210 AD Chemistry drops from 5 to 3 turns.
260 AD Cheimstry in. Begin 4 turn run on Physics. I got another SGL.
290 AD Bank in, start on Temple.
300 AD Physics in. Start 4 turn run on ToG.
320 AD Temple in. Start on Barracks.
340 AD ToG in. Atlantis riots... grr. SGL rush Newton's. Start 4 turn run on Magnetism.
350 AD Newton's-cathedral.
380 AD Magnetism in, which gives me another SGL. Start 4 turn run on Metallurgy.
420 AD Metallurgy in. Use "what's the big picture" tricks. Persia gets Nationalism. As does Babylon. As does Russia. Oh well. I get Nationalism from Russia. I get Medicine as my free tech. I start 5 turn research on Steam Power.
430 AD Cathedral in. I start on the Sistine Chapel as a pre-build.
470 AD Steam Power-Industrialization, due in 5 turns.
490 AD Russia offers and MPP, and I wanted this anyways, since they signed an MPP with Babylon and have a trade route with Russia. Declare war on Babylon and wait for them to walk into my territory.
500 AD Rebufff rebels at Ellipi.
520 Industrialization in. 4 turn run on The Corporation. Babylon walks onto my territory and Russia declares on them. Cathy now has extra iron, which buy along with some of the gpt I gave her and her lump sum for Nationalism. Swap to factory in Atlantis and buy the last bit of it. Pick up two slave hitting Babylonian settler-spear pair. Babylon does have a rifle, but it's only conscript class.
530 AD Factory-Sistine Chapel pre-build on a coal plant. It takes only two ACs to kill the conscript rifle. I raze Babylon, now have coal within my terrirtory and start railing.
540 AD I raze Ellipi and Eridu.
550 AD I raze Uruk.
560 AD The Corporation-Electricity due in 5 turns. I raze Ashur. I raze Nineveh. Hammy offered peace on the interturn which I rejected, so now I ring him up. I make peace with Hammy and buy the last little bit of the coal plant.
570 AD Coal plant-stock exchange.
260 AD Cheimstry in. Begin 4 turn run on Physics. I got another SGL.
290 AD Bank in, start on Temple.
300 AD Physics in. Start 4 turn run on ToG.
320 AD Temple in. Start on Barracks.
340 AD ToG in. Atlantis riots... grr. SGL rush Newton's. Start 4 turn run on Magnetism.
350 AD Newton's-cathedral.
380 AD Magnetism in, which gives me another SGL. Start 4 turn run on Metallurgy.
420 AD Metallurgy in. Use "what's the big picture" tricks. Persia gets Nationalism. As does Babylon. As does Russia. Oh well. I get Nationalism from Russia. I get Medicine as my free tech. I start 5 turn research on Steam Power.
430 AD Cathedral in. I start on the Sistine Chapel as a pre-build.
470 AD Steam Power-Industrialization, due in 5 turns.
490 AD Russia offers and MPP, and I wanted this anyways, since they signed an MPP with Babylon and have a trade route with Russia. Declare war on Babylon and wait for them to walk into my territory.
500 AD Rebufff rebels at Ellipi.
520 Industrialization in. 4 turn run on The Corporation. Babylon walks onto my territory and Russia declares on them. Cathy now has extra iron, which buy along with some of the gpt I gave her and her lump sum for Nationalism. Swap to factory in Atlantis and buy the last bit of it. Pick up two slave hitting Babylonian settler-spear pair. Babylon does have a rifle, but it's only conscript class.
530 AD Factory-Sistine Chapel pre-build on a coal plant. It takes only two ACs to kill the conscript rifle. I raze Babylon, now have coal within my terrirtory and start railing.
540 AD I raze Ellipi and Eridu.
550 AD I raze Uruk.
560 AD The Corporation-Electricity due in 5 turns. I raze Ashur. I raze Nineveh. Hammy offered peace on the interturn which I rejected, so now I ring him up. I make peace with Hammy and buy the last little bit of the coal plant.
570 AD Coal plant-stock exchange.