Well if it makes you feel any better I'm experimenting with a new improvement called a Frontier Camp. It uses the barbarian encampment art and is constructed by Gatherers. It's a weaker version of the fort and can be constructed outside borders. It gives a culture bomb when built. I also gave this ability to Forts as well. The game moves quick enough and the Gatherer goes obsolete before this improvement can be abused. This way you can snag a nearby resource early on to get your game going. This does not culture bomb neighboring civs though. Just unclaimed tiles. I don't think it's too unrealistic. I'm sure tribes have always been territorial. Are there any vanilla buildings that increase border expansion? Nothing is coming mind.
That does sound nice. I can't recall anything from vanilla that does border expansion specifically, but then again, I think I only ever tried playing vanilla once, so I'm definitely not the best person to ask.

Is there maybe some way you could give me the mod in its current state? My feedback would be more useful then.
That does sound nice. I can't recall anything from vanilla that does border expansion specifically, but then again, I think I only ever tried playing vanilla once, so I'm definitely not the best person to ask.

Is there maybe some way you could give me the mod in its current state? My feedback would be more useful then.
Here you go. It's mostly complete through the end of the Post Classical Era. --> Newest Pre-Alpha

Known issues
  • Unique units and buildings are not exactly how I want them yet. I have been moving things to more historically accurate placements on the tech tree in some cases. In others I have decided to leave them be for now. Most uniques will probably be placed where the shared units are located. Simply because my follow up expansion will deal specifically with uniques. Wonders and Civilizations will also be dealt with in the follow up expansion.
  • Balance is not perfect. I've been testing this on Quick speed so that's what everything is based on especially the calendar. I did have the calendar balanced for all speeds at one time but I've made some changes since then. I dialed back science just a smidge after my last play through because techs began out pacing the calendar. Production seems to be a little OP at the moment. Social Policies haven't been touched yet. Balanced only for Prince difficulty for now.
  • Last play through was stable for me. If you do experience a crash it might be because something is referencing a tech that no longer exists. I have made some changes since my last play through. It's possible there is a coding mistake in there somewhere that may cause a crash also.
  • The AI seems to be struggling with barbarians. My plan was to do a test play without barbarians to see if the AI can grow their cities. I was testing this on a huge map with 12 civs. This leaves a lot of real estate for the barbarians to spawn and they have been quite a nuisance.
Let me know what you think. Look forward to your feedback.
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Status update:

As always I'm excited to share what I've been creating. My goal is to have a new pre-alpha version ready before month's end. The next version will be in a more complete state through the end of the Early Modern era.

One of my goals is to have social policies fleshed out through the end of the Early Modern Era. I'm planning a Tribalism tree for the Paleolithic and a Chiefdom tree for the Neolithic. After many play throughs I've come to realize the early eras would be much more interesting with social policies. Without them culture buildings feel meaningless.

I haven't put much thought into Faith yet. It's the last thing on my list. I will definitely be giving beliefs a more historical flavor. But from a realism perspective I can't see making them available before the Ancient era.

The tech tree is now mostly complete though the end of the Early Modern era. I've made many tweaks to the earlier eras also. The Post Classical era has more techs now. I try not to be influenced by the game developers when I'm creating the tech tree. The base tech tree is the way it is for gameplay reasons. The developers have taken liberties with historical accuracy. What I do is take a literal historical approach first then I make adjustments for gameplay purposes afterwards. For instance I moved the Trebuchet to the Early Middle Ages. It's not historically inaccurate but the height of Trebuchet usage was definitely in the High Middle Ages. It's upgrade, the Bombard comes available in the Late Middle Ages.

I'm still experimenting with agricultural spread. Unfortunately the AI is very inept. I've discovered that sometimes the AI will endlessly build Workers if tiles need to be improved. This only happens with some civilizations. It's not uncommon to see a bunch of Workers standing around idle. So my newest change is designed to prevent this. The Gatherer can now cultivate grain resources. Workers can not be built until a civilization possesses a grain resource. Grain resources are now true strategic resources. When improved they provide a quantity 4 of the resource. The idea is to encourage the spread of the resource through trade.

I've reverted city growth back to 2 food per population. Now I'm controlling growth by adjusting the population change threshold. Cities no longer sit stagnant. They just take a long time to grow. I find this to be more satisfying because you can see the city grow even though it's takes time to reach the threshold.

