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Roll to Dodge - Help NC Get Out of Bed Edition


Thought Bubble Thinker
Apr 4, 2010
So I've been having trouble getting out of bed recently and I read somewhere that the best way to get out of bed in the morning is to have something that you want to do in the morning. So I figured that doing an R2D update would be quick thing I could do every morning and would be something I couldn't easily do in bed, which would give me motivation to get out of bed.

Don't know what R2D is? I'll quote the rules from Roll to Dodge: Ludicrous Edition to explain:

This is a simple game based off the original Roll to Dodge by Seon.

The rules are simple:
1. Post an action.
2. Your result will be determined by the roll of a die.
Any action that triggers a third-party attack on the player immediately grants a free defence roll.

'Ludicrous Edition' increases the variability of results with a 20-sided die that in addition to establishing the immediate success of an action, also determines random items found, health/power/money gained/lost, etc. The basic breakdown is as follows:

1 : Unbelievably total failure. Action WILL backfire.
2-4 : Failure, with penalty
5-7 : Marginal failure with possible penalty
8-10 : Failure, no penalty
11-13 : Straightforward success
14-16 : Success, with possible bonus
17-19 : Success, with circumstantial bonus
20 : MAXIMUM POWER. Guaranteed success, with added bonus.

Under binary conditions, 1-10 fails, 11-20 succeeds.

Note that attempting an action requiring an intermediate action (i.e. starting a car with no keys) automatically fails. Also note that the same action cannot be taken twice in a row. Take heed that your GM is unstable, and may tweak the playing field independent of player actions. Almost anything goes, but be warned that metagaming will anger the D1C3 G0D, who may unleash the wrath of Dr. Hax upon you.

Other Important Notes/Changes from Last Game:
  • Each player may submit one action per turn (unless I say otherwise).
  • As the whole point of this game is to get me up in the morning, I will usually update in the morning (AEST/ADET timezone). Don't get it in by then? You snooze, you lose.
  • All players start in their bed, waking up from a restful night's sleep.
  • Death is not the end, but merely a new beginning.
  • I will make a reserve post and then the game shall begin...
TIMELINE #1 (14/08/2020, Turn 15):

Player Characters:


Location: Canberra Hospital's Bomb Shelter (+60 vs Nuclear Attack)
100/100 HP
Corrected Vision (+3 to sight rolls)
Enlightenment (+1 to all rolls)
Chess Game (can freely make chess moves vs chess player)
Praised on Twitter (+2 Confidence)
Mobile Phone
1 Fate Point (+/-2 (players's choice) to any roll when AA chooses to use the Fate Point OR can declare a minor story detail, is given to target or returns to NinjaCow64 if used on AA/used to declare a minor story detail when consumed).

Location: Falling to Beijing
5/100 HP
Mana 0% (all magic disabled)
Anti-Lama (+3 to Evil Buddhist Magic)
Destroyer of Beijing (+1 to Destruction)
Accursed Threefold Blessings of Public Transport (+1 to Evil Buddhist Magic)
Falling (1 turn until big ouch!)
Exhausted (-2 to all actions) (Disabled while falling due to adrenaline)
Right Arm Broken (-1 to actions involving right arm)
Bleeding (-5 HP/turn)
Nausea (-1 to all actions, 1 turn)
Destroy Planet Pepsi
Destroy the World to Free Tibet from suffering
Restart WW3

49/100 HP
0% Honour
Enlightenment (+2 to defence)
Completely On Fire (-5 HP/turn, -1 to all actions)
Most Honourable Referee (+2 to refereeing, +1 Happiness)
Blessings of Ryūjin (+3 to Waterbending, Counts as a Divine Being)
Empty spray bottle

Rosie Can't
Location: Spaceship, En-route to London (3 turns)
76/100 HP
Prime Minister of Australia
Highly Paid Mathematician
Impressively Healthy (+3 to Health and/or Fitness Rolls)
Solver of Problems
House that is also a bomb shelter
Epic Bed (+1 Happiness)
Finely Crafted Numbers
-1 RinIOT Update

Location: Beijing Airspace
57/100 HP
100% Honour
Demon Banishing Pillow (+1 to banishing demons)
Samurai Training (+1 resistance to terror)
Victorious (+2 to Honour rolls)
Anti-Dark Buddhism Arts (+2 vs Dark Buddhist Magic when using a spoken attack with a pillow) (DISABLED)
Sneaky Sleepytime Switcheroo (+1 to inflicting physical injuries with a pillow)

Double A
87/100 HP
Stand - Mr Γ
Invisible to Normies
Fighting Gold (+1 to Stand Fights)
Its Waluigi Time! (+1 to WAH!!!)
Famed Meme Seminarist (+1 to Meme Seminars)
Spontaneous Memeing (+1 to rolls >= 11, -1 to rolls <11)
Rebellious Off-Topic Moderator (+1 vs CFC Users and Staffers)
Broke CFC Rules
Broken Legs (-1 to movement)
Mateba Autorevolver (+1 to shooting)
1 Fate Point (+/-2 (AA's choice) to any roll when AA chooses to use the Fate Point OR can declare a minor story detail, is given to target or returns to NinjaCow64 if used on AA/used to declare a minor story detail when consumed).
Defeat CFC Staff

Location: Pepsi Planet
100/100 HP
Flaming Hot Cheeto Elemental (Divine)
Immune to Fire Damage
+5 HP/turn when near a flame
-1 vs Water
Friend of Jesus Christ (+1 to Christian actions)
Friend of PepsiCo (+1 to PepsiCo Approved Actions)
Friend of the People's Republic of China (+1 to People's Republic of China Approved Actions)
Friend of the Autobots (+1 to Autobot Approved Actions)

Channeling Tibet to Planet Pepsi (+1 Dark Magic)
Defeat Hatsune Mike!

