Spoonwood's Hall of Fame Attempts

210 AD Chemistry drops from 5 to 3 turns.

260 AD Cheimstry in. Begin 4 turn run on Physics. I got another SGL.

290 AD Bank in, start on Temple.

300 AD Physics in. Start 4 turn run on ToG.

320 AD Temple in. Start on Barracks.

340 AD ToG in. Atlantis riots... grr. SGL rush Newton's. Start 4 turn run on Magnetism.

350 AD Newton's-cathedral.

380 AD Magnetism in, which gives me another SGL. Start 4 turn run on Metallurgy.

420 AD Metallurgy in. Use "what's the big picture" tricks. Persia gets Nationalism. As does Babylon. As does Russia. Oh well. I get Nationalism from Russia. I get Medicine as my free tech. I start 5 turn research on Steam Power.

430 AD Cathedral in. I start on the Sistine Chapel as a pre-build.

470 AD Steam Power-Industrialization, due in 5 turns.

490 AD Russia offers and MPP, and I wanted this anyways, since they signed an MPP with Babylon and have a trade route with Russia. Declare war on Babylon and wait for them to walk into my territory.

500 AD Rebufff rebels at Ellipi.

520 Industrialization in. 4 turn run on The Corporation. Babylon walks onto my territory and Russia declares on them. Cathy now has extra iron, which buy along with some of the gpt I gave her and her lump sum for Nationalism. Swap to factory in Atlantis and buy the last bit of it. Pick up two slave hitting Babylonian settler-spear pair. Babylon does have a rifle, but it's only conscript class.

530 AD Factory-Sistine Chapel pre-build on a coal plant. It takes only two ACs to kill the conscript rifle. I raze Babylon, now have coal within my terrirtory and start railing.

540 AD I raze Ellipi and Eridu.

550 AD I raze Uruk.

560 AD The Corporation-Electricity due in 5 turns. I raze Ashur. I raze Nineveh. Hammy offered peace on the interturn which I rejected, so now I ring him up. I make peace with Hammy and buy the last little bit of the coal plant.

570 AD Coal plant-stock exchange.
Looks like a 20k game to me. How is your culture developing...? I imagine there is some risk achieving 20k before you can build a spaceship.
I doubt it here. I should launch before 1500 easy, I think, and I won't have enough culture by then easy, since I don't have the Great Library or the religious wonders (and I put the temple and such in later). I can also mobilize or re-build the library and university.
610 AD Electricity in. I research Sci. Method, due in 4 turns. Atlantis-barracks.

620 AD barracks-medieval infantry (why train these now?)

640 AD Sci. Method-Replacable Parts, due in 5 turns.

700 AD Replacable Parts-Steel due in 5 turns. I upgrade medieval infantries to guerrilas. And train more guerrilas.

750 AD Steel-Refining due in 5 turns. I got another SGL on Steel.

800 AD Refining-Combustion due in 5 turns.

850 AD Combustion-Mass Production due in 4 turns.

890 AD Mass Production in. I get another SGL. Begin 4 turn research on Motorized Transportation. I still train guerillas.

930 AD I learn Motorized Transportation. I start a 6 turn run on Atomic Theory.

960 AD Russia plants near the rubber. I have a deal going with them, so I'll have to wait.

990 AD Atomic Theory in and I put the Commercial Dock in, which I forgot about. Start 5 turn run on Electronics. So, wealth for a turn and then Theory of Evolution.

1040 AD Electronics in. Flight and Theory of Evolution due in 5 turns.

1090 AD I pop into the modern era. I gift everyone up, getting Fascism from Russia. Russia-Ecology. Babylon-Fission. Persia-Rocketry. And I can't purchase any of them... oh well. I get Rocketry as my free tech. I get Fission from Hammy. Theory of Evolution completes and I take Computers, and since I don't have aluminum or uranium yet, I take Minitiaturization as my other tech. Space Flight reads 9 turns, but I SGL rush the SETI program. I swap Computers for Ecology with Cathy. I wake some AC which go out and raze Eulbar and head towards Akkad. I raze Eulbar. I raze Vladivostok which has a rubber source. I raze Yakutsk.




1100 AD SETI finishes. Space Flight drops to 6 turns. I disband some TOW infantry to get the research lab in now. I raze Yaroslav with one guerilla. I have rubber and uranium online now.

1110 AD Research lab in. I disband a TOW infantry, an AC, and a MI to rush in the Offshore Platform. I raze Akkad.

1120 AD Offshore Platform-Hydro Plant.

1130 AD I raze Novogorod. I now have an Aluminum colony up and running.

1140 AD hydro plant-mass transit system.

1160 AD mass transit system in, Space Flight learned. I SGL rush the Apollo Program. I start 6 turn research on Nuclear Power.