I have gone through all buildings and units and cleaned up many loose ends. Trying to get building and unit obsolescence dialed in. I have redone how many buildings provide yields. Production and gold are now more dependent on population. I find this gives the game a more dynamic feel. In the real world economies are linked to population size.

Anyone who has tried out the last pre-alpha version may have noticed growth penalties on many buildings. This is something I'm experimenting with. This is my pollution and disease mechanism. It's an attempt to to represent real world consequences for the player's actions.

My goal is to make the game feel complete through the end of the Early Modern era before I release the next pre-alpha.

Looking ahead to the expansion:

I have experimented with Humankind's approach to cultural evolution. Historically civilizations have a beginning and an end. I could simply incorporate the rise and fall mod into this and be done with it. The problem is this makes the prehistoric eras pointless. So my approach is to unlock cultures using the social policy trees and wonders. For instance the Pyramids would be unlocked at an Ancient era policy tree. Anyone can build Pyramids (using pyramids as an example but it will more likely be a palace). The Pyramids would unlock unique units, buildings, and wonders.

I'm still deciding how I want to deal with civilizations. In Humankind you have an avatar. In the case of my mod your avatar would be a historical leader. The other idea I have is to only have "cradle" civilizations available to choose from at the start. I would appreciate anyone's input on this. I've been going round and round with this idea. Using world wonders to unlock cultures makes any culture unique to a player. Sharing uniques becomes a problem though. I might have to make duplicate buildings and units to make sharing a reality which is something I'm trying to avoid. This tends to get messy whenever I try to think this through.

Let me know what you think...
Well, in that case...
Will you marry me?
Yikes! I hope I can still make that goal. Trying to narrow down a crash right now and I still have a lot of work to do on the social policies. I have made many changes that have affected game balance and I'm reevaluating agricultural spread. The AI just doesn't seem to quite get it. They tend to park their Gatherers in the cities and leave them idle. They improve bonus resources but mostly avoid strategic resources. If I make grains into a bonus resource then they can't be traded. Such a dilemma.

After reading about Chiefdoms I have also decided to allow settlers earlier in the game. Settlers are now a goody hut reward but still can't be built until later. This has had a major affect on game balance. So I'll keep you guys posted.
Must be hunting season...
Hunting Season.JPG
I’m playing on an Iconian Huge map (bigger than standard), Marathon speed on a Perfect World mapscript, as Sweden

