seaboard for repair and refit that ended up suspended indefinitely as the economy collapsed and the Antonopoulos government shifted its limited budgetary priorities elsewhere. With the armed forces concentrated on the defence of the capital, Norfolk was left lightly-guarded; Bluecape raiders swiftly overpowered the garrison and reactivated the mothballed fleet, escaping with enough ships to organize three carrier task forces. However, the vessels are critically understaffed and most ships are still in need of extensive repairs to be combat-capable. According to intercepted transmissions, the Namibians also captured the USS Alaska with its ballistic payload intact; whether the socialists opt for peaceful coexistence or a Posadist endgame remains to be seen.

NMB 3rd and 4th Bluecape Brigades reduced to 30% strength each; 1st, 2nd, 3rd Task Force, USS Alaska organized off the Virginian coast.

Malcolm Granger Takes Command
Stationed in Colorado at the outbreak of the war, Air Force General Malcolm Granger defected to the Denver rebellion following mounting dissatisfaction with Washington's mismanagement of the armed forces and nepotistic meddling in the chain of command. The subsequent uprising in Salt Lake City gave the rebels an air force, yet he was not placed in charge prior to JamesCaesar's demotion. With Denver's zone of control now stabilized, Granger has asserted himself Chief of the Air Force to co-ordinate support missions in the operation to secure the American midwest.

USA 2nd Storm Biker Platoon disarmed and made prisoners of war of Sgt Pillar's Band.

Meanwhile, rebel propagandists faced no resistance as they drove into Kansas City, where the populace welcomed an alternative to the Washington government's kleptocratic rule. A local militia is already organizing to guard the city against the ultranationalist militias now prowling the countryside.

Sgt Pillar's Band captures Kansas City! $162 wealth taxable transferred from USA to Sgt Pillar's Band.

Crete Turns Hot
All attempts at mediation have failed and the Cretan crisis has formally come to blows. In suitably dramatic fashion, blockade vessels opened fire on the renegade dragon, but panic over Majterran incantations led to an uncoordinated attack that ended up shelling much of the battlefield to considerable collateral damage. The Empress herself was supposedly struck by a wayward salvo, but the dragon reportedly emerged unscathed. Moreover, the demonic beast that accompanied Esther's arrival has purportedly vanished completely—Europe holds its breath as it awaits Paris' next move.

MAJTERRAN EVENT: Desperate Measures
The recent escalation has put the capital in a tizzy as the various court factions bicker over a formal response. While even imperial councilors are now describing it as the "Cretan folly", Paris retains enough loyalty to the Empress that it will follow her lead—and as the situation rapidly deteriorates, drastic action is becoming much more palatable. The blockade’s overwhelming firepower has blown a serious hole in Majterre's thaumaturgic superiority complex: the Lay Council questions whether the empire is truly capable of confronting a modern military toe-to-toe, and is pressuring for the immediate rescue of the Empress, Crete be damned. Conversely, the nobility touts the original hard line and is pushing for full mobilization—if not to intimidate Athens and Cairo, then at least to prepare for the crusaders. Within the bureaucracy there are even whispers of a regency to reset diplomatic relations by taking Esther's dubious reputation out of the equation entirely.

Emergency Evac: Too much blood has been spilled over Crete already, and the Empress' life is not worth the risk. By consolidating their skill, the realm's mages can invoke a mass teleport spell to bring Esther and her entourage back to the mainland, leaving Caron to the foreigners. Greece will almost certainly move to occupy the island, but it is not the hill upon which the Empire should die. +5% support for Lay Council; Esther Solomon and any specified units in Crete will be teleported to Paris; all Warlocks will be immobilized for several turns proportionate to total forces transferred.
Weapon of Mass Distraction: Alternatively, teleportation spells could be used to break the blockade by literally moving the ships somewhere else, alleviating the immediate danger and buying time for Esther to resolve the situation at her leisure... but such intervention will be impossible to gaslight. +5% support for Warlock Council; Greek and Egyptian surface fleets will be displaced out of range of Crete; all Warlocks will be immobilized for several turns proportionate to the total distance. Athens and Cairo will consider this an act of aggression.
Sound the Drum: The recent shelling is an act of war, not to mention an attempt on Esther's life! With few friends and enemies on all sides, the public has never been more galvanized for a fight... but neither have neighbour states. +5% support for Warlock Council, -5% support for Lay Council; Majterre declares war on Greece, Egypt and the Heretics' Crusade with bonus to initial levy; gain policy Castle Doctrine: +2 recruitment, +2 defence and +5 morale for 10 turns. This will alarm neighbour nations.
Operation Unthinkable: Under the pretext that Esther has been incapacitated in the field, an emergency regency is enacted to negotiate a peaceful solution in the sovereign's name... but without her input. +5% support to Civil Service and Regional Governors; gain policy Regency Council: +6 diplomacy and Majterre will automatically begin negotiations to resolve the Cretan crisis, potentially under unfavourable terms. Empress Esther is reduced to default Personal Action for duration of the regency.
The Empress' Prerogative: Magic is the solution to all problems, and the Empress' magic is the best of all. No effect.