1170 AD I SGL rush the SS Engine.

1180 AD I start on the SS cockpit, due in 4 turns.

1210 AD The Babs ask for peace, and I decline.

1220 AD Nuclear Power and the SS Cockpit in. I start 6 turn research on The Laser. I start on the nuclear plant, disbanded a few units to get it down to 2 turns.

1240 AD Nuclear Plant-SS Docking Bay.

1255 AD SS Docking Bay in. I start on the U. N. as a pre-build.

1265 AD Russia wants peace which I decline. I finish The Laser and use "what's the Big Picture" to put in the planetary party lounge. I use the U. N. as a pre-bulid again. Robotics due in 6 turns.

1275 AD Russia founds an oil colony which I destroy.

1290 AD I destroy a Russian settler-rifle pair out near my aluminum colony.

1295 AD I learn Robotics and get another handy SGL. I use "what's the big picture" to finish off the Stasis Chamber. Satellites due in 5 turns. I disband a few units to get the Manfacturing Plant down from 3 to 2 turns.

1305 AD Manufacturing plant-U. N. pre-build.

1320 AD Learn Sattelites. SS Thrusters in. I start on the U. N. pre-build again and research Synthetic Fibers.

1350 AD Learn Synthetic Fibers. SS Exterior Casing in. Start 6 turn research on The Superconductor.

1355 AD Destroy Russian settler-spear pair near my aluminum colony.

1360 AD SS Storage/Supply in. Start one last U. N. pre-build.

1380 AD Learn Superconductor. Persia finishes Sun Tzu's Art of War. Swap pre-build to life support system. SGL rush Fuel Cells.

1385 AD Launch.
Great job and not a bad date at all for an OOC game.
Thanks guys. Thing is, I see plenty of room for improvement here. I certainly could have had a bit better luck on free techs... no one getting Monotheism and all three AIs getting Nationalism can certainly go better without too much trouble. Clearly, I lost 3 turns researching Mysticism. So, it looks like the AIs can get you Iron Working and Mysticism on just about any level... although maybe not so much for Large or Huge Cheiftain maps.

I put the Colossus in late, deciding to put the library in earlier to pick up research sooner rather than a bit later. But, The Colossus would have become a tourist attraction sooner if I had built it sooner. I don't know which works better here. And really... if you can manage 3 ancient age SGLs (and you'll still want more later), you can really put in *all* the ancient wonders without any fear of triggering the 20k victory (levels like standard Monarch work out differently)... except for the Hanging Gardens, since no one will get Monarchy for you. Hmm... would you make those turns up later if you researched Monarchy and SGLed the Hanging Gardens? I doubt it, but maybe, I don't know. Even without the Hanging Gardens, but all the other ancient wonder, you'll have a tourist attraction paradise... so you might actually manage 4 turn research shortly after Shake's until the modern age and then maybe 5 turn research on every modern age tech. So, sub 1300s definitely seems possible, and maybe even sub 1200s if not earlier. It's also conceivable that maybe it's better to forget about the Shake's route and go for Sanitation instead. But, I kind of doubt it, since Sanitation costs more, you won't have as much research power when you research Gunpowder and such, and you won't grow past size 12 until the industrial age.
I suspect the line-up also could use improvement. The replay indicates Russia popped a settler or a city from a hut in like 3550 BC. I think one wants Persia/Ottos (not both), Germany, and Babylon/Sumeria as your opponents in this one.
May give this a try myself, looks fun.
The Ancients
Free techs: Don't know about the middle ages, since I traded my way there, Fascism, Space Flight. Non-ideal start might have helped. Early tech pace seemed fast... by 10 AD I only need only more medieval tech. If I hadn't have started on Synthetic Fibers worrying about my Exterior Casing pre-build finishing too early and research The Superconductor instead I might have managed an 1100 AD launch. 3 tribes learned got/traded for Synthetic Fibers on the same turn. 1120 SS demi-god standard launch for the Ancients.
I manaaged a 1415 OCC Tiny Chief 20k last week.

I've started playing Huge Deity Histographic as the Maya. My first game I abandoned, because I didn't play all too smartly. I have a game going right now with the Maya, but I almost don't like it, because I only have a domination limit of 4206. But, otherwise the map looks *really* good in that I have a slew of land with very little coast in my core area, I've grabbed a ton of territory from just settling (some 70+ cities without going to war), and I managed to trade for 5 or so luxuries in addition my native luxury early on. I considered totally shutting off research and using the Great Library jump, but I can't trade for Sumeria's incense if I had done that, so I've decided against it.

Opponents: Arabia, Japan, Mongols, Zulu, Persia (suppose to be Russia, I don't know how I messed this up), Germany, Babylon, and Sumeria.

