Scandinavian Expansion for VD - Brainstorm


Jul 25, 2006
So, the idea cropped up for a Viking expansion similar to the one I made for the Native Americans, and I thought it was good, especially as I need something to work on whilst World 2009 is at a roadblock.

Now, I'd like some ideas. Anything is good, provided it's not stupid or bizarre, so serious suggestions are best. As with the Native pack, I'm looking to have a core pack of 2 or 3, then an expanded one of up to 6, so if you've got any ideas, or have anything you'd like to see, I'm all ears :)
Well what civs would be in it?

I guess Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Lappland, Vikings, perhaps even Gotland and Estonia? What about Normans? And a longshot, but Ingria?
Well, I think you should go with Norway, Denmark and Sweden as the base civs. And then expland it to include the Normans and Saxons. I think that's the best way to do it. Finland and Estonia are not in Scandinavia.
Just so it's not lost, a repost of 702's suggestions:
This is all just a wish list and me thinking aloud really…
Well I think Denmark and Sweden would be most important, then maybe Norway. I’d be happy with Norway in, but of the three, Norway is the least important I would say, having generally been the poorest and weakest historically (sorry the ugliness of that sentence!). However as I say, I’d be more than happy to have Norway in.

I would have Canute as the leader
Possibly Imperialist or Aggressive and Organised or Financial, with Christianity as his favoured religion. I’m not sure about a favoured civic, I suppose being a monarch then perhaps Hereditary Rule, though that seems a tad boring…

I would go with the Viking Berzerker, seems a fine enough unit and the graphics are there for it. Or a Longship, this could perhaps replace the Trireme, but carry 2 units. Or it could replace the Galley and have strength 3. Or perhaps replace the Galley, and have an extra movement (providing the Danish UB doesn’t give an extra movement like the Viking UB does, 2 extra moves seems a bit much to me)

Denmark has rather led the way on wind power, so I would suggest Windturbine for their UB. This could replace the Coal Plant, and simply not create any pollution, or replace the Hydro Plant, but can be built anywhere, regardless of the presence of rivers.

In addition, for cities, at the end of the Danish cities there could be one or two from the Faeroes, Iceland and Greenland, all current, or former, Danish possessions, and a way of getting a little more geography/history in, e.g.
Reykjavík, Tórshavn, Akureyri, Skálholt, Godthåb

There is already a Swedish civ,
though I’m not sure it, or any of it’s parts (LH, UU, etc…) are still available…
Gustavus Adolphus would be my choice for leader.
Aggressive I think would be a good trait for him, alongside Organised. Christianity would be his favoured religion, and for a favourite civic probably Nationalism

Replaces Musketman, builds 25% faster perhaps, or simply an extra strength?

Possibly Riksbank, to replace the Bank. The Riksbank is the oldest central bank in the world,
I’m not sure what the specific advantage would be though, maybe something “generic” like +10% research?

The Swedish city list, at the end, could perhaps also have the Swedish names for some Finnish cities and/or some of the "viking" settlements in Russia and the Ukraine that are on the Viking city list, Konugard, Holmgard, etc... since they will have more of a connection to Sweden than Denmark or Norway.

Harald Hardrada
There is a cool LH here,
Quite an aggressive man, so I’d recommend that as a trait of his, and otherwise…? Charismatic perhaps? I think he was a pagan, so he wouldn’t have a favoured religion, and favourite civic? He seems to have cracked down quite brutally on those who opposed his wars at home, so maybe Police State?

Either Berzerker or Longship. I’m not sure which of these would be more suitable for Norway and which for Denmark (though there are some very fine preserved Longships in Denmark, so that might swing it I guess).

Same as Viking UB?

And for cities, it could include a couple from Greenland and beyond, Erik the Red was born in Norway, so perhaps after the Norwegian cities,
Brattahlid/Eystribygd, Vestribyggd, Vinland (the first two being the Old Norse for the Eastern and Western Settlements).
With these extra North Atlantic settlement names, quite a few could probably go in either the Norwegian or Danish city lists mind you.

There is an interesting thread here on the relative merits of the Vikings vs. Denmark (by a Dane I presume!)

RE: The debate

As a Brit, I've always been brought up with the idea that Finland is part of Scandinavia, whether or not that's right, so perhaps having it as an optional extra would be the best bet. I really like the idea of using the Normans and Saxons, as well. I think we have our six.
If the Normans and Saxon's, why not the Burgundians?

They emigrated from Scandinavia to Gotland than from Gotland to continental Europe. They were a very important player in European history
Well, I wouldn't really call the Burgundians Scandinavian. Honestly its best to try and keep the quality up rather than throw in loosely Scandinavian civilizations. A Burgundian civ would be cool, as would a Finnish civ, but I don't think they really fit in this context.

I have a fully flavored Finnish civ coming up as a module for my new mod anyway, so if you really want one you could just rip things out of that. It even has a different UU than normal Finnish civs have, the Hakkapeliitta.
They don't speak a Scandinavian language though... and have their own culture. It's more like they are very closely associated with Scandinavia because Sweden ruled it for so long.
While above is true, I still think that I'm scandinavian... I think better wording would be 'Nordic countries' or 'Nordic region' so you'd get Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland for your expansion.
I think Iceland, Faroese, Shetlands, Greenland are all covered in Vikings.

As for Burgundy, I guess I can see your point, the kings of Burgundy were not even Germanic, if anything, the name just stuck from like 1 true Burgundian king, and a few thousand settlers from Gotland.

I agrree with the Nordic Region instead of Scandinavia. You should include Finland.
Also, there is a Einar Gerhardsson leaderhead being made. He restored Norway after WWII. Just wanted you guys to know.
Denmark, Sweden and Norway as the base three definitely.

As a fellow Brit I also feel that Finland is "Scandinavian", but then I also know the Finns are a different people, with a very different language from Sweden, Norway, etc...
However I agree with you that Finland could be one of the extras, and also maybe even Estonia as has been suggested, and perhaps call it a more generic name, like Nordic or North European.

Normandy and Saxony... Normandy perhaps, but is it really big enough to be a civ? Saxony I know nothing about tbh...
Iceland, much as I love the place, I can't really see it as a seperate civ, it's just far too small (population wise) and is of very little significance in civ terms, even regionally.
I just remembered a group of people that we have missed. - The Goths.

Also, are you going to update the Vikings with some new candy? Perhaps add in Canute.
I just remembered a group of people that we have missed. - The Goths.

About the Goths, I think the mod should be kept about peoples that remained in Scandinavia, as it was a true "factory of nations" during the ancient era, and during the middle ages the vikings conquered several countries, such as England and Sicily; and thus, it would be a seriously immense amount of work if one was to make a mod that contained all the civilizations that originated in Scandinavia.

That having been said, the Goths are one of my favorite civilizations out there, and they have a more important connection to Scandinavia than most Germanic tribes of their time. Maybe after the Danish, Swedish, etc. elements of the Scandinavian expansion get done, the Goths could be worked upon, so as to not lose project focus by working on too many things at a time?
Maybe include the Normans?

They did a fair bit of conquering (Normandy + Britain) and laid the foundation for future British domination of France until Jean d'arc. Leader would obviously be William the Conqueror.
I just fell like have to put in a word or two here.

As being Danish I have to say that I absolutely don't see Finland as a part of Scandinavia. (sorry zappara) To me its just Denmark(Danmark) Norway(Norge) and Sweden(Sverige) that are the Scandinavian countries.
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