31. How about giving 1 free Hunter, once a city is settled, or at the start, but double the cost to build them after that. This is simply to give the player something to do in the first few turns instead of simply hitting “Enter”
But in later times…
There are way too many Hunters being built & wandering the map. I’d suggest either limiting the number that can be built per Civ, or based on Buildings or something, because, especially with them upgrading to Scouts, it’s just way too much map exploration, way too early in the game.
Hunters maybe shouldn’t upgrade to Scouts, otherwise you’re just exacerbating the problem of too-easy exploration in the Civilization series that has been there since Civ 1. Maybe go with Warriors instead?
32. I love the way you diversified the “Fish” resource into various species of fish. I was going to suggest that, but you beat me to it. Cod, Sardines & Haddock come to mind as important species also, at least in later times, though I haven’t looked ahead yet to see if you’ve added those. But, whatever you do, Civ needs way more water-based resources.
33. Flood Plains have a -10% to defense. I don’t see why it should be any different from other flat terrain. Do you have some reasoning behind this?
34. Gaining +50 hit points for killing an animal feels like too much. I’d say half that would be better, at most +30. If it’s a percentage, than no more than 25%.
35. I have now encountered the crash… weird, because it’s so totally random as far as I can tell. It’s happened twice in just a few turns, but then never happened again after around turn 200 (again, Marathon speed)
36. I’d suggest a switch from +1 outputs (food/production/gold/etc.) for buildings & instead use %-based outputs. Since +1 is essentially +100% verses your usual +5% or +10% increments, it makes for absolutely huge increases. Perhaps reserve +1 outputs for National/World Wonders only, and use % otherwise? Obviously, under those circumstances, you would use higher % rates than 5% or 10% and at some later date, abandon the idea completely, when +1 isn’t such a huge deal like it is early on.
Forest Garden is amazing at growing population – too amazing for certainly placed Civs & that’s ultimately what made me give this recommendation, btw.
37. So, I got a free unit from a City-State. It was a Settler. My closest competitor had 3 Population verses my 6. The least competitor to mine was at 1 population. That's an insane variation, so don’t let City-States give Settlers. It’s such a huge population boost.
38. I’m not sure if this is a problem from your mod or from the Passable Ice mod, but I’ve seen Salmon spawn under ice, which probably shouldn’t happen.
39. It’s too easy to Pledge Protection to City-States, without the ability to back it up. Vox Populi or Gaia’s mod fixes this, so you should look into borrowing that from those mods.
Essentially, there is almost zero consequence for Pledging Protection, but you gain all the benefits of doing so. If you happen to get another City-State quest while pledging, you get a huge bonus, while it’s rare for a Civ to demand tribute from a City-State during the time you’re protecting. It’s a no-brainer to always Pledge.
40. Jungle starts are way too powerful. I’m currently at a population of 7 in my capital & my next closest competitor also had a jungle start & currently has a population of 5 in it’s capital.
What if Workers could also build Forest Garden improvements & Jungle Garden improvements. Forest adds +1 food, Jungle adds +1 gold. That might mitigate Jungle starts (note that I’m assuming you don’t change outputs from +1 increases to %-based increases here.)
41. The “Den” should be build-able in every city. It makes your capital way too important as it is now. So, perhaps have it be a building instead and a +1 to every output (or +% to every output).
Also, if you leave it as is & a free Den is given in the Capital, it seems like the Palace should replace the Den, when that is built. I’d still prefer the previous thing though, having it build-able in every city, you just get a free one in the capital.
42. Yeah, again, that Jungle start is way too powerful for realism…
I’m now 450+ turns in & the best civilizations all have Jungle starts, which is obviously unrealistic, based on history.
43. There’s a mod, somewhere, which adds a bonus for circumnavigating the world. I know it because I’ve used it in the past, but I can’t recall it, atm, but that really needs to be included. I’ve just gone far enough around the world (by land) to see a straight line through, which would probably trigger that bonus, which is what made me think of it.
44. Yeah, go ahead and get rid of generalized “workers” & replace them with: Farmers, Masons, Miners, etc. I’ve always wanted that in Civ, more specialized workers.
45. I just noticed that I’d build a Shrine on a Jungle/Plains/River tile & the graphic is no longer showing up. It did at one point, but no longer. I’m thinking that may be due to Spices popping up on that tile after building the Shrine...idk.
46. Get rid of “Spices” as a general resource & replace it with the various historically important spices. We already have Salt, Clover, Nutmeg, etc., so expand on that.
47. Potter’s Wheels & Pottery are build-able infrastructure. It feels redundant – just by looking at the name of the things, not the effects of building them.
48. I’ve got two Irrigation Canals build-able & I don’t see why that’s the case.
49. It’s currently 1215AD & I’m only up to the Iron Age techs. I should be in the Middle Ages, so I feel like the timing is a bit off.
50. Canoes should upgrade to Triremes
51. I saw Wine gets pressed into Vegetable Oil (via the Oil Mill @ Classical Antiquity V) – I don’t think that’s a thing, unless you change Wine to Grape, I can see Grapeseed Oil being a Vegetable Oil & I expect that’s what you were going for.
52. It’s gotten to the point where I have a lot of unhappiness & am getting rebels. This happening, without any warning whatsoever, it was annoying this first time.
53. The Wonder splash screens need to be resized – Take a look at the Heart of Neolithic Orkney wonder, for example, the text runs off of the splash screen.
I’m going to call it quits here. I tried to get as far as possible, but it became intolerable, the disparity between my & the AI civs, so I’ll need to turn up a level or two next time.
I’m playing on an Iconian Huge map (bigger than standard), Marathon speed on a Perfect World mapscript, as Sweden