Location: Canberra Airspace
50/100 HP
Bleeding (-5 HP/turn)
Noble Peace Prize 2x (+2 to Diplomacy, +2 to Heroism)
+2 Leadership
Leader of the Revolutionary Nuclear Disarmament Party
'ZIG' Fighter Jet (+1 to aircraft fighting) [NOT EQUIPPED]

Location: Canberra Hospital's Bomb Shelter (+60 vs Nuclear Attack)
87/100 HP
Bone Fixing Juice (+13 HP/turn)

Location: The Fall, En-route to London (3 turns)
62/100 HP
Shameless Catgirl (+2 to cat things)
Support of 49/650 British MPs due to terrorist threats
+1 Intoxication (+1 Happiness, +1 to doing intoxicated things, -1 to common sense, 9 turns)
Inception Tech (no instruction manual)
The Fall (Spaceship, +2 shooting lasers)


2nd Battle of Beijing
1st Mara Army:
Complete Disarray (-6)
2nd U.S Expeditionary Force:
Prepared for the Fight (+5)
Mara Victory >= 22
U.S Victory < 21


Commonwealth of Australia:

Rosie's Party (Rosie/Gurra): 68% (Lower House: 103 MPs Upper House: 52 Senators)
Coalition (NPC): 21% (Lower House: 32 MPs Upper House: 16 Senators)
RNDP (Aleks): 10% (Lower House: 16 MPs Upper House: 4 Senators)

Non-Player Characters (sorted by faction):

CivFanatics Staff:

36/100 HP
Stand - Feel the Thunder
Invisible to Normies
POWER!!! (+2 to Stand Battles)
Supreme Leader of CFC (+2 vs CFC Rule Breakers, +1 vs CFC Users)
ori's passive healing (+7 HP/turn)
Destroy all CFC Rulebreakers

100/100 HP
Stand - Fix You
Invisible to Normies
Punchy Ghost (+1 to Stand Battles)
DNA Repair Guy (+1 to Healing)
Super Moderator (+1 vs CFC Rule Breakers)
Headache (-1 to actions that require thought)
ori's passive healing (+7 HP/turn)

Buddhists (Jedi):

The Buddha

Buddhists (Grey Jedi):

Oda Nobunaga
Location: Having Sex with Okita Souji
99/100 HP
Purification 14%
The Buddha (False) EX (+1 vs Buddhists)
Strategy B (+1 to Leading Armies)
Tenka Fubu A (+1 vs Reactionaries, +1 vs Divine Beings)
Demon King A (+1 vs Buddhists)
Three Thousand Worlds: Three Line Formation (+1 to Shooting, can manifest firearms at will, can telekentically use firearms)
Fire Vulnerability (-1 to Defence vs Water Based Attacks)
Victorious (+1 Legitimacy)

United States of America:

Hilary Rodham Clinton
Location: South China Sea
100/100 HP
President of the United States
2nd U.S Expeditionary Force (+5 vs 1st Mara Army in next combat roll)

Coalition (Austarlia):

David Hurely
Location: Parliament House, Canberra
100/100 HP
Former Governor General of Australia
Enraged by Crezth


NinjaCow64 (Me, the GM)
Location: NC's Office
100/100 HP
The GM
Mobile Phone with F/GO Installed

Kotok McCarthy
Location: Canberra Hospital's Bomb Shelter (+60 vs Nuclear Attack)
100/100 HP
Chess Game (can freely make moves against Red_Spy in the chess game)
Sick (-1 action/turn)
Lost an Argument (will make a minor blunder in his chess game soon)
Anime Chess Tournament Winner (1959, 1960, 1961)
Anime Chess Coach

Revolutionary Nuclear Disarmament Party
100% Integrity

TIMELINE #2 (29/03/2013, Turn 11)

Player Characters:

Location: Little King John's Court
47/100 HP
Penalty Bar: 44% Remaining
In Dreamland (+1 Happiness)
In Lucina's Presence (+1 Happiness)
Calm (+1 Calm)
Omega124 Dreams Minecraft (+1 Terror)
Pursuit (+5 to Turnabouts, 1 turn)
Damaged Coconut Gun (+1 to shooting, can fire one coconut a turn, low chance of jamming, 5/5 Coconut Clip) CONFISCATED
3 Maxim Tomatoes (50 HP healing per tomato, free action to eat)