I met Germany really early on, almost leading me to think they would grab a slew of territory near my core, but they didn't. I've used the banking strategy... whenver anyone has more than 18 gold in their treasury, I've bought their lump sum up to the nearest multiple of 18 without going over. So, if they have 19 gold, I've paid 1 gpt for 18 gold. I even managed to buy Theology and sell it to other tribes for most of the gpt I used to pay for it. I had a nice early luxury situation, until Persia declared war on me breaking the trade route with the Zulu, who were supplying me with 3 luxuries.

I didn't want anyone with Alphabet, so I could pull off the Republic slingshot, which I did. I didn't want anyone industrious, so I could handbuild the Pyramids. Persia didn't matter in this one, I guess. I wanted as many scientific tribes, so I could get their free techs during the middle age turnover. I had only met Sumeria, Germany, and Persia during the middle age turnover, but I still managed to get all three first level techs! I popped an SGL on Philosophy, and used it for the Temple of Artemis.

Originally I used a sloppy sort of disconnect-reconnect, upgrading *during* the turn. That gave me 3 turn knights for 15 shields and 120 gold, or 4 turn knights for 10 shields and 120 gold. Since I figured it, I've disconnected my iron during the turn, then immediately switched all my builds to horseman, reconnected the iron, and then upgraded new horseman to knights by zooming to the city when it gets built. That's 2 turn knights for 15 shields and 120 gold, or 3 turn knights for 10 shields and 120 gold. The Banking strategy seems helpful here since you have gold in your treasury earlier. I have iron on a hill (two hills actually, but one hill I haven't touched). I use a warrior to disconnect, and then 4 *industrious* workers to reconnect. Later, I'll probably do this with both saltpeter and iron, so I can build cannons and get 2 or 3 turn cavalry for 10 or 15 shields and 150 gold a piece.

Chamnix's game had a domination limit of 4349 so far as I can tell (which still seems low for a top spot, considering the top spots for some other Huge tables). He had a score of 1832 in 10 AD. I had a score of 2432 in 10 AD. So, even though I have a domination limit some 100+ points lower (4206), maybe that will make up for it. I've also got a really good map in some other respects... almost all of the tribes lack either horses or iron or saltpeter.

In 300 AD I have a score of 3291 with 6 turns left on Metallurgy at 50% science, 30% luxuries, and 20% taxes at +46 gpt with 3118 gold currently in the bank. I have a knights vs. spears and longbows war vs. Germany. They seem to have a lot more defensive units than on a standard sized Deity map. I don't really have any libraries... I have a lot of specialists doing most of my research. I do have markets and such. I have 5 luxuries currently in stock. I could use more on the luxury slider... but for better or worse I really want to get to Military Tradition at a good clip right now.

I currently have
74 cities
6 settlers,
101 workers
2 warriors
10 pikes
32 knights
2 galleys
1 army (with the Heroic Epic to finish in a turn)
27 trebuchets (I had like 6 captured due to a poor decision)
and 1 curragh out exploring.

I do have markets in my core, and I think I might want banks in this one.
Not a bad start. You will need Cavalry for your next war or else risk being slowed tremendously. Just keep that in mind. Kind of like what we did in our SG.

Chamnix's game had a domination limit of 4349 so far as I can tell (which still seems low for a top spot, considering the top spots for some other Huge tables). He had a score of 1832 in 10 AD. I had a score of 2432 in 10 AD. So, even though I have a domination limit some 100+ points lower (4206), maybe that will make up for it. I've also got a really good map in some other respects... almost all of the tribes lack either horses or iron or saltpeter.

Maybe or maybe not. Chamnix was also decently fast at reaching the domination limit. Your early boon may be from the huge expansion and luxuries though.

I'm tempted to think that with such a large multiplier, the domination limit will bite you in the end.

We'll see?
I feel tempted to think that it will also. But, if it does, and I only have some 50,000 points or something, I'll have a good practice game under my belt. In 350 AD... Persia doesn't have iron, so I could more fully attack them with knights next, if I can get them to declare on me, since I have some gpt deals going with them. The Mongols captured some Germany cities, and they don't even have Engineering yet, so I could go after also with knights. I have tech parity with Babylon, but they don't have Saltpeter hooked up at least. Japan and the Zulu do have Saltpeter. The Zulu have a lot of units running through my territory. I've got one turn left on Metallurgy and one turn left on the MAs against Germany.
Looks like she put in libraries at about 980/990 AD and then put in univerisities on the next turn. But, the research labs don't come until around 1875. I guess she wanted research for Replacable Parts or something?
I'm sure my deity milk is very beatable. That was the first milk run I'd ever done, and I learned a lot during that game. My Sid game was supposed to be the culmination of all I'd learned. Unfortunately, I'm finding that I'm still learning a lot in my Sid game :(.
I did a full demi-god standard pangea histographic and an incomplete demi-god pangea histographic game before this. I've still learned things here and thought of new ideas. Elear's ideas have also helped me some. Since I use a Republic, one idea comes as trying to get as many corrupt areas to size 7 as soon as possible, even if I have some unhappy citizens along the way. That way I don't have to pay as much for unit support. If I need to, I'll plant forests and partially chop in an aqueduct. Go industrious workers. I haven't gone so far as to ICS corrupt areas, since I do plan on razing and replacing some cities eventually, and the ToA hasn't proved powerful enough to give me a culture lead over everyone, but it's a thought. Maybe I can keep more cities, but losing a city on a flip gives you as much weariness as losing a captured city, right?

