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So what will be "left behind" when the rapture happens?

Is this a strawman, or are you quoting me and then addressing someone else?

No, it answered the question of "unplausable" universe. The faith-heads often say that improbability means "design".

But anyway, I don't talk religion with the religious because I believe that in order to have a decent discussion, you need to accept certain elementary rules before the discussion can begin. When the religious insist that they have some source, which is not available to me, and which is divinely inspired or scribbled by the celestial dictator himself, they violate one of those elementary rules. Thus they're out of the debate.
I'm pretty sure that there will be no Raptures while there are Tauruses.

I was raised to believe in the Rapture, but I lost the faith that it would happen in my lifetime as a teen. Well before I no longer believe the Bible to be a source of divine inspiration.

The Bible says that it will come as a thief in the night. Now tell does a thief ever tell you when they are going to rob you?
In the summer of 2006 Israel invaded Lebanon and for the months of July and August christian websites were all atwitter with expectation of the Rapture. The war events were matched to Bible passages and posters were in full rapture mode planning for their expected departure and how to prepare those left behind for the event. It was quite a frenzy. By September it died away.


Thank you for that site I've been haveing some fun there.
The Bible says that it will come as a thief in the night. Now tell does a thief ever tell you when they are going to rob you?

No. I'm just giving some history of myself. My sect was a lot like the Left Behind sect, in that we thought that the Rapture would be likely to happen in our lifetimes. I lost that specific faith before I gave up my Christian faith.
That would be a mistake. I was flippant and silly with my response, having the smiley and all, but rest assured I believe in the rapture, the tribulation of those left, the breaking of the seals, the devastation that will be loosed upon the world (Including one of CFC's very owl...Abaddon!!), and so forth.

The Anti-Christ WILL rise, and all the was foretold will take place.

See.. I can't read that and not think it's sarcasm.
Man that rapture website is gold, solid gold.

Sign up then you'lle even get this nice graphic

THey are nice in that Tennesee sort of way though.
See.. I can't read that and not think it's sarcasm.

I would link to a picture of serious thread LOLcat if I thought it would help, but that might be counter-productive. Just rest assured, no sarcasm or deceit present, I wholly embrace and believe the rapture of the Church will take place someday, and that the tribulation of the remaining will occur.
Out of interest, how many Christians outside of the US actually believe this? I know for a fact that it has little support among Catholics and Orthodox Christians, the primary denominations in Europe, and, as far as I can tell, has a similar lack of support among the protestant Anglican, Lutheran and Presbyterian denominations of Europe. It may have support among other Old World denominations, such as the Coptic, Syrian, Armenian and Ethiopian churches, but it seems unlikely, at least not in the form popular in the US.
Come to that, how many Christian denominations in the US formally endorse the rapture? I know there's statistics thrown around about "50% of Christians", etc, but I was always under the impression that it was a fairly radical belief, mostly held by fundamentalists. Has it simply spread to other denominations, or is it's popularity being misrepresented.
Out of interest, how many Christians outside of the US actually believe this? I know for a fact that it has little support among Catholics and Orthodox Christians, the primary denominations in Europe, and, as far as I can tell, has a similar lack of support among the protestant Anglican, Lutheran and Presbyterian denominations of Europe. It may have support among other Old World denominations, such as the Coptic, Syrian, Armenian and Ethiopian churches, but it seems unlikely, at least not in the form popular in the US.

It was invented in and is most popular in the US. It having support in the Oriental churches is highly unlikely, being a protestant belief.
I got kicked out of that rapture site.
No. I'm just giving some history of myself. My sect was a lot like the Left Behind sect, in that we thought that the Rapture would be likely to happen in our lifetimes. I lost that specific faith before I gave up my Christian faith.

That is a real shame that they said a specific time of it is going to happen. The Bible is very clear that it will be a sudden event and will take everyone by surprise. Even since the early Church age they have been saying that Jesus's coming could happen at any time.
Naw, they didn't say it was going to happen soon. They just thought it was going to happen soon, and most of the people thought it.

You know that bumpersticker "In case of the Rapture, this car will be unoccupied!"? They were that kind of people.
YOu know, I hate to say this, but the people that tend to have those bumper stickers tend to be, in my experience, some of the most arrogant, self-centered, holier-than-thou people I've ever met.
I'm gonna go turn pat Roberton's set fo the 700 club into a abortion clinic and gay wedding chapel.
I'm gonna go turn pat Roberton's set fo the 700 club into a abortion clinic and gay wedding chapel.

Considering all the people who look forward to the Rapture you might be able to make a very good arguments that it's going to turn the World into a much better place when they are gone. :lol:
I do find it incredibly odd that people look forward to it. One person on that forumn refered to it as going home.
Really spread out double post.
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