Islamic Jihal'QaISIS on the Defensive

The latest flare-up of Middle Eastern terrorism looks to be doused even faster than the last. Rational
defenders have deployed a ground-level EMP blast, knocking out much of the enemy's attacking vehicles which are now easy prey to coalition retaliation. Meanwhile, a Turkish landing on the coast has exposed Raqqa's flank, while the northern front retreats only barely fast enough not to be run over. Outnumbered and outgunned, the insurgents are unlikely to be able to hold the line for long. GG al-Baghdadi, no re.

Namibian Forces Compromised over South Atlantic
Namibian interception of Yuri's shuttle has encountered a major setback as a feint tricked the fighters into close-enough range for him to deploy his mind-bending abilities to turn the squadron on its allies. While the strain of controlling such a large group forestalls complete subversion of the air force, this may buy him enough time to flee the pursuit and regroup with his Congolese slaves.

Yuri has brainwashed the NMB 2nd Fighter Squadron!

The situation on the ground, however, is decidedly not in the Psi Corps' favour. The assault on the Falklands continues to stonewall, with British raiders sabotaging supplies to the freshly-landed tanks, while the battle of the Hume has encircled the 10th Initiates and may be poised to destroy them in detail. Meanwhile, the South Congolese incursion is rapidly crumbling, and with the imminent arrival of the Australian hero party Allied forces will be able to consolidate for Yuri's arrival.

Custerfield Declines Psychic Summit
Reykjavik's recent declaration that it could not afford to ignore the threat of Yuri had led to speculation that the country was finally prepared to become an international player. Alas, it appears the state's peculiar strain of radical neutrality will continue as the government declared it would not send a delegation to New York, even as observers. An official statement read the government "refuses to compromise [its] sovereignty, no matter how dire a crisis may appear." President of Europe Martin Schulz stated he was "deeply disappointed" in Custerfield's "continued contempt for even the most token gesture of good faith to the international brotherhood", although stated that if worst came to worst, Europe would not forsake the Icelanders out of petty spite. Remarks from other leaders were far less generous.

Conversely, self-proclaimed Empress of the not!country Ái Kougyoku Ren stated she will lead a party to the UN, claiming first-hand experience in psychological warfare of this calibre. The royal entourage has departed from Qingdao and is expected to arrive within four turns.

New Zealand is the New Venezuela
As if to prove anything a socialist state fails at, a fascist fails harder, the Kiwi Empire's attempt to rectify its industrial overheat by heaping on further demand has effectively shut down its manufacturing base, as a massive factory expansion project has cannibalized its arms programme for no substantive return. With the labour pool drained to meet worker quotas, rumours of socialist agitation are spreading across the nation, while logistical planners warn material and manpower deficits are already eating into field supply stockpiles. Kiwi Empire suffers -2 economy, -2 stability, -3 defence v. socialist influence, and units will not automatically regain strength until the situation is ameliorated.

KIWI EVENT: Supply and Demand
While the government in Wellington has always preferred to go it alone, the economic crisis is now so severe that the junta is in agreement that outside intervention is necessary, and is prepared to fast-track a foreign trade agreement even if it means playing to a seller's market. Several countries have stepped forward offering to ease the burden of New Zealand's overtaxed industrial sector... but all come with a price beyond mere premium valuation.