31. How about giving 1 free Hunter, once a city is settled, or at the start, but double the cost to build them after that. This is simply to give the player something to do in the first few turns instead of simply hitting “Enter”
But in later times…
There are way too many Hunters being built & wandering the map. I’d suggest either limiting the number that can be built per Civ, or based on Buildings or something, because, especially with them upgrading to Scouts, it’s just way too much map exploration, way too early in the game.
Hunters maybe shouldn’t upgrade to Scouts, otherwise you’re just exacerbating the problem of too-easy exploration in the Civilization series that has been there since Civ 1. Maybe go with Warriors instead?
32. I love the way you diversified the “Fish” resource into various species of fish. I was going to suggest that, but you beat me to it. Cod, Sardines & Haddock come to mind as important species also, at least in later times, though I haven’t looked ahead yet to see if you’ve added those. But, whatever you do, Civ needs way more water-based resources.
33. Flood Plains have a -10% to defense. I don’t see why it should be any different from other flat terrain. Do you have some reasoning behind this?
34. Gaining +50 hit points for killing an animal feels like too much. I’d say half that would be better, at most +30. If it’s a percentage, than no more than 25%.
35. I have now encountered the crash… weird, because it’s so totally random as far as I can tell. It’s happened twice in just a few turns, but then never happened again after around turn 200 (again, Marathon speed)
36. I’d suggest a switch from +1 outputs (food/production/gold/etc.) for buildings & instead use %-based outputs. Since +1 is essentially +100% verses your usual +5% or +10% increments, it makes for absolutely huge increases. Perhaps reserve +1 outputs for National/World Wonders only, and use % otherwise? Obviously, under those circumstances, you would use higher % rates than 5% or 10% and at some later date, abandon the idea completely, when +1 isn’t such a huge deal like it is early on.
Forest Garden is amazing at growing population – too amazing for certainly placed Civs & that’s ultimately what made me give this recommendation, btw.
37. So, I got a free unit from a City-State. It was a Settler. My closest competitor had 3 Population verses my 6. The least competitor to mine was at 1 population. That's an insane variation, so don’t let City-States give Settlers. It’s such a huge population boost.
38. I’m not sure if this is a problem from your mod or from the Passable Ice mod, but I’ve seen Salmon spawn under ice, which probably shouldn’t happen.
39. It’s too easy to Pledge Protection to City-States, without the ability to back it up. Vox Populi or Gaia’s mod fixes this, so you should look into borrowing that from those mods.
Essentially, there is almost zero consequence for Pledging Protection, but you gain all the benefits of doing so. If you happen to get another City-State quest while pledging, you get a huge bonus, while it’s rare for a Civ to demand tribute from a City-State during the time you’re protecting. It’s a no-brainer to always Pledge.
40. Jungle starts are way too powerful. I’m currently at a population of 7 in my capital & my next closest competitor also had a jungle start & currently has a population of 5 in it’s capital.
What if Workers could also build Forest Garden improvements & Jungle Garden improvements. Forest adds +1 food, Jungle adds +1 gold. That might mitigate Jungle starts (note that I’m assuming you don’t change outputs from +1 increases to %-based increases here.)
41. The “Den” should be build-able in every city. It makes your capital way too important as it is now. So, perhaps have it be a building instead and a +1 to every output (or +% to every output).
Also, if you leave it as is & a free Den is given in the Capital, it seems like the Palace should replace the Den, when that is built. I’d still prefer the previous thing though, having it build-able in every city, you just get a free one in the capital.
42. Yeah, again, that Jungle start is way too powerful for realism…
I’m now 450+ turns in & the best civilizations all have Jungle starts, which is obviously unrealistic, based on history.
43. There’s a mod, somewhere, which adds a bonus for circumnavigating the world. I know it because I’ve used it in the past, but I can’t recall it, atm, but that really needs to be included. I’ve just gone far enough around the world (by land) to see a straight line through, which would probably trigger that bonus, which is what made me think of it.
44. Yeah, go ahead and get rid of generalized “workers” & replace them with: Farmers, Masons, Miners, etc. I’ve always wanted that in Civ, more specialized workers.
45. I just noticed that I’d build a Shrine on a Jungle/Plains/River tile & the graphic is no longer showing up. It did at one point, but no longer. I’m thinking that may be due to Spices popping up on that tile after building the Shrine...idk.
46. Get rid of “Spices” as a general resource & replace it with the various historically important spices. We already have Salt, Clover, Nutmeg, etc., so expand on that.
47. Potter’s Wheels & Pottery are build-able infrastructure. It feels redundant – just by looking at the name of the things, not the effects of building them.
48. I’ve got two Irrigation Canals build-able & I don’t see why that’s the case.
49. It’s currently 1215AD & I’m only up to the Iron Age techs. I should be in the Middle Ages, so I feel like the timing is a bit off.
50. Canoes should upgrade to Triremes
51. I saw Wine gets pressed into Vegetable Oil (via the Oil Mill @ Classical Antiquity V) – I don’t think that’s a thing, unless you change Wine to Grape, I can see Grapeseed Oil being a Vegetable Oil & I expect that’s what you were going for.
52. It’s gotten to the point where I have a lot of unhappiness & am getting rebels. This happening, without any warning whatsoever, it was annoying this first time.