I also really like having the Pyramids, since that allows me to build workers and settlers from a large variety of places and get my population back fairly quickly. Industrious workers have also really helped with growth, since I could irrigate my core until I had either 7 food for 3 turn growth or 10 food for 2 turn growth. Then, I tried to time forests and mines so they would start coming in shortly after I reached size 12. Go industrious workers. Go agricultural trait. Quicker rails will also work out nicely.

My game has had quite an interesting turn. Sumeria looked like the tech leader. But, I think shortly after I sold them Metallurgy, they stopped getting a slew of gpt from me (which I used to buy Theology/Education and then sell it). So, I think they've gone fairly broke for a bit. Printing Press and Music Theory appeared in the Zulu's and Sumeria's hands without Astronomy or Banking. Since, I've traded for 3 luxuries from the Zulu, they now (in 410 AD) seem like the stiffest tech competition. They have Banking by themselves... and no one has Astronomy yet (strangest thing I've seen in a while). I recently paid 202 gpt to renew those 3 luxuries from the Zulu, which means I now have 7 of them. I lack incense, which I should shortly get from Sumeria once Astonomy or Navigation shows up. I should pick up at least gems from Babylon before I'll want to deal with Shaka... hopefully more, so I can war happily.

In 410 AD I have 2 turns left on MT at 30% taxes, 50% science, 20% luxuries, at +81 gpt per turn with 1022 in the bank for knight-cavalry upgrades. I don't have disconnect-reconnect going at the moment. I have a pre-build on the Military Academy going on. I think I want to put banks in my core, so I have more cash for settlers, horseman-cavalry upgrade, and armies. That does mean though, I'll want to balance things out by having a small few core cities build banks, while the rest stay focused on units, and then switch later. I maximized shields in most of (size 12) core cities, often creating overrun when I did 2 or 3 turn horseman-knights. But, I think since I did that earlier, I'll now have a better position to build banks (an unforeseen consequence). And it's helped the last few turns where I've more hand-trained knights. I don't have any libraries in my core... I have a lone library and a lone university in a spot near a Zulu city near an unconnected saltpeter source. They do have saltpeter (and horses) though. My trebbie stack has gone to my Military Academy city to help disband rush an army... that way I can save a little on unit support also. I might thin out my units and go with more armies than more cavalry overall. I think I'll go mostly with 3 cavalry armies... at least as long as the AIs don't get a slew of infantry. I don't think I'll hand-build the Pentagon. It would take me some 15-20 turns, and with as many units around the map as you have on Deity Huge, I think it better to MGL rush it. If a 3 cavalry (or knight) army gets weak, then I might add in fourth cavalry. Speed over power, I guess. I didn't need rails so much on my demi-god Pangea game, but on a Huge map it seems you really want them ASAP... possibly even if that means the AIs get Nationalism earlier. Hopefully I can pound Babylon and Persia down earlier enough that doesn't pose too much of a problem (Germany now only has 7 cities and won't do much more... Sumeria lies on another island).

I feel sort of touch and go on banks and 3 cavalry armies, but I currently believe that best here.
In 420 AD Babylon had Astronomy, and the Zulu had Banking and Astronomy. I held off on getting those techs, as in 430 AD this happened...

Well, that pretty much settles it. I *will* build banks here. The only question comes as do I research Economics or Physics (only with scientists really at 0% research)? I think Economics, even if the Zulu are going there already. I'd guess not though... they're probably researching Democracy.

Grr... I could have left a stack of knights in my cities for instant upgrades... oh well.
Spoonwood said:
I had a score of 2432 in 10 AD.

CrpViewer tells me that Moonsinger's 88k game had a score of 2389 in 10 AD. I wonder if this sort of thing happens much when you compare Deity to Sid games?
I think I'll abandon that 4206 Deity Huge game in favor of another one which I've started up, and looks pretty good. I might even get up the motivation to post a slew of pictures like Chamnix's game. Should I post that here, or open another thread?
CrpViewer tells me that Moonsinger's 88k game had a score of 2389 in 10 AD. I wonder if this sort of thing happens much when you compare Deity to Sid games?

I doubt it. The 88k game was a "slow start" with some 30 cities before expansion slowed, and mainly scored well due to quick domination and other map factors. Check both 81k games. Their expansion continued beyond 60 cities and likely have higher scores than you.
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