Svenskt Stål: South Sweden is offering to supplement the shortfall in raw materials at premium prices, in exchange for certain diplomatic guarantees related to the Scandinavian tension. This will be the most expensive gross deal, but will shave considerable time off assembly. Gain policy Swedish Favours: +3 trade with, -3 casus belli v. South Sweden, -2 diplomacy with the Sámi states, +5 casus belli v. aggression on South Sweden; South Sweden will dispatch raw materials convoys valued at $90 million, upon arrival supply shortages will end and production time for all current projects will be reduced 75% of original schedule. You will suffer a major diplomatic penalty if you fail to honour defensive obligations before the trade is completed
Chinese Electronics: The telecom company Huawei is offering to produce the necessary electronics systems at competitive prices. While it assures you it is entirely independent of the Chinese government, there is reasonable concern Huawei components will feature backdoor protocols to enable surveillance by the PRC. People's Republic of China will dispatch military electronics convoys valued at $20 million, upon arrival supply shortages will be halved and production time for 3rd Star Destroyer and 5th Strike Fighter Squadron will be reduced 50% of original schedule; both units will suffer -3 electronic warfare v. People's Republic of China. The PRC may eventually reverse-engineer the technology.
Outsource Assembly: In what it calls a "win-win paradigm", Faxum seeks to seize the opportunity to bootstrap its industrial base, offering local production facilities for the Star Destroyers in exchange for startup investment. Assembly will be temporarily interrupted as the hulls are moved offshore, but this will eliminate the strain on your own industry entirely. Gain policy Faxumite Contracting: $45 million transferred to Faxumite Empire, +5 trade and +2 diplomacy with Faxum and vice versa, -3 diplomacy with Egypt, can assign any current unit under construction to production in Djibouti as a free action; supply shortages reduced proportionate to outsourced production. Faxum will gain technical knowledge of anything it produces.
The Godzone First: Made-in-NuZee problems deserve made-in-NuZee solutions. No effect.

Emperor Augustus Reasserts Claims
With the Mediterranean in crisis, Rome is reasserting its "rightful and legal claim" to the southern Italian peninsula, stating it will "brook no aggression" by foreign actors against the region. The declaration is considered an implicit statement of intent to formally annex the southern territories, which thus far have shown no explicit resistance to the presumptive Emperor. While Flavis Augustus' imperial rhetoric has caused some consternation in Cologne, the Kaiserin remarked that "the Italians are walking into their own backyard". No comment has been given on how this affects Rome's stance on Sicily, which recently allied with the Heretics' Crusade against the Majterran régime.

Notes from the GM

Two updates in a season? I'm on fire this year! :devil: Might have been faster but the mouse glitch I mentioned last time has gotten steadily worse. Hopefully I'll have it fixed within the week.

On that note, orders due Friday the 16. Minor Diplomacy Post to follow later today. People that got Events, remember to actually answer.
FROM: Volksreich der Frau
TO: Feministische Vereinigung des Kommunistisch–Internationalistischen Namibia
SUBJECT: Situation in Europe
Hi Megan!

As Namibia is no doubt aware, Paris is making itself something of an international nuisance and we do not expect the recent events in Crete to defuse the situation. While the Volksreich will only consider open war as a last recourse, with all of Europe potentially at risk from Majterre's reaction, our status as the continent's anchor is sure to be tested and I am due to authorize a general state of alert-readiness in anticipation of a general conflict erupting. As allies with Namibia I felt compelled to notify you in advance; any support you wish to offer will of course be greatly received, however at this stage the government feels we can contain the fallout ourselves, and does not believe a formal request for aid will be necessary.

I have received word our expeditionary force has arrived in New York City. It has been instructed to coordinate with Namibian command however you best see fit. I'm sorry it couldn't have reached you sooner, but I'm glad to hear you managed to take Washington with minimal difficulty.

Your comrade-in-arms,

Psychic Summit

Greater Joseon:
We will be dispatching an expeditionary army to the South Pacific in short order. In consultation with Manchuria, we will also be providing logistical support to its own expeditionary division for the duration of the conflict. It is our understanding Beijing will also be sending a contingent of its own.

Republic of China:
We are dispatching the 1st Army Aviation Corps to assist in the liberation of the South Pacific from Psi Corps domination.

People's Republic of China:
We will be deploying a division-size intervention force against Yuri's occupation of the Pacific Islands.

For the glory of international Socialism, we have instructed the Far East district to deploy a volunteer brigade to combat the traitor Yuri.
To: Greater Joseon, Republic of China, People's Republic of China, Moscow
From: Australian Capital Territory

As a group who is (unfortunately) well acquainted with Yuri's shenanigans, we kindly request that you send your forces towards Nouméa. Nouméa is the location of one of two of Yuri's superweapons (the Genetic Mutator) and it is the closest to being fully charged. We really don't want to find out what happens when it is fully charged. If you can help New Zealand deal with the Genetic Mutator, we can focus our efforts on the Psychic Dominator, which we believe we can disable with Servant-based shenanigans.

1) "COMRADES! RIDE ON! FOR SABER IS WITH US!!!" - With the divine power of Saber at their backs, those fighting in the Battle for the Hume Highway (i.e those currently engaging the PSI 10th Initiate Battalion and the 10th Light Tank Platoon) perform an epic charge against the 10th Initiate Battalion and the 10th Light Tank Platoon and cause them to be utterly obliterated.

