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Sad News: Gary Gygax has passed away

Like you all say, this is indeed very sad news. I haven't even got around to trying D&D yet.
I'm just glad that it isn't something that goes unnoticed. That would be horrible. People all over the world will remember him. He's gone, but not forgotten.

R.I.P. Ernest Gary Gygax.
/bow /salute

Without Gary we may not even have the hobbies we do today. He invented not just DnD but RPG's in general and brought them to world. All the cool games both paper and computer based, the mmporgs, all owe him something as does anyone who likes to play them.

BB Gary and thank you.

It is the 1st time i heard of him.
But since i grew up with games like "Eye of the Beholder" or "Gateway to the Savage Frontier" which let me love the (A)D&D System, i just wanna say Thank You and R.I.P.

My condolence
yeah, read this in OT. died on my mother's birthday, so i'll never forget the anniversary of his death. :sad:
(let's not forget the influence of 'empire of the petal throne'. i hope barker is still around)
Well, my 'wargame' club saw the game. I made my first D & D campaign in 1973, I think (sorry, it was so long ago!). By 1974, we were now effectively a role playing club. No matter how archaic the first edition rules were, it WAS D & D. It was an experience like no other. Instead of playing games against each other, the team played TOGETHER.
I had a similar experience with the World of Darkness games, a touch of L5R and Tribe8, SLA Industries and Fading Suns. I forget the name of the first game I played - it was a Gotham-like setting with the players playing the roles of superheroes they created; my character was called the Harlequin, and his schtick was that his cape billowed dramatically with reliable frequency. Always did like those Eldar harlequins and death jesters from WH40K, and I still have a thing about motley and randomness - 's why I like the Balseraphs in FfH :) Funny how these things all tie together, and how I can't remember the name of or rules to that game but the character schticks in my mind so strongly :)
I remember playing my first role-playing game ever... I was instantly hooked. I tried to get a club set up at school, but it got shot down... Those were good times...
@cthom: guess what.. he died on MY birthday... It overall was a very bad day for as it seems :( (problems at work, having headaches, etc.)
Good Bye Gary. The Prime Material Plane wishes you luck in you new life in Seven Heavens.
Good Bye Gary. The Prime Material Plane wishes you luck in you new life in Seven Heavens.

Kael. Could you create a FFH2 World Hero based on Gary Gygax?

Maybe Mordenkainen, his player character.
kharas said:
Good Bye Gary. The Prime Material Plane wishes you luck in you new life in Seven Heavens.

Kael. Could you create a FFH2 World Hero based on Gary Gygax?

Maybe Mordenkainen, his player character.

Don't forget his other player characters: Bigby, Tenser, and Robilar. (Actually, one or more of those might have been Ernie Gygax's player characters rather than Gary's -- I don't have my AD&D Rogues' Gallery handy to check.) :) I played a LONG time ago, so it won't surprise me if hardly anybody else remembers the Rogues' Gallery.

It might be neat to have a few more World Heroes (Mordenkainen, Tenser, Robilar, Bigby, etc.) that, like Baron Duin Halfmorn, aren't restricted to a single religion or civilization.

Alternatively, at a minimum maybe we can have some of these names added to the lists of various Great Persons that are produced: "Gygax (Great Prophet? Sage?) has been born in City X."
I just saw Gary Gygax's death mentioned on the Colbert Report. Apparently he will be missed (rolls die) 20.

I also just realized that he is the same age as my father (well, a little older. Today is my dad's 69th birthday)
He rolled a 1, as it were.

D&D produced a number of extremely fond memories for me. He will certainly be well-survived by the legacy he created.
Yes, it would seem he failed his "Save" throw!

Wow... I played his games from the very beginning in the 70s.
That's sad. Though I disagree with his play style (Tomb of Horrors!), when I'm the referee, I still love that game (D&D), and it brought me to FfH in the first place - and sort of helped me to learn English.

Thanks, Gary, for a great and inspiring game.

Long live Gord the Rogue.

He is second only to Vlad Taltos.
There are those defining moments in your life that change you and your perception of the world and your place in it. Those moments sometimes happen silently and it isn't until later that you realize how your life has been molded because of them.
Your tastes and choices in entertainment change.
Your friends change.
Your lifestyle changes.
26 years ago, one of those moments happened to me but until reading this thread I didn't think about how it had shaped my life. I cannot fathom how different I would have turned out if I had not been introduced to Dungeons & Dragons by a friend of mine. Most of my decisions in life and the resulting person I am now can filter back to the path I took at that moment. Like the invention of the light bulb my world was forever changed.
If I added up all the laughter and good times my friends and I had playing one RPG or another, it would be owed all to Mr. Gygax. RIP my friend, your legacy will live on in me and my children.
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