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Roll to Dodge - Help NC Get Out of Bed Edition

1: Yeah, I'm not having any of that. Non-consensual tickling is extremely unethical. I teleport you in front of THUNDERFALL's powerful electric attack, causing you to burst aflame (-20 HP, -5 HP/turn, -1 to all actions).
‘Dragon Goddess of the Sea, help me!’, I declaim. ‘SouthernKing wants to destroy the world, LordArgon is performing black magic. We must protect the oceans and unite while we still can! I pledge myself to your service in protection of the seas and nature! I shall erect a shrine in your honour!’
After saying goodbye to Mike, I travel along the soul link to Tibet to start absorbing souls in a more direct manner.
18: "Yeah, I do it all the time." Winston faceplams as his client casually incriminates himself in front of the court and 60% of his case falls apart.

Winston Payne tries to stop your progress with a few well timed OBJECTIONS! 14: "Well timed" more like "poorly timed", egg ends up on his face and makes his case increasingly untennable.

"Come on Megan!" Lucina says, taking the role that Maya usually takes in Ace Attorney games "You can put this rascally rat in prison where he belongs!" (+5 to Turnabouts, 1 turn).

Link to video.

"You see, your honor, Lucina was engaging in self-defense, to protect herself from an unwanted encroachment of a sex pest king. I, too, was once accousted by him, although he did not have the same willpower to force me into a relationship and walked away. Upon seeing my friend, Lucina, being attacked --when all I wanted was King John's help in fixing my own timeline, mind you-- I knew I had to take up arms to defend the Princess of Ylisse* as any reasonable person would do in such a situation."

*And even the fullblown Exalt in the orgional timeline, although introducing multiverse time travel theory to court is not in my best interest
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I play uno reverse card to turn ori into iro, who hurts his allies and heals his enemies (and their cutlery)
So is this game going anywhere?
Maybe NinjaCow's playing the new Dos game in order to pull a fast one on you.

or maybe he god a job or sth like that
1) I'm not sure that's funny in the current situation
2) this game's been effectively abandoned
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