53. The Wonder splash screens need to be resized – Take a look at the Heart of Neolithic Orkney wonder, for example, the text runs off of the splash screen.
I’m going to call it quits here. I tried to get as far as possible, but it became intolerable, the disparity between my & the AI civs, so I’ll need to turn up a level or two next time.
I'll respond to your points. FYI, I have made many changes since I released that last build.
31. I also got tired of seeing armies of Scouts. Hunters upgrade to Warriors now. I have also been tinkering with game balance. Sometimes I have too many Hunters and sometimes there are few. It seems to change with each play. I'm also thinking about making changes to the tech tree in the Paleolithic. Start the game at Upper Paleo instead of Middle Paleo. This might be better for historical and gameplay reasons. I have even considered dumping the Paleolithic entirely and have one Prehistoric era that begins around 20000 bc.
32. I just felt the map needed more fish. Fish were a major source of sustenance for prehistoric people.
33. That's a base game yield. Maybe flood plains are unstable ground? Anyway terrain yields have been completely overhauled. I wasn't satisfied with them and wanted something close to the real world. Plains are now Steppe and yield +1 Food only. Grassland is now Savanna and yield +1 Food and Production. Marsh is now Wetlands and yield +1 Food. Forest yields +1 food and +2 production. Jungle is now Rainforest and yields +1 food and +1 production. Snow is now Polar Desert.
34. I'm assuming you mean health points. My hunters still get killed occasionally when they are surrounded by multiple barbs. So I haven't had a reason to adjust that number.
35. It's hard to say what has caused the crash. There were many references in the code that were incorrect that may have been the culprit. Since I fixed them I haven't experienced a crash.
36. I actually did that with many buildings especially after the Paleolithic.
37. So that explains the random Settler I have seen early in the game. Didn't realize city-states gifted them, ha ha. That was really bugging me. So my plan is to incorporate Historical Start Dates into my project for at least the city-states. I don't like seeing city-states before the ancient era. They feel out of place especially with the quest requests. I would also like to add that Tribal villages now gift Tribes. This is also part of my motivation to get rid of the Paleolithic. I did some reading about Chiefdoms and learned that it was not unusual for multiple settlements to be under the protection of a single Chief.
38. Sounds like a mod conflict.
39. Makes sense. I can look into it. If they did this in the DLL then I won't be able to make any changes.
40. City growth is now controlled by the population change threshold. I increased it quite a bit. Cities in my last few playthroughs haven't really started to grow until the middle of the Neolithic.
41. The purpose of the Den is to provide base yields that help get the civs going. If the Den wasn't free then it would make it more difficult for me to balance. The yields are now very different than what you are looking at. If the Palace is constructed in a different city it does move the Capital. I tested this to make sure.
42. This will hopefully be different with the next build.
43. Why the need for the bonus?
44. Specialized workers don't work. I have thoroughly tested this. The AI doesn't know the difference between a Farmer and a Miner. So I got rid of Farmers. The Foraging Camp improves all Paleolithic resources now including Wheat, Rice, etc. The Granary requires a grain resource and the Worker requires the Granary. The worker can build all types of farms. This was the only way I could get the AI to do things properly. For some reason the AI would not improve Wheat and Rice if the Worker required it as a strategic resource. Once I undid that requirement the AI started building Foraging Camps on grains. The AI refuses to build the Foraging Camp on Herbs and Furs also. I have tinkered with the priorities and nothing has worked. I have no explanation. This is also why I haven't released a new build yet. I have spent much time experimenting.
45. You are correct. When the resource appears the improvement graphic disappears. This is an issue with the art defines. I haven't tried to fix this yet. Not at the top of my priority list. Also the Shrine now improves strategic resources when they appear so that you don't have to remove the Shrine similar to Great Person improvements. Let me know if you see the AI build shrines. I haven't seen it yet. It's possible they are getting pillaged. Also the Shaman is no longer buildable. Some buildings and policies give a free Shaman like the Burial Ground.
46. Maybe. The map is already over saturated with luxuries. I'm reluctant to add anything else.
47. Some buildings have upgrades. The Potter's Wheel is an upgrade. The Winery upgrades with the Wine Press. The Blast Furnace upgrades the Forge. Telescopes upgrades the Observatory. I could easily just boost the yields of these buildings with techs and policies then just add an explanation in the pedia. It would be easier. It just felt appropriate and more interesting to make these innovations into something that is constructed. I'm not against streamlining the game though and have even considered it.
48. If the city is next to a river and you haven't constructed the Irrigation Canal yet then you will see both in the list. They should be mutually exclusive so that you can only build one.
49. The calendar wasn't balanced in that build and it's still not perfect. Every time I make a balancing change to science, growth and production it changes the pacing. I'll get it right eventually. Balancing the calendar is very time consuming. Whenever I make a balancing correction I have to start my game over. I'm not looking for perfection but it would be nice to be close.
50. In the newest build they do.
51. That's a typo and has since been fixed.
52. I returned the unrest threshold back to the base game settings. The AI was also struggling with this.
53. I fixed some of that text to prevent the run off.

Thanks for the feedback. It keeps me motivated. My brain has been melting lately and I had to step away for a bit.
43. Why the need for the bonus?
I guess it's not really necessary, but I've always felt it was fun to get some bonus to be the first to do a thing, since Call to Power or pre-Civ 3, if you don't know what that is. I also loved the Events & Decisions mod for Civ 5, that hasn't had any support for the last 5+ years, which kinda fills that niche also...idk, it's not necessary, like I said, but it's very flavorful, I guess. And I love flavorful additions.
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Thanks for the feedback. It keeps me motivated. My brain has been melting lately and I had to step away for a bit.
No problem bro, I'm going to keep providing feedback, as nitpicky as it is, so don't feel the need to respond to every point. I understand I'm giving you feedback on your latest build that I happen to have, while you may be 10 steps ahead of me. That's ok, dude. Just keep plowing forward.
I’m playing on an Iconian Huge map, Marathon speed on a Perfect World mapscript, as Ethiopia

54. Hunters currently have a Defense of 4. How about a Defense of 1. They’ll die faster & help slow exploration in the process. It’ll pay to go out there, maximize their XP & then just explore until they die.

Perhaps increase the spawn rate of Barbarians too, in order to help slow exploration, although you should know that I’m already playing with Raging Barbarians.

Scouts come at Mesolithic I. Push that off until the Bronze Age instead, maybe. Again, to slow exploration. It’s really needed, because here I am at around 8500 BC & I’ve already scouted & planned my next 4 cities.

Ironically, after all the notes on the need to slow exploration, this game I got stuck on a map where I can’t explore anymore without risking angering the City-States, which isn’t worth the trade-off at the moment – there’s a bottleneck to my north & another to my south...
55. How about get rid of Herbs as a general resource & switch to the most widely traded herbs as specific resources?
56. Gobekli Tepe says it gives a free Dolmen, but I didn’t get that.
57. Movement for all units should be 1 until you reach a later era, let’s say Post Classical, maybe.
58. I’ve built a Plantation on several Jade resources & the Plantation graphic doesn’t show on the map.
59. You should add larger map sizes – not like Iconian’s redefining of map sizes, but other sizes larger than Huge.
60. Frontier Camps make it way too easy to claim lands. I don’t mind the ability to do so, it’s just way too easy atm, though I don’t have a suggestion on what to change.
61. I feel like the Apiary should come much sooner than it does, maybe beekeeping started much later though, idk for certain...
62. Perhaps I’ve missed it somewhere, but I haven’t seen a Tech that allows units to embark. Is that intentional?
63. It is insanely expensive to upgrade units. You’re likely better off just building new ones to replace the old.
I went off to play other stuff & got bored, so I guess that's at least a minor testament to how fun your mod is to play already...lol

I’m starting another game, playing on an Iconian Huge map (15 Civs/40 City-States), Marathon speed on a Perfect World mapscript, as Iroquois.
Yeah, I really need your latest version, because playing at the highest AI level I have a city of 7 verses their city of 3...not even close.
Playing another mod, I realized that Iconian's Huge Maps mod doesn't work with Saga of Man & I'd like it to.
I’ve played a few games now, to get enough notes worth posting, with the following settings:
Huge map (15 Civs/30 City-States), Marathon speed, Perfect World mapscript

I still don't have more than 5 notes, so I won't bother you with that, but, in my latest game, I’ve added a mod called “returning fog” which helps a ton with the too-fast exploration issue. Look into adding that, I love this mod.
About ready to start another test run - just wanted to check in and see if you have an update before I actually begin...?
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