2) Send the 1st Fighter Wing to assist New Zealand's airforce in bringing down those UFOs.

3) The Australian Capital Territory is super concerned about the two superweapons that Yuri is currently charging up, even more concerned about those than the fact that Sydney is currently occupied (although that is among many of our priorities). We are hoping that a joint international effort to attack Nouméa will stop the Genetic Mutator, currently nobody is trying to stop the Psychic Dominator. To rectify this, the Saberist Priesthood will conduct a long-range Servant Summoning ritual to summon the one and only Da Vinci-chan to sabotage the Psychic Dominator. Considering she is one of the servants most heavily associated with the Chaldea Security Organisation (which is located in Antarctica) and she is a literal genius at all things involving machines, there hasn't been as thematically appropriate summoning this game since Jeanne D'Arc (Alter) I'm just saying.

1. Privatize the military. In an effort to make the national military more effective a fighting force, we will be privatizing large segments of the official military by auction (and taking that money into the state treasury). The newly privatized firms will be expected to compete with one another for contracts with our government (and other governments around the world), in the hopes of making the Caribbean the world's leading supplier of niche private military expertise. Also, Mr Stockholme with inside knowledge that this will happen (since he's is after all the president) will make sure he has a sizable purchase made ahead of the other auctioneers to add to his personal business empire.
It only required a brief moment of pondering for the intrepid space adventurers to realise a solution to their fuel problem - Revenge. Surely there is nothing better for fuelling our ambitions than revenge. Unfortunately it turned out that the cake and cup of tea which had earlier tried to choke our dear captain are now nowhere to be seen so revenge against them is not a viable option.
One member of the crew - our incredible pilot - does have revenge on the mind though and this could be just the opportunity necessary to provide sufficient fuel for the journey to the moon. However, in order to harness this powerful drive for revenge the adventurers will have to travel to the other side of the world!


Robert Can't and James Fulton will leave the spaceship in the loving hands of our newly appointed chief engineer Susan Susanovich as they hop into their battered old Trabant 601 to begin their epic cross-continental journey. They will begin to DRIVE TO NEW ZEALAND.


Being, as he is, a Citizen of Ireland Robert Can't will write to the Irish government telling them that as a Citizen of Ireland he requests the aid of his Home Country in pursuing a quest of revenge against the Kiwi Empire.

Although we don’t see eye-to-eye religiously, it would be super great if you targeted Yuri first. He really sucks. Pretty sure he wants to eliminate dice entirely.
Majterre is in a dire situation: we must bring things under control.

The 1st step to control is time and we cannot have time with hostile ships shooting at Crete. Weapon of Mass Distraction: if possible move the navies of Egypt and Greece to the Great Victoria Desert if possible, so to deny hostile fleet engagement against our isle while at the same time not harming the crew. We feel also the ships would make nice decoration for the Australian desert. Naturally this will not please the nationalistic forces of Egypt and Greece; we will prepare.

Anyhow: to rolling orders.

1) in her state of confusion and desperation the Empress will create a rift that would enable the forces of Chaos, leaded by Louisa Ferre, to this reality. Perhaps they may prove the aid needed to counter the problems of Majterre and the World? Potential aid also against Yuri...

2) Bellator will teleport himself to Al-Kharṭūm—Baḥrī—Umm Durmān to help the Faxum Empire against its rebellion by engaging in combat against Corpoate Faxum; this should encourage our ally, Tani, to turn to our aid.

3) order the training of warlocks in Marseille to help prepare counter the upcoming struggle with the Heretics Crusade.

Robert Can't and James Fulton will leave the spaceship in the loving hands of our newly appointed chief engineer Susan Susanovich as they hop into their battered old Trabant 601 to begin their epic cross-continental journey. They will begin to DRIVE TO NEW ZEALAND.


Being, as he is, a Citizen of Ireland Robert Can't will write to the Irish government telling them that as a Citizen of Ireland he requests the aid of his Home Country in pursuing a quest of revenge against the Kiwi Empire.
To: Robert_Can't
From: Kiwi Empire

I ask you that you cease this senseless desire to peruse revenge against our nation. Unless you are unaware, . The more you seek to harm us, the more you are allowing Yuri to win. Cease this senseless action at once, or you will face severe consequences. We do not see eye-to-eye, but i'd be super great if you'd targeted Yuri instead of me.
Republic of Country Orders:

President Trent Curtis will announce a new plan in a major speech given in Capital to streamline the bureaucracy of Country by consolidating several departments that cover similar areas while also expanding them as to better respond to any requests, crises, and other activities that said departments cover.
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