Location: David Bowie's Apartment, New York City
100/100 HP
Literally David Bowie (+2 to Singing)
Butterfly Effect (+1 to changing the timeline while in 2013)

Non-Player Characters:

Location: Little King John's Court
80/100 HP
Ally of Omega124
Omega124 Dreams of Minecraft (+1 Terror)
Falchion (+1 attack, +1 attack vs Evil Dragons) (CONFISCATED)

Little King John
Location: Little King John's Court
100/100 HP
King of Minecraft
Uncanny Stretch (+X where X = the amount of terror people he is attacking have)
Kidnapper (+1 to non-lethal attacks)
Multitasker (Can attack multiple targets a turn)

Winston Payne
Location: Little King John's Court
100/100 HP
Case Integrity: 40%
Annoying Prosecutor
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Grab my glasses on the nightstand that is next to the bed all the players are apparently sharing.
*takes spray bottle filled with water from the cold tap and squirts a few jets of water onto NinjaCow64's face*
I invade Omega's dream in the style of hit movie "Inception" and i incept the idea of being happy in reality.
Too many people in this bed. I find new bed.
NC gits gud

I invoke my aspect "meme seminarist" to give a bonus to the roll
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I loudly tell "Autobots roll out" in hopes my bed will transform into a robot the carry me to the bathroom.
Grab my glasses on the nightstand that is next to the bed all the players are apparently sharing.

(2) You fall out of the wrong side of bed (-3 HP). You can't find your glasses anywhere and you can't see without your glasses! (-5 to eyesight checks).

Float to the ceiling

(20) You float to the ceiling effortlessly, upon standing on the ceiling you realise that you are the 15th Dali Lama. Pretty epic, my dude (+3 to Dalai Lama related activities).

*takes spray bottle filled with water from the cold tap and squirts a few jets of water onto NinjaCow64's face*

(8) I avoid your attack, because I am the GM. In my infinite mercy I do not inflict a penalty on you.

I go back to bed, because I hate my existence and am only happy in dreams

(6) NIGHTMARE!!! You are being chased by the Teeth-Fally-Out-Monster.

ROLL TO DODGE! (6) - The monster successfully rips a chunk out of your (dream) flesh, -36i HP, 2i/turn damage from bleeding and 40% of your (dream) teeth fall out.

I invade Omega's dream in the style of hit movie "Inception" and i incept the idea of being happy in reality.

(4) Turns out incepting with exactly zero training is a really bad idea. Not only do you get attacked by Omega's subconscious, you get chased by the Teeth-Fally-Out-Monster as well!


(12-1) 11 You dodge the dream bullets epic style.
(19) The bullets fly into the teeth-fally-out-monster, severely injuring it (-42i HP, 3i/turn damage from bleeding) and drawing aggro away from you and Megan.

Too many people in this bed. I find new bed.

(2) Not if your sleep paralysis demon can do anything about it!

ROLL TO DODGE (crippling terror)!


I arm myself with a fluffy pillow.

(1) Not only do you fail to find a pillow with sufficient fluffiness (-1% Honour/turn), you are suddenly surprise attacked by your nemesis the famed pillow samurai Sasaki Kojirō! (no relation). If you do not defeat him in this pillow duel, your honour will be irrevocably stained!


(8) Sasaki Kojirō pelts you with his prize pillow as you feel the honour draining from your bones (-26% Honour).

NC gits gud

I invoke my aspect "meme seminarist" to give a bonus to the roll

(19) I git gud because I attended AA's meme seminar (+1 to all player's rolls next turn). AA's meme seminary becomes famed world wide (+1 to giving meme seminars) and both me and AA gains a Fate Point (Fate Points are complicated, read AA's and my stats).

I loudly tell "Autobots roll out" in hopes my bed will transform into a robot the carry me to the bathroom.

(13) Sleepymus Prime, one of the smaller Autobots who can transform from a bed into a couch, rolls LordArgon out to the bathroom.

I do a JoJo pose.

The Teeth-Fally-Out-Monster roars and begins chasing the Megan's Subconcious Security Guard #1 (MSSG#1).

MSSG#1 ignores the Teeth-Fally-Out-Monster and goes all Terminator like at Crezth.

Megan's Subconcious prepares to summon another security guard to remove Crezth.

Rosie's Sleep Paralysis Demon continues to be horrifying.

Sasaki Kojirō (no relation) boasts about how he will become the Shogun of Dream Japan and unite the country under his rule once he has defeated Carthasis.

Sleepymus Prime awaits further instruction.
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While I get washed up, I order Sleepymus Prime to make me some scrambled eggs.
Accuse SK of stealing my glasses.
"Sometimes dreams can get pretty crazy, Megan," I say over her objections as I pull a dream bazooka out of hammerspace and fire the rocket missiles.
Addressing the famed Sasaki Kojirō (
) I speak thus: "You would attack a man without his pillow sir? There is no honour in this. Continue on this path if you wish to commit pillowmurder like a thug. Allow me time to locate a suitable weapon, and then, we shall duel like samurai."
I shall alert my comrades to the existence of the terror demon by the use of a shouted warning:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaa Aa Aaaaaaaaaaaa
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