The problem for me was the documentation in the txt.
I moved the assets folder from Sevopedia to customassets for example because i was used to the fact that most zipped/rar archives have their folders in a extra unecessary folder.
I unrared it to "name of rar" that causes a double folder with the same name wich i thought was not needed.
But when you finnally said this:
EmperorFool said:
Yes, create a mod for it by creating a new folder called Sevopedia in My Games / BTS / Mods. In that folder, create a folder called Assets and place the Sevopedia files into it. You should end up with something like this:
My Games/
Beyond the Sword/
Then load it just like any other mod via MAIN MENU : ADVANCED : LOAD A MOD.
I finnaly realised that the sevopedia also needed that folder named "Sevopedia 2.2".
Or at least a folder with a name.
Only the weirdest part is the old txt's in the Sevopedia, wich tell indeed that its possible to merge it with a other mod.
Oh and i already tried putting the files in NEXT GEN but it gave a error straight away.
I like the next gen because of the clones, terminators, and mechwarriors wich are more superior than the german tank. The german tank is a late game special unit that has no superior thing above it. At least NEXT WAR changes that.
But the Sevopedia is much different now. The 2.2 has lots of folders and files wich arent available in the 1.# versions.
So in the old doc is some information thats obsolete i think.
I copied the folder NEXT GEN to custom mod folder, renamed it to NEXT WAR Sevopedia moved the assets folder from the Sevopedia to NW.
So the assets from NW are overwritten and updated with Sev.
It gave a error : "instructions on...." "press ok to exit."
I know html/xml/php/java/actionscript/etc and a bit C++ but i must admit im in a lazy period So i dont think im going to invest time to merge this. although It would be nice.
I rather search for a new mod wich incorporates the Sevo...
Any ideas for a mod that